Wesker and Claire had been on the road for three days now, each mile rolled by in silence. They rarely spoke, Claire would pretend to sleep in the passanger seat while Wesker stayed beside her leading them to this elaborate 'plan' that was in the making.

What could he be planning now? He has been so…anti social. He hasn't screwed with me or mocked me in three days! Claire acted like she was just waking up, and stretched. He companion made no move that said he acknowledged her presence. Claire turned her face to the window and surveyed the surroundings. The sky was clearing up from a bad storm the night before. She recalled torrents of rain smashing on the black car, robbing her of rest. They seem to be heading to a city, a cluster of tall buildings shadowed ahead.

"Don't you ever sleep?"

Wesker kept face forward, and Claire wasn't sure he even heard her, until he answered.

"As a matter of fact yes dear, I do. When I am worn out, I require rest. My endurance and hightened power causes me to need it less."

Claire looked ahead of them, shivering. It frighten her that while she slept, Wesker just sat there…so close.

"Lucky for you, three nights if staring at roads and concentrating on my goals have at least tired my mind if not my body. I am going to stop at a lodging soon so I can rest."

"You mean a hotel?" For the first time in three days, Wesker turned and looked at her, with a devilish grin. "Correct Miss Redfield."

She felt a compelling need to smile back, but fought it. "You know, you don't have to call me Miss Redfield."

"Why not? Do you think we're becoming close enough to exchange first names now?"

"No, it just doesn't suite me, therefore I do not like it. Not to mention you say my last name with brimming venom." Wesker turned back and nodded.

"Ah, I see."

The car was silent again for the next hour. The small but cluttered city was tall and overpopulated, in need for some breathing space. In the silent time, Claire focused her thoughts on Chris. She had tried her hardest not to think about him, for it would only make her eyes water. So she directed her mind to Leon. How many times had Jill or Rebecca teased her about him? Though Leon was extremely good looking, he was nothing more then her good friend. She experienced her worst with him by her side, and forever, that would bind their paths. But then the thought of Leon ailed her. Claire wondered idoly if she would see any of her friends again, or if Wesker would somehow prevent that. Claire had been in a daze when Wesker halted the car with a swift stop. She shook her head and glanced around.

"We've arrived Claire. If I unlock the door, I assume you won't dash down the street?"

"I wouldn't give you the pleasure of seeing me escape, only the feeling of when you don't find me where you left me."

"Adorable Claire, you think escape is so easy." Wesker chuckled.

"Hmmm, I don't like the way you say my name either, maybe we should go back to Miss Redfield." Wesker unlocked the door and Claire got out in unison with him. People leasurly passed by like it was a normal day, though for them…it was. By surprise, Claire yelped when Wesker took her hand and led her to the entrance of the hotel. It was a small inconspiculous little place, cheap and of little assests. Her heart was racing in her chest with each step. The way Weskers hand felt in hers, the moment it intertwined with hers, was amazing. She felt like she were back in high school, and the boy she flirted with finally made a move and took her hand. Except this was Albert Wesker, this was her enemy. Yet Claire trembled beside him, less afraid of him then what he had evoked in her. The elderly man at the desk looked up from his book and smiled.

"Afternoon, how may I help you two?" Wesker spoke, sounding confident and casual.

"We need a room for the night." The man nodded and wrote something on a clipboard. "We're almost booked, you two are a lucky pair for getting here when you did. Upstaires we have a one bed room, cheap and little furnished, it that alright?" Claire's eyes went wide. "Uh isn't there…a two bedroom place?" Wesker squeezed her hand terribly tight, shutting her up. "Please excuse her, she's feeling ill, and hopes not to get me sick." The man nodded and clasped his hands, ready to engage in conversation. "She's quite a pretty girl, you take good care of her now, gals like her don't come by the pick." Claire shuddered inside when Wesker smiled at him. "Oh trust me sir, she is well taken care of. I won't even allow her out of my sight."


Chris Redfield looked down at the twin graves with shame. His handsome face was bowed, and his features seem to screw togather in an attempt not to break down.

"I'm sorry...I tried, I really did."

Chris in all his years without his parents, never went to their graves without Claire. It was something they did togather, so if one lost composure, the other could lend a dry shoulder. But Claire wasn't there, she had been gone for what seemed like years.

"I promised to take care of her, and I screwed up..I'm so sorry dad, and mom. So so sorry."

Chris threw down his crutchs that held him up and limped his way so that he was between the two tombstones. Halfway, he fell to his knees and lost it. He hit the ground with his powerful fists, wishing it were Wesker he attacked. Why Claire? Why his baby sister? She never had anything to do with this.

Footsteps crunched autumn leaves as they approached the fallen Chris, and after a moment, he looked back. Leon Kennedy stopped beside Chris and kneeled down, putting a confiding hand on his friends back.

"Take a good look Kennedy, this is what a fallen man looks like." Chris growled.

"Drop the woe is me act Redfield. Take your damn crutches and come on, I've been searching for you for almost an hour man."

Leon grinned and reached for the crutch, helping Chris put it under his arm.

"Thanks Leon, I kinda need the shit talked out of me."

Chris unsteadily stood and grinned back.

"Yeah well, you put too much on yourself. " Leon argued.

Chris took his other crutch, grimacing at the pain.

"Yeah well, take guilt where its due..."