A/N: Apologies for updating late. I was busy.
Date 3
Hidan grumbled, scratching his head as he woke up. Through his hazy vision, he realized that there was something different. He immediately sat up, then gasped in shock as his brain slowly verified what he had thought the moment he woke up; he wasn't in his room.
By instinct, he grabbed at his side, thinking that someone else was beside him on the bed, but luckily, there was none. Still, when he realized that he wasn't wearing anything except for his boxers, the fear came up again.
Hidan tried to stand up, but the sudden twinge on his brain made him groan in pain. He bit his bottom lip, cursing in his mind. He was having a hangover, no doubt about that. Trying to will himself to calm down, Hidan went back to the events that took place yesterday. He remembered visiting Deidara, then coming home so pissed off that—no, wait—Hidan opened his eyes.
Aha!, he thought, I remember! I was so goddamn pissed that I went straight to a bar…then I remembered drinking a little…shit…I DON'T FUCKING REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT!!
What if he had met someone? What if he had asked some chick out, or worse, a guy, to have some "good time" with him? What if they had stole his cash, then maybe that chick or guy would come back after a few months, claiming that Hidan was the father of the child in their womb? (No, wait, guys can't be pregnant).
"Hey, you awake?"
Hidan looked at his side, just in time to see Kakuzu enter, holding out a tray with a glass of water and something that looked like medicine.
"'Kuzu? What the hell happened? I don't fucking remember anything at all…" the albino grumbled, able to breathe normally again. At least he now knew whom he had spent the night with (Okay, that sounded seriously wrong). Relief flooded in his mind as his friend sat down beside him on the bed.
"Drink this first. It'll stop that major headache you're having."
Hidan complied, drinking down the capsule. Then he turned to face Kakuzu again.
"Well?" he said, waiting for Kakuzu's explanation. The green-eyed man thought for a moment, then cleared his throat.
"This would sound confusing, I'm telling you, because I myself can't even understand what really happened with you.
"First, I was walking into this bar, minding my own business, which was to make money, when I heard this slur that sounded so fucking like you. I tried to ignore it, saying it wasn't really that important, because I never really thought of you who would be someone to drink alcohol, but there you were. You really got the people buzzing; they were fuming with your gibberish."
"I was what?" Hidan felt hazed. He had been drunk?
"You were drunk. And I took the liberty of taking you home. What a joy that was." Sarcasm practically leaked from what Kakuzu had said. "Who knew you were so heavy? And why were you saying this name…what was that…oh, yeah, Deidara."
Hidan's breathing became shallow when he heard the mention of Deidara's name. He really didn't want to remember the events that took place yesterday. It had weighed him down so much. Scratching his head (it was becoming a habit of his), Hidan scowled as he watched Kakuzu's eyes fog in memory.
"Deidara…where did I hear that? I know that name…" Recognition suddenly filled his eyes again. "Of course, Mister Blondie Head from high school! Deidara, the blonde! How could I forget?"
His smile turned to a dangerous smirk.
"Wait, don't tell me you've got the hots for the blonde now."
Hidan felt his face heat up, much to his own dismay. Kakuzu was reading him like an open book.
"W-who the hell told you that?! I, of all the people?" he tried to laugh at it, but Kakuzu was raising his eyebrows in an unconvinced way.
"Whatever you say Hidan."
Then he stood up, getting the tray and the empty glass. Hidan watched him, mentally burning holes on Kakuzu's back. The other didn't seem to mind. He simply went up to the door. But upon opening it, he turned back to the pale man on the bed.
"My services come with a fee, y'know."
A pillow hit Kakuzu's head. Hard.
Deidara sat on his work desk, finding it hard to concentrate on his work, which Sasori had assigned to him. He had so many questions buzzing in his mind right now. It was also really confusing to probe his answers.
Why was Hidan so mad? Why was he in my room in the first place? Why am I worried about these?
The blonde sighed, leaning on his chair, balancing on the two hind legs. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, hearing only the soft rustle of the wind and the distant barking of dogs. Man, he was bored. And there was nothing else to do.
Sometimes, Deidara wished he had attended school so that he could've made some friends.
Not wanting the self-pity to shrink in, the artist stood up, stretched, then went up to the coat rack to retrieve his coat.
Perhaps a nice walk in the park would give him some space to think.
The path seemed endless, Deidara quipped in his mind. He was walking on the path that trailed over the entire area of the park, staring on the brick-like texture of the path underneath, not avoiding anyone, instead letting other people avoid him. He was being an obedient student: Sasori-danna had always told him that when walking, an artist should not look up to the path where he would go, but instead look down and take a closer look onto each footstep he would take (of course it was just an idiom, but Deidara was that naïve).
And of course, to add more fun to his walk, Deidara decided to count the dried autumn leaves he passed by. Whoopee.
Blue eyes scanning the area below, still not looking up, so absorbed by his little 'game'. He didn't even know that he was about to collide with a man, who also had no interest as to looking up to where his feet were leading him. Like Deidara, his mind was full of so many questions that—
Two bodies collided, both falling on their bottoms at the same time. Good thing there was only a few people watching, the flustered blonde thought as he struggled to stand, it would've have been humiliating—
Blue eyes met pinkish ones.
"Hidan, un?"
Hidan felt his throat tightening. He both thanked and cursed his luck, thinking how oh-so dumb he was for not even looking up to avoid such a stupid accident. Now that they were both on their feet, it didn't seem that embarrassing. Still…
"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going, un!" the younger man bowed deeply, hiding his beet red face. How dumb could he get? Hidan would be so pissed—
"No, it's okay."
Deidara looked up, wanting to see Hidan's face clearly, but felt his heart sink when he realized Hidan had turned away. He had his back facing the blonde, and Deidara couldn't help but think that the albino was giving him the cold shoulder.
The younger man stared at Hidan's back, biting his lip. He really didn't know what he was supposed to say. How could've it turned out like this? All Deidara wanted was to take a nice walk in the park to clear a few things off his mind, and here he was, facing the very reason for his restlessness.
Oh, the irony of it all.
Deidara had his mouth open by now, but he couldn't force the words out.
What happened yesterday? Why were you mad? Are you mad? Is it because of me?
But alas, the gods seemed to hate Deidara right now. What came out of his mouth sounded so stupid that the blonde would've preferred crawling inside a hole and die right there and then.
"I was counting the dried leaves, un!"
Well, at least that made Hidan face him. He also had a funny look on his face.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid—
"That's interesting."
Deidara met his eyes for a second time that day, and realized that Hidan was only teasing him, and that he didn't mean that to hurt his feelings. The blonde felt his stomach unclench, and for an instant he just wanted to jump up to Hidan and shout "HALLELUJAH!", but that would draw attention. Instead, he pouted, and the older man smirked at him.
So, with nothing to do, they walked along aimlessly, kicking stones and exchanging insults (mostly Hidan to Deidara) about how gay-like Deidara kicked. Of course, the blonde didn't mind; he was already used to Hidan's way of communicating, and when the albino was in constant tease mode, it meant he was happy, and that fact alone made Deidara happy as well.
Soon, they grew tired, and so they decided to sit on a nearby bench to rest for a bit.
Deidara scooted at the very opposite of the bench, not knowing why. Hidan was a friend, wasn't he? Why was he moving away from him? Why was he so conscious?
"Hey, Dei?" the silver-haired man piped. Deidara "hm"-ed in response. "You do know this is a date, right?"
That was quite a surprise. Another date? Not that Deidara minded it though.
"I didn't know that, un. Not until now, that is."
…Are you taking me seriously?
"Let's buy some ice cream. My treat for you, un."
"You eat ice cream like you're making out with it." Hidan stated flatly. Deidara nearly choked on his vanilla-flavored ice cream.
"That's rude, un!"
"I don't give a fuck as long as it's true!" Hidan snapped. Then he realized his ice cream was melting already, sticky on his hand. "Shit…"
"That's what you get for watching and teasing me!" Deidara said as he licked his ice cream happily.
Hidan glared at him, but it softened as he watched Deidara's tongue lick off the ice cream drop by drop. His tongue seemed pink and flexible as it licked off the white thick cream. Sometimes, when he thought Hidan wasn't looking, he would gobble it off, causing the ice cream to spread through his lips, then Deidara would lick them clean, smacking them, then he'd lick off some more from his cone. Hidan wondered what it would feel if that tongue would lick his skin, all the way down to his…
"Hidan, your ice cream's melting fast, un!"
Then Hidan realized he was already drooling.
"That ice cream was delicious, wasn't it?" Deidara announced as they started walking again. Hidan was beside him, sulking. How long should he keep up with this? His imagination was playing goddamn tricks on him! Just looking at Deidara sent a thousand naughty thoughts scurrying in Hidan's mind.
"You okay? You don't look so good, Hidan, un."
"I'm fine." The albino grumbled, kicking a few stones out of the way. It was already three in the afternoon, and he had to get home by four. Just when he was about to tell that to Deidara, he was cut off.
"Are you mad at me, un? If you are, then why?"
The question caught Hidan off-guard that he stopped to let it shrink in. Was it the reason Deidara went out with him? To find out if he was mad or not? He glanced at the younger man, then felt sympathetic, seeing Deidara's troubled look.
"I asked you on a date, ate ice cream with you, and about to walk home with you, and you think I'm mad?"
Deidara smiled, but it was a sad smile.
"I guess I wasn't thinking."
Hidan sighed. Deidara was unconvinced.
No point in lying now.
"You're right. I am mad. Mad that I could've punched you right now…"
Deidara's face paled.
"…but I couldn't do that. I wouldn't. And I was mad…because I was kinda jealous."
Both Hidan and Deidara blushed.
"You…you were jealous?"
Hidan slowly nodded his head. He really had been jealous. He felt hurt and pissed when Deidara had paid more attention to Sasori, but now, remembering that, it didn't really matter. He looked at the artist, then he felt his heart beat so fast. What was this? Why was Deidara making him so nervous all of a sudden?
And why were Deidara's eyes closed, his lips puckered, and the most confusing part of all…
…why was Deidara leaning closer?
He's gonna kiss you, you dumbass, and you aren't even ready!
Hidan felt his head go numb, his knees shake and his hands clench tightly when Deidara placed his soft lips against the albino's cold, slightly chapped ones. The blonde wasn't a good kisser as well, and he was beginning to feel quite stupid for initiating something he wasn't even sure he was good at. He was about to pull away when he felt Hidan pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
It was Deidara's first kiss. Hidan was his first kiss.
And afterwards, when he told that information to him, Hidan felt like jumping up to Deidara and screaming "HALLELUJAH!"
"Dei, what about…" Hidan felt his mouth go dry. "…Sasori?"
They were already in front of Deidara's house. Deidara, who was on the doorstep, withdrew his hand from his coat pocket, where he was rummaging for his keys. He looked up to meet Hidan's intense gaze.
"Sasori-danna…he…he still means a lot to me…"
"…But you mean a lot to me too now, un."
Hidan scratched his head sheepishly, which Deidara found alarmingly adorable, and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt for another mind-boggling kiss.
Okay, maybe Hidan was weighing a little more than Sasori, but Deidara wasn't about to tell him that.
I know it's a bit odd for Dei to kiss Hidan out of the blue, but it just seemed so right. Comments would much be appreciated.
To Be Continued