And now, by popular request, the sequel to the original Military Science! Enjoy! Oh, and before I forget to mention, this story begins in the June of 2007. So yeah, it happened in the past. Deal with it. Plus, all political figures, stances, and international debaccles of our world are currently irrelavent in this fic unless I specifically state it and all political references and views made by characters may or may not reflect my own political views. Now, without furhter ado, let's start the show.

Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron. Period. Now, pretend that this little message existed in every chapter after this so I don't have to write it again.

Military Science II: Total War

Produced by: Imperial Fiction (formerly Naraku's Reincarnation)

Chapter 1:

You Only Die Twice

"I used to be a scientist and in some ways, I still am. But name one scientist, one doctor, one nobel prize winner who has ever fired a gun, saved the universes, or killed someone?" Jimmy Neutron, N-12

The soft chirps of crickets outside of the house that she had resided in for the last 5 years kept Cynthia 'Cindy' Aurora Vortex, 17, from getting any sleep. However, even if they weren't there, Cindy wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways. She looked at the ceiling in her room, or rather the room of her boyfriend James 'Jimmy' Isaac Neutron, also 17 but 18 in about a month. Cindy always took a secret comfort in snuggling up in her love's bedsheets whenever he was gone on a 'business' trip.

It may sound odd to some people when they think of Jimmy, a boy genius that was nearly 18, being ona business trip. In reality, 'business trip' was easier to imagine as opposed to assassination as Jimmy was doing now. You see, Jimmy was an Enforcer, a personally employed soldier of God Almighty and he has been for the last 5 years ever since the war that changed everything that they had known as normal.

The Human-Yolkian War, as it had been called around Retroville, hadn't claimed as many lives of people in their universe of N-12 as it had from their ally universe W-12, but the effects as far as Cindy was concerned were still as devastating. She had lost her mother to the war, who, along with the rest of the adults in Retroville, TX, had been taken as prisoners and hostages by a revised League of Villains, the leaders of which were dead, for the most part anyways. The body of Eustace Strych III had never been located, but it had been assumed that he has died by now, either by asphyxiation, dehydration, starvation, or immolation within the atmosphere of some random star.

Cindy turned to look around Jimmy's room, since renovated as he grew out of his boyhood days. During his midlife crisis, Jimmy's father, Hugh Neutron, had knocked down the wall seperating his son's room and the guest room where Cindy was allowed to stay, thus creating a type of second master room using the two. His wife was, of course, enraged, but the damage was done and she gave Cindy a deviously approving glance that still gave Cindy shivers to this day.

Jimmy's room was thus larger than it had been when they were younger. His single bed had been turned into a queen-sized bed, Cindy's own bed adjacent to it with a nightstand inbetween them like the configuration of beds in a hotel might be. Goddard, who had since aged and was approaching its decommisioning stage in life, sadly enough, slept in a corner of the room nearby where Jimmy's office and computer desk was.

She glanced at the clock at the nightstand which read 9:52. School had been out for a good few weeks and she had graduated as the salutatorian of her graduating high school class at Retroville High School with Jimmy, of course, being the valedictorian. However, due to his work and because of his already superhuman genius, Jimmy had also graduated as a valedictorian from Yale University using their online program.

She glanced at his two diplomas which he had framed and displayed proudly over his computer desk. There in a case also hung several of his Enforcer operationaland campaign ribbons along with various medals. There were two Medals of Honor, aDistinguished Service Cross, anda few Purple Hearts. However, displayed above them all was the Nobel Prize for Science which he had received earlier this yearfor his invention of the hybrid hovercar, the first in its kind. Currently, several Japanese and German automobile manufacturers were trying to outbid the other for the right to develop Jimmy's creation which could change the world indefinitely. No offer had ever lasted for more than a few seconds before being topped by another offer. As of that afternoon, the highest bid was from Nissan for 950.4 million dollars.

Unable to sleep, she finally gave up on trying and sat up in the bed and turned on the TV. Seeing as it was late night and didn't really feel like watching the usual late night sex, violence, and drug-related programming that came on at that time of the day, she turned to CNN.

Ralph Turner, the current CNN corresponder after the last one died after a long fight with pancreatic cancer, was reporting on the ever-popular War in Iraq, started by the also ever-popular President Haywood, the Arkansas congressman some still believe to have rigged the entire election.

"-as Iraqi Prime Minister al-Zalid-Ahmed-Admedinehjad prepares to greet the Iranian Prime Minister Mahmoud Hisham as the Middle East Peace Talks continue." He then motioned for the screen behind him to change, this one showing a Chinese Communist flag flying behind the Olympics Logo.

"Great, more about the Beijing Olympics," Cindy muttered as she continued to watch. She failed to hear the sound of a car door slamming outside.

"As the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics draw closer, just a year away, domestic and international concern for the alledged Chinese nuclear weapons program continues to strengthen as China refuses to admit yet another UN Weapons Inspector, this time saying that the region he was asking to inspect has had a recent outbreak of the Avian Flu and has been recently quarantined. This has in turn sparked countless more feelings of concern for the Olympics Committee's choice on having China as the host country, now partly for the pollution and disease commonly found in Chinese urban areas while the rest is due to the alledged nuclear weapons program."

"Nukes?" Cindy muttered as the image on screen changed to show a montage of pictures of missiles, tanks, soldiers, and Chinese political figures. "That can't be good..." Then, she finally heard the sounds of boots coming up the stairs. She turned off the TV and quickly ran towards the window. Verifying the car, she then hid beside the doorway.

A couple of minutes passed before the door opened. She then wheeled around and tackled the person that had opened the door to the ground, lips pressed firmly onto his. She pulled away to look at Jimmy's crystal blue eyes. He chuckled, her heart soaring as she heard his deep, mature voice once again. "Why don't you greet me like that when I come home every day?"

She rolled her eyes as she aligned her body with his, lying on top of him, feeling the toned muscled chest and abdomen that his dress shirt and sportscoat hid from her and that she secretly longed to see up close. "Because you don't save the universes from destruction everyday. How'd the hit go?"

He grunted as he picked her up bridal style and carried her to their bed. Adopting a fake Italian accent, he said in a slow drawl stereotypical of Mafioso, "Eh, the guy was asking for it. Nukes, drug peddling for said nukes, slavery, and a decent science program. Wanted to blow up the Earth, can you believe that? And then he wanted to rule the universe from his orbital platform. What a shmuck. Anyways, God wanted me to teach the little prick a lesson so I got in there, grabbed him by the collar and blew his fucking brains out all over hisnice ivy league suitand bada-bing, bada-boom, I just scored 100 big ones."

She rolled her eyes as she slapped him playfully. "You know I hate it when you swear. It doesn't fit you. It makes you look so... bad!"

He chuckled again and she felt the powerful vibrations of his chest as she pressed herself tightly against him. "But you love me when I'm bad."

She smiled as he put her on the bed and turned around to slip off his sportscoat and hang it in the closet. "Yeah, but I love you when you behave, too." He then slipped out the M9 Enforcer service pistol from his shoulder holster, which he also hung in the closet, took out the ammunitition magazine, unloaded the round in the barrel, put the loose bullet back into the magazine, and put all the pieces onto the nightstand.

He simply grunted as he slipped off his dress shirt and threw it into the laundry hamper along with the undershirt below it, leaving Cindy to gaze at his finely toned, lean, muscled back before turning around to show the same finely toned, lean, muscled torso and abs. "I'm gonna go shower when you finish deciding whether or not to mount me right now."

She blushed and threw a pillow at him. "You need to stop spending so much time with Sheen! He's warping your mind."

He grinned as he sat next to her on the bed and kissed her chastely on the lips. "Fine, have it your way."He got up and unbuckled his belt slowly. "My parents leave us a message while I was gone?" His parents had left to visit his mom's stepsister who had come down with HIV in Canada the day before which was precisely the time when Jimmy had to leave to the other universe to take care of his Enforcer work, which he started to see less of after their graduation. Cindy, on the other hand, hadn't even seen a single assignment since the end of the war.

Cindy nodded. "They said they'd be back from Canada in a week and that they missed us and were sorry we couldn't go."

"You could've gone without me," he said as he threw his slacks in the laundry hamper, grabbed a fresh sleeveless T-shirt from his drawer and walked over to the bathroom that was attached to their room. "I would've just asked EIS to beam me into Vancouver." EIS stood for the Enforcer Insertion Sytem that Enforcer rapid assault agents used to successfully infiltrate and exfiltrate an operational zone. It was also what the lazier Enforcers used to get back home as opposed to walking or driving.

"One," Cindy said as her eyes followed him as he walked across the room, "they're in Ontario. Two, I couldn't stand being far away from you."

"But I wasn't even here for the last two days," he replied as he entered the bathroom and began to brush his teeth.

Cindy smiled as she got out of the bed, her spaghetti-strap tanktop and boxer shorts the only thing that she wore that particular summer night, and went over to the bathroom to hug Jimmy from behind as he brushed his teeth. "But I still feel you around here. It's easier for me to be in here than anywhere else because it's like part of you stays here to look after me."

He smiled before spitting out a gab of foamy toothpaste and rinsed his mouth clean. He then pulled Cindy into another kiss. "You've been reading too many romance novels."

She ignored his comment and licked her lips as they pulled away. "Mmm, minty," she murmured as emerald met cerulean. They stood there for a little while before her nose detected the smell of dried blood, gunpowder, and fire. "Ugh, Enforcer work. Get into the shower, Big Brain, you need it."

Jimmy smiled in reminiscent glee of his old nickname from their childhood which Cindy had since turned into a personal pet name for him. "Get to bed Vortex, I'll be back in there in 5."

"Better make it 10," Cindy called back as she left the bathroom and went to the bed that they usually shared even though Cindy had a bed of her own.

Indeed it was 10 minutes before Jimmy finally exited the shower, his short-cut, brown hair a slightly soggy mess on top of his head and the parts of his body that his undershirt and boxers didn't hide were still slightly wet. "Wait long?" He couldn't help but feel like an egotistical jackass as he watched her oggle his body for its every curve. Ever since he had begun his work as an Enforcer, he had been forced to increase his physique a bit to keep up with the other Enforcers and to do his job right to so the universes could stay safe. As a result, he had the delight of watching his girlfriend eyeball him with lust and love as he purposely waltzed towards her with movie slowness. "Cindy?"

Cindy shook her head slightly to free her mind of the more perverse thoughts. "Huh?"

"I said, did you wait long?" Jimmy repeated as he climbed into bed and brought her close to him in a loving embrace.

Cindy sighed as she rested her head against his chest like she had done so many times before. "It was worth the wait," she muttered. "I love you." Finally, she had fallen asleep. Jimmy joined her a few minutes after.

Outside of the window, neither of them had noticed the presence of a figure cloaked in shadow. The figure was perched on a tree branch with a katana strapped to its back and the robes of a Japanese ninja adorning it. The ninja scanned the area to make sure that the coast was clear before it dropped down from its perch. It went over to Jimmy's hovercar and planted a small device under the front seat. Then, it disappeared into the night, awaiting a chance to report to its master.

"-has finally admited a UN Weapons Inspector into the country, US Ambassador to China Robert Hong said to CNN earlier this morning," Ralph Turner said. Jimmy watched the developing news story with a morbid fascination as he had been doingfor the pasttwo days since his return from P-93. The universe was a mostly modern one compared to a few others he had been to, but the objective was the same: arrive, shoot something, leave.

Ever since his first kill back in the Human-Yolkian War, he had never felt a single bit of remorse in the kills afterwards. As his mentor, a Chinese politician from W-12, had once said, "These are bad people. That's all you have to know. They wanna blow up the Earth and you wanna blow off their heads, so when it comes down to the last shootout, you gotta remember tokill them before theykill you."

Jimmy reclined in the family couch with his M9 pistol in front of him, disassembled partially. He slapped the ammo magazine into the receptor and pulled back on the slide to cock it and load a bullet in the barrel. "Will you not do that in the living room? It's kinda... contradicting." He looked over to the kitchen where Cindy was working on a laptop. Like Jimmy, she had also taken up taking online college classes. She, however, was taking them from the University of Texas Medical Center to get a degree in internal medicine.

He rolled his eyes and put the gun on the coffee table. "I got a text from Central. Things are heating up in the Council and I might be sent in again while the babies are arguing." He was referring to, of course, the Enforcer High Council ofwhich the heads of all known Enforcer leaders made up. They were the Enforcer equivalent of the US Senate and argued twice as much as its counterpart.

"Oh, what are they arguing about now?" Cindy asked as she looked up from her work.

Jimmy shrugged. "Eh, T-19 is requesting some help in their civil war. They're getting their butts handed to them, but since it isn't a Earth-destroying war, no nukes or WMDs, some of the Council doesn't want to approve help. Can you believe that?'

She sighed. "I can't understand why warriors of God would let universal rivalries keep them from helping people."

He nodded. "It's ridiculous." He turned his attention back to the TV.

"-Premeir Yi Gaojian has expressed his concerns that the United States wants to start a war with the People's Republic of China. In a press release yesterday, Premeir Yi is quoted as saying, 'We do not wish to fight a war with our greatest trade partner and ally, but we cannot be held accountable for defending ourselves should the need arise.' President Haywood is scheduled to deliver a rebuttal this afternoon."

Jimmy checked his watch. "Looks like we might miss it." He turned off the TV and picked up the keys to his newest model of hovercar, modeled after a Mercedes-Benz. "Come on, we're gonna belate to church." Ever since the end of the war, Jimmy had become an increasingly religious person, half because now he knew the truth of the universe and half because he felt guilty for having to kill all those people that he had to kill. He had become a born-again Christian, though not exactly a devout and strict one, and attended the Catholic church in downtown Retroville, St. Abraham's Cathedral. Despite his renewed faith, he insisted on carrying a gun with him everywhere nowadays, in case Enforcer business demanded he leave immediately. He slipped his M9 into his shoulder holster and slipped a sportscoat over it to conceal it.

Cindy saved her work and shut down the laptop. "Alright, I wanted to go talk to Libby anyways. I haven't seen her in days."

As they walked out of the house and stood in front of the garage, Jimmy replied, "I thought you would've had time to talk to her while I was away?"

She shook her head as Jimmy went to his convertible-hovercar in the drive way and hopped in. "Too much school work. Professor Lowenstein wants us to write an essay concerning the use of radiation therapy on cancers and the pros and cons of it. As if the answer wasn't already obvious." She then snapped her fingers. "Ah, I forgot my purse."

Jimmy rolled his eyes as he started the engine. Then, his mind froze. Something didn't feel right. In his long service to God and all subordinate gods under him, he had begun to develop a sixth sense for danger and ambushes which he trusted with his life, the end result usually saving him from getting killed. Now, he felt that same sense of dread again.

Without even thinking, he set the hovercar on cruise control and set it to ascend before bailing out of the car. When he hit the ground, he covered himself for an explosion and the debris that would follow. Seconds passed and he thought he was being paranoid. He was about to stand up when a terrible explosion ripped through the peaceful ambience of his suburban neighborhood. He felt the sting of hot metal pepper him as parts of his hovercar rained down on him.

Cindy ran outside, her .38special revolver held at the ready. She looked around and saw no immediate threat before noticing Jimmy on the ground. She ran over to him while he began to get up. "Jimmy!"

Jimmy groaned as he jumped to his feet and unholstered his M9, scanning the area with it. "Did you see anything?"

"No," Cindy reported as she watched a large chunk of flaming metal crash into the street. "We need to talk to Sheen and Libby."

He nodded. "Go get them and have them come over to our house. I'll schedule a meeting with the Council. I think the Enforcers have been discovered. If those idiots are smart, they'll send a clean-up crew to look into this." And they parted, Cindy to Libby's house and Jimmy to his backyard and into his old lab and clubhouse, since turned into his Enforcer office.

Meanwhile, the same figure in black from last night lay hidden in the shadows of an oak tree, observing the scene. It swore sharply in Japanese before disappearing. Its master would not be pleased.

A young man, just barely a few months over 18, sat in fine European robes within the confines of a Oriental estate in the Shangri-La Valley in the southeast of China. A servant girl bowed to him before pouring him his night tea. He was waiting for a status report from his 'business' assosciate's field agent who was operating in America, where it would be roughly 11 AM.

The young man nodded his thanks to the servant girl and dismissed her with a weak wave of the hand. Despite his age, he himself felt very old. For the last 5 years, a little over that in fact, he had been confined to a wheel chair due to a spinal injury he had received due to a bullet wound he had received in his youth. He was now paralyzed from the waist down and suffered immense fits of pain that appeared at random intervals.

His pale skin was a rich contrast to his cunning blue eyes. His brown hair was cleanly combed back and his buck teeth was not as bucked as it was in his youth. A Smith and Wesson .44 revolver sat in his lap. He pressed forward on the control stick on his wheel chair arm that allowed it to move and traversed through his Chinese business assosciate's estate.

After several minutes of moving through the estate, he came across an elevator. He got on it and reached out to touch the button for the basement. Though the above ground portion of the estate looked like a finely preserved ancient Chinese mansion, the underground part of the estate was much more modern. And more sinister.

He got off of the elevator after it stopped. The sounds of shurikens piercing their their targets as well as the sounds of bullets doing the same were a beautiful symphony to his ears. Or rather, ear. Like his spinal injury, he had also received severe damage to one of his ears when he was younger ataround theexact same time as his spinal injury, the two deformities occuring roughly 30 minutes apart of each other.

As he wheeled past the firing range booths, men in black garbs stopped and bowed before returning to their training. He finally arrived at his own booth, privately set aside for him. With a renewed strengh, he aimed the .44 down the range at the specially crafted target. He pulled the trigger once, then twice, then three more times until the .44's bullets had all been used. He pressed a nearby button to call the target back.

Though the five .44 caliber bullet holes had done immense damage to the head, which was where he was aiming, the identity of the figure embodied onto the target was still identifiable. It was the image of Jimmy Neutron, who had left him with the spinal injury and left him subjugated to a life of pain and misery. Worst of all, he had stopped the development of his grandest scheme of all for unlimited global power.

But the plans were safe, thanks to him, the man thought as he tossed the target aside and wheeled away, back towards the elevator. "Soon, Jimmy," he said, his voice raspy yet clearly accented with an elegant Queen's English, "you will get yours. Oh you will get yours indeed."

Before he reached the elevator, he was stopped by a very angelic voice that he had come to love and lust after. Despite its beauty, the message it carried to him was anything but wanted. "Our agent just reported in. Neutron evaded the explosion. Now he's probably going to try and get some back up from his friends. His other friends."

He wheeled around as the woman approached him, mature, full hips swaying as she walked towards him. Her ebony black hair flowed freely down her back, a black one-piece suit wrapping every curve of her body. She sat down on his lap and kissed him on his lip. However, he was too angry to return it. "Then have our agent follow him when he goes to meet them. I want all of them to pay. Every single one of them."

"And then?" the woman said as she straddled him and he rolled towards the elevator.

The man smiled as the elevator doors closed behind them. "The world is ours."

The Afterthought:

Author: It's here! Military Science II is here! It's here! It's here!

Jimmy: (Hits Author upside the head) Alright, alright, we get it!

Cindy: And you had to open up the story with an explosion, huh?

Author: I blame my watching War too many times. You know, War, starring Jet Li and Jason Stathem? In stores now? Go buy it and watch 'cause it's kickass awesome?

Jimmy: You do know that they're not paying you for advertising stuff on here, right?


Jimmy: You're an idiot, you know that?

Author: Shaddup! (Throws Jimmy over a guard rail)

Cindy: Ugh, so what's the whole plot of this story anyways? It's starting to look like a James Bond movie

(A band begins to play the James Bond theme. The whole James Bond bullet scenes starts out and Jimmy walks in. He turns around to shoot at the camera that's following him but misses several times. Ends up charging and pistol whips the camera.)

Author: You asked for it

Emily: Big bro, are you high?

Author: Nope, I'm just drunk.

Jimmy: Terrific. Hey, where's Shaojia?

Author: ... Um...

Jimmy: You didn't kill him, did you?

Author: No...

Crazy Girl From VA: I did!

Jimmy: Who are you?

Crazy Girl From VA: Someone who's going to kill you if you ask me another question

Author: Relax, gang, she's the new help. Gang, Wendy. Wendy, the typewriter monkeys

Shaojia: For the last time, we are not typewriter monkeys!

Author: (To Wendy) I thought you killed him

Wendy: Yeah, me too (throws Shaojia over a railing)

Cindy: Well, there's the Afterthought

Jimmy: I kinda missed this

Wendy: (Shotputs a fire extinguisher at Jimmy's head) New cast member!