And They Lived Happily. . .

It was quiet, not unusual for him. While Cagalli was gone, he often awake to pure silence. He blinked twice, then decided to pull the blanket from over his body and rise for the morning. His beautiful wife would be making her way back home, and he was expecting her to arrive later that day. Nothing could excite him more than seeing her returning from time away from him. This was their first time a part in quite awhile, and it was a test in itself. But Athrun had no fears, he knew she would never betray him and never abandon him. He was her true home.

After dressing for the day, Athrun went outside to have a look. He could see their town clearly from his home, a view he simply could not resist. After their previous cottage was destroyed, they had been gifted with a new place to stay from Kira and the King. Athrun did not mind him to know where they lived, he was certain that the King would never risk losing his daughter again, and he tried desperately to prove himself to both of them.

Their newly designed cottage was now a floor higher than their previous. Upon entering the front door, one would find a nicely sized living room that held some of the most fashionable furniture and floor coverings across the lands. A portrait of Cagalli and Athrun was hung clearly in the front room, to glorify their loving relationship. Beyond that, one would find a hallway that led into a kitchen meant for the greatest masters of culinary arts. As it was, Athrun just happened to be one of those masters. The kitchen contained a craftly designed set of wooden doors that opened into a comfortably sized dining area. At the opposite end of the first floor was a large, elegantly crafted bathroom alongside the master bedroom. From the hallway a staircase lay behind a wide door, which took one up to the second floor.

On that floor, there was a bit more creativity. Kira personally made sure that another bedroom was added, smaller than the master but big enough to fit any child that might be expected in the future. He always hoped to have a niece or nephew. Next to that room was a small, simple bathroom and another room which was to Cagalli's use. From her time as a young girl, Cagalli was used to having her personal space for recreational use. In this other room were a number of things from small instruments, to paintings, and books.

Athrun spent the majority of his time outside of the cottage, though. With the land that they owned, they were able to raise numerous farm animals and have a prosperous set of crops year round. Athrun would spend his early morning tending to those crops, picking where needed, and allowing the horses to have ample amount of time grazing. Their smaller farm animals usually stayed in the borders of their farm house.

All in all, Athrun truly believed they lived a wonderful life. He was never one to brag about titles or about medals and past honors, his greatest achievement was providing a life for Cagalli. They were equally strong willed, though in their own ways, and often contributed to one another where the other may be lacking. His partnership with his wife was one so strong that he couldn't help falling deeper and deeper in love.

After being imprisoned and rescued, Athrun had needed time to readjust to life. Returning to a broken home was something that had caused him an even harder time getting used to his freedom. But with Cagalli and his friends by his side, he was able to heal quickly. Athrun was a gentle and understanding man, no matter what was done to him, he grew to forgive the king for his damages. Cagalli admired him for that and was slowly following in his footsteps. Attending a royal ball was the next step for her, and Athrun did not wish to hold her back.

"Yoohoo! Athrun, hello!" A voice called.

It was mid day by now and Athrun had just finished his morning duties. He cleaned his hands from the dirt and looked up to see a familiar girl bouncing towards him on a giant, white mare.

"So typical of you to clean up around here, especially soong Cagalli is quickly approaching!"

"You know me too well, Stella," Athrun smiled.

"Indeed! How excited are you to see her return?" The bubbly girl asked.

"I'm BURSTING with excitement," Athrun grinned. And it was true, he couldn't wait.

"Akito just got wind of her carriage, thought you'd like to know. We've arranged for a welcome home party later on, once you've settled and whatnot."

"That sounds great, thank you, Stella." It was good to have such dear friends.

"No worries, milord! I'll see you two at our place tonight," Stella waved.

Athrun waved back and watched as she pranced off on her horse. He could already feel it, his heartbeat racing away in his chest. He could have sworn it would immediately jump from his chest and run all the way through the town to his wife. Luckily, it didn't and he was able to contain himself just a little while longer.

Surely enough, Athrun was able to spot a carriage at the opposite end of town, making it's way through. He spotted a few children chasing it, giving the contents of it's cargo away. All the children loved Cagalli, and he was very pleased with that. Sooner or later, he hoped they would start their own family. It was only a matter of time, afterall. With peace restored to their life they were never to face hardships again and would always be near each other.

Cagalli was starting to get fidgety. She knew they were getting closer and closer to her home with Athrun and she was simply ecstatic. She couldn't even remember why she left in the first place! There was really no question the love that the two shared, it was cosmic. The very skies could never reach the limits of their undying love for each other and they soared with the stars once they were together. It was pure bliss.

At last, Cagalli just couldn't take it. She opened the carriage door and threw herself out of it, nearly falling to the ground. It was crazy, yes, but she was crazy about her knight. She saw him at the top of the hill suddenly jump at her sight, and she couldn't help laughing to herself. He must know how much of a lunatic she truly was.

In a matter of seconds, Cagalli was running past the carriage, which had stopped due to her outburst. All she saw was Athrun waiting ahead of her, and she couldn't wait another moment. His face lit up with joy and his eyes were burning with the love that she felt in her own chest. Once she was close enough, she lept into his arms. This time, she really did fall, bringing Athrun down with her. Lying on top of him, she brought her lips to his face and showered him in kisses.

"I missed you so much, my love!" Cagalli exclaimed.

Athrun could only chuckle away in delight, holding her dearly to him.

"Honestly, I just couldn't wait to get back to you, darling. The time away was excruciating."

"Does that mean things did not go well?" Athrun asked, picking her up from the ground.

"Ah, well, no. It wasn't terrible, it was actually... pleasant."

"You're not convincing me," Athrun answered, brow raised.

Cagalli sighed and smiled lightly, well he was always so inquisitive. Before finishing the conversation, Athrun helped the rider bring in Cagalli's things and tipped him well for his time. Once everything was put up and they were inside their home, Cagalli took him to the bedroom.

"So, what happened, Cagalli?" Athrun asked.

"Truthfully, I did well," she answered.

"Are things well with your father?"

"They're as good as they can be at the moment, but with time I'm sure we will be better. Kira has this silly idea in his head that I'm fit to return to my proper place as queen."

As they laid on the bed together, Athrun glanced over at her. Cagalli held an expression that showed how ridiculous she thought that statement to be, but he could only wonder how true her brother was. Kira was no fool, and he saw the absolute best in his sister. He would not say something he did not believe to be completely true.

"What do you feel?" he asked, softly.

"Not gonna happen, Athrun. After everything we've been through, I'd be betraying our life together."

"But that is your true place, with them."

"You sound just like Kira." Cagalli rolled her eyes.

"That's because it's true. I will not keep you from your rightful place. You know I love you and as your husband I have to want the very best for you, perhaps it is back at court."

Cagalli shook her head, "I wouldn't even dream of going back permanently without you."

"Well, if that's your only argument-"

"Enough, husband. I want to be welcomed back to my life without such talk. So, welcome me back as a husband should."

But rather than wait for Athrun to respond, Cagalli pulled herself on top of him and planted a firm kiss to his lips. She was a woman now, and a woman in love that ached for her husband's touch. Athrun did not argue with what she said, rather he complied fully. He brought his left hand to the back of her head, tangling his fingers in her golden hair. His other hand travelled down her back, to the many strings that tied her dress to her. Within seconds he had them unlaced, and her dress loosely falling from her shoulders.

"That's the husband I remember," Cagalli whispered.

Athrun grinned and yanked the rest of her dress down, pulling her beneath him now. His lips moved gracefully from her lips, to her neck, to the rest of her body smoothly. Cagalli smiled, and a gasp of air slipped past her slightly opened mouth. She couldn't think of a better return home than being caressed by the man she loved and devoured as well.

A few hours passed and the two were finally ready to head out. Athrun brushed Cagalli's hair while she placed her jewelry on, after a hot bath in the tub. He gazed at her reflection in the mirror and smiled to himself. Her beauty was immeasurable. Cagalli caught his eye and smiled back at him. She knew Stella had something lovely planned for her arrival, but she could honestly not find even THAT to be a reason to leave her bed or her husband's side.

"Must we go so soon?" Cagalli whined.

"Soon? We've had enough time to become reaquainted with each other, wife. But as soon as we get back, we can return to our... pleasures," he breathed in her ear.

Cagalli giggled, loving the flirtacious play they shared. He draped her coat over her shoulders and the two soon left their house, riding on the back of his stallion. Cagalli held him tightly, her arms wrapped around his waist as they rode off. Athrun was her soulmate, the one she needed to be beside until the end of time. As long as they were together, she was sure she could take any challenges thrown at her. Whether they involved royalty or not, he was her knight in shining armor.

I don't know if anyone still follows along with this story but it has been quite a LONG ride with it. I abandoned this story for a few years but I finally found the inspiration to end this story. It has been a great joy writing another piece of Athrun and Cagalli's love story, maybe one day I'll return with yet another. Love you guys, hope it was great for you. c: