Hahaha...Sorry for such a late update!!! I have been so lazy lately, I know poor excuse...Anyway I know the titles different then what I said it would be but please don't mind it, kay! :) Well hope you enjoy this chapter: A Future and A Reality. Thanks for reading!!

A Future and A Reality

Does reality decide the future?


Does the future decide reality?

Perhaps after such a traumatic experience anyone would feel a bit shaky in the knees but Hinata could still feel herself wobble with each passing step. The image of Kiba lying as a lifeless corpse on the roadside caused a wave of nausea to overcome her. It was just a dreamIt was just a dream She tried to convince herself but a small whisper would remind herbut it is still reality. What would have happened if Sasuke had not come to get her? Would the future really have changed and what could a coward like her do to change it? Nothing...nothing at all

"Its impossible" she whispered to herself. Gazing at the mark of the contract she had made with the devil, Uchiha Sasuke, her hand clenched to a fist.

"Oi, Angel, Hurry up." Sasuke shot from the shadows behind her.

"A-Ah, G-Gomen (S-Sorry)" she managed to mumble. My name isnt Angel The venom he used in her title caused her to flinch each time he spoke. It was quite obvious that Uchiha Sasuke hated herit was so obvious that it hurt. Possibly because she was this Angel but the reason remained unknown. She had so many unanswered questions but she didnt think that the young Uchiha would answer them. She could sense the feeling of distrust and tension in the air and how she wished her house was closer. Although he was hidden by the shadows, she could feel that his gaze never left her. She always didn't mind silence but not like this

"S-So U-Uchiha-kun, w-when did you d-discover that you w-were a d-devil?" she squeaked out awkwardly.

No answer

"A-Ano..." she could feel heat rush to her face. Was that a stupid question?, "G-Gomen-nasai..." Why in the world am I apologizing?! She mentally screamed; clenching her eyes shut. Silence overwhelmed the two again. She had never been good at handling boys but this was ridiculous

"Eight." He whispered.


"I was eight." He repeated quietly.

"A-Ah...S-Souka (R-Really)?"

He remained silent once more continuing to follow behind her.

"W-Was it h-hard?" she swallowed, "I-I m-mean t-the fact t-that you w-were a d-devil?" I think my stuttering took a turn for the worse...

"..." I guess that was it A feeling of unease drifted over her, a feeling she absolutely hated. So unsure and lostnot sure where to go or who to trusta true feeling of isolation. Why must I always feel sorry for myself? Failure...Hinata Hyuga, you're a failure But the more she scolded herself the worse she felt.

"If you give up before you even try then you really are a failure." Sasuke finally spoke. Her eyes widened and at last she spun around to face him.

"How did you-" Her eyes were locked upon him. His features were now visible in the little light that was provided by a nearby street lamp. Although his expression was emotionless, his charcoal eyes burned with spirit.

Rage, Compassion, Sadness, Determination... all of them mixed into a single boy.

Uchiha Sasukes POV

I could feel her gaze at me with those innocent eyes. Although it was just a stare from a powerless Angel, it felt as though she could see right through me. That no matter what defenses I put up it wouldnt blind her from the truth. Why must you remind of who I really am? Why must you remind me how weak I am? I dont give a shit if fate forced us to meet, you, Hinata Hyuga, will hold me back. Get in my way and I will- I stopped in my thoughts, shocked at how cruel they sounded. I couldnt help but laugh, listen to myself! Was this how low I have become?

"How did you-" she said in awe. Crap...Why did I say that? "U-Uchiha-kun, d-did you j-just r-read my-"

"Your self-pity speech was getting on my nerves." I retorted before she could finish her question. She just shifted her gaze downward in embarrassment, "Do you ever stand up for yourself? And here you are supposed to save the world...Pathetic." I whispered, feeling the coldness in my voice. Why does it irritate me so much? Why in the world does it bother me so much?

She clenched her skirt in her fists, "..." She's not going to answer. I released a sigh and walked passed her.

"Lets go." But she didn't budge, "Hey, Angel-" I turned around in annoyance.

"B-But what can I do?" she whispered


"What can I do to change?!"

Hyuga Hinatas POV

What in the world am I saying? Uchiha-kun just looked at me, taken back by my loud yell. The words just seemed to flow out, the feelings that I was to afraid to say just came tumbling out all at once.

"I'm a failure, I'm weak, I'm pathetic but what can I do?! I cant even take care of myself and now Im told I have to save all of humanity!! I'm just an ordinary school girl-a coward who cant stand up for herself!! I'm not some all powerful devil like you Uchiha-kun! I'm not some hero of justice!!" I could feel sobs rippling in my chest and hot tears dripping off my face, "W-What in the world am I suppose to do...? T-Tell me..." Although I tried desperately to dry my tears, it just kept falling. Uchiha-kun was right, how could a girl who just sulked in self-pity save anyone? How could someone who hated herself become humanities shining light? Pathetic...My feet just froze in place as I continued to sob my eyes out. Uchiha-kun remained silent but didn't move.

"Figure it out for youself, Baka (Idiot)." Uchiha-kun finally smirked. I jerked my head up, although his words were harsh, his voice was softer, "Let's go." Wiping my tears with the sleeve of my uniform, I just followed. Uchiha-kun seems so different then the dream I had of him...Fierce but not wild. I wonder why? Perhaps that is also an answer that I have to discover for myself. ...Someday

Character Profiles (As promised!!)

TA-DAA!!! :)

Hinata Hyuga

Age: 16


Father: Hiashi Hyuga

Younger Sister: Hanabi Hyuga

Mother: Sayo??? (Deceased)

Cousin: Neji Hyuga


Suffers from low self-esteem issues

Extremely shy especially around boys so obviously she has never been on a date. Only friends are probably Kiba and Shino (but shell make more!!)

Although she claims she doesnt, she actually has a pretty nice body

Has no recollection of her past from the age of eight

Dreams of certain events but most of the time doesnt remember them (lol)

Enjoys literature and art, not particularly fond of math and despises P.E

Test scores are always above average but are never perfect and fails at athletics (sadly)

Not that picky when it comes to food and has never been on a diet (not that she needs one anyway)

Fluent in Japanese and English (I always thought that this was cool)

Hates or Fears: Fires, being scolded by her father, participating in arguments and debates, being alone in crowded areas, getting her picture taken

Loves or Enjoys: Watching the sunset, gazing up at the night stars when the moon is out, listening to the different sounds of wind chimes, collecting different types of American novels, painting scenery but never of people

Believes: That everything said on the news should be taken with a grain of salt and that tea should be drunken only when warm

Heh...Heh...not much happened in this chapter as usual. At first I only had one page of interaction between Hinata and Sasuke but my friend said since its a romance between the two, I should add more. Sooo it went from one page to five pages. She was like "WHOA!! Just make this a seperate chapter already!" Yup so thats the story hahaha! Anyway hope you enjoyed it please look foward to the next one:

A Farewell and A Beginning (for real this time!)