It has taken me forever to update this, I know. And I am extremely sorry. I've been majorly sidetracked with "Opposites Attract" (which, for those of you who read it, still has one more chapter to go, since there wasn't really an end). Anyway, I'm planning on writing that final chapter and going on with this one, although I seriously need help with the plot. All and any ideas are appreciated!

"What we're trying to say, Heather, is that we want you to partner with us, Encore Records."

Heather must've heard at least six versions of that sentence, yet it still wasn't believable. They didn't know anything about her except the obvious, and they hadn't heard any demo of hers. Not to mention the fact that she didn't even have a demo. The idea that a well-known recording company would want to sign her without even hearing her music was unfathomable.

Looking up, Heather saw the expectant faces of Miley and Robbie Ray, as well as the carefully hidden condescension on that of the company's president. She knew that with only a flick of a pen, her fate would be sealed—her future stolen by a group of men ready to risk their fortunes in order to invest in what they thought was an immediate profit. Could she give up everything she had ever known?

Actually, now that she thought about it, she had already lost everything. Her friends, her school, her home, her mom . . . It all was gone and never coming back. What did she have to lose?

Her blue eyes fierce and bright with determination, Heather threw out the words that change her life forever.

"Where do I sign?"

Robbie Ray looked at Heather through the rearview mirror, and not for the first time, either. This is getting annoying, she thought.

He suddenly broke through Miley's senseless chatter and stated, "You have a wonderful gift, Heather."

Oh, no, she thought. Not you too. Her mind flew back to the time when someone else—someone she had cared for—had uttered those exact words. With a flash of anger, Heather closed off the memory. She had vowed to forget that, and there was no chance that she would let that memory come back into her life again.

He spoke again. "I'm really glad you chose what you did. Not many people ever get the chance to be heard, and you have a lot to say."

Oh, yeah. More than he would ever know.

It was as if Heather could see the falseness penetrating through every word of the conversation. She was so tired of people's pretenses. Ever since . . . the funeral . . . her eyes had been opened to the world of hypocrisy that lay just below every act of kindness people she never knew had paid her. She knew that she was bitter; she just didn't want anyone's pity. Was it too much to ask for someone to actually care?

"We're here," Miley graciously added to the conversation. Her first and last two words to Heather of the day, she noted.

"How do you want to break it to them?" Robbie Ray asked next.

She hadn't even thought of that, but quickly decided to handle it on her own—the only way she ever handled things. "I'll just wing it," she answered.

"We'll come in anyway." Robbie Ray was obstinate.

Frustrated, Heather sighed and climbed out of the vehicle. For someone who had just seen her one dream come true, she didn't feel happy. In fact, she almost dreaded the decision, though she couldn't explain why.

Pasting on a smile, she left Robbie Ray and Miley behind and ran to the front door.

Lilly loved the feeling of being completely taken up by the music, shutting out the world beyond the notes and rhythms. She stretched out on her bed, a euphoric smile on her face, and sang in her loud, off-key voice. Yep, there was nothing better than this, except, of course, being able to actually sing the notes. Of all the flaws she had, her complete lack of musical talent was the one she hated most.

Shouting erupted downstairs, interrupting her reverie. She decided to ignore it. However, they quickly became more numerous and agitated. She sat up resignedly and scowled. What the heck could be going on?

Grumbling, Lilly yanked out her earphones and trudged downstairs. The scene before her stopped her halfway down.

Robbie Ray and Miley stood on the very opposite side of the room as Lilly's mom. All the noise was coming from the two adults, whose red faces were masks of anger and spite. Miley stood with her arms crossed, looking annoyed not only with Lilly's mom, but also with her dad. Heather sat on the worn couch in the middle, guitar in hand, and only with extreme intuition could Lilly tell that she was trying to hold back tears.

Finally, Lilly shouted, "What the heck is going on?"

Both adults stopped in mid-yell, then her mom explained in a strained tone, "This . . . man . . . took Heather WITHOUT PERMISSION to Hollywood today and got her to sign a record contract WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT."

This started them off again, but Lilly paid no attention. Heather had a record contract. Heather was going to be a star. Heather could sing. All while Lilly stood in her and Miley's shadow, unable to stop being the freak, Lola Luftnaggle.

"Great, Heather," she said. "How great for you."

So, I realize that Heather probably seems kind of emo or depressed (I was depressing myself by writing it), and for that I am sorry. I plan to have that change somehow in the future (through romance, maybe?).

Anyway, if you fanfiction-ers ever feel like reading something other than my fanfiction, go to and look up packersgirl37 under members. You'll be able to read one of my other continuous stories, which is currently untitled. Just thought I'd throw that out there.