Tamaki entered the third music room, glancing around curiously

Tamaki entered the third music room, glancing around curiously. The décor had changed drastically, from today's desert theme to a French noble restaurant. Furrowing his brows, Tamaki stepped further into the room, looking around for Kyouya. Ah, there he was, sitting at a far off chair, his back to the door so Tamaki couldn't see his face.

He approached him quickly, stopping dead in his tracks when the door behind him snapped shut. He spun around blanched when he heard the key turn. A moment later, a small note appeared under the door. Enjoy yourselves. Was written on it, in Kyouya's neat script. Tamaki frowned and turned towards the chair again, wondering who was sitting on it.

When he had reached it, he nearly fainted from shock. There was Kyouya, bound and gagged. With trembling fingers, Tamaki released his friend and helped him up. "What has happened?" he asked. Kyouya cast him a small smirk and motioned towards a section in one corner of the room, separated by a dark red velvet curtain.

Tamaki approached it gingerly and peeked behind the curtains, not able to muffle his gasp of surprise when he saw what lay behind it. Kyouya had approached in the meantime, and now pulled the curtains fully open.

Tamaki could only stare. There, inside the small separée, someone had prepared a luxurious french dinner, beginning with oysters, over lobster, mussels and expensive red wine, côte du rhône if he wasn't mistaken. The obligatory mousse au chocolat wasn't missing neither Tamaki's favourite dessert, crème brulée.

Sinking into one of the chairs, Tamaki sighed deeply and looked at Kyouya in awe. "Did you prepare all that?" he asked softly. Kyouya laughed. "No. The twins did it, and, I think Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai helped them." Tamaki stared at him. "But why would they do such thing? They have no reason…"

"Oh, they do actually think they have a reason. They seem to be of the opinion that you and me have romantic feelings or each other." Tamaki looked at him, his confusion clearly visible. "They have tried in the past to set us up, but they have always failed. But somehow, they gained Mori-sempai's and Honey-sempai's support, and together, they managed to restrain and gag me, as well as prepare this meal."

Tamaki frowned. "But if you knew about their plans to set us up, why didn't you stop them? It would surely have been an easy thing for you to do." Kyouya gave him a short glance that Tamaki couldn't quite understand and didn't answer. "Seeing as we are both in here and have no chance of getting out soon, let's just eat. They have outdone themselves, I must admit."

Without waiting for Tamaki to respond, he poured him some whine, côte du rhône indeed. Tamaki frowned deeper, trying to figure out why Kyouya was behaving even more mysterious than usual. "Kyouya" he said suddenly, "I received a note inviting me to the third music room at seven, and it was written in your script. How did they manage to copy your script so perfectly well?" Kyouya grimaced.

"There's a sempai in Mori's and Honey's art class, who has a talent for copying scripts. He helped them, I guess." Tamaki nodded and fell silent again, feeling suddenly highly nervous and self-conscious, realizing he was locked inside a room that was decorated in the most romantic way, with Kyouya of all people. Why he was so nervous about being locked in he wasn't sure, but his instincts told him that this was no good thing.

And the cause for them being locked in was not making anything better, in fact, it was making everything much worse. To distract himself, he took a sip of the wine, marvelling how wonderful it tasted. He took another sip, examining the dinner intently. Yes, the twins and the two sempais had really outdone themselves.

Feeling his stomach grumble at the appetizing sight in front of him, he helped himself to some oysters and some shrimps with mayonnaise. He looked up, only to find Kyouya watching him. Tamaki blushed and looked downs at his plate again.

When they continued eating silently, Tamaki could feel Kyouya's stare directed on him, but he didn't look up. As the meal went by, Tamaki started to feel rather dizzy, from Kyouya's constant attention as well as from the wine. His cheeks were tinted red, and he knew something was definitely wrong here.

Deep in thought, he sucked on his spoon, licking his mousse au chocolat off it.

Looking up at Kyouya once more, he blushed harder than before. Kyouya was staring at Tamaki's mouth with an odd expression. And, to Tamaki's surprise, he found his friend blushing slightly. He suddenly realized what he must look like and put the spoon back on his plate again. Wanting to break the awkward silence, he repeated his question from before.

"Why haven't you stopped the twins when you realized they tried to set us up?" Having spoken these words and seeing Kyouya's expression, Tamaki realized that this had to be the wrong question. With a swift motion, Kyouya stood up and rounded the table, grabbing Tamaki by his wrists and pulling him up.

They were now mere inches apart, and Tamaki tried to avoid Kyouya's gaze. Suddenly, Kyouya released one of his wrists and put his fingers under Tamaki's chin and forced him to look up. He smiled briefly at him, as if to reassure him that everything was alright, and pressed his lips gently on Tamaki's.

In the first moment, Tamaki wanted to pull away and push Kyouya off, but a strange sensation was spreading inside his body, and it was not unpleasant at all. He snaked hi free hand around Kyouya's neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Kyouya released his other wrist as well and began to stroke Tamaki's back.

Tamaki sighed, opening his lips for Kyouya's tongue to enter his mouth. Kyouya pulled the blonde's body flush against his and they both groaned slightly when their half-erections touched briefly. Kyouya pushed Tamaki on the soft carpet, managing not to break their kiss in the progress.

He slid one hand under Tamaki's shirt and stroke his abdomen, eliciting a soft gasp from him. He quickly unbuttoned Tamaki's shirt and pulled it off. He finally broke the kiss and started to tease Tamaki's nipple's with his mouth. Tamaki moaned, louder this time and arched his back.

Kyouya continued to nibble and kiss his way down Tamaki's body, somehow removing the blonde's trousers in the progress. Tamaki shivered in anticipation when Kyouya's face reached nether regions. He felt Kyouya's hand on his crotch and gasped. Kyouya started to stroke Tamaki through his boxers.

Tamaki started to writhe and moan at his ministrations, wanting Kyouya so badly to touch him properly. "Kyouya, please" he begged, and Kyouya complied, for once, to his wish. He pulled down The king's boxers and wrapped his slender fingers around Tamaki's member. He slid his hand down and when it had reached the base of Tamaki's member, he planted a mall kiss on the head.

Then he started to lick the head, while pumping the shaft. With one hand, he held Tamaki's bucking hip down. Tamaki moaned and grabbed Kyouya's head, wanting him to take his cock completely into his mouth. Suddenly, Kyouya stopped and slid upwards again, albeit not releasing his grip on Tamaki's member.

He kissed Tamaki hungrily and the blonde suddenly realized that Kyouya was still completely dressed. With trembling fingers, he opened Kyouya's shirt and tossed it aside, and did the same with Kyouya's pants. Then he slid one hand into Kyouya's boxers and started to stroke his erection. Kyouya moaned and let his head sink to Tamaki's shoulder.

He resumed his stroking and kissed Tamaki again. Tamaki felt his orgasm building and began to pump Kyouya faster, wanting to come together with him. He gasped. "I…I'm…" he breathed, not able to form a coherent sentence. He moaned and came, jolts of pleasure radiating through his body.

Kyouya bit the blonde's shoulder gently, and two strokes from the blonde later, he came as well, spilling his cum over Tamaki's abdomen and hand. He slumped down next to Tamaki and pulled him close.

"I think that answers your question." He whispered into the blonde's ear and smiled.


"What?" Hunny squealed. "They…they haven't…" Hikaru shook his head.

"But, but why, I mean, everything was perfect, the atmosphere, the food, the wine…" Honey's lower lip started to tremble and Mori pulled him close to soothe him. "shh, Mitsukuni" he mumbled, "they haven't finished."

Kaoru grinned and explained. "It's true, Kyouya and Tamaki have indeed not slept with each other, but that doesn't mean they had some fun last night."

At Hunny's still puzzled gaze, Mori explained. "What they mean is not that they didn't kiss each other and such, but they just didn't…" He looked at Hunny, hoping not to go into detail. But he didn't need to, as Honey had finally understood.

He poted. "I don't understand either way" he said, "Takashi have also slept with each other, and it wasn't nearly as romantic as Kyouya's and Tamaki's dinner."

Hikaru grinned. "That's because they are not as horny as you two are."

The end

A/N: so, that's it, story finished.

This chapter is dedicated to Alice Melan, the one and only person who reviewed chapters 3 and 4.

Kiss her feet, without her, Tamaki would have married Haruhi or such.

I don't know if 4 days are enough time for you to read and review two chapters, but seeing that lots of people managed that for chapter 2, I guess it is.

I am very, very disappointed and I'm wondering if this story has such a decrease in quality that it's not worth reviewing.

This is the second time I have to ask for reviews, and honestly, it doesn't make me feel very good.

If I have got this all wrong, I apologize for overreacting.