Title: Rivers in Egypt.
Author: Lauand
Beta: Madhumalati
Rating: PG
Summary: Gojyo likes girls.

A/N: Inspired by an awesome piece of fanart in the form of a comiclet by Mith Maulin. Thank you very much to Madhumalati for the beta-ing.


Gojyo was a ladies' man. Not that he had anything against faggo… homosexuals or anything; it was just that men were objectively quite unattractive. First, there was the stubble. It was bad enough to have it, but just the thought of kissing someone with it was disgusting. It rasped and scratched and it made skin unpleasant to caress. Women had such smooth cheeks, so silky… Not to mention legs. Men's legs were plainly�ugly. Hairy, muscled, unshapely legs. Who would want to touch that? Women had pretty legs, with soft curves and flesh around their knees. And nice asses. A guy's ass was too hard and the hips were bony and barely wider than the waist. Who would want to circle a dude's waist? Girls were so sexy, with their sides narrowing little by little and then widening again… it was as if they were designed to have one's arms around them. Like an ergonomic remote control. They were pleasant to hold. And the breasts… why guys didn't have breasts? Little, big, heavy, rounded, pert, rosy-nippled, dusk-nippled… boobs were just an awesome part of the body. Gojyo loved boobs. Every kind. Feminine arms were beautiful, too, so nicely formed and delicate-looking, not like a man's arm, all muscle and sinew. And the veins. Guys had ugly veins on their arms. What the fuck. And well, the most obvious reason, women had locks and men had keys. That was the ultimate argument to think fucking girls was just the right thing to do. It all fit. So, to be honest, Gojyo had nothing against fa… gays, but he couldn't understand them either. At least the male ones.

So, when for the twentieth time this week, he caught himself staring at Hakkai and, well, Hakkai caught him, too, and asked what was wrong, Gojyo just said:

"I like girls."

Hakkai blinked.

"Aah, congratulations. I suppose. Is anything else the matter?"

Gojyo reflected on it.

"No, I think that's all."

"Hmm, very well. I'll continue reading, then."

Gojyo absentmindedly grunted in agreement and forced himself to look elsewhere. His mind kept on evoking images of Hakkai. Like a mantra, or a charm you have to repeat for it to work, he mentally recited:

I like girls, I like girls, I like girls…
