Summary: Five are mine, six are yours, and three are ours. 14 kids make the total. Crazy, hectic, mayhem twenty four-seven, that's just normal to us now. Naley.

Disclaimer: I own shit. How sad is that? I don't own one tree hill, besides season 1-4 on DVD that I watch crazy, and I don't own the movie Yours, Mine, & Ours, but my little cousin Dani has the movie if that counts.

Things To Know:

Haley: Andrea "Andie" Rae Keller- 21, Charlotte "Charlie" Marie Keller- 19, James Christopher Keller- 17, Kyle Jordan Keller- 17, Synthia Hannah Keller- 10, Danilynn "Dani" Joy Keller- 8

Nathan: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kaeden Scott- 22, Samantha Lauren Scott- 20, Kenzie Faith Scott- 15, Jessica Francesca Scott- 11, Jennifer "Jennie" Anna Scott- 9

Naley: Carly Katharyne Scott- 4, Ethan Jackson Scott- 2, and Ashleigh Teresa Scott- 2

Thank Yous Too: naley19, Naley, CSIVegasChick14, reina123, Jess2303, Brooke6404, and Lily106 for reviewing. Seven reviews! Thank you.

Last Chapter People! It's making me cry. So sad since I love this story so much and it's finally coming to an end. Enjoy!

Yours, Mine & Ours

Chapter Twelve: Water Time

"Mom!" James yelled walking down the stairs with Ethan hanging on to his back.

"What's wrong James?"

"This one won't get off of me." James complained.

"Come here baby boy." Haley laughed pulling Ethan off James' back.

"No! Me stay!"

"Ethan go play." Haley laughed.

"Momma!" Carly smirked walking into the kitchen.

"Carly what did you do?"

"I do nothing mommy."

"I'm going to kill you brat!" Jennie said running into the kitchen, straight for Carly. Carly Katharyne Scott was born nine months after Haley and Nathan's honeymoon. Brooke jokes around with them saying everyone knew exactly what they were doing in that one-week.

"Jennie freeze." Nathan said walking into the room with a basketball in one arm and Synthia walking behind him.

"Dad she got into my room again. That's my necklace she's wearing, my earrings, my ring!" Jennie complained.

"Carly what did we say about going into Jennie and Dani's room?"

"Not to daddy but they have better dress up clothes then me." Carly innocently said with a cute little smile.

"They're not dress up clothes Brat!" Jennie yelled.

"Jen be nice. Carly go take all that stuff off and put it back where you found it. Now." Nathan said rubbing Carly's curly dirty blond hair.

"Mom dad won't let me win anymore." Synthia complained with a pout.

"What's with all you kids and complaining?" Haley laughed. "Syn you're getting to old for that."

"I'm only ten."

"Tens old." Nathan laughed.

"Dada!" Ashleigh smiled from Haley's arms, where she was sleep minutes before.

"Hi there Ashleigh."

"Dad I need to use the computer but Sam's not getting off of it!" Kenzie complained. "Sam has her own laptop! This is why I need my own too."

"Sammy off the computer, use the laptop. Kenz if she doesn't get off just use my laptop."

"My stupid laptop broke when some one spilled something on it." Sam said looking at Ethan.

"No!" Ethan yelled in his defense.

"Sam we'll get it fixed but other people need it." Haley said.

"Andrea!" Lizzie yelled laughing running down the stairs after her stepsister.

"No way are you coming too." Andie laughed.

"Andie please?"

"Going where?" Haley asked breaking into the two girls conversation.

"Can I go to a club with Kelsee tonight?" Andie asked.

"I don't know Andie."

"Please mom, come on, it's not like I have to sneak in to them anymore." Andie smirked.

"What?" Haley yelled.

"Andie in trouble!" Carly laughed.

"Mom, Kyle and I are heading down to the River Court!" James yelled as him and Kyle walked out the back door.

"Halt boys." Haley smiled.

"What?" Kyle said.

"Be home in two hours got it?" Haley said.

"Sure." The twin boys answered.

"Wait for mes!" Carly yelled after them.

"No." James answered cause Carly to cry.


"Mom please don't make us bring her." James begged.

"Car, go put your shoes on. You can come out side with me and Syn."

"Synny?" Carly said.

"Sure." Synthia said getting a smile from Carly.

"Boys go." Haley said shaking her head.

"Mom, daddy?" Dani said walking into the house.

"Kitchen Dani." Nathan yelled back.

"Andie you're not going tonight and Liz you either." Haley said. There was no way she was going to let her daughters go to a club, even if they are at the right age.

"Mom please?"

"No!" Haley yelled once more. It her kids are still living under her roof, they are going to have to listen to her and Nathan.

"Daddy lets go!" Carly demanded.

"Bally!" the two-year-old twins answered with their dimpled smiles.

"You two want to play too?" Nathan laughed.


"Okay let's go." Nathan laughed giving Haley a kiss before grabbing Ethan and Ashleigh's hand as the walked outside.

"I hate dance now." Dani pouted grabbing an apple off the fruit bowl.

"What happened now Dani?"

"Lindsey got the solo instead of me." Dani pouted.

"Maybe cause she's better then you." Sam snickered laughing at Dani.

"Samantha cut it out." Haley said. "Go see what Charlie's doing please?"

"Fine." Sam complained getting up off the couch. This was the main reason Haley and Nathan hated the random, long breaks Andie, Charlie, Lizzie and Sam get in college.

"Momma, Dani come watch." Carly smiled pulling Haley and Dani out the door to the basketball court Nathan had to have put in.

"Okay." Haley smiled.

"Attach!" Nathan said as all the kids outside had water guns aiming at Haley.

"Oh Nathan Royal Scott you are so dead!" Haley said running and tackling him to the ground. "Kids attach your dad not me."