Love and Fate

It was a lovely day.The sun wasn't covered with clouds and was up in the sky shining over the grounds of Alfea.It was the first day of the new shcool year.The students who have just arrived from different planets were chating and laughing with their friends.Some were for another year and some were for a first year at Alfea.All of them were happy to be here.
Professor Grizelda was cheking if all the students have arrived safely.When she was finished Ms Faragonda stepped infront of the students and greeted them.

"I'm happy to see that all of you have arrived safely here.Welcome! I'm headmistress Faragonda and I hope that there will be no holes in our relationship as headmistress and student.Now I want all new students to go to Professor Wizgiz who will setl you.The other students know their rooms.When you are all finished packing join us in the Great Hall for dinner."-smiled Faragonda.

When she finished talking the new students went towards Professor Wizgiz and the others went straight to their rooms.
Faragonda made her way towards the staff room.She always felt happy to see her students so excited to start the new year.

But this year Faragonda and Grizelda couldn't find a teacher who could teach the kids to defend themselves.Of course she could teach the kids to defend themselves but she had a lot of work to do as headmistress of this school.When she walked in the staff room most of the teachers were already seeted at their usual places.She said hello to everybody and sat at her chair in the midle of the table.They waited a few minutes for Grizelda and Professor Wizgiz.When they arrived Faragonda started speaking.

"What are we going to do ?"-asked Faragonda rubbing her forhead.They all sat in silance thinking.Suddenly Faragonda asked:

"What if I teach them?I'm good at defence."-she said.Everyone looked at her and thought for a moment.

"No,you can't teach them!You have some many responsabilaties as headmistress that even if Grizelda as your deputy have some of your work you still wouldn't have the time to teach them.-said Avalon and everyone agreed with him.Faragonda decided that Avalon was right.

"Than what do you sugest we do?"

"Whu don't you asked the Minester to send you someone?"-asked Wizgiz who sat on a chair with a lot of books on it because of his height.

"Yes.I think Wizgiz is right,Faragonda.You should aske the Minester to send us someone."-said Grizelda putting a hand on Faragonda's shoulder.

Faragonda nodded her agreement.As much as she didn't like asking the Minester she had to.She stood up and walked to the window looking out to the grounds of Alfea.

"Ok.I'll speak to the Minester tonight after dinner."-she decided and walked out of the room.


It was after dinner and the winx girls were sitting in their room talking about the things they did while they were at their planets with their families while doing the stuff they liked.Stella waspolishing her nails,Flora was watering her plants,Bloom was playing with Kiko,Techna was playing a computer game,Musa was listening to music and Layla was doing some exercise.

"Hey,there was an empty chair beside Faragonda ,did you girls noticed?"asked Flora.Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at her.

"Yeah I noticed.I wonder if we are going to have a defence teacher."-said Blum."Ouch! Kiko why did you bite me?"-she asked and looked down at Kiko.He just smiled and ran under the bed.Bloom fallowed him andput her hand under the bed to catch him."Ouch! Kiko!"-she screemed again as he and removed her hand from under the bed.Kiko showed himself under the blanket on the bed and smiled up at her.

"I hope it'll be someone who is as hot as Avalon.Mhmhm...maybe more hot than him."-said Stella dreamly.Everyone laught at her.

"Hey,what about Brendon?"-asked Techna.

"Brendon is still mine.But I wouldn't mind daydreming about a certain sexy teacher."-she said and got hit by a pillow on her face."Ouch!Ok,girls I'm going to go dream about my Brendon.Good night."-she said as she yawned again and went to her room.

"Well I'm going to bed,too.Good night,girls."said Bloom."Come on Kiko lets go to bed."

He came out of the bed and went after her in the room she shared with Flora.Layla said her good night and went to bed.Techna went with Musa in their room,too.Flora stayed behinde to finish watering her flowers and then turned the lights off and walked to the room she shared with Bloom.


Faragonda sat at her office signing the papers Grizelda gave her.After she finished them she called the Minester.She said at a chair opposite of the screen and waited for him to answer.After a few moments his head appeared on the screen in front of her.He was in his mid sixties.His hair was dark with wight streaks in places.When he saw her he smiled.

"Hey,there sweetheart!Nice to see you again.Did you miss me?"his smile grew when he he saw her smile."What can I do for you darlin' ?"he asked.Faragonda took a deep breath and answered.

"Well I couldn't find a defence teacher and I was wondering if..."she trailed.As if he read her mind he said.

"If I will find you one?"he raised his eyebrows and smiled at her again.

"Yes!"she smiled excitedly because he finished instead of her and released a breath she didn't know she was holding."Can you?"she asked with hope in her voice.

"Of course I can! After all I'm the Minester.I can do whatever I want.And you know I'll do everything for you darlin',right?"he winked at her.Faragonda blushed and felt a litle uncomfortable because she knew he was flirting with her.He does that all tha time.But she didn't mind at all so she answered.

"As you so.Look...ummm...could you sent him tomarrow morning?He is not going to have clases tomarrow but I want to get to know him"she paused for a moment then added"You know to see what kind of person he know...I want the best for my students..."she trailed off again.

"Of course darlin'.Now I don't want to leave your prety face but I have to.I have a meeting in ten minutes.Look maybe I can't come with him tomarrow to see you.I miss you."he said and sent her a kiss.Then he hung up.

Faragonda sigh.Tomarrow was going to be a very long day.She didn't wanted the Minester to come.Not that she didn't like or something but she hated the way he always flirted with her.She didn't mind men flirting with her it was just that he doesn't stop doing it and kept asking her out.

Faragonda sigh again.It was the first year that she didn't get to chose a teacher she liked.She trusted the Minister's judgement but he will probably chose someone good but crazy.

She looked at the clock and saw that it was already half past nine and time for bed.She sat there for a moment enjoing the silance in the room.After a few minutes she stood from her comfortable chair and walked out of the room towards her own.

Tomarrow was going to be really long day.


The next day Faragonda sat in her office waiting for the Minester to come with the new teacher.She sat in silance when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."said Faragonda loudly and sat up in her chair.

The door opened and the Minester walked inside with his Deputy Minister - Nadan.

"Hey,here's the sexiest headmistress in the whole universe.How are you darlin' ?"asked the Minister smiling.Sha smiled,too and looked at Nadan as he closed the door behind him.He nodded towards Faragonda and she also nodded towards him.

"I belive you know my deputy"the minister looked at Nadan then back at Faragonda.When she nodded he clapped his hands and continued "Then I'll leave you two to get to know each other beacause I have an important meeting in..."he looked at the clock on the opposite wall " twenty minutes."He walked towards the door quicly.He was about to open the door when he heard Faragonda's voice who has just realized what he was talking about.

"What? I thought you were going to bring a teacher with you and not your deputy.Not that I mind talking with him but I was hopping to meet the new teacher " she said as she walked around her desk to face them.

The Minister just raised his eyebrows in confusion but then realised what she was talking about and smiled.He walked back and put his hand on Nadan's shoulder who was chuckling softly.The Minister looked at him and then back at Faragonda.

"This is the new teacher." he said smiling broadly.Faragonda's mouth droped.What was he talking about?Nadan?The new teacher was Nadan?He had to be joking.Was he?

"You are kidding me!He is your deputy.How cane he cope with all his work as your deputy and defence teacher?"asked Faragonda.
'Isn't it a bit too warm in here?'she thought.

"Well I won't be doing my job as the Minister's deputy.He can come anytime he want and I can help him with his work so I won't be bored.But I know I won't.You'll make sure I'm busy,right?"Nadan asked smiling and his eyes twinkling.Faragonda leaned against her desk because she felt her knees melting.

"Well, I'll be going now beacause I'm already late."said the Minister and quickly walked out of the room leaving the door open.

Nadan walked towards the door and close it.After that he turned to Faragonda.

"Can we have a proper "hello" now?"he asked.Faragonda swallowed and nodded quitly,closing her eyes.Nadan smiled and walked to her.She felt him in front of her and opened her eyes.He put his hands on her waist and drew her closer to him.Only a few inches seperated them.
Faragonda put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.They stared for a few moments.Then he lifted her of the ground and put her on her desk. Then he kissed her passionatly on her lips.Her hands went onto his hair drawing him closer.He deepened the kiss and was satisfied when he heard her moan in his mouth.

"Mmmmmmm...this feels nice"he said as they broke apart and layed his forhead against hers.They were breating heavily from the kiss now.

"If it wasn't for your hands and the desk holding me,I would have fallen on the floor" Faragonda whispered.They stayed like that for a few moments and then Faragonda broke the silance."I missed you."she whispered again.

"I missed you,too."he whispered in return. He kissed her again but this time more hungrily. They stood there kissing and enjoying holding themselves when they heard a knock on the door. Nadan immediately released Faragonda who got up from the desk.

"Come in."

The door opened and Grizelda stepped inside looking stern as usual.

"What is it Grizelda?" asked Faragonda.

"I just wanted to tell you thet Saladin,Codatorta and Grifin arrived and we are ready to begin the meeting."sha said in her stern voice. Then she looked at Nadan strangely because he was standing really close to Faragonda and thought what were they doing before she walked inside Faragonda's office.Faragonda saw where she was looking and as if sensing what she was thinking, went around her desk to put the pappers she was writting ,when Nadan and the Minister came, in the drawer.

"We'll be right there."she said and looked at Nadan."By the way this is our new teacher - Nadan.Nadan this is my deputy, Grizelda.

"Nice to meet you."smiled Nadan and offered his hand to her. She took it but just nodded.

"I'll be going now."said Grizelda and walked out of the room leaving the two of them alone again.Nadam put his hands on her waist and drew her closer to him.

"She doesn't seem to like me."said Nadan.Faragonda just smiled and said "She doesn't like to show her feelings."

Faragonda went to the door and before she opened it she turned back to Nadan.

"Are you coming?"she asked him smiling.Nadan walked to her and when she opened the door a litle he closed it putting his hand on the door just above Faragonda's head.She turned around and looked at him confused.He smiled and kissed her again.Faragonda closed her eyes and gave in.When he deepened the kiss She felt the disaire increasing very fast.She moaned and
disapproved when he broke the kiss.

"I love you."he whispered.

"I love you,too.But if you continue like that we are going to be late for the meeting. We are going to continue this tonight.Ok?"she asked looking in his bright green eyes.He made a face like he was thinking about it but then smiled.

"You primise?"he asked making a puppy eyes.

"I promise."laughed Faragonda."Can we go now because they are waiting for us?"she asked.He kiss her softly.

" we can go."he said and they walked out of the room and headed towards the room where were the others.


The meeting went smooth.The teachers talked about the new vilian,Baltor. Faragonda, Saladin and Griffin knew a lot about him because they have fought him along with Bloom's parents on Sparx.They talked about an hour and then talked about some unimportant things.Faragonda introduced Nadan to the rest of the teachers of Alfea and to Saladin,Griffin and Codatorta.

After the finished discussing the three schools and the things that concerned them Griffin, Saladin and Codatorta went back to their schools.The teachers of Alfea went to their rooms,too because it was already late and time for bed. Faragonda and Nadan staied behind because Faragonda had to show Nadan his rooms.

When they arrived at his rooms he turned to her and smiled.

"Would you like to come in?" he asked.She thought for a moment.What if someone see them? Or if they see her walking out of his rooms at the morning.What would the students or the staff say then? She looked at him in the eyes and emediately knew that she couldn't resist him.She nodded and walked inside with him.

That night they just held each other.Gentle caresses and kisses were exchange between them but nothing more.They held each other just enjoing the feel of the other against them and slept like they haven't slept for a long time.
