Just Her Luck

Chapter 18

The chill of the cold night air almost frosted the tears that had fallen on her cheeks; matching the ice that was beginning to form around her battered and bruised heart.

Sitting on the step outside the location of her greatest humiliation, Rory wished the valet would bring her mother's car around a lot faster. She just wanted to get out of there. She couldn't bear running into anyone else that wanted to give her a piece of their mind.

She knew she had deserved it.

She had deserved far worse.

However, she wouldn't be volunteering her services as target practice for anyone else tonight.

Rory waited outside as her mother dealt with the fallout; namely Emily Gilmore. Her grandmother was another person she would be avoiding for a while she was sure. Emily Gilmore did not take kindly to scandal befalling the Gilmore name.

Her mother could attest to that first hand.

Rory shuddered as she recalled the horrified look on her Grandmother's face. She was pretty sure she saw a touch of disappointment and disgust as well.

The truth was that Emily Gilmore couldn't feel any worse than she did herself.

Rory had done the crime, she was now living with the consequences, and that included having cocktails thrown over her by justifiably irate wives of the man she had been so foolish to delude herself into believing she was in love with.

She had no words to describe the torment she felt at the pain she had caused Abigail and her family.

She couldn't even bring herself to think about those poor children.

Another choked sob escaped as she remembered how hard it had been for her growing up without her own father around. The idea that she had willingly jeopardised a family was something that made her stomach roil.

Then there was Logan.

Seeing him again, even for the briefest of moments hadn't failed to hurt her already fragile heart. Her humiliation was all the more painful knowing that he'd bourn witness to it.

She was sure a part of him had probably even taken some kind of solace in it.

She'd gotten her just desserts for hurting him.

The irony was not lost on her.

As the cold wind picked up around her, Rory silently wished she'd had the presence of mind to grab her jacket before making her getaway. She was fairly certain her goose-pimples had goose-pimples.

The sound of her teeth rattling and her ever turbulent mind blocked out the sound of someone approaching. She didn't even realise that she wasn't alone anymore until a very expensive looking suit jacket was draped around her shivering shoulders.

Her head shot up almost violently as her eyes landed on her thoughtful saviour. Her throat tightened, her heart was ready to burst as she stared into a pair of all too familiar brown eyes.


Ten minutes was the length of time Logan had been able to withstand watching Rory shiver and sob on her own, as he stood by the window.

All around him was chaos inside.

Honour was trying her hardest to calm Abigail down as she had turned from vengeful, irate wife to heartbroken woman in almost the blink of an eye.

Colin and Finn were of no use in this kind of situation.

Sensing how out of their depths they truly were, they both remained quiet; staring awkwardly at anything other than the crying girl in Honour's arms.

Logan found himself being led away from the scene, as if by some magical force.

The pull towards Rory Gilmore was still as strong and fervent as ever.

Even when he had tried so hard to hate her, he found himself unable to.

He had been disappointed in her. He had built her up to be a model of perfection. He'd forgotten that she was only a mere mortal, just like him.

He'd tried to understand why she would get involved with a married man; a married man with a family, no less.

He'd tried to understand why she would want anyone else when she already had his heart. It had been hers since that very first moment they'd met. That he couldn't deny, and that was why it had hurt him so deeply.

Why wasn't he enough for her?

He knew he should hate her.

A part of him did.

However, the reckless, headstrong, bighearted fool that he was just couldn't hide from the truth.

Staring into those depthless blue eyes, Logan felt his whole being grounded to the spot. He couldn't have moved even if he'd wanted to.

He didn't want to.

In that moment, he knew that no matter what, Rory Gilmore owned him.



And soul.

"Logan?" she breathed his name. Her voice was so tiny and unsure. Her fingers clung onto the jacket he'd draped over her shoulders as she met his height. "What…"

"You looked cold." At his words, he shivered.

His now jacketless body was reacting to the freezing temperatures surrounding them.

"You were watching me?" she whispered. Her eyes held fear in them; as if she was waiting for him to start yelling at her.

"I was worried…" he replied with a pause, "…about you."

Rory's gasp was almost inaudible. She was shocked that Logan would ever be able to find any kind of concern for her possible after all she'd done. His compassion was almost overwhelming.

"Why?" Her voice came out a lot harsher than she'd intended it to. It held a hint of anger almost; anger that he would be so forgiving of her when she deserved his ire.

Logan didn't answer.

He couldn't answer.

He couldn't tell her the truth.

He couldn't tell her that even though she had broken his heart and ruined one of his oldest friend's marriages, she was still all he thought about.


The sound of a cell phone ringing saved him from having to respond. He watched as she answered the call, while still holding his gaze. It was as if she believed that if she took her eyes off him for one second, then he would disappear.

She was unaware that Logan wasn't going anywhere.

"Hey, Francie."


"Is she okay?"

"I'll be right there."

With each sentence, Logan watched as Rory grew more anxious. Her increasing concern drew him out of his trance. He reached for her hand; ignoring the burn inside him at touching her silky, soft skin.

"What's wrong?" he demanded to know; his protective instincts kicking in.

Rory squeezed his hand, desperate for something to ground her. "It's Caitlin. She's in the hospital. Francie said she found her unconscious with an empty bottle of sleeping pills beside her."


The click of Rory's seatbelt was heard before Logan had put the car into park. She was out of the car before he even had a chance to assure her that everything was going to be alright.

Sobered by the night's events, he'd insisted on driving her back into the city. Her panic at her friend's condition had all but ensured her acceptance.

"Rory, wait."

He rushed after her as she headed for the Hospital entrance. Grabbing her arm, he spun her back towards him, her eyes afire with worry and concern.

"You should stay here," she stated. Logan narrowed his eyes, feeling her trying to loosen his grip on her arm. The nagging, illogical part of his brain told him she was trying to get away from him. He had to remind himself of where they were.

"I'm coming with you."

He was firm in his resolve. His feelings for his ex-fiancé were pretty clear cut; he despised her. However he wasn't so heartless that he wanted to see something bad happen to her.

Rory froze; her eyes widened in horror at the suggestion. There was absolutely no way that she could allow Logan Huntzberger anywhere near Caitlin's floor, let alone her room.

At that moment Rory's phone buzzed. She lowered her gaze as she read the text.

"Francie's here. She says Caitlin's parents are here. You should go home. They're not exactly your biggest fans," she turned away for a second before whipping back around. Her gaze was full of gratitude and something more. It was something warm and full of longing. "Thank you for bringing me."

Before he could respond, she planted a soft kiss on his cheek and was out of his grasp; rushing towards the entrance.

Logan stood there for a moment. His hand rose to touch his face and he basked in the ghost of her kiss.

He wasn't going anywhere.


Frantically, Rory rushed off the elevator following the signs to where Francie had directed her. Her whole body was alive with emotions; fear and concern for her friend. Confusion and love for the man downstairs.

She spotted Francie waving at her and headed towards the waiting area, all the while internally scolding herself for even giving her complicated relationship with Logan Huntzberger the slightest of consideration at a time like this.

"Thank God you're here. I've been freaking out," Francie breathed as she hugged Rory in relief.

"What happened?" she asked a she pulled away. "Is she okay? What the hell…"

"She was unconscious. I found her. She was just lying there. I thought she was sleeping at first but then I saw the empty bottle of pills and the vodka bottle and she wasn't breathing and…"

Rory hugged her friend again as she began to hyperventilate. "I thought she was dead."

"But she's okay?" she tried to get as much information from her traumatised friend. "She's not…?"

Francie shook the memories from her frazzled mind. "They pumped her stomach. She's stable. Her parents are in with her now. I didn't want to leave in case…"

"Thanks for calling me."

"How'd you get here so fast?" Francie pondered as they took the seats beside them. She noticed the slight flinch Rory gave at her question as well as the men's suit jacket she was wearing and awaited her response.

"Logan drove me," Rory replied in a whisper. She was terrified that Caitlin or her parents would hear her. She knew that was completely irrational, but it had been a long night.


Rory almost jumped out of her seat as Francie practically yelled in response.

"It's a long story," she mumbled under her breath.

"I think we have time."

At that, Caitlin's mother appeared heading in their direction. She was a typical high society wife; dressed impeccably in designer clothes, not a hair out of place on her very blonde head. However, tonight she looked older than her 50+ years. That's what happens when a parent receives a phone call telling them that their only daughter is in hospital having apparently survived a suicide attempt.

"Rory," she gave her a warm smile as she gathered her into a much needed embrace. "I'm so glad you're here."

"How is Caitlin?" Rory wanted to know as they parted. "Is she awake?"

"She was. She's resting now." Rory thought that Mary Forbes could do with some rest. The woman looked dead on her feet as she stood before her. "She said it was an accident. She didn't mean to…"

At that, the woman broke down, built up tears began free flowing and Rory grabbed her, hugging her close. Francie looked on from beside them, her heart breaking for the woman she'd had to tell such horrible news to only a few hours before.

"Thank you, Francie. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't found her when you did." Mary pulled away from Rory and embraced the girl who'd saved her daughter.

A contemplative mood fell between the three women as they let the evening's events sink in.

"You both look tired. You should go home. Get some sleep." Rory smiled at Mary's maternal instincts kicking in.

"Can we see her?" Rory looked at Francie in slight surprise at her request. The nature of Francie's relationship with Caitlin was tumultuous at best. However, having been the one to find Caitlin, it was understandable that she would want to see her.

"Come back tomorrow. It's late now."

Mary hugged them both once more and made her way back to her daughter's room.

"Do you want to share a cab?" Rory asked as she heard Francie give out a big sigh.

"I think I'm going to stay. Just a little while," she explained as she sat back down, getting comfortable for an extended wait.

"Are you sure?" Rory's concern showing as she nodded in response. "I'll stay too."

"No, its fine, Rory." Francie gave her a tired smile. "It's just been a weird night. I know normally I can't stand to even be in the same room as Caitlin but…I just want to be here. Does that even make sense?"

Rory nodded and gave her hand a squeeze. "You're a good person, Francie."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a freaking saint. Now, get out of here, Gilmore."

They hugged one last time before Rory departed, heading for the elevator. She felt exhausted, both mentally and physically. It had been one of the longest nights of her life and she felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She was a mass of guilt and shame for everything she'd done. For having been such a bad friend that she hadn't even noticed how far gone Caitlin really was. She had been so wrapped up in her own suffering she hadn't been around to heed the warnings; to see the signs.

Her heart broke for Caitlin's parents. She couldn't even imagine how terrified they must have been to receive a call like that.

As for Francie, she knew exactly how she would be feeling right now. She's been in her shoes once before.

Unaware of the world around her, Rory made her way out of the Hospital. She stood at the exit, raking through her bag for her cell phone. She'd call a cab and then go home and sleep for at least 12 hours. Well, she would try.


At the sound of her name being said, she looked up and froze. Her heart clenched and a lump formed in her throat; Logan.

He'd waited for her.