My Girl Friend


Michiko Kaori

Summary: Uchiha Sasuke was born in a filthy rich family. He almost has everything. The handsome face, the physique, the brains, the charisma and the girls adoring him. Everything but the girl that he loves; his best friend Haruno Sakura.

A/N: Hey guys, Kaori's back, back again. :) Anyway, I want you guys to hear me out. The reason why I've not updated is because I lack inspiration. I mean, it's not that I don't appreciate your reviews, but I've noticed that though a lot have already added this to their alerts and favorites and such, not a lot have told me what they like about the story; what they didn't like and what they think I should improve on. I may have all the favorites in the world, but reviews are just not the same. I want to be able to see what you guys want to see, what I have to do to reach your satisfaction. I love everyone who welcomed me with open arms to the fandom, and I hope you continue to do so. You guys are my inspiration. :)

You are warned, this chapter is somewhat forced because I have no idea how I should write this chapter. As well as OCC-ness. Specially Sauce-kay-kun. :)

Temari closed the door behind her and let her eyes wander around the said room. Her brother had been doing a tremendous job keeping his room up and running. Though he was already dispatched from Shukaku and was already able to sleep regularly, everything in his room was in order. Begging to differ from his older brother, Kankurou. The wind mistress approached the seat across from another and a coffee table. She sighed before sitting then locked her attention to the Kazekage who sat—reading on his bed.

"Gaara, I have some matters to discuss with you." She started; fiddling with her fingers. Gaara, who just shut his book, turned his attention to his sister. He raised a non-existent brow at her. Why was she so nervous? He somehow reminded her of Sakura, but the thing was Temari had known Gaara all his life. And in all of his sixteen years of living, he never witnessed his sister looking so—dare I say—flustered.

He rose from the bed, leaving the book, and approached the seat that stood athwart to his sister's and sat down.

"What is it?" He asked. Silence enveloped the room until a deep sigh was released by Temari and soon spoke.

"It's about what happened in dinner." She started. Almost instantaneously, Gaara's body jump slightly. He was trying to avoiding that matter. Oh this is bad. "I noticed that when Sakura called you 'Gaara-kun' you didn't hit her. You didn't even react at all!"

At this point, Temari's voice rang in the room; her hands waving in the air. She looked at her ever stoic brother. She was furious. It wasn't that she wanted Gaara to hurt Sakura physically, it's just that Gaara never let anyone call him that; not even her! When his student, Matsuri, unconsciously called him that, she harbored a scratch on the face. It wasn't that she didn't want Gaara to get close to another person besides her and Kankurou; she was just worried that if he let Sakura in his heart, she may break it. Again, it wasn't that she didn't trust Sakura; she was one of her friends after all. But she knew for a fact that Sakura keeps a special place for someone in her heart.

And unfortunately, it didn't belong to Gaara.

Gaara almost flinched at his sister's question. He had been avoiding this all night. He knew he shouldn't have let her off the hook. He knew he shouldn't have let his guard down; she was just an acquaintance for Kami's sake! And yet, he can't help but like how his name rolled off her tongue. It felt so good and yet so wrong. His name being said by her sounded so melodious to him. As though an angel sent from Heaven said it…

…Oh Kami, he's becoming poetic because of her!

"Gaara? Is there something wrong?" Temari asked as she waved a hand in front of the red head's face; drawing him out of his reverie. Gaara blinked, but soon regained composure.

"I-I'm fine." He stated. Temari's lips curved downwards; though she might not know why Gaara had suddenly dozed off into space, she was very positive he was deep in thought.

"So answer the question."




"She—" Before he could even answer his sister's question, the lights suddenly went off.

Sasuke was in his bed, his arms draped over his clothed stomach. His obsidian orbs were locked on the white-coated ceiling; as if drilling a hole in it. He sighed. He never should've done that to Sakura. He shouldn't have gone beyond their comfort zone; it left him yearning for her even more. That very moment that he hugged her so close to his body was so addicting…

The Uchiha sighed. He shouldn't be thinking of her like this, they were supposed to be friends. Just friends. He can't want to be something more, he might scare her away. Sakura had been watching him from afar since their childhood, and in their genin days, he treated her so bad. But even so, he wants to be near her. Just her presence near him was enough to give him satisfaction. He was determined to mend her heart; he wanted to be the one to put that smile on her face. He wanted to be the one to bring happiness in her life. Though seeing as she was greatly affected—emotionally—by his betraying of Konoha, he wouldn't be surprised if she turned him down.

He caused her so much turmoil, he felt so disgusted with himself to feel for that same girl.

It wasn't that he didn't think Sakura was a great person, terrific in fact. It was because he felt like he was lusting over her. He felt like some tramp. He felt selfish for wanting her; guilty even. Sakura was no toy; she wasn't some Barbie doll who he could just take whenever he wanted.


Sakura was a living, breathing woman.

He can't lust over her!

But he wasn't yearning for her because he lusted over her; no it was more than that. Lust is just a partial ingredient; it's just an added spice to make a partnership heat up, but it doesn't make a relationship what it is. Love is the food itself. It's what the two people in the relationship yearn for, if lust was all there is to it, it wouldn't give the same satisfaction as love will. And—

—Why is he even comparing love to food? He's starting to sound like Chouji for Kami's sake! He wasn't some weirdo who is mentally retarded and a psychotic moron who is obsessed with food! He's—

Oh crap.

Did the lights just go off?

Sakura entered the bathroom to do her nightly cleansing. She approached the tub and twisted the knob to release the water. She reached to the streaming water, simultaneously twisting the knob to adjust the temperature. Once Sakura decided it was fine she let it run, adding a substance and watched it bubbles aerate till it was almost filled to the brim. Discerning it had, she shed her clothing—letting it fall shabbily on the bathroom tiled floor—and let the warm water engulf her being.

She sighed pleasurably, closing her eyes to savor the feeling rushing through her veins. Oh dear Kami, how long has it been since she had a bath this good? It must've been so long since to her, the feeling was so foreign to her. Due to her tight schedule in the hospital, she hardly had any time to have a long body cleansing. It would only ever take her roughly ten minutes; she hardly had time to put as much hair-care products on her pink-tresses! Even Neji had better hair than her! Heck—probably even Naruto!

Well, maybe not Naruto but maybe Sasuke.


Sakura raised head, her verdant greens looking at the ceiling; slightly harboring a blind spot when her gaze fell on the fluorescent light. She retreated her eyes; letting her gaze fall on her hands that were unconsciously moving about.

Instantaneously, she felt her cheeks heat up and her heart beat tenfold.

What was it about the mention of Sasuke making her so flustered? Why was it that her voice quivered whenever the question if they are dating rose from nowhere? They were friends aren't they? Wasn't this supposed to be taboo? It's… just not right to hold feelings that are one-sided. That should've gone through that thick head of hers and sunk deep into her mind. And yet, it refused to sink like the Titanic.

Why was it so hard to throw away these feelings? Why was it so hard not to think about Sasuke, even for one second? She would hate to see themselves imitate the happenings of four years ago, back when they were still naïve twelve year-olds. At that time, Sakura thought the equation was a hard pill to swallow, concrete even.

Sasuke Uchiha (Him… SQUEEE!) + Sakura (Me… Yay!) Heartbreak (Oh… Damn it.)

She sighed.


It was a word that seemed all too familiar to her. Sakura deemed that she had no time for such cliché romances. She was a nurse, a kunoichi. She had to think of the lives of others; and not hopeful encounters with her best friend. Had she not remembered the famous maxim?

If you are a friend to the person who holds your heart, it is best not to be too forward. For in worst case scenarios, you both will never stand on the same ground that you are on right now.

"Hell yeah I remember that…" Sakura said to herself. She hugged her knees close to her unclothed body; resting her chin or her knees as she stared at the wall facing her. "And yet…"

'It keeps you wanting more?' Her inner finished for her. Outer nodded. She was confused, confused of what to do. Her chest was writhing just the thought of losing Sasuke if she even dared to step in his personal space. They were friends, yes, and the best even. But there were still matters they never discussed. For instance, they never mentioned anything about Sakura's feelings for him back in the years, or if she still harbored those emotions; not even one word about it. But I guess it was best left unspoken.

'Are you admitting that you like Sauce-kay-kun then?' Her inner asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. At that moment, Sakura's head shot up; the shade of her face putting her hair's color to utter shame.

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean?!" She exclaimed slightly, looking flustered than ever. Had her thoughts reflected a tacit emotion for the young Uchiha? Had her ponderings implied something? Why was she even replaying that 'moment' they had in the hallway?

Oh. My. Kami.

Was she still in love with Sauce-kay—I mean Sasuke?


The lights went out.

The sand siblings rushed out of Gaara's room with flashlights in hand. Gaara went to Sasuke's room—reluctantly of course. He would never do anything for that stinking bastar—ahem, watch your mouth dearest Kazekage; of course after a few lecturing of Temari. While she, came to fetch Sakura. Soon enough, after a short exchange incoherent words, the two males went to Sakura's room. That is, they had planned to.

Only one problem, the door was locked.

Seeing as Temari was still in the dim hallway, pounding and pleading for Sakura to unlock her door.

"Where's Sakura?" Sasuke and Gaara asked in unison. The two males glanced at each other after realizing they had, and then back to whom they asked; as if on a comical scene. Temari stifled a giggle and held back the urge to say "Someone's getting over-protective." But found that they were in no situation to do so.

"I kept on knocking on her door, but she hadn't unlocked it yet." Temari answered then stepped slightly to the side then continued her sentence. "Can maybe one of you open the door or something?"

Without warning, the two boys faced her door; one of their shoulders directly at the said door. They backed themselves up a bit then charged to the mahogany door.

After the—erm—successful attempt to open her door, the wooden entrance to Sakura's room lay on her wooden floor with the two boys lying on top of it; groaning in pain as they rubbed their sore shoulders. From the hallway, Temari looked at the two boys and directed her flashlight on the foolish boys. Though it wasn't visible, Temari was twitching at Gaara and Sasuke's dim-wittedness.

"What I meant by that was for one of you to perform a transportation jutsu or something." Temari said firmly. But when she heard a simultaneous groan for them, she couldn't help but giggle. "But I guess that took care of that."

The blonde carefully made her way to Sakura's room, making sure she wasn't stepping on anything—or anyone at that. Sasuke and Gaara slowly stood up, dusting themselves before using their own flashlights and scanned for the missing—erm, medic-nin. Temari called softly but no matter where they looked, Sakura was nowhere to be found. This only left one possible place.

"She's in the bathroom." Temari stated, the two nodding in the darkness. Before they were able to do anything hasty, Temari instructed what they were to do with the matter. "Sasuke, can you go to Sakura?"

"Hn." Was the only response the youngest Uchiha gave before he performed hand signs.

Even in the darkness, Temari could feel the heat radiating behind her as her brother gave her one of his infamous 'Gaara glares'.

"What is it Gaara? Did you want to fetch Sakura?" Temari asked, her tone mocking yet suggestive. Gaara crossed her arms and grunted in annoyance.

"Don't be stupid." He said. When the lights illuminated the once dim room and all throughout the house, Temari was interrupted. They squinted their eyes slightly when the light hit their eyes, but their annoyance was replaced by curiosity when a shriek was heard in the bathroom.

As soon as Sasuke finished muttering the words that was along the lines of 'transportation' and 'jutsu', he found himself standing in a room that was quite steamy and smelled of fresh vanilla and strawberries. He found himself inhaling the scent that was such an intoxicating combination. He definitely knew that Sakura was in the said room. The fragrance of the strawberry shampoo Ino had given to her was present, as well as the aerated vanilla bubble bath substance he had given her for her birthday.

His eyes shot open when he remembered what he was in here for. His thumb was about to slide the switch to open the flashlight that he had previously turned off when before he performed the jutsu, but he found that he need not do so when the fluorescent light had shone in the room once more. His onyx eyes immediately searched for Sakura but his wandering eyes had come to a halt when he saw Sakura directly in front of him wearing nothing…

…but a towel covering her front!

"Sa-Sasuke…kun?" Sakura called, her face reddening tenfold. Sasuke felt his voice caught up in his throat as his eyes trailed on her body. Sakura's hair was damp and it clung to her wet and exposed neck. Her bare left arm had used a fluffy pink towel to cover her front but it was not draped around her because she hardly had time when she saw Sasuke in the room. It covered the—erm—things she wanted to cover, but Sasuke's eyes could still see her curves and her hips. Not to mention her mid-thigh down. Well, until her knees since she was still in the bath tub.

Oh. My. Kami.

Sasuke fought hard a nose bleed from happening. He was about to say something when Sakura interrupted him; rather, screamed.

"Sasuke-kun you pervert!"

And with that, Sasuke's vision blurred.

Kami hates me.

Sasuke felt his eyes flutter. His onyx orbs wandered around the room he occupied, sensing unfamiliarity. The bed he lay on felt softer and the color of the ceiling he was facing wasn't white, instead it was… pink. And what was it with this pink fury thing on his chest? Come to thing of it, his body felt deprived to move about. And the scent that filled the room was… different. It smelled of strawberries and vanilla.


Strawberries and vanilla…

…Strawberries and vanilla…

…Strawberries and vanilla…

Strawberries and vanilla…


Sasuke's eyed widened.

Oh crap.

Oh. My. Kami.

He was on Sakura's bed.

Not only that, she was on top of him!

Oh. Dear. God.

Sasuke felt himself freeze. What was he doing in her bed? With her on top no less? It left him confused. He knew he should gently push Sakura off of his body, but even so, he actually… liked the fact she was there. Her head on his chest, hugging one of his arms and a leg entangled in one of his own while the other was draped over his waist.

He was about to let himself lose unconsciousness when he felt her head rise from his heaving chest. He watched as Sakura's upper body came into his view, dispatching herself from the Uchiha; much to his dismay. He saw her raise a hand to probably rub the sleep off her eyes. But Sasuke's eyes widened when he saw Sakura's figure fade.

"Sakura?" He called but she was nowhere to be found. He sat up and looked around for the pink-haired kunoichi, but to no avail. "Sakura? Sakura?! SAKURA?!—"

Sasuke woke up in a start, breaking a few sweats as he panted heavily. He looked around the room he was in; it was the same room he was assigned to. When he looked to his left, he found himself staring into teal eyes. Not the green ones he was hoping to see.

It was Temari.

"Uchiha, are you okay? You looked like you were in the middle of a nightmare or something." Temari asked worriedly. Sasuke merely shook his head.

"Yeah. It's nothing." He said. "Temari, where's Sakura?"

She blinked at the Uchiha's sudden change of topic but regained her composure and replied firmly.

"Oh, she's eating breakfast downstairs with Gaara—" Before Temari could finish her sentence, Sasuke unwrapped himself from the navy blanket and ran down the wooden steps. He searched for the door that leads to the dining room. Soon, he found the same cream coated door and he twisted the copper knob.

He pushed it inwards and soon Gaara, who was sitting on one of the futons, while reading the newspaper, came into view. Sasuke panted heavily, fighting to catch his breath. He soon had steady breathings and was able to speak.

"Where's Sakura?" He said. As if on cue, Sakura came into the room; holding a few chopsticks. As soon as she saw Sasuke, a smile went on its way to Sakura's face.

"Ohayo, Sasuke-kun—" Before she could finish her sentence (Gosh, what is up with Sasuke not letting anyone finish their sentences this morning?), she found herself in a very tight—but not suffocating—hug from Sasuke. His strong, secure arms were wrapped around her shoulders; covering her nose but not high enough to block her vision. She could still clearly see what was behind Sasuke. Gaara was glaring at them, crumpling the newspaper he was previously reading. She was about to question him but all her attention had been drawn back when Sasuke spoke huskily as he buried himself in her pink tresses.

"Sakura, promise me you'll never leave me…" He said as he pulled them even closer; if it were even possible. Sakura felt her heart beat pick up its pace as her cheeks flushed. What was it about him that always made her do that every single time she felt… sincerity in his voice? What was it about him that always made her so flustered about how she appeared in his eyes? What was it about him that made her so jealous whenever he was with another woman?

"Sakura… promise me you'll never go away… promise me…" He asked his voice getting softer, and softer. Sakura felt tears prick her eyes. She buried her face in his clothed chest as she clutched the back of his shirt. Why she was doing this? Simply because she heard the vulnerability in Sasuke's words. His genuineness, his wanting for her never to leave him. That's when a possibility hit her.

"I promise… Sasuke-kun…"

Maybe she was still in love with him.

A/N: I'm sorry to end it like that. Teehee. I always leave it like that, don't I? Only one sentence before my author's notes. It's beyond my curfew hours, it's already two in the morning and I'm waaay too tired to proof-read. Oh yeah, that proverb is just made up. :)

Anyway, I know it was short, but I figured I should at least give you guys something to read from me. I love you all so much. If I committed a mistake, please let me know. :)

Tell me what you think! :)

Flames are accepted, reviews are appreciated, con-crits are loved. :)

-- M. Kaori