A/N: Epilogue! Authors notes and review responses at the end of chapter. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Fullmetal Alchemist is wonderful and I don't own it. Wish I did.
"The sun light sliced through the room as if directed at her. Winry squinted through the fabric of her bed sheets unable to shield herself from the glare. Having no other choice, she got up and stretched. Uwahhhh…"
Why did it have to be so bright today anyway? It wasn't like she wasn't in the mood for sunshine, it was just too bright and perfect for her liking.
Grumbling, she climbed off her bed and proceeded to ambulate over to the closet, still not fully awake. Better pick something to start the day.
"Why does it have to be this way anyway?" she asked out loud, even though there was no one to listen to her.
Edward had come and gone as he always did. And as always he had given her a reason to be annoyed with him. However, she wasn't sure if she was angry or what. She was definitely utterly confused over his parting words. He was always like that, never fully explaining anything to her, and leaving her with more questions than she had started with.
"Worst of all he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world!" As if she was stupid for not understanding him this whole time. She blinked when noticed she had grabbed a random shirt and was crushing it in a vicelike grip.
"There are other reasons. But I guess they don't really matter, huh?"
Winry sighed. What had he meant by that? His tone of voice was nothing but calm and his words didn't waver but for some reason those words had felt different somehow. Heavier, as if...
Den's whining from outside the room brought Winry back to the present. She walked over to the door and let her in. "Good morning to you to Den, Grandma probably sent you to get me, huh?"
Den let out an affirmative bark then allowed herself to be scratched behind the ears. "Well I guess, I shouldn't daddle much longer," Winry sighed.
As she went through the process of getting dressed a piece of stationary on the table caught her eye. Her pathetic attempt at writing a letter to Edward.
"What do you think, Den? Should I finish it?"
She picked it up and skimmed her handwriting.
Dear Edward,
How've you been lately? I don't even know if this will get to you, but it's worth a try... How is everything over at Central? Did the General toss you into some top secret mission yet? There's no need to try to convince me, I know you're up to something dangerous. I just hope you're taking good care of yourself. Al sends his regards he's doing great, already sent in all his school applications, and helping out around the house. He even got a job at the bakery now, thanks to Geller's help. Not much has happened here in the last few months, though it seems like Amanda is the talk of the town. She's supposed to be marrying the son a rich politician or something. I guess that's a relief to hear, huh?
Geller is my apprentice now. Wouldn't know it by looking at him, but he's great with mechanics. I really think he'll be a great help to our shop. Rose and Owen are hitting it off and Caleb is growing up way too fast. Basically we are okay here, I just wish I had some word on how you were doing. It's only been three months but we all miss you.
Winry stared hard at the letter, feeling a little bit embarrassed for no reason. A bird was fluttering around outside on the windowsill. The sound seemed to get Den's attention because she ran over to the window barking loudly.
Setting down the letter, she turned to her pet. "It's not like he'll even read it. I have no idea where to mail it to, anyway."
After calming down the animal, she led the way to the kitchen, where her grandmother was probably waiting with a lecture about sleeping in.
I guess not much has changed, after all.
Several months later...
"How is it?"
Alphonse looked up over his plate of vanilla frosted cake and smiled. "It's delicious, Winry."
Sciezka nodded after taking a taste of her own. "Mmmhm, you did a great job."
Her friend beamed back. "Thank you. It's Mrs. Hughes recipe, I had to substitute a few ingredients, so I' m glad it came out alright."
"You're always so modest." Sciezka looked up to take another hasty look at the guest that was joining them, the one that was her friend's husband to be. "Of course it's delicious, you baked it Win. I wouldn't say no to another piece."
Winry caught her eye and quirked her mouth a little. Sciezka knew she didn't feel comfortable with the pet name Carter had decided for her, especially since it wasn't even his own invention.
Smiling she leaned over and took her fiancés plate and gracefully cut another piece of the beautiful snow-white frosted cake. "Well I just don't think my baking skills can ever match up to those of Mrs. Hughes. If you ever got to taste her cooking, you'd agree with me. She makes the best cakes in Central."
"And apple pie," Al added setting down his fork on his empty plate. "Speaking of which, I thought you copied the recipe for that too. I was looking forward to it."
"I never really got around to it. Besides the cake was easier to make."
"It's also better if more people are around to enjoy it." Pinako Rockbell said over her pipe. She was sitting a little aways from the group, near the stairs of the porch surveying the horizon. She didn't have a plate in front of her as she hadn't asked to be served.
Even with her bad nearsighted-ness Sciezka caught the downcast look that came over her friend's face at her grandmomther's words.
"I was thinking of entering one in the town hall baking fair at the end of the month. Did you want more, Alphonse.?"
Alphonse nodded and handed her his plate.
Scieszka tuned everything out as Carter praised Winry's cooking once again. Something about being certain she'd win for sure. She didn't know how she felt about it yet, having only just met him a few days ago at a previous tea and cake session at the Rockbell home. Well that day it hadn't been cake, it had been blueberry scones with white icing decorating the tops in a delicate zig zag pattern.
She remembered this in huge detail not because of her natural talent, but because she had to force her attention on them in order to stop the nervous glances at the green eyed young man that had joined them. Today seemed to be going much better. Well, somewhat. She could definitely say this was the most nerve racking outdoor lunch she had ever attended.
"So Sciezka, was it?"
Eep! She would have actually squeaked but the rational part of her mind reminded her that it wouldn't be perceived as normal. Which is what she was trying to do in the first place; pretend that everything was normal. Nothing to be bothered about.
"Mm yes?" She calmly met his eyes. At least they were a pretty green color. He also looked young. Too young to be an automail surgery assistant, but then again so did Winry.
"Winry tells me you work at the military headquarters."
"Oh yes. It's not really all that exciting. I transcribe and file away records all day."
"Oh. I see." Carter looked a bit like he was feeling sorry for asking her such an impertinent question. "I'm sorr--"
"Oh well, it's not like I hate my job! I get to work on lots of important court cases and I sit in on important meetings and I'm basically the one who knows about all the missions before they are assigned and…"
She was surprised to find that she wasn't hyperventilating, but she was feeling lightheaded. It wasn't supposed to be this awkward conversing with your best friend's fiancé was it? Especially on the second meeting.
"…It's a very fulfilling occupation."
"I'll bet," she heard Pinako mutter.
"I'm glad. It's important to love what you're doing," Carter smiled slightly. He looked a little relieved. Then again he was probably as nervous as she was over getting to know someone important to his fiancée. Maybe she was being unfair, but she couldn't help it. It just felt weird to be sitting here, eating cake in this particular living room, when one very important person was missing from the scene.
"So I take it you've seen my brother around?"
She blinked at Al wondering when he had stood up, and if he could read minds. The blond was now standing in the kitchen doorway a stack of empty dishes in his hand. "He's not exactly great at keeping in touch to letting us know what he is up to. You work at Central so you have more contact with him."
Sciezka lingered on his words for a moment. That was true, but it was such a long time ago. How many months had it been anyway, since the day he came back?
"I don't understand why he would. I mean, the military already guaranteed him the title of State Alchemists all perks included."
"Eh you know how Elric is. He doesn't like just to be handed anything. Besides I bet he could use the practice he had studying for it, after being stuck in another world with no alchemy."
Sciezka closed the door behind her trying not to deserve the conversation as she went around searching for the latest court case files, which were apparently being reviewed by Mustang's subordinates.
"The press had field day with the alchemy exam. Tried to get an exclusive interview and he flipped them the bird." Breda commented as he looked over an important looking document and then added to a growing stack on his desk.
"Of course he did, even four years later, it's Elric y'know. I doubt that kid even knows what manners are." Jean Havoc said from his desk near the window. He was looking through a manilla folder with disinterest.
"Are you sure it's alright to be talking about this?" Kain Fuery said looking over his own pile of paperwork. "He's right across the hall. He was called into the General's office."
"Eh, probably too wrapped up in yelling to care."
"It's probably about the mission, the one the NAA assigned Edward." Falman intervened. Sciezka wouldn't have noticed him, as he was obscured by a mountain of paper about as tall as she was.
"Mission, more like a slap in the face if you ask me." Havoc said. "Rumor has it might have to do with a possible philosopher's stone."
"Rumor has it?" Sciezka asked picking up the records Denny handed her and neatly arranging them into a pile that wouldn't topple over when she delivered them to the twelfth floor. The secretaries at affairs were right. Central literally was built on paperwork.
"Well the guys stationed in East City say there's talk about an alchemist who want to cook up his own stone and use it to make a tower of gold," Breda informed her. " Crack job, if you ask me but seems like the only reason for the NAA to assign a state alchemist who just renewed his certification."
"The old wigs can't take any chances so makes sense to send an expert in that department. Especially one accused of making his own." Denny agreed.
Which makes up for why the General wanted to keep it from Fullmetal." Havoc added.
"But the NAA and the Council are in a political war right now. I heard the Council gave him the order for him to keep it a secret until they figure it all out," Fuery said, as he scribbled signatures in his corner.
"But's it not like Mustang can hide the fact that he knew about the NAA's intentions. Edward's too smart for that." Sciezka cut in with her own opinion on the matter. "Surely he would have figured it out by now."
Havoc stretched and stared at the ceiling, clearly not about to finish his work any time soon. "If that's the case then I'm surprised fireworks haven't started yet."
And just as those words left his mouth the door down the hall (there was no question of which door) slammed against the wall with the force of an earthquake (which she also knew too well from experience) and Mustang's deep booming voice rose to match with it.
"You have not yet been dismissed, Fullmetal. I'm sure I don't need to remind you that irrational behavior on your part could result in a charge of insubordination."
Sciezka could only see half of Edward, as she and the other soldiers had risen from their seats to watch from the safety of the office.
"Another charge added to my laundry list of offenses against the military, is that all? Sorry General, but I'm not about to be intimidated by a narcissist who gave up his God complex in favor of kissing ass."
"How about a man who can torch you where you stand?" He sounded serious and a few soldiers stepped back into the office just in case.
This shut the younger man up, but Sciezka knew he wouldn't stop glaring for a second.
"I figured you'd have grown out of that blockheaded mentality by now. You have to be given clearance by my office in order to accept the mission in the first place; eventually you would have heard about it. But I wasn't just following orders. Letting you go rushing into a new mission in your first three months here would be irresponsible on my part."
"With all due respect, I feel like I have enough judgment to decide whether or not I'll accept whatever stupid mission the NAA feels like throwing at me. In case you didn't notice, I'm all grown up now and I don't need you to play overprotective father."
"And yet you choose to act like the same stubborn little boy you were four years ago. I'm not going to apologize for doing my job; If you want to take it up with the Council you are free to do so. Though whether you choose to accept the mission or not you are still under my command and will follow all my orders pertaining to all missions. Remember that."
The fading sound of confident footsteps told her the General had returned to his office, leaving the hot headed alchemist fuming in the hallway.
Sciezka was the first person Ed noticed, and she felt ashamed at the little "eep" sound that escaped her throat when his eyes locked with hers. It last only for a second though, before he shook his head bringing his gaze to the floor.
"That was quite a show wasn't it?"
"Edward." She said stepping bravely into the hallway, the others had already fled the scene; apparently choosing paperwork over a verbal assault. "I know the General may seem controlling sometimes--"
"But he's trying to do what's best for his subordinates in his own way," he finished. Save it. He needs to understand that he can't just go around protecting everyone."
"He's not the only one," she said. Ed looked surprised at her response and blinked a few times. Well now that she had given her opinion might as well follow through. "Forgive me for saying so but I think you and the General are more alike than you let yourselves admit."
" I'm nothing like that narcisstic jerk."
She smiled. "You say that but even the way you fight makes you look like father and son."
He shuddered.
"And I think that's a wonderful thing, Edward. To have a superior officer who looks out for everyone under his command, and is willing to put with up with anything in an effort to do the right thing. He made everyone work round the clock the week of your debriefing, you know. You're the same way, even if you don't notice it, you're always willing to put yourself on the line to protect others. So it's not a bad comparison, don't you think?"
Ed, who had been staring at her blankly with his mouth hanging slightly open seemed to regain his senses and laughed "I think you've been hanging around with Winry a bit too much."
Sciezka smiled slightly, still sensing the upset under his own easy grin. "So…now that you know…are you going to take the mission?"
"Dunno. Depends what the geezers in Council have to say about it."
That wasn't the question.
"Is it...really your decision?" The Council's, Mustang's, the NAA, she could understand why he didn't want them getting involved. But it wasn't about what he wanted. The Council would control everything in Central as long as they breathed, and the NAA would use the state alchemists for their benefit while the vote was being taken. Did he not realize that?
"What do you mean?"
"Things have changed," she said simply. This was definitely not the kind of conversation they should be having in the middle of a hallway. Especially not in the main building.
Edward nodded, apparently picking up on something she hadn't said. Hopefully reading her mind, and promising not to get himself in too much trouble.
"Sciezka, I've been looking for you!" She turned to see one of the fellow office workers, huffing and puffing, apparently having ran down the hallway. "Jones at Affairs is in an uproar said he wants the case 16735 files right away. It's been fifteen minutes! What on earth have you been doing all this time?"
"I uhhh…"
"It's my fault," Edward cut in. "I had her get some documents I needed for my research. He said flashing his watch. "I'm sure your superior officer would understand."
"Of course, Fullmetal Alchemist sir, I'll tell him." she turned to Sciezka. "Just make sure you get them to him as soon as possible."
Sciezska nodded as she watched the poor assistant power walk down the hall.
"Fifteen minutes, huh. Your boss sure is impatient."
"Uhh, you didn't need to do that."
"I guess I should get going and let you get to work. Council is in the next building over right? Don't worry so much," he said apparently interpreting the weary look on her face. "I'm not gonna let myself get arrested."
That wasn't what she was worried about, not entirely anyway. Nonetheless she sighed and rearranged the papers in her arms. Nothing she could do about it now.
"You need any help?"
"No, no I'm fine. I'm used to carrying twice this many records on busy days…now if you'll excuse me I'll get these upstairs. Good luck."
"Okay see you around." He said before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off in the opposite direction.
That was the last time she had seen him. Not just her but everyone at HQ.. As far as she knew he was off on that mission involving a potential Philosopher's Stone. Scieszka was certain Ed would do anything in his power to make sure it was never created again; and that meant he'd also put himself in any sort of danger to achieve his goal. Alphonse and Winry knew it too, which was exactly why she was going to feign ignorance on this one.
Besides she wasn't so keen on discussing Ed when Winry's fiancé was sitting at the table. It just didn't feel right.
"Well I really haven't seen or heard much from him at all. I'm sure he's fine though, the military is keeping a close eye on him, so we'd definitely hear about it if he wasn't."
"Well if I know Edward, he's up to something dangerous. It seems to be his favorite way of doing things." Pinako Rockbell said. "If Mustang has allowed the military to tail him then I too, am concerned," she said staring directly into Sciezka. Even from her seat on the opposite side of the porch, shielded by a table and Winry's head opposite her she felt the full extent of the old woman's gaze. "Must be big to have to take such measures."
She tried not to shudder, old Mrs. Rockbell could read her like a book and if she wasn't careful she might say too much and considerably raise the danger level of this conversation. "Uhmm. Well that might be true. He's been working directly for the National Alchemy Administration and they tend to go overboard to ensure the missions are carried out successfully."
"So the fall festival is starting soon," Winry cut in catching Sciezka completely off guard. "Heh, The summer went by really quickly didn't it?"
"Yeah, soon it'll be the busy season again," Carter said. He had been strategically quiet during the all talk relating to Edward.
"I know what you mean. For some reason automail problems are more abundant in the colder months…" Winry agreed and the conversation steered into a less sensitive topic.
Sciezka sighed and drained her teacup glad for the sudden change in atmosphere. If Edward knew how touchy his departure had made his family what would he say? Knowing him it would be along the lines of having to do what was expected of him, he never really had a choice and yet a part of her wondered if maybe it was all a façade, and his choice had hurt him more than it hurt them. Not that she could ask him. Not that he would ever admit to it. Sciezka knew this. And she knew he knew it.
Somewhere outside the confines of the porch, there was the sky and the sun was climbing higher as noon time approached. She could see a few clouds drifting by slowly they melded into each other forming other clouds.
"It's such a beautiful day." Winry said happily.
"Rezembul is such an amazing place. It makes Rush Valley look like a dust bowl." Carter replied.
Winry said she disagreed and giggled as he jammed a fork and stole a piece of cake off her plate.
"Honestly there is nothing scenic about where I live."
"If you wanted more you could have asked!"
Sciezka felt a pair of eyes on her and turned to meet them. At once she knew Alphonse was thinking the same thing. At the pretense of putting her plate away she followed him into the kitchen. "I know how Winry feels but ignoring a subject doesn't make it go away, it doesn't make someone not exist."
"She deals with things in her own way." Al said, he didn't look like he was paying that much attention either. His eyes were focused on a spot above the sink. "But I know what you mean. You seem a bit nervous today."
"I'm sorry." She felt the red rush to her face. Why did things like this get her so worked up?
"You don't have to apologize, Sciezka." Suddenly the sink seemed less interesting and she acquired all of his attention. "Hey, if you knew where Brother was. You'd tell me right?"
"I would if I could. However, I don't think he'd be too happy with me, if I did." She smiled slightly.
The slight smile on his face slightly turned downward causing him to mirror his brothers usual expression. "I'm not planning on going after him or anything."
"No Al, I mean I don't know anything more than that he's on a mission for the N.A.A. Really!" she added when he just stared at her intently with that familiar flesh cutting gaze. "I'm sorry! I don't know where he is. But I'm sure he's just fine!"
Al's expression softened. "I believe you. Sorry, I just…" He walked over to the sink and turned on the tap drowing out the silence with water. "I thought that if anyone would know anything it would be you. I'm not saying I suspect the worst. I can't just let him get away without giving us a word of how he's doing." He said over the splashing. "He's so inconsiderate sometimes." He punctuated his disdain with a clang as he set the dish down to dry. Then he turned and reached out for hers.
"Um I can ta--"
He grabbed the plate out of her hand, apparently impatient. Sciezka let him take it.
She stared silently at his back as he ranted, this time not bothering to turn on the tap. "It's been almost six months now. He better have broken something; maybe both his hands, it's the only excuse I'll take to why he can't even write a crummy letter."
Wow, this was the first time she had seen the younger Elric this angry. She couldn't help but notice how he looked more and more like his Ed as the seconds passed.
"Alphonse I," she stopped when he set the plate down and once again turned to look at her with those eyes. "I think he's protecting you. As stupid as that sounds," she went on seeing the look on the boy's face change from upset to confused.
"That is stupid. Why would he--?"
"Central has completely changed in the last year and the Council is pursuing it's own agenda's without concern for the soldiers or State Alchemists. Edward is the type of person who would rather walk into the line of fire alone than risk involving anyone one else. I'm not saying he is in danger. But I know the mission he was sent on involves a Philosopher's stone and--"
Oh no!
She closed her eyes and shut her mouth as tight as she could. So much for feigning ignorance.
She shook her head. "No. I won't say more. I've already said too much. Please don't repeat any of this. Especially not to Winry."
She felt a warm hand pat her shoulder. "I'm sure everything is fine."
"I really don't know where he is, Al…"
"It's fine Sciezka. Really. I won't say anything. And you don't have to say anymore."
"If you say brother isn't in any immediate danger then I believe you."
"I wasn't suppose to say anything in the first place," she sulked.
Al laughed, his hand still firmly on her shoulder. "No one needs to know. It'll be our secret." Once again she stared as his back as he finished washing the dishes, and suddenly it was as if the last few seconds hadn't existed, and the words that lingered in the air were washed away by the rushing water. With that thought in mind Sciezka realized she should really cut back on reading poetry books for fun, memorizing all that figurative language was really messing with her.
"Hey…" Al said so quietly she almost didn't hear him over the bubbles and soap and water. "Sorry about earlier…"
"It's alright. I can understand why you'd be upset," she reassured him.
"I really had my heart set on some apple pie."
Dear Winry,
I know, I know. It's been a while since you've from heard from me and I apologize for that. It's been crazy lately. I can't exactly go into detail, or give any clues on my whereabouts, but I'm just writing to let you know that everything is okay. How is everyone in Rezembul doing? I arranged with the General to send some money for Al's schooling so tell him he can apply to whatever school he feels like, and I wish him the best of luck. As for me, well, I can't wait to come home, ever since all threats to this country have been eliminated missions have become tedious and I think I'm starting to acquire the same hatred you have for the railroad system. I got into a fight the other night with some idiot who tried to rob me, while switching between stations. Apparently he'd been mugging people all week, getting the jump on them as soon as they stepped off the train. Before you say anything, I'm alright, the thug's behind bars and your automail couldn't be better. You probably don't believe me, but I'll show you myself, hopefully soon. Nothi—
"Hey, what you got there?" Before she could protest the paper was torn out of her hands.
"Nothing, give it back!"
Aquamarine eyes widened and a stupid wide smile took up her field of vision "Oooh, a letter from your boyfriend huh?"
"No, you idiot. Look at the salutation." She said snatching back the letter. "See, it's addressed to some girl named Winry." Apparently from Rezembul. Wherever that was.
"If that's the case then why are you reading it? Where'd you get it? You can't just go around stealing letters, Krysta!"
She clenched her teeth. "I didn't steal it, Iris." I found it in one of the guest rooms I was cleaning. You better get moving too. I'm not doing your half of the work again."
"Aww, but what are you going to do with the letter? It might be important."
"Important?" She looked from her friend to the paper in her hand. "We don't have time. We have a lot of work to do."
"But what if this Winry girl is waiting to hear from her boyfriend who she hasn't heard from in forever and well you're a prude so you may not understand the whole woes of love, but it's a big deal."
"I'm not a--"
We should definitely find out who wrote it and give it back to them. They might still be in the hotel."
It was no use. Iris was like the tide, fighting with her would only get you swept away. "I doubt it. The room was empty…"
"Well finish reading the letter and maybe we'll be able to look up the person in the guest book."
Krysta sighed. "Alright, but we need to finish up the rooms by the afternoon."
Her attention back on the letter, Krysta moved her finger to where she last left off.
"Nothing else worth mentioning. I suppose the wandering lifestyle has lost it's appeal."
She turned and gave her cousin a look.
"Sorry," Iris smiled.
She shook her head and read the rest.
Anyway, I'm not sure how long this mission is going to take, all my leads have me running in circles all over the map. I'm going to be completely honest I have no idea when I'll be back, all I can say is that I hope it's soon. Still, I hope this letter gets to you, I'm going to send it out first thing in the morning. Sorry that I can't give a return address it's pretty much impossible with all the running around I do. Say hi to the old lady and Den for me and tell Al to get in contact with the General when he can. Can't say much there.
Take care,
"Edward?" Had there been an Edward there been an Edward staying here in the past few nights? It wasn't dated so it was anyone's guess if it had been written in the past few nights to begin with.
"Was there anyone by that name on the guest lists?" Iris asked.
Krysta shook her head trying to clear out her mind so she could think. "I don't remember." Which was weird because she was the one in charge of checking people in. Wait a minute…"
She looked under the front desk where she kept record of the guests and flipped through the pages. The hotel hadn't been in the best shape ever since the fire and not many guests had visited in the last few months. " She found what she was looking for in the entry for two months ago. Wow could the letter have been in that room for two months? How could she not have noticed? She practically cleaned the place every day, guests or not.
Then Something else caught her attention.
"He definitely checked in but he didn't check out?" Iris said, looking at the log.
"This doesn't make any sense." The area in which guests would leave a signature and an optional comment on the hotel was blank. What could that mean?
"The room was definitely empty when I cleaned it."
"Suite 315. It's been empty almost all year. Rarely anyone checks into it." Her cousin cut in.
Well according to the log this Edward guy definitely was the only person to have checked into that room in months. The room that been empty for months as was the space next to his name." She looked at the neat row of keys hanging on the wall behind where one of the two copies for 315 was indeed missing. Had been missing for a while now that she thought of it. "He didn't check back out," Krysta confirmed.
"Ohhh, what if he's--"
"Do not start with the ghost stories." She was not in the mood. She had about ten rooms to inspect and clean, and her shift at Check in would start in an hour. Family run businesses were such a nuisance why couldn't they hire any real help?
"He might still be in there!" Iris whispered excitedly ignoring her completely. "Maybe he was murdered, and his body is buried beneath the floorboards or something! And his soul still wanders around this ho--!"
The creaking sound of the grand polished wood door she liked so much, made them both jump.
And shriek, Which made it all the more embarrasing when she noticed the young man in uniform was standing in right in front of her. "Eh sorry if I scared ya."
"No, not at all." Stupid Iris, got her all worked up over this nonsense.
Even despite the fright she just received Krysta immediately went into receptionist mode. "Welcome to the White Rose hotel, the best hotel in New Aquaroya. Will you be staying with us today?"
"Actually…" The man pointed to a parcel he was holding under his arm.
Oh so he was the postman. Honestly, it really was ridiculous to have the poor man walk up the grand staircase; but the mailroom had been off limits since the fire which added signing for packages to her list of duties…gosh she couldn't wait to get out of this place. Wait a minute, postman…
"Sir! If you would please…" she caught him off guard, in the midst of handing a clipboard back to Iris and he stared at her curiously before she realized she hadn't explained herself.
"I um have a favor to ask of you," she picked up the letter of the desk and handed it to him. A guest seems to have left this behind there's no return address, or sender address for that matter but..."
"It's truly a tragedy, if two lovers can't get in contact, don't you think?" her cousin finished for her. "Especially if it's the last---" Krysta silenced her with a hand.
The post man shook his head. "Umm…well I don't know what I can do but…"
"It's to a girl named Winry in Rezembul"
"Oh, well perhaps I can help out."
"Really, you'll deliver it! Oh thank you!" Iris nearly jumped up and down in her happiness. Krysta shook her head again. Really…
"What she means to say is thank you for the trouble, Mr."
"Owen Henry at your service! You can just call me Owen," he grinned under his mock salute, revealing pearly white teeth. Hmm, not so bad.
"Anyway I'll get this delivered for you, you can count on me!" He saluted, and was out the door the next second.
"We've done a good deed, Krystie."
"Don't call me that." But that didn't say much for all the work that was ahead of them. She sighed as she closed the guestbook and put it away. "Now, it's back to work. We could leave the inventory for last I suppose, and just focus on getting the mayor's room ready. Iris…" She added when she noticed she was being ignored.
"Oh well I was just thinking, the mystery isn't exactly solved."
"Give it a rest already!"
The door opened again this time revealing Uncle Richard. Or as they knew him: the boss. "The rooms aren't going to clean themselves. Just what have you girls been up to all morning."
"We'll get on it right away, Papa!"
Krysta rolled her eyes as she tied a headband around her hair and searched for the cleaning supplies. Despite all the earlier excitement regarding love and the paranormal, today promised to be the same as any other.
A/N This took forever. I needed it to take forever because I wanted to be absolutely certain that I gave just enough information without giving anything away. I also didn't want to make it seem like I was hinting at something that wouldn't take place in Part 2. I needed to know what I was doing with the second story before handing out any clues. But yes now I am done. I want to thank everyone who reviewed and stuck with this story from the beginning. It means a lot to me. Most of the reviews also gave me ideas of what I wanted to work on, and enough motivation to not give up on this 2 year old behemoth. Thank you!
Review responses starting with the most recent.
Pknumba1- Thank you so much. Wow 24 hours. I'm honored! I hope you enjoy what I have planned for part 2.
DownMoon- Thank you. Sometimes I was worried it might be too complex, but I'm glad to hear you liked it.
S.J. Smith- You are one of my favorite authors on this site and I'm honored to see you stuck with this story all the way. It's been an amazing ride, thanks for coming along. I have lots of excitement planned for part 2. Lots more Roy and of course paper airplanes. As for the way Ed reacted in the previous chapter. It wasn't so much out of the kindness of his heart but more as he already suspected it and didn't want to deal with it. Also it sort of contradicts because he's trying to be mature about it, but his words end up more indifferent and spiteful. I can guarantee that he isn't happy at all with the situation.
SoullessReaper- Yep she's engaged. I felt bad for her and felt she should move on. I didn't really see her as the type who will wait forever after Edward made it clear he wasn't coming back. It also makes things a lot more interesting, don't you think?
Blupheonix15- Thanks! There is a part two coming out soon so look for it!
Edxwin is cannon!!! Your name couldn't be all right. And there's the rest of the story for you! You'll have to wait a bit for part two, though…
Once again to everyone who read/may read this story. Thank you!