I'm a horrible person for starting a new story right before vacation. Opps, plus the fact that I have three other stories to finish. Well anyway this idea would not and I mean not leave my head cause I was watching the movie yesterday with my cousin cause we were extremely bored. So here it is. Enjoy please.

Summary:Five are mine, six are yours, and three are ours. 14 kids makes the total. Crazy, hectic, mayhem twenty four-seven, that's just normal to us now. Naley.

Disclaimer: I own shit. How sad is that? No one tree hill, besides the DVD's, and I don't own the movie Yours, Mine, & Ours, but my little cousin has the movie if that counts.

Also this is kind of a late birthday present to my friend Megan who told me I should write her a Pucas story but I can't do that and refuses to. So I wrote her a Naley one that she said was ok too.

Here it goes. Enjoy. Read and Review.

Things To Know:

Haley: Andrea "Andie" Rae Keller- 21, Charlotte "Charlie" Marie Keller- 19, James Christopher Keller- 17, Kyle Jordan Keller- 17, Synthia Hannah Keller- 10, Danilynn "Dani" Joy Keller- 8

Nathan: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kaeden Scott- 22, Samantha Lauren Scott- 20, Kenzie Faith Scott- 15, Jessica Francesca Scott- 11, Jennifer "Jennie" Anna Scott- 9

Naley: Carly Katharyne Scott- 4, Ethan Jackson Scott- 2, Ashleigh Teresa Scott- 2

Yours, Mine & Ours

Chapter One

Five are mine, six are yours, and three are ours. 14 kids makes the total. Crazy, hectic, mayhem twenty four-seven, that's just normal to us now. Let's go back five years to when this all started……

"Mom this can not be happening!"

"Andrea cut it out right now!" Haley yelled.

"You do not expect me to watch five annoying ones while you get to go out. That's unfair. I had plans for tonight. Can't Charlie watch them I always get stock doing it?"

"No. Well, Andie I guess those plans changed." Haley said continuing to clean up the kitchen. Two growing sons and four daughters can get a little messy. "James and Kyle what in the world is going on up there?" Haley yelled stopping what she was doing when she heard a loud bang.

"Ummm…. Nothing mom." James yelled.

"Boys!" Haley yelled running up the stairs. "No again Andie. Charlie is not babysitting. You are."


"What happened and who broke what?"

"Nothing." Kyle said a little to quickly for Haley's liking.

"Boys. Again who broke what?"

"They broke the stupid vase by Dani's and Syn's room." Charlie said walking out of her room.

"James and Kyle what did I say about playing soccer in the house?"

"Not too." Both twins answered.

"Get to your room." Haley yelled pointing to the opposite end of the house. She normally never had to yell at her kids but sometimes she just had to. "Where are you going?" Haley asked noticing Charlie changed out of the sweatpants and sweatshirt she was wearing before.

"Kelsee invited me over to hang out with her and some of our friends. So I was thinking since you're not going to be here that I can go?" Charlie said referring to her best friend/cousin since Kelsee is Brooke and Lucas' older daughter.

"Ok, but you know the rules."

"Yep. Not allowed to invite anyone over after. Not allowed to drink." Charlie repeated which she memorized.

"Go have fun, but if Andie needs your help you're coming right home."

"Got it. Bye mom."

"Have fun."

"Mommy." Cried Synthia.

"Syn what happened?"

"Dani hit me will the dolly." The five year old cried out.

"Danilynn Joy Keller!" Haley screamed lifting Synthia into her arms.

"Yes mommy."

"Dani didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to hit anyone even if they have the toy you want?"

"Yes but it was a pwetty dolly momma."

"Now what do you say Dani?"

"I sorrys."

"Go get it and give it to me." Haley said as Dani ran off.

"Mommy my head hurts."

"Ok. Andie's downstairs go find her and tell her to get you some ice please."

"Ok." Syn said with tears still in her eyes as Haley put her down on the ground.

"Dani where's the doll?"

"Here mommy." The curly blond answered as Haley walked into the room.

"Ok. Now go get into the corner."

"But I said sorry."

"Dani go."

"You stink." Dani pouted.

"This is why Brooke should never be around little kids." Haley laughed to herself. "Danilynn get that cute little pout off your lips and get you butt into time out."

"But whys do Kyle and James don't haves tos?"

"When you get older you go to your room instead of time out. All you do there is sit and stare at the wall."

"That too boring."

"Yep. Now go girly and you have three minutes." Haley said before hearing a loud smash coming from the boys' room this time. "What do I have to do to you two to make you stop breaking things?" Haley said when she walked into Kyle and James' room.

"Bubble wrap everything?" Kyle answered get a stare from Haley.

"It's a rhetorical question you idiot." James laughed at his younger twin brother.

"I'm not the one that's failing math and needs a tutor now am I?" Kyle smirked.

"Kyle Christopher Keller!"

"What it is true?"

"Kyle no video games for a week. Wait no make it two weeks for both of you."

"I didn't do anything!" James yelled.

"You are the one that kicked the soccer ball into my vase." Haley said, "The grounding is final. No changing it."


"James." Haley said, " Starting now."

"You stink."

"Love ya to Jamie. Now boys I think it's time that you two set the table for dinner."

"But we."

"Kyle don't finish that sentence and just do as I say for once."



"Yeah Kenz?"

"Can Katie come over tonight?"

"I don't know Kenzie. Lizzie or Sam is babysitting." Nathan said.

"Daddy please come on. We are very good."

"Last time I had a mess to clean."

"That's cause we made a cake." Kenzie smirked.

"Kenz if I let her come over you two promise me two things. One no baking anything. And two help your sisters out with Jess and Jennie."


"Remember no mess."

"Got it." Kenzie said skipping her way up the stairs.

"Daddy dos Lizzie have to watch us?" Jessica asked with a pout on her face.

"Yeah Jess. I'm going out with some people tonight."

"Don't leave us like mommy." Cried Jessica.

"Jessica Francesca Scott don't you dare think that." Nathan said pulling the girl to his lap. "I couldn't and wouldn't leave you girls like your mom did."


"I'm coming. I'm coming." Nathan said running towards the door wondering who it could be. He didn't have the girls this weekend they where with Peyton sadly.

"Take them Nate. I can't take them anymore. They're driving me insane." Peyton yelled running into the house as soon as Nathan opened the door.

"Daddy!" Jessica yelled jumping into her dad's arms.

"Hey Jessie." Nathan smiled kissing his daughters cheek. "Girls why don't you go upstairs for a little bit?"

"But." Lizzie and Sam said at the same time.

"Liz make sure they stay upstairs ok?" Nathan said as Lizzie and Sam got everyone up and walking up the stairs.

"I'm leaving Nate. I can't stand those girls anymore they are way to loud and nagging."

"You're doing them again aren't you?" Nathan said.

"So what? Who gives a fuck anymore if I'm doing the drugs again."

"The girls do Peyt they do need their mom."

"Well then find another one. I quite it all. Keep them. I don't care." Peyton said running out of the house.

"Daddy?" Kenzie said walking down the steps.

"Yeah Kenz-Kenz?"

"Where'd mommy go?"

"I don't know girl. I really don't know."


"Come here girls." Nathan said picking up Kenzie and walking into the living room with Lizzie and Sam following holding four-year-old Jessica and two-year-old Jennie.

"Dada." Jennie smiled clapping her little hands together. She was lucky to be that age when you hardly notice anything going on around yourself.

"Dad where'd mom go?" Sam asked. Of course Sam and Lizzie know what's going on with their parents and how their mom is addicted to coke and went to rehab to many times to count. Nathan thought they where old enough to know what was going on. "She left us again didn't she?"

"Sam." Nathan said looking down at the floor. He couldn't figure out the right words to say to that. How do you tell five great girls that their mom didn't want them anymore?

"She did it to use dad!" Sam yelled as she got up and ran into her room at Nathan's house.

"Samantha!" Nathan yelled after her. "Liz watch them."

"Got it." Lizzie faked a smile. She was use to not show what her mom's made her fell like. That's what nights in her own room where for.

"Sammy?" Nathan asked knocking on the door.

"Go away."

"Sam your mom didn't mean to hurt you that bad."

"Dad she just dropped us off and left us here. No goodbye or nothing."

"Sammy don't let her bother you. You got me and your sisters to help out." Nathan said pulling Sam into a hug. "Everything will get better."

-End Of Flashback-

"So girls how do I look?" Haley said walking down the stairs.

"Hot!" Andie laughed.

"Really? You don't think it's a little to sexy for a first date?" Haley questioned.

"Sexy good." Dani smiled.

"No more hanging out with Aunt Brooke anymore. Got it?" Haley laughed kissing the top of Dani's blonde curly hair.

"But she makes me prettiful."

"Dani you already are one."

"Right." Dani smirked.

"Ok. Have fun. The boys are not allowed to play video games Andie. Call Charlie or me if you need help with anything. Anything at all."

"Go have fun mom." Andie said pushing Haley out the door. "You deserve it mom. We'll be fine right Dani-bo-bani and Syn City?"

"Andie stop calling Synthia after Las Vegas." Haley laughed walking out the door.

"Liz I need help."

"Dad I still can't believe you can't tie a tie." Lizzie laughed.

"Hey it's difficult."

"Right." Lizzie said handing back the tie to her dad as he ran down the stairs.

"Shoot. I'm late."

"Go dad. We'll be fine."

"No friends over besides Katie. I told Kenzie she could have her over. No cooking either."

"Got it now go be a teenager again."

"Nah." Nathan laughed kissing everyone.

"Nathan?" Haley laughed when she got to the restaurant.

"You got to be kidding me."

"I'm going to kill Brooke!"

I hope you like it.

I'm actually really having fun with this story. I love it.

Hope you do as much as I do.


Review please.
