By the way I don't own Kingdom Hearts. So lawyers back off!


Chapter 1

Into The Portal

Sora and Kairi sat next to each other on the island enjoying the warm sun.

Kairi broke the silence between them.

'Sora do you think well always be together like this?' she asked as he turned to her.

His face then turned to the bright sky his sapphire blue eyes sparkled as the sun caught them.

'Well I don't know, this seem quite, but the other worlds might need me again and then I'll have to leave you, but I promise that I'll come back to you again' he smiled sadly at the sky and Kairi could easily tell he was hurt by the thought of leavening her again and she defiantly was she hated waiting and not doing anything to help.

Gently she took his arm and hugged it taking in his warm sent.

Sora could feel a blush creep across his face; he remembered he could never really talk to a girl about love or even ask a girl out. After all it was Riku who had got him and kairi to go out in the first place. Anyway where was Riku, he was always late.

But as soon as he thought this Riku strolled over, Riku was 15 and it had only been 2 months since they had got back.

'So' Riku said look at the two love birds Kairi still hadn't let go of Sora's arm. 'How long you been waiting?' He smiled.

'Long enough where you been!' Sora yelled hotly at his best friend. Although his anger simmered down quickly. He could never stay mad at Riku for long, unless it was serious like he stole his lunch at school, like he so often did just because he forgot his, then it was serious. No one got in the way of Sora when it came to food, not even his parents dared, the last person who had Sora had threatened to break his nose which he later did, if Riku hadn't had stopped him he probably would have killed the poor kid.

Riku smiled remembering the memory. 'Sorry' he says lightly adding a small smile.

Sora shook his head. 'Its ok, just don't do it again, got it?' He said grinning wildly.

After they all sat chatting about the past and teasing Sora, that was until and portal appeared and out stepped King Mickey followed by Donald and Goofy they all looked worried, scared and frighten for some reason or other.



.Short Chapter but gets better.