Title: A Blast from the Past, chapter 4

Author: Juliana

Rating: G

Pairing: Bosco/Faith

Disclaimer: Nothing mine except for the idea.

It was five in the morning and Bosco was wandering the streets that were at this hour still enveloped in darkness. He couldn't sleep; he had gone to bed after he came home from work but he didn't manage to get even one minute of sleeping. All he could think about was the ring he had found in an envelope in front of his door when he came home. Faith must've left it there sometime during the night when he was working.

When he had opened the envelope his heart almost stopped when he realized he was holding Faith's engagement ring in his hand. The next instant memories of him asking her to be his wife flooded him. He remembered everything like it had been yesterday; the beach and how the air smelled of the sea, and Faith's happy tears when she said yes. And now it was all over. She had made her decision and obviously he wasn't welcome in her life anymore. The act of returning her ring seemed so final that it hurt him physically when he thought about it.

He was fingering the ring in his pocket when he rounded the corner of another street. He didn't know where he was or where he was going. He felt empty and cold but that had nothing to do with his physical state. He thought about the last couple of weeks when he went from having everything he had ever wanted to having nothing and being completely alone and broken. He had actually started to believe now there was no happiness intended for him in this life. Even when he finally got to see a glimpse of it, it was just as quickly snatched away from him and he was left even more miserable then before. And even if a lot of the bad things that had happened before had been a result of his stupidity and his mistakes, this time it wasn't something he did wrong and so there was also nothing he could do to make it better.

Without knowing how or when, he suddenly found himself in front of Faith's apartment building. He cursed, this wasn't something he intended. He couldn't think when he was so close to her. But right now he couldn't think anyway because of all the emotions that were coursing through his mind.

He looked up at her window and surprised noticed there was a light on. At five in the morning? He didn't know what to make of it. As he was looking up towards the sky that now turned a dark gray, he decided he would try to convince her one last time. He would beg if he had to. On his knees, no less. Anything to get the love of his life back.

He ran all the way to her door and he was panting when he reached it. His tiredness showed after days without sleep.

When he finally caught his breath, he knocked. Only after seconds, the door opened. That was a proof that she wasn't sleeping either.

At first he didn't know what to say when he saw her standing in front of him. She was pale, much too pale. She had dark circles under her red-rimmed eyes. His heart broke when he saw her like that. And it was all his fault.

"Faith, I can' let you do this. I just can't," he suddenly burst out. Her eyes became wider, almost frightened, but he didn't stop. "I'm sorry for everything that has happened, you can't imagine how sorry. But this is my child too and I wanna be a part of her or his life. I understand if you don't love me anymore, it hurts but I can't ask you to change your heart."

At his words she started crying, her distress now more than obvious.

"But I love you and I love our child and I wanna help you with the pregnancy and I wanna take care of our baby. Could you please just … let me do that?" he begged almost breathless after his speech.

Faith was sobbing by now, warm tears leaving streaks on her pale cheeks. She fell to his embrace, hugging him like she wasn't going to let him go, ever.

She mumbled something into his shoulder but he couldn't understand it. He was surprised by her reaction and was starting to fear something was wrong because of her breaking down in tears. He expected her to be mad at him or maybe indifferent but he definitely didn't expect this.

"What?" he asked softly when he still couldn't make out her words.

"I love you so much, Bosco. I'm so sorry for all the things I said to you. I was horrible and unfair. I just wanted to hurt you the way you hurt me …" she sobbed, her voice breaking.

"You love me? Did you say you still love me?" he asked incredulously and afraid he misheard her.

She only nodded, hoping that he was a better person than she was, that he would be able to forgive her.

"Oh my God! So …" he was so overwhelmed he didn't know what to say. He just held her tightly, stroking her back and kissing her temple. He felt her tears soaking his shirt.

"Faith, stop crying please," he implored her. "Everything is gonna be just fine."

She shook her head no.

"Why not? Is there anything else?" he asked, worried again.

"Anything else?" she lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him surprised. Her crying stopped.

"Yeah, is there anything else wrong?"

"Isn't this enough? I treated you like crap and you didn't even do anything wrong. And now …" she sobbed again, "Now you come here apologizing when I should be the one to beg you to take me back …"

"Faith," he raised his hand to stop her. "Don't you ever say that again, you hear me? You don't have to beg me for anything; you deserve anything I can give and more. Without begging."

"But …" she started but was cut off when he kissed her on her lips. He was kissing her till he was sure she had forgotten what she had wanted to say.

"I want us to have this child together, Faith."

She leaned her head on his chest. "You're too good for me Bosco."

"Yeah right," he mumbled sarcastically.

"I love you so much that it hurts," she admitted.

He cupped her head in his soft hands and looked at her lovingly, "I love you too and nothing's gonna change that." Tears started to slide down her cheeks again.

"But I'm never gonna say that again if you're gonna cry every time," he joked, knowing that he needed to lighten the situation for her to compose herself.

"I promise I won't cry ever again when you'll tell me how much you love me," she smiled finally.

"So … about that engagement ring …" he started but felt her stiffen again and her gaze fell to the floor. She mumbled, "Sorry." He lifted her face to his again.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask whether I have to propose again or I can just give you back the ring. Cause I wouldn't mind proposing again," he grinned and she started laughing with relief. Before she could answer he went down on one knee in front of her and took her hand in his. He reached into his pocket and brought out the engagement ring.

"Faith Yokas, will you marry me, again?" he said with a smile playing on his lips. She nodded not being able to speak because she was trying hard to keep back the tears. She kneeled down in front of him.

"Yes, Bosco, there's nothing I would want more than marrying you."

He put the ring on her finger and kissed her tenderly. When she pulled back he said, "You shouldn't be kneeling on the floor, it's cold."

She couldn't help but chuckle and he did too after a second. If she was going to make fun of him for the rest of his life that'd be quite okay. As long as it was for the rest of his life.

a day later

"Hey, ma," Bosco greeted when Rose opened her front door.

"Maurice," she breathed. "I haven't seen you in a while. How're you doing, baby?" she asked when she pulled him into a hug.

"I'm great, ma. Really great."

Rose eyed him a bit suspiciously, not being used to seeing her son so happy, but she didn't comment. Instead she turned towards Faith and pulled her into a hug, too.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Just great, Rose. Nice to see you again."

Faith wore a rather loose shirt to hide the first signs of her pregnancy. She wanted to wear a skirt and a top, but Bosco advised her against it because he was sure, Rose would spot her belly in a heartbeat with her I-want-grandchildren radar and they wouldn't even have enough time to greet her properly before she burst from happiness.

Faith had laughed at first but then she thought he was probably right and now she was grateful she had listened to him.

"Come on in. You want some coffee, I was just making some for me?" Rose asked and caressed Bosco's cheek once more before moving from the hallway into the kitchen.

Faith and Bosco sat down at the kitchen table. Rose went to the coffee machine and made coffee for two more. She brought the mugs to the table and Bosco cleared his throat. Both women looked at him, Faith with a smile, Rose with surprise in her eyes.

"We've got something to tell you, ma."

Rose stopped mid-stride. She grabbed a hold of the table for support.

"I already know you're getting married, so that could only mean that … oh, my God, that … Maurice, baby, I mean, you're having a baby," Rose was babbling, her eyes glancing from Bosco to Faith and back to Bosco.

Bosco grinned from ear to ear and Faith chuckled at Rose's enthusiasm.

Rose kept repeating 'oh, my God' and she pressed her hand to her chest.

"Yeah, ma, we're having a baby. You're gonna be a grandma."

Rose stepped around the table to Bosco, she pulled him to a stand, not at all tenderly, and then hugged him tightly.

"My baby's gonna have a baby," she chanted, teary-eyed.

She then moved to Faith and hugged her a lot more gently as if afraid of hurting her.

"Thank you, Faith. Thank you," she whispered, unable to hold back her tears any longer. When she finally let go of her, she had to sit down. She laughed through her tears.

"I love you, both of you," she said, looking lovingly at both of them.

After a moment, when she regained her composure, she started, "So, you know what's it gonna be, a boy or a girl? I'm sure it'll be a boy. You thought about names already? You will let me babysit it, won't you, Faith?" And on and on she went.

Bosco grinned, he knew it was going to be a very long afternoon but he also felt he was going to love every second of it.


