My Girl Friend


Michiko Kaori

Summary: Uchiha Sasuke was born in a filthy rich family. He almost has everything. The handsome face, the physique, the brains, the charisma and the girls adoring him. Everything but the girl that he loves; his best friend Haruno Sakura.

A/N: Yes! Another multi-chapter story. But don't worry; I wouldn't be deleting it unlike the last one. This story has no deadline which means I wouldn't be pressured as to finish it in a given time. This one can go on for months and even a year. That is, if I am contented and more importantly, if you're contented. I wouldn't want to write if no one is pleased now would I? Haha. Cliché as the plot may seem, please take a look at it! I am begging you, I really wanted to write this because it seemed fun.

Don't you find it quite funny when the person that you fall for doesn't even know that you existed but then you end up being best friends with him or her? Or when the person you care about the most doesn't notice how much you really love her or him? Ah, how did the generation become so oblivious to their surroundings and become so blinded? Well, we may never know.

A girl at about the age of sixteen walked in the streets of Konoha. Her short, pink tresses swayed step by step she took. Her green eyes twinkled as the bright ray of the sun reflected in it. She saw boys stare at her and grin at her mischievously. She held her beige bag closer to her as she saw a man cross paths with her.

"Hey cutie, why don't I take you out tonight? What do you say?" The man said to her as he grinned. She twitched inwardly. Her eyes examined him carefully.

'Hmm. Black eyes, stubble, messy chocolate brown hair, piercing on one ear, yellowish teeth, bad sense of fashion and more importantly, BAD BREATH.' Sakura's face scrunched when she finished examining the man in front of her.

'What the hell! Does he expect us to be that easy to please!' Inner Sakura thought.

"I'm sorry. But I have to be somewhere." Sakura replied snobbishly as she started walk away only to be stopped by his hand on her wrist. Sakura eyed it carefully, narrowing her eyes lightly then looked at him.

"You know, I know how to please a woman." He said as he neared himself towards Sakura in an attempt to seduce her. She was having just enough of him. But Sakura wasn't the type to let some fun pass so she rode along his charade.

"Really now..." She trailed off with a fake seductive voice and traced her finger on his jaw but soon pushed him. "Well then please me by leaving."

Sakura watched him fall hard on the cement covered ground. She smirked at her clever work.

'Go girl! Now finish him! We can't have your best friend waiting. You know how he gets. Hurry now and finish him!' Inner Sakura cheered. Sakura giggled to herself before proceeding to leave but was called once more by the persistent man who attempted to take her out on a date.

"C'mon! I can tell that you want me!" The man said proudly. Sakura gritted her teeth and turned around. She scanned the expression of the people and saw someone who caught her attention. He had hair that was a rich color of black and saw two beautiful onyx eyes that she knew so well. She winked at him before turning around to face the man who had just spoken to her.

"You know, I think you're right!" She said and walked towards the man and helped him get up. She watched the villagers' shocked expressions and gasps. "I want you..." She said seductively and wrapped an arm around the man and then pushed him hard on the floor once more. Oh wait, I meant harder. "I want you to leave me alone!"

Sakura wickedly smirked as she looked at the pathetic man. She turned around and made her way through the laughing crowd. She looked around and caught a glimpse of the familiar onyx eyes and black hair that resembled a chicken's behind. He was leaning on a wall of a coffee shop not far from her with his hands crossed as he looked at her with narrowed eyes. She smiled when she realized who it was and immediately rushed to him.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouted as she held her bag close to her and ran up to her dearest best friend. "Sorry I was late!"

"Who was that man just now?" Sasuke asked sternly at the confused teenager before him.

"Who do you mean?" Sakura asked perplexedly. Sasuke slapped his forehead with his right hand then put his hands on Sakura's bare shoulders which made her shudder lightly though was noticed by Sasuke then turned her body around and stopped at a spot which made her see the man Sasuke referred to. "Oh."

"He was hitting on you, wasn't he Sakura?" Sasuke asked her when he turned her around, facing him once more.

"Well, sort of but--" Sakura was not able to finish her sentence for Sasuke started to walk to the man who still lay on the ground after Sakura pushed him. Sakura immediately rushed to him and managed to hold him by the arm before he was able to punch the said man. "Sasuke! What the hell were you going to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? Teach this man a lesson." Sasuke answered slightly angered. He turned his attention once more to the man that was getting up, chuckling as he did.

"Teach me a lesson, ey? Just because you're an Uchiha prodigy doesn't mean you can talk rudely about people that you don't know." The man started. He saw that he got questioning looks from both Sasuke and Sakura. He smirked to himself and chuckled lightly before continuing. "That's what you get when you don't have parents around and a trouble making brother. Hah. And they say that you came from a respectable family."

Sakura was frightened right now. What was this man trying to do? Commit suicide? Any more of his taunts Sasuke would definitely hurt him. She glanced at him and saw that his eye color changed. From black it turned to red. That man definitely hit a nerve. She could understand why, that man practically demoralized him. That man had no right whatsoever to tell those things about his family nor his clan.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura said as she held Sasuke's hand and wrapped her arms around one of his tighter. He looked at her, eyes flaming red. "Please. Don't do it..."

Sasuke looked at her with a blank expression. Her eyes were tearing up slightly and her voice was pleading; begging him to stop. She knew what would happen if he went farther than this. When he saw her lower lip shake slightly before she bit it and bowed her head. Not long after that, Sasuke felt her grip on his hand tighter and felt liquid drop gradually. He knew that she was blaming herself for what was about to happen. When Sasuke's eyes returned to normal, he was about to speak to Sakura when that man spoke up.

"Tch. You know, I really thought you were pretty but I didn't know you were weak!" At the man's last remark, Sakura shook a bit. "I guess you just know how to act, huh little girl? And I thought you had a great taste in women Uchiha. You just picked a worthless and weak girl to be your girlfriend. I guess you just wanted her for toying and then you will--"

The man never got to finish what he said for his jaw connected with Sasuke's rock hard fist that sent him flying feet away. Sakura heard the impact and her head shot up at Sasuke who she saw had his Sharingan on. His brows were furrowed and he was panting heavily for some reason. People crowded the man and started gossiping about what they had witnessed then glanced at Sasuke and Sakura.

"Let's go Sakura." Sasuke said as he walked forward with her hand in his, hence dragging Sakura along though she was not aware of his plans yet. As they walked, the by standers dispersed as they made they way but stopped before the man.

"If I ever see you or even hear you say anything about her, I'll make sure that you'll experience hell on earth." Sasuke said as he gritted his teeth. Sakura smiled at his protectiveness of her. They started to walk away when Sasuke stopped once more. "And one more thing, she is not and can never be my girlfriend."

Sakura stared at him for a while as she waited for his words to sink in her mind. Once it had, Sakura pondered on why or what was the reason behind his words. Was she supposed to take it badly? She decided it was best to leave it until they were somewhere private.

They reached a grassy field that was almost uninhabited moments after their long walk of silence. Neither noticed it was already in the afternoon and the sun was making way for the moon to take its shift. Sakura decided it was time to speak up.

"Sasuke-kun?" She questioned, squeezing the hand that she still held gently in order to catch his attention.


"Why did you say that?" Sakura asked. Sasuke unclasped their hands and looked at her.

"What?" Sasuke asked. Sakura felt her cheeks warming up and so, she focused her attention on the bed of flowers that were planted nearby.

"What did you mean by I can never be your girlfriend?" Sakura asked. And as soon as she mentioned the last word, Sasuke felt that he was in trouble. His heart thumped and he felt butterflies fly in his stomach. That was very odd. There had to be a way to avoid this.

"Nothing." He said coolly and started walking towards a tree and lay under it with his eyes closed. Sakura pouted childishly before following his example.

The two lay on the ever green grass and under the pastel colored sky, watching as the sun dipped into the horizon and bid goodbye. They enjoyed the warm breeze in silence, their hair swaying to the melody of the wind.

"Sasuke-kun..." Sakura said as she broke the silent barrier between them.

"What?" Sasuke asked as he turned his head to the pink haired girl beside him, meeting her beautiful emerald orbs.

"I want you to always remember that I'm here for you and I will never leave your side no matter what happens." Sakura said lovingly with a smile. Sasuke smirked.

"Yeah. Whatever." He said jokingly as he watched the kunoichi change expressions easily.

"Hmph! Cold hearted bastard!" Sakura said as she pouted once more, bloating her cheeks and crossed her arms like a little five year old.

They lay like that under the Heaven's until the stars appeared in the picture and the moon bathed them with its glow.

"Sasuke-kun! Sorry I was late! I just ran into Ino and well--" Sakura never got to finish her sentence as Sasuke already proceeded walking. She ran up to him and decided not to bother him for a while. They walked in silence as they passed several stores and shops. One shop however, caught her attention and made her stop and stare.

Sasuke noticed that her footsteps were not heard so he looked back. He saw Sakura standing in front of the coffee shop they were supposed to meet in a year ago; the same day that he punched that guy who had disrespected her and desperately tried to get a date with her. He then approached her.

"It's the same place Sakura." Sasuke said, catching the attention of the female before him. She nods silently.

"Yeah. I know. And come to think of it, we never got to the place we were supposed to go to." Sakura said and then giggled when she took a short trip to memory lane. Sasuke smirked at her.

"Why don't we go there today?" Sasuke suggested. She simply shook her head.

"Nah. I'm not in the mood for that. Let's just..." Sakura trailed off and looked at Sasuke with a bright smile. "Go to the grass field again."

"Sure." Sasuke replied as they both took off to go to their destination; the place that made them both nostalgic.

The place where he fell deeper for her.

A/N: Well, that's all my mind can give in 2:20 in the morning. I know it's boring and all and I know I've confused you with what happened in this chapter. I promise it will get better in the next chapter. I tried my best to make it funny but I know I'm just not. Insert frown here. Haha. Anyway, I hope you guys didn't fall asleep. I apologize for the flaws that you may take notice of in this story. I am too tired to proof read. Please review!

--M. Kaori