Ch 4.

Misora and Luna still detemined to get the doll, now wait to make thier move on the right moment.

Akane was placing some notebooks on a shelf then.

Misora: Ms. Hoshikawado you need some help with that?

Akane: Why thank you Misora, but there's no need.

Misora: Oh don't worry it will be my pleasure.

Misora then stacks the books quickly.

Luna; Excuse me Ms. Hoshikawa, is there anything I can do for you?

Akane: Well I was just gonna stack up these teddy bears on this-.

Luna: Here let me do that for you.

Luna then stacks the bears up a dollarama.

Misora notices this and wasn't gonna take it sitting down.

She then sees Akane opening a box of notebooks.

Misora: Why don't I help you with that Ms. Hoshikawa.

Akane: Well ok, just put them on the shelf over there but be careful.

Misora took some of the books and carry them to shelf.

Luna then thought of something devious, she threw on of the bears on the floor to Misora's way.

Misora then trips on it and fell on the floor spilling th books.

Luna: Oh my how unfortunate of you Misora. Ms Hoshikawa did tell you to be careful.

Misora glared at Luna but did not say a word. She the pick the books up and continue.

Luna: I'm done Ms. Hoshikawa is there anything I can do for you.

Akane: Ok then...uh you can put these pillows over there.

Luna: Why certainly.

As Luna was bringing the small pillows she suddenly slips on something. She then lands on the had floor while the pillows land safely on her.

Luna realized she slipped on a pen. but it didn't get there on its own.

Misora: Oh my that's some bad luck for you. I'll take care of this one.

Misora then picked up some of the pillows, but Luna didn't like the idea.

Luna; Excuse me but that's my job.

Misora: Sorry I thought you could use some help?

Luna: Why would I want your help.

Misora: In case you mess up.

Luna: No way!

Both then picked up all the pillows and rushed to put them on a table to see who could do it the fastest. Afterwards they sprint towards Akane.

Misora: Do you need any more help Ms-

Luna: I'll be more than happy to-

Misora: No I'd be willing to-

Luna: No me!

Misora: No you won't.

Akane was now worried as both of them are pushing each other off.

Akane: Excuse me girls, I really appreciate your help but I need to finish my work here. So if you please go outside for a while.

The two hotheads walked out both glaring at each other thinking the other is responsible for getting her booted.

Luna:(I've got to get that doll some how.)

Misora:(I'm not giving up I'll get it one way or another.)

Then both of them soon pondered on what to do next, then both had an idea and rushed off somewhere.

The next hour Akane had just finished fixing the store.

The door opened and the girls returned with something in their hands.

Misora/Luna: Hello Ms. Hoshikawa.

Akane: Oh hello again girls, uh what are you two here for now?

Misora: I bought you a special something.

Luna: I have a gift you can resist.

Misora place a strawberry short cake on the desk, while Luna placed a blueberry pie.

Akane: Oh my how nice uh.. I don't now which one to choose.

Misora: Pick mine its one of the best there is.

Luna: No mine is classic and tasteful.

Misora: Gee how dramatic, its just blueberries covered in whip cream.

Luna: Yeah well...yours is just 9 strawberry and 92 sugar.

Thw two girls are now stare shooting sparks from their eye's Akane had to act quick knowing this could turn it to a CF.

Akane: Excuse me girls but are you here to buy something or not.

Misora; Oh I do!

Misora picked up a basket and started randomly picking out stuff.

Luna: Oh no you won't.

Luna did the same thing and rush around the store.

A minute later both girls got almost one item in the shop.

Now come the final round, who get to the counter first.

Misora and Luna then rushed to it like it was track race, in the end...


Misora got first.

After paying for the stuff. Both seem to almost forgot why they bought all these item that they don't even need.

Akane: Well girls I thank you for shopping here, and for yourpatronage I'm giving both of you a special free gift item.

Akane handed out two rockman dolls.

Both soon remembered again and grabbed one of them.

Misora/Luna: Yeah.

Misra: Wait I thought you said there's only one left?

Akane: Oh I found one more left in storage.

Luna: Well ok good day Ms Hoshikawa.

Misora: I hope to see you again.

Akane: Come again girls.

Akane: Wow I should make more of these.

Outside Misora and Luna took of in seperate ways.

Arriving in thier homes they soon cuddled their prized doll which they had fought over for.

Luna: Rockman-sama...

Misora: Subaru...

-The End.