"Hermione! Stop eating!"

He was met with a glare. Hermione gestured to her body.

"Hello? Pregnant woman here? I eat. It's what I do. Plus, i have to eat for two people." She patted her stomach lovingly.

"I'm just saying," Draco tried, "you've been eating for the past 3 hours. . . you know. . . non-stop."

". . . and. . .?"

"Maybe if you get too fat. . . then. . . it'll be hard to have the baby."

"No it won't."

"Hermione." He let out an exasperated sigh. She was being completely unreasonable! He gazed at the space around her with dismay. She was watching TV, snacks of every shape and color littering the floor in a colorful hue. A burrito was in her left hand; coke in the other, and bags of chips surrounded her. "Hermione, exercise some self control!"

He snatched a bag of chips away from her hand. "You're a freaking glutton, for Merlin's sake!"

Hermione froze, gazed up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Draco. Whose fault is it that I got pregnant again? Whose fault is it that I have to eat excessively? Whose?" She threw her hands up in the air dramatically, and some cheese puff balls flew into the air.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it."

"Hey, it was your fault, okay? I don't care what you say, I'm eating." She stubbornly clutched a burrito in her hand and bit into it, defiantly.

"I'm just saying that our baby's going to end up looking like a freaking potato chip if you keep eating those." There was no reaction from Hermione. Frustrated, Draco added derisively, "He'll be just like you."

That comment elicited an angry scream from Hermione, and Draco's face was soon covered withe the cheese and bean burrito she had been eating. "Tell me, Draco dear," she began sarcastically, "Is there anything wrong with our child ending up like me?"

Draco felt like he was back at Hogwarts.

"YES." he answered emphatically, "I do."

"you do? What he hell are you doing? Getting married?" Hermione glared at him and struggled to her feet. "You loser, did you forget you were married to ME?"

Draco gaped at her. They were going off-topic! This was most definitely not fair.

He tried to bring the topic back around. "You know, gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins."

He slept on the couch that night, armed with new knowledge: never anger a pregnant woman.

A/N: Hey guys :)

R&R :D for lj's dramionedrabble writing thingy. prompt word: Gluttony