I Forgive but Don't Forget

Ok, thank you all for reading my first chapter, here is the second! Yep, I loved making it too, and I hope you review and tell me what you thought, or how I can improve my writing.

Still don't own Naruto or anything… of course you all know that. I wonder why everyone does disclaimers anyway.

This fanfiction is rated M for chapters that may include language or sexuality. If you don't like it don't read it.

Please, please review everyone! I need more reviews so I know what you think of my stories! The few I've got make me think they are bad…

Anywho! Just a little side note because I felt like being random… I HATE KARIN.

Sorry, one more thing… I LOVE L-KUN (from Death Note), my pooooooooooor L-kun.

OH AND I AM SORRY FOR THE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG WAIT ON THIS CHAPTER. I'll try to keep updating faster! Keep reading though, I am planning a lemon sometime in the next couple chapters!!

Sakura's POV

I felt sick to my stomach as I awoke in cave like room. My eyes begged for me to shut them again, but I ignored the feeling. Where am I? I wondered. What happened... and then I remembered Sasuke and the other Shinobi that had captured me. Sasuke had looked so much more mature. He was a lot more muscular and he had an exposed shirt, showing his chest.

I looked around the room. Even though I was getting hold hostage, there was a nice bed in here. I wasn't tied at all anymore, but I could sense there were guards outside the doors. Now, how do I make my escape? I couldn't believe I was even kidnapped in the first place. Seemed to me that I have gotten weaker, how stupid.

"Sasuke is so dead now," I muttered.

"Oh really, I feel quite alive actually," Sasuke said. He was leaning against the door. God, how does he keep popping up without me noticing?

"Speak of the devil," I said glaring into his onyx eyes. I felt hatred towards him now. What I always thought of him turned around in a blink of an eye. I stopped looking at him hoping he would just go away. That wasn't going to happen though.

"Hungry?" he asked me.

"You kidnap me and then ask if I am hungry?" I replied.

"Guess so," he said blankly. Remaining as impassive as always.

"Why am I here? Oh, and I am not hungry for your information. I don't take food from strangers just like that," I wondered what Sasuke's complicated mind was thinking of.

"I am a stranger now huh? Well I guess I am, a little," he said. After a few seconds he asked, "What do you think of me right now?"

"Right now I think you are a bastard low-life. Maybe you should go somewhere and die," I said, half joking on the death part. I probably sounded like such an idiot, but what was I going to say? I was confused and didn't really care.

He only smirked, "I don't think you want me dead, do you?"

"I hate those smirks. I don't think I really could care less if you were dead Sasuke." He was looking at me. I was getting a little uncomfortable with his cold stare.

"Do you hate me so much you would kill me yourself?" Now that was a question I did not expect to hear. Could I do that? Doubt it. I didn't answer him and looked away again. He had some weird questions…

"That's answer enough for me," the Uchiha said. He walked out the door after saying, "I will talk to you later, Sakura."

Now I was completely alone again. Alone, and with people in the building or cave or wherever the fuck they had me. Scared was another word to describe it. What would Gaara think of me now? I was supposed to help them and I was just captured like I was a genin… again.

The Guards are blocking my way out and I don't think Sasuke was going to let me go anywhere without a fight. Maybe I would need to wait for help. Who knows, maybe the Kazekage cares for me and wants to save me.


Poof. Sasuke popped into the room and he didn't look too happy. The look on his face was telling me something was wrong. Was someone here to save me? He looked at me and had a hand to his forehead, "Sakura… you will have to come with me. We are leaving this place."

I looked at him and glared. I didn't want to go with Sasuke. No, I wanted to go back to the Sand Village. "I think I will be fine staying right here," I said stubbornly and sat on the bed.

"No, you won't. You are coming with me if I have to hurt you first."

"I am stronger than you think, Sasuke-kun."

It didn't appear to me that he noticed my exaggerated kun at the end of his name. He came over to me and grabbed my wrists. He brought me out of the room and I heard mingling voices 

around me. He was running really fast that I could barely keep up. I almost tripped but Sasuke just kept going with his grip tight. We went past different doors and I heard fighting. I felt the chakra of my fellow Suna friends.

"I see Sakura!" I heard my name called by the familiar voice of Temari.

"That bastard has her," I heard Gaara say. They sure found me fast! I was actually excited even with the fact I was being dragged by the Uchiha traitor. I looked at Sasuke and he had an even expression on his face. His feelings are hard to read, just like always. Wait, what was that look? Frustration? Yeah, it was frustration. I could tell he wanted to go faster and get away from the people of the village that came to his hide out. I wouldn't let him.

"Let… GO!" I screamed and yanked my wrist from his hand. He didn't expect that and stopped short. I tried to run back to where I saw Gaara, but Sasuke was way, way to fast for me. He appeared right in front of me blocking my path.

"I don't see why you want to get away from me so badly. You liked me so much back then," he said.

"You weren't a traitor back then either Sasuke."

"I need you though. Stay with me," he said touching my cheek softly with his fingers. The thoughts in my head kept moving from Gaara to Sasuke. The skin he was touching felt like it was burning, and I got a tingling sensation. This isn't right. Or is it?

"Sasuke, I'm a little confused. Why do you want me now? You could have had me a long time ago but you never gave it a thought," I said feeling hot tears rolling down my cheek.

"I did give it a thought, it wasn't the right time but now it is," Sasuke said wiping my tears away. I can't understand him at all, why does he want me!

"…Liar," I called him, "you are such a fucking liar!" he was taken aback. I wasn't crying anymore, but angry at him.

I looked the way he was going to take me, and the opposite direction. I could see my friends fighting, getting hurt for the sake of saving me. I ran in that direction, and Sasuke just stood there and let me go.

I darted over to Gaara. He was fighting a guy that was in the second stage of Orochimaru's curse. At least the Akatsuki aren't on Orochimaru's side or I think we would all be doomed.

"Sakura, you got away from him," Gaara stated.

"Yeah I did, how about we get out of here?"

"That's not as easy as you think. Orochimaru is here."

"WHAT?!" I was really pissed now. Orochimaru was an enemy that I hated ever since he came to destroy Konoha. One of the Sanin, the only evil one. "This is a disaster. I didn't come to the Sand to the taken away by creeps and an Uchiha I didn't want to see. Then I get these feelings…" Oops, that just left my mouth.

"Sakura! No! Sakura behind you!" Gaara was yelling and I had no idea what was going on. Until I felt a jab of pain engulfing me… Gaara was still yelling and I heard more fighting. I was on my knees now and a knife between my left ribs and in my back. It punctured a deep hole in both places. Blood was pouring out and soaking my shirt with crimson. The pain was too much and I fainted, falling into a pair of arms.

"Sakura, are you awake yet?"

Ouch… I had a bandage all around my stomach. Someone was caring for me. Who was just talking to me?

"Sakura?" It was Gaara.

I opened my eyes and saw him sitting beside me. How embarrassing to be unconscious like that.

"I'm awake," I said, "Where are we?"

"After I killed the guy who stabbed you, I brought you into the forest that was nearby. I was going to wait until you woke up before we went back to the Sand. Unless you were planning on going back to Konoha?"

"No way, I barely did anything to help you. I won't go back to Konoha." I started to heal myself. It still stung, but it felt a lot better. Gaara looked like he wasn't scraped at all. Perfect skin.

There was an awkward silence that I just had to break, "Well, is everyone ok? I saw your sister there too."

"They are fine. We escaped before anything got too messy over there. We only needed to get you and it looks like I did," he smiled.

What a sexy smile.

"Yes… you did. Well now I am pretty much healed. Thanks for taking care of me Gaara."

"No… I didn't even do much for you."

"If you say keeping me from getting killed isn't much."

"Yeah, you should probably pay more attention instead of yelling about Orochimaru."

"Hey! You know how much I hate him!"

"I guess I do." He was smirking. He had playfulness in his voice. "Then you have no need to worry anymore. Sasuke defeated him yesterday." Wow, he killed him.

"Really? That's incredible; I thought he was tougher than that. Why did he kill Orochimaru though?..."

"I heard the rumor that he was there from a fellow Shinobi, and Sasuke must have decided that he was stronger than Orochimaru. May have been testing his strength… Sakura?

"Hai?" I asked.

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

Oh my god, where is this going? Oh it would be so awesome if he liked me!! Ok kid thoughts but I was excited.

Thinking of that I blushed, but turned my face away from his so he couldn't see, "Sure, of course."

It was getting dark outside. The moon was full making the forest brighter than usual, and we could actually see where we were walking.

"I actually wanted to show you something," Gaara said, almost blushing. (OMG does Gaara blush?! Wait… he only almost blushed.) He glanced at me and pointed ahead of us.

"Oh wow, that is beautiful!" I said happily. I grabbed his hand without thinking. There was a huge waterfall and the full moon shining on it made it sparkle. There were large rocks that looked like a bridge, and went all the way to the other side so you could cross.

"It's a peaceful place that nobody really knows about." I looked into his face, and then realized how warm my hands were. I was still holding his hand in mine, but I didn't want to let go.

"Are those cherry blossoms?!" I said looking at the swaying trees. I laughed, "Pretty!"

"Yeah, I thought you would like them. I guess I should have brought you when it was lighter out huh?"

"No, the full moon makes it look all the better." I put my finger to my chin. "Want to go for a swim?"

His eyes widened, "In our clothes?"

"Well…" I said mischievously, "we could in no clothes at all."

"Otherwise known as skinny dipping?" he grinned.

"I guess you could say that."

Gaara pulled off his shirt (he is not wearing is thing of sand, just to let you know). I was actually shocked he didn't refuse. Instead of my shirt first I pulled off my shoes and socks. Then I took off my shirt, only wearing a sports bra underneath.

I was nervous and let out a slow breath. Gaara was pulling down his pants and shoes, only in his boxers walking towards the water. I quickly took off my skirt and shorts underneath them.

I stood by Gaara and he took me in. His eyes looked up and down my figure. I took of my bra and panties and threw them on the beach and jumped in from on a rock. The water was icy against my bare skin. I have never been in a river or lake without anything at all on. It felt good. I held my breath underwater, getting used to the chill.

I felt the water push against me as Gaara jumped in. I arose to the surface.

"How's the water?" he asked.

"…Great, just a little cold but otherwise perfect," I sighed opening my arms and closing my eyes. I was actually in the water with Gaara, naked.

"I've never…done something like this with a woman…" Gaara said quietly.

"Is the fearless Gaara nervous?" I teased.

He glared for a moment, then it turned into a playful smile again, "No, not really." He swam over to me. "Want a massage?"

"That would be nice." Gaara started to rub my shoulders. It felt so damn good!

"You're…really good at this." The thought of Gaara naked… so close to me made me shiver with pleasure.

"Maybe we should get out… you have goosebumps."

"No we don't have to get out, we just got in. Let's enjoy the water."

"Oh shit, we don't have towels or anything!" I said heatedly. I walked out of the water with Gaara behind me. No one would see us because of the heavily wooded forest.

I turned around. "Sakura…" he pushed me up against a tree. He put his head down, not showing his face. "I…I'm sorry." They were still naked…

"It-" I was about to say, but Gaara just turned around and went to get his clothes.

"We should get back to Suna. I have responsibilities."

I was disappointed but I nodded my head. Of course he has responsibilities; he is the Kazekage after all. I went to grab my clothes feeling very awkward. I was just against a tree, and we were naked…naked. The thought still made me exultant, and a little stunned.

The way back was pretty quiet, except when I tried to make conversation. He only ever gave me a short and simple response.

Regular POV

"So in any case, what do you suppose Sasuke is going to do?" Temari said irritably.

Gaara sighed, "I have no clue ok? I have no clue why Sakura was taken by him, or if he's coming back, or what. I don't know."

"Sakura could get taken again you know! What would happen then? It would be terrible for you to leave to get her because you're suppose to be here protecting the village."

"Yeah, well then we will just have to protect Sakura until she goes back to the Leaf."

"She should probably just go back to the Leaf. She isn't here to so we can give her body guards," Temari hugged Gaara suddenly and whispered, "it will just distract you. Her being here."

Gaara untangled himself from Temari's hug,"What are you talking about?"

"You know you like her Gaara, I can feel it."

"I still don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, of course you don't." Temari walked to the door. "Well, Sakura can hang out with me." Then she left.

Dang it… this chapter is not as good as I wanted it to be. Trust me the next one will be better. Still need some more experience with fanficitons. Anyway, at least I hope you enjoyed it a little bit. Please review!

Sorry if it is a little confusing, my next chapter will be better (promise). I've been busy so I havn't had much time to type this.

Please keep reading and being patient for the next chapter, hopefully it won't take as long as this one. But, damn I am just a little disappointed with this chapter, god I feel bad!

This is to be continued…