Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me – they are the property of Ted, Terry, and Disney. I only own the plot.

A/N: I'm writing this story as a challenge from WillabethFan4Ever over at HTR. I hope it lives up to your expectations, girl.

I want to dedicate this story to my main girls, Bea, Juliana, and Meggie, over at HTR. They, as well as everyone else over there, have been really supportive of this and I really want to thank them all for it. I lerf all you guys. I'd also like to thank Allie – she gave me so much advice and really helped me out with the writing of this chapter. I so owe you, Allie.


Every Moment

Sheer, white curtains fluttered softly as a light, warm breeze blew in gently through an open window of a modest home in the English countryside. Sunlight eagerly peeked through the light curtains, shining brightly on the face of a young woman, who was fast asleep. Sensing the light against her face, the young woman slowly began to open her eyes, losing the battle with her subconscious as the new and unwelcome light quickly roused her from her slumber. Squinting from the intruding light, she noiselessly rolled over in bed, careful not to wake her still sleeping husband. Lying on her side, she was able to make out the time on the digital clock standing on the nightstand behind her husband's motionless form – 6:34am.

"Typical," the young woman grumbled irritably as she fell back into her original position on the bed she shared with her husband, Will Turner.

Sleeping for long periods of time was something Elizabeth Turner had not been able to do as of late. And that annoyed her to no end. She could clearly recall the night when these particular occurrences first began, but she was stumped as to the reason behind them. It wasn't that she was doing anything differently – she went to bed around the same time each night and woke up around the same time each morning; she wasn't stressed out about anything, physically or mentally. She sighed in exasperation, staring up at the ceiling of her room intently.

But, then she remembered some peculiar feelings she'd been having recently – well, actually, she seemed to recall getting them around the same time her nightly insomnia first began. Which she found quite odd… Could these feelings be the cause of her lack of being able to sleep for significant amounts of time?

"Elizabeth…" She whipped her head to the side to look over at her husband – who she saw, to her great dismay, was awake.

"Oh, Will," she said apologetically, turning her body once more in his direction. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." Will smiled sleepily.

"It's okay," he said as he reached his hand over to stroke his wife's arm lazily, still half asleep as he did so. "I should be getting up relatively soon anyway." Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Well, I shouldn't," she mumbled agitatedly, moving into a sitting position directly in front of her husband.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with me," she continued, moving closer to Will, who instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

"What do you mean?" he asked absently.

"I mean," she said, snuggling her head into the crook of his neck, "that I can't seem to stay asleep for more than a few hours a night, and even then I'm waking up every hour or so for no apparent reason. It's just the strangest thing." Elizabeth yawned, trying to will herself to sleep lying up against her husband. "And I'm bloody exhausted, but I can't seem to fall back asleep."

"And why do you think that is?" Will asked, letting his hand travel teasingly down her arm to the hem of her camisole. Elizabeth's eyes shot open as his warm hand began to make its way under her shirt.

"I…" Elizabeth paused, sighing at her husband's touch. "Oh, that's not why!" Will chuckled, a coy smirk playing on his lips.

"Are you positive about that, Mrs. Turner?" Will felt himself begin to harden as he gently cupped Elizabeth's breast beneath her camisole, finding her nipple hardening at his touch.

"Will…" Elizabeth moaned softly. "The reason isn't that-"

"I think," he began, effectively cutting her off as he slowly removed his hand from beneath her shirt and maneuvered her out of his embrace, "I know of a way that can guarantee that you'll be able to fall back asleep."

"And what pray tell would that be?" she asked coyly as he gently pinned her beneath him.

"Well," he continued as he straddled her, "it starts off a bit like this…." Will leaned down and gently caught his wife's lips with his own; boldly, he began to run his tongue ever so softly across her lips, silently asking for admittance. Eagerly, she opened her mouth for him, deepening their kiss.

"Will," she began breathlessly as he moved lower still to kiss her neck, "isn't it a little early for this?" Elizabeth could feel him chuckle against her throat. He gave her a quick peck before looking her straight in the eyes.

"Not in the slightest."

He grinned before kissing her neck again, letting his tongue slide inertly across her skin. Elizabeth shivered involuntarily at the sensation, her skin growing hot.

As Will continued to attend to her neck, Elizabeth ran her hands teasingly down his back to the hem of his shirt, eliciting a slight shudder from him. At his nod of approval, she hastily pulled it up and over his head, throwing it off to the other side of the room. Will sat up and did the same for Elizabeth, only more slowly, watching intently as her pert breasts came into view. Impatiently, Elizabeth grabbed his hands and led them to her chest, breathing heavily as she savored the intimate contact.

Even though none of this was new to Will, he still reveled in how easily it aroused him. Touching her like this would surely never get old…


Will's eyes shot up from her breasts to her face, which glowed softly in the morning light.

"What?" he asked faintly.

Elizabeth's dark brown eyes left his face and traveled down to the large bulge pressing against the front of his boxers. "I think someone's ready to come out and play…"

Will let his head fall onto his wife's shoulder as he gasped, his breathing growing more labored as she ran her small hand over the front of him continuously.

"I know," he grunted into the hollow of her neck, concentrating on maintaining his control.

Swiftly, Elizabeth pushed Will away from her and onto his back, grabbing at his boxers and pulling them down. Will sighed in relief. Elizabeth smiled shyly at him, still managing a blush even though they'd done this numerous times before. Hesitantly, she moved her hand over his tip, lightly brushing it with her fingertips. Will groaned loudly before sitting up and firmly grabbing her wrist, halting her in her caresses.

"This is supposed to be about you, remember," Will reminded her, smiling slightly.

Elizabeth smiled lovingly at her husband.

"I do remember," she told him, gently pushing him back down onto the bed before climbing up on top of him. "But, this has to be about you, too."

Will closed his eyes as she leaned her head down, letting their foreheads rest against one another.

"I know, but," he said quietly, "I know how worried you've been over the past few days with these 'feelings' of yours. I know it may not seem like I do, but-"

"But, Will-"

"Liz," he cut her off firmly, his eyes still shut, "this morning is going to be all about you. Just let me do this for you…please."

He opened his eyes and saw, to his great astonishment, that she was looking blankly back at him. He searched her face for a second, looking for any sign of a retort that he knew was sure to come. But, none did.

"Okay, Will."

She gave him her small, secret smile that she reserved only for him. He smiled back as he gently sat up, pushing her up with him. He then switched their positions, once again pinning her down onto the bed beneath him.

The next few minutes seemed to go by in a blur for Elizabeth. Will, she thought, was a god – the way he seemed to worship her body…all the caresses along her curves, the feather light kisses between her breasts and down her slender waist… They were enough to make her head spin in pure ecstasy. He made her feel special…needed. Even after almost two years of being happily married to the man, she still had no idea what he saw in her. He was too good for her, she thought as he kissed her softly on the lips.

Will then began to make his way further down her body. Once he reached the waistband of her pajama shorts, he quickly glanced back up at her face, waiting for her sign of approval. Elizabeth nodded almost immediately, impatiently nudging him with her hips. Will grinned as he languidly slid her shorts, as well as her undergarments, down her legs. Elizabeth moaned intolerantly.

"Will, please…."

Not wanting to irritate her any further, he aptly moved back up her legs, stopping only once he reached her most private of areas. Preparing her for what was to come, Will gently slid two fingers into her and slowly curled them, sliding a third finger in when he realized how wet she was. Elizabeth gasped loudly. Will smirked, silently enjoying the reaction he was able to emit from her.

"Will," she cried breathlessly, "I need you inside me, now."

At Elizabeth's insistence, he pulled himself back up her body. Elizabeth reached down under him and softly grabbed a hold of his hard member. Will grunted at sudden contact, laying his head on her shoulder. As benignly as she could, Elizabeth guided him to her entrance. Will lifted his head up as Elizabeth lied back down on their bed.

"Are you ready?" Will asked patiently.

Elizabeth smiled and nodded. She loved that Will always asked; she knew that he cared greatly about her well being and always wanted to make sure that she comfortable with what they were doing.

As tenderly as he could, Will pushed into her, slowly inching his way down until he was completely enclosed within her. Elizabeth let out a breathy sigh at the familiar sensation. Not wasting any time, Will immediately pulled back out, then thrust gently back in.

"Oh, William…"

Their rhythm became slightly faster as the seconds passed. Elizabeth reached up and tenderly stroked his back and shoulders, only stopping to dig her nails into his shoulder blades as her muscles began to tighten. Will ignored the pain in his shoulders; instead focusing on Elizabeth and making sure that she reached her high. Reaching his hand down in-between their bodies as they moved, he found her pleasure point and softly began to rub his thumb in a circle around it.

"Oh…" Elizabeth moaned as the new sensation ran through her loins.

"Come for me, Elizabeth…" Will breathed faintly into her ear, pumping a bit harder.

Elizabeth felt herself begin to shake as Will quickened his movement against her nub. Arching up into him, she cried out.

"Will!" With one last thrust from Will, Elizabeth reached her release. As she came down from her peak, Will let his control go and, with a few extra thrusts, found his release as well, emptying himself into her. Elizabeth sighed as his warmth filled her.

Panting, Will collapsed on top of her; he laid his head atop her heaving chest as he took deep breaths. Elizabeth reached her hands up to move his unruly hair away from his face as she too tried to slow her breathing.

"I love you, Will," she whispered, placing a soft kiss against the top of his head.

Will slowly lifted his head. "I love you, too." He kissed her gently before rolling off of her and pulling her back flat against his chest.

"Feel a bit sleepy now, I hope?" he asked, letting his own eyes droop shut.

"A bit," she admitted, stifling a yawn as she too let her eyes close.

"Good…" Will tightened his arm around Elizabeth's waist and softly kissed her shoulder before letting sleep succumb him. Elizabeth followed him quickly. She only hoped this time she'd be able to sleep peacefully, without her 'feelings' keeping her on edge…


A sterile smell hung loosely in the air. Walls were painted a glistening white, letting off a glaring shine as heavily lit ceiling lights reflected upon them. Men and women, some in long white lab coats, rushed quickly passed her, focusing on their own issues and tasks at hand.

She was at a hospital.

Elizabeth glanced nervously around her. She recognized no one; everything seemed to pass by in a muddled blur of color, with her caught in the middle of it all. She felt a headache coming on and reached up to rub her temple, hoping to alleviate some of the pain. When her hands touched her cheeks, however, she felt that they were wet. Elizabeth brought her hands down from her face and studied them confusedly.

"'Lizabeth!" Her head shot up at the familiar voice calling her name.

"Jack!" she cried in surprise, running over to meet her friend. As soon as she reached him, he pulled her to him in a strong embrace.

"Lizzie, I'm so sorry…" he whispered comfortingly into her ear.

Elizabeth quickly pulled out of his embrace and regarded him strangely. "Sorry for what?"

Jack immediately pulled her back into his embrace, holding her head tightly against his collarbone. "It's okay to cry, you know, Lizzie."

"Cry for what!" she exclaimed against him, even more confused than she was before. Looking over Jack's shoulder, she noticed his girlfriend, and her best friend, walking towards them.

"Ana!" she shouted, shaking Jack off before running over to her friend. "What's happening? And why is Jack acting so peculiar?"

Anamaria gave her boyfriend a worried look, a look that didn't go unnoticed by Elizabeth.

"Ana…" she began cautiously. 'What's going on?" Ana just stared solemnly at her best friend.

"Liz, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what!" Elizabeth cried confusedly, causing a few doctors and nurses to send her warning glances. They went unnoticed by her, however.

Anamaria gently took Elizabeth by the arm and led her over to a sitting area directly across from the nurse's station. Once there, she sat her down in-between her and Jack and sighed forlornly.

Elizabeth felt herself quickly becoming worked up; her friends had never not told her what was going on before. It was then that she realized who was missing from this particular scene.

"Wait…" Elizabeth began quietly, shifting her gaze from Ana to Jack and back again. "Where's Will?"

She saw the worried look pass once again between her two friends.

"Where is he?" she demanded more forcefully. Ana reached over to hug Elizabeth, but she rapidly jumped out of her chair, leveling a glare in both of her friends' directions.

"Lizzie," Jack started, unshed tears beginning to well up in his eyes, "he's…"

"He's what!" she screamed when Jack suddenly stopped.

"Miss," a doctor addressed Elizabeth sternly, coming over to where she was standing in front of Jack and Ana, "this is a hospital – I'm going to have to ask that you keep your voice down, for the sake of our patients in the rooms around you."

"No, I will keep my damn voice down!" she yelled at the unsuspecting doctor, who took a nervous step back. "Now, where the hell is Will!" she shrieked once again at Ana and Jack.

When she received no response, she hurriedly took off down the hallway closest to her.

"Will!" she called out loudly, not caring about how the volume of her voice affected the people around her. "Will!"

Fresh tears began to run down her already damp cheeks as she continued to run blindly down the hallway.



"Liz!" Will shook his wife's arm roughly. "Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth screamed as her eyes flew open. Shooting up in bed, she began to take deep breaths in order to try and slow her rapid breathing. When she saw Will looking both frightened and worried next to her, she breathed a sigh of relief and eagerly pulled him to her, gripping him against her petite form tightly.

"Liz," he breathed confusedly, "what's wrong?"

"Oh, Will!" She pulled back from him slightly to look him in the eyes, where he quickly took note of her tears. "It was horrible."

"What was horrible?" he asked, still looking at her worriedly. He lightly grasped her cheeks and wiped away the tears that trailed down them with his thumbs. "Why are you crying?"

"I've never had a dream like that before…" she said faintly, looking away from her husband. "I…. You were…."

"Elizabeth," Will forced her to look at him, "it was just a dream. I'm right here, and I promise you I'm not going anywhere."

"I know," she breathed, choking on a sob, "but that doesn't make the dream seem any less real."

"Nothing's going to happen to me, Liz," Will promised, trying to sound reassuring.

"How can you be sure of that?" she asked disbelievingly.

"Because I am."

Will pulled his wife against him as she let out a sob. He didn't know if those supposed 'feelings' of hers had anything to do with this dream, but he sincerely hoped they didn't – Elizabeth didn't need the extra stress. And he wasn't willing to admit it, but those feelings were beginning to alarm him; he never knew someone to have consistently troubled 'feelings' when there was nothing going wrong with their lives. And with this dream on top of them…. This was all too odd for him to make out, and it wasn't something that he particularly wanted to deal with.

"Liz," he said soothingly, pushing her up from his chest to face him, "let's not worry about this, okay? It was just a bad dream – nothing else."

Elizabeth took a deep breath as she tried to control her subdued sobbing. "Yeah…" she agreed. "It was just a dream…."

Will kissed her forehead before pulling her into his lap and laying them back down on their bed. "Shh…." He soothed her gently, stroking her hair as she continued to cry lightly into his chest. "It's okay…." He sighed, genuinely hoping that nothing worth worrying about would come from this.