She blinked

I'm Still Here

A/N cannot think of a better chappie name. Comes with another cliff hanger this does. Even though NOBODY'S REVIEWING so it's kind of pointless. But I like writing it. Enjoy! This chappie is dedicated to Crazy1.

It's so much better to pretend there's something waiting for you here.

Every letter that you wrote has found its way to me, my dear.

You can make believe that what you say is what I want to hear.

I'll keep dancing through this beautiful delusional career.

The Birthday Massacre-Kill the Lights

Okay, here we go, Folks


She blinked.

But kept running.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The thud of her grippy shoes and the drumming of her wild heart. She sighed, becoming calmer, the clarity cascading over her like a cold wave. That can't have been her mother. She was remembering a scene from about thirty years ago, surely, even with the best surgeons; her mother would still look different. And she would have noticed it; Specials were designed to spot flaws.

She came to a river, tested it lightly, and drank gratefully from it. Dimly, she could hear the whining sound of overused hovercars. She smiled, for the first time in a while. Soon the iron paths would fade. They were placed there by man after all, as an aid to the Smokies, but she had been further and they would soon come to a halt, and the vehicles would fall. Her smile turned into a grimace as she remembered the first heart-wrenching time she had come across it, to be falling with no aid to stop her, and then turning her board to crash into a rock face.

Ouch. Even the memory seemed to hurt.

Oh. Maybe it wasn't just a memory. Coincidence. It had to be surely?

She rubbed the top of her head, vaguely wondering how she had managed to smack into another cliff, or perhaps the same. Maybe this was a weird case of déjà vu.

Damn. She was going mad out here. Only four days and she had already started talking to herself. She needed company. She, Aranè, needed companionship. Which was odd in itself, she was so cautious, so secretive, no body knew much about her. Most people didn't even know her name.

Gracefully, she landed onto the grass. There was a lot of green in the area, wild flowers and even wilder trees. She spun around and let the sensations of nature wash over her. This was, in Tally Youngblood's words, bubbly

Cable sighed. That was why she wanted to be a doctor in the first place. And she would have noticed it; Specials were designed to spot flaws.

Her mother. A flaw indeed. If it was possible to be naturally Special, her mother would be crowned as one. She spotted flaws in everything, especially her little defect daughter..

Cable sighed. That was why she wanted to be a doctor in the first place. To prove her wrong. She should be grateful really; her mother gave her the incentive to shine.

To shine… she suddenly remembered something;

"Twinkle twinkle little star,

It's a pathetic light afar"

Crack. She spun around.

"Might as well not even try
It resembles you... but why?"

Dimly she could see a figure, moving towards her. It was as tall as a Special, but Specials don't make a sound. Who had ever heard of a clumsy agent of Special Circumstances?

Swiftly, she glided out of sight and hid silently behind a bundle trees clumped together to make a perfect camouflage.

The figure walked slowly forward. It seemed wary, its head glancing around. It knew another form was nearby.

Balls. (hahaha mental image of Dr. Cable saying balls)


Skintenna link. (Does she have a skintenna? Meh, she does now)

From where?

She let out her one second laugh.

There's nowhere here, stupid, unless the Smokies have uncover some city communication technology.

Which they have.

Stupid Aranè.



Getting annoyed, she spun around and pulled off her gloves revealing critically sharp glossy nails.


Shut the hell up.

The figure emerged from the shadows.

"Mother?" Came a girl's voice.

