Bewildered Circumstances

by: Sorrowful Princess



Chapter 12: A Change of Heart


The sun was shining so brightly, the temperature raising a few degrees. But it's nothing compared to the temperature of Luna's boiling blood and steaming head. She was so pissed off that every student she passes by gets a deadly glare and a murderous atmosphere. Well, it can't be helped, can it? She lost her alice. And she had lost it to someone whom she considers her mortal enemy. She fastened her pace. She needs to get there and find what the hell happened to that 'bitch'---as she prefer to call the brunette---and why the hell she acts like an ass.

A black door greeted her a few moments later and she practically kicked it open with such force that the door was pulled out of its hinges. Though Luna may seem so fragile with her feminine body, she's considered as one of the strongest there is in the Dangerous Ability class.

She then was greeted by a smirking masked man sitting behind an oak desk in front of her.

"Luna," his playful voice rang annoyingly. "Seems like you wanted to see me so badly. You even broke the door just to get sight of me. I must say; I am quite touched." he said and Luna gritted her teeth in return.

"Cut the crap, Persona. You know why I'm here." she spat venomously.

Persona feigned innocence. "Oh my, I'm afraid I don't know."

"Stop it. Just tell me what the hell happened to that bitch."

"Bitch?" Persona repeated with brows raised. "I believe I have strictly told you not to call Sakura by such foul names in front of me."

"I don't care about that damn shit. Listen here; that bitch stole my alice and I'm not going to let her get away with it. She's gonna pay dearly for it." she said, her eyes fuming.

"She stole your alice? I assume you have let your guard down?"

"That's not the point!"

"Then what is?"

Luna clutched her fists. She hates it whenever Persona plays games with her. She's not a toy or anything. She's not a material for fun.

"Well, for your freaking information," Luna started, "that bitch suddenly went off acting like an ass to everyone, even to her friends. She was so arrogant and despicable that I couldn't help but feel agitated towards her. She stole my goddamn alice. Tell me; what the hell did you do to her? Don't misunderstand me, though. I don't care what you do to her. I don't care even if she dies in front of me. It's just that helping you wreck Natsume out of her grasps is something I did obviously not to get my alice stolen in return. You get my damn point, Persona?"

"Yes, of course. In short, you want your alice back." Persona responded with mock understanding.

"Of course I do!" Luna almost shouted. "Don't talk to me as if I'm retarded, Persona. And I don't just want it back. You know I'm not the kind of person to tolerate such impertinence. Surprised be not if you suddenly saw her bloody head on the damn floor." she said darkly.

Suddenly, Persona's aura became murderous and dangerous. He looked at Luna with such frightening, cold, and serious eyes. "Watch your words, Luna." he warned. "Touch a single strand of her hair and you'll find your body dispersing into ashes."

Luna, despite of Persona's words, remained as cocky as she can be.

"Protecting her that much, Persona?" she said, "I don't see what you and Natsume see in her."

"It's Kouda." the masked man said out of nowhere.

Luna raised one questioning eye brow. "What?"

"I made Sakura take a drug called Kouda." Persona answered, mockery gone.

Luna knows of Persona's intentions to Mikan, but whenever it comes to the question 'what he sees in Mikan?', she always notices the way Persona's trying to avert the direction of the conversation. And it only made her feel more pissed off than ever. Why does Mikan Sakura seem so important to everyone, even to Persona's eyes? Huh. Acting as if the world's in desperate need of her, that's what frustrates Luna the most. So what if she has friends? So what if everyone likes her? So what if Persona takes interest in her? She can kill Mikan with just her bare hands if she wants. She's way stronger than her, in her eyes that is.

"It's a drug that changes one's personality, rewrites one's memories, and turns over one's characteristics." the masked man went on, drawing Luna out of her trance. "Back then she treasures her friends, but now she considers them nothing but garbage. The drug made her stronger, in a way wherein she goes on with no particular emotion towards anyone and everyone," Persona paused, a wicked smile curving on her lips, "Anyone but me." he finished and Luna stared at her for quite some time, processing his words in her brain.

The Mikan Sakura now doesn't care about anyone except Persona himself? Then...

"You mean to say she only has eyes for you?" the somewhat tone of disbelief lingered in Luna's voice for a while.

In response, Persona smirked triumphantly.

"And the cure?" Luna continued to ask.

Persona merely shrugged. "There is no cure," he said smugly. "That drug is the worst thing the AAO has created, and I have already gotten ahold of that item even before they could analyze it and formulate a cure/antidote. The effect of that drug would stay in Mikan's system for a lifetime. Of course, no alice can wear it off as well."

"And may I know how you got ahold of that shitty item?"

"My, Luna. Whatever was the Dangerous Ability class for?" Persona replied.

"So, since that bitch's gonna be following you like a dog, why don't you tell her to give that soul-sucking alice stone back to its owner?"

"Watch your words, Luna." Persona repeated his warning a while ago.

Luna threw her hands in the air. "Fine! I won't call that bitch a bitch when you're around. But, I can't promise you I won't give her a fiery path to walk into."

"Do you really think you're that strong, Luna? You know very well the difference of her abilities compared to your own."

"Shut up! Don't you dare spit to my face how awfully skillful you think that little scheme is!" Luna hissed. She was seething with anger. She hated it whenever Persona makes comparison between her and Mikan, since the only thing that Persona could say was: 'she's way stronger than you are.'. Who says that bitch's better? If she gets serious, she can easily wipe that bitch's ass. Well, that's what she believes.

"She can easily kill you if she desires to, Luna. Just a swing of her katana and you'll end up mangled and stuck in a casket."

"I'd like to see her try," Luna taunted.

Just then, the certain brunette---that's been their topic for quite some time now---appeared before the two of them and entered without knocking, since Luna broke the door a few moments ago.

Luna immediately felt her temper rise close to the sun's internal heat, and she had fought the urge to slick off Mikan's neck right on the spot. She knew that if she were to make an action right at this moment, Persona would just get in the way and he obviously won't take her side. She'll end up being carried by the wind as ashes.

"Oh, I see you have already gotten here before I did, Luna. Seems like you cried and begged for Persona to ask me to give your dear alice back to you. How I wish I were here earlier to witness such a scene." Mikan said with an annoying smirk playing on her lips.

Luna clutched her fists. "I see you have gotten more bitchy on your side." she retorted.

"Oh?" Mikan raised one brow. "Why is it that you're always into those kinds of words? You know, bitch, ass, slut. I wonder what other delicate language exist in your dictionary, Luna. And please, no need to get so worked up." she said, clearly enjoying insulting Luna.

But before Luna could respond, Persona took the liberty to speak.

"My princess, I believe classes are not over yet. May I know why you are wandering around?" he asked with a teasing yet gentle tone.

Mikan smiled at him. "I don't like being in class, you know I never did. Those garbage act as if they all know everything in me. I hate those kind of junk. They make me exasperated."

"I see," was Persona's only reply.

Luna, having to see the sickening exchange of looks between Persona and Mikan, felt a desirable urge to puke. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Bitch," she grumbled under her breath. "Give my alice back or else I'll rip your throat apart and pry your eyes out of their sockets." she said, but to her dismay, Mikan simply laughed on that.

"My, you look so scary, Luna." she replied.

"Give it to me." She grumbled yet again.

Smirking, Mikan gave Luna a---"Fine, fine. I'll give it to you now since you look so desperate and since there's really no need for bloodbath to commence in front of Persona-sama."---kind of answer.

Walking to where the masked man resides, she slowly raised her hand and threw a purple stone into Luna's direction just as she said, "Here, fetch." As if Luna were some kind of dog.

This only made Luna's temper flare thus chose to keep quiet and leave. She can make the bitch pay whenever she wants, anyway. No need to get hasty.

So, using the most of her strength to supress the tempting urge to kill the bitch, she turned around and leave. But not without giving Mikan one last murderous glare.

Mikan, on the other hand, doesn't really care whether Luna was angry or not. She doesn't care to anyone, except...

"Serio," she called the masked man with his real name when they were finally alone. She went to him and sat on his lap. "Did you realize how much I have missed you?" she asked playfully while touching his cheek.

Persona took off his mask and stared at the beauty in front of him. He smiled. She's finally his. Finally. And there's no one to take her away from him anymore.

"I missed you, too," he replied as he felt Mikan's lips dance through his cheeks, close to his lips.

"Then you must know how much I hate the feeling of having you away from me even for just a second," the brunette said, her voice and eyes suddenly warm.

Persona smiled yet again. "Yes, but I like knowing someone's missing me. Especially if that someone's you." he replied as his lips captured hers in a passionate kiss. They were lost in their own world for a long moment and Persona couldn't help but feel his insides burst with triumph and happiness.

Yes, she's finally his now. And no one can take her away from him anymore. No one, even Natsume.


Later that night, Mikan went back to her special star room to fetch her Katana and daggers. Persona instructed her to meet him at midnight for some additional training regarding her next mission. However as she entered her room, she immediately noticed how odd her room felt. She looked around, and there she found a couple of surveillance camera installed in the corner of her ceiling, closet, and bugs planted even under her lampshade.

She didn't hesitate to destroy them, but not without giving Hotaru, the one behind all this stuff, a smirk while saying how stupid her idea of watching her through such trash was. Hotaru, on the other hand, felt so damn frustrated as to why her ideas do not take effect on Mikan anymore. Nevertheless, she didn't want to give up. She will find out what happened to her best friend, no matter what. No matter what the cost may be.

At exactly midnight, Mikan went out of her respective room and walked towards the designated training place wearing her training clothes, tight black over-all.

The designated place was none other than the clearing located at the back of the dorms, but it was made sure that no student could see what's going on there. It was midnight, after all. And everyone was fast asleep while cuddling their pillows and journeying to their dreamland.

"Serio," she called out in front of her, where a tall tree resides. A shadow lurked from it, and she was greeted by blood-red eyes, looking intently at her.

"Late yet again, my princess. Guess old habits die hard." he said.

"Guess tardiness is a part of me, after all."

"Well, then, shall we start our business now?"

"As in right now? But..."

"Don't worry, my princess, we can have fun later." Persona said, his lips tugging into a mischievous grin. Mikan grinned as well, and after a moment, the hazardous training had commenced.


The night breeze was so cold that if the crimson-eyed man had no fire alice, he would have most probably freeze to death. He was jumping from tree to tree, having this path so as to reach his room faster than normal. The hospital has discharged him earlier this afternoon, but he decided to go back at midnight so that no one would see him sneaking back in such a hideous state. Though the hospital gave him a couple of pain killers in case the pain returns, it was not enough. Nothing seemse to relieve him from the pain he's feeling. And he knows, that his life won't last that much longer.

How much time does he have left? How many months? Weeks? Days? Hours?

He could die anytime soon. And he knew it.

The doctors also stricly instructed him to refrain from using his alice no matter what. One more usage of it and he'll surely die.

As he was thinking about his almost fading life, he caught the sight of a brunette holding a Katana and throwing daggers at a certain masked man. They must be training, from the looks of it. And he doesn't have the least bit of interest to watch the girl who have broken his heart. He doesn't care if she's with Persona, who can easily kill her. He doesn't care if...

The brunette swung her Katana on Persona, but the masked man easily evaded it. Mikan made herself an unintentional opening and Persona, taking advantage of it, drew his elbow at Mikan's back. Mikan landed on the hard ground with a loud thoud, but quickly stood up and faced her foe.

Mikan lunged forward, and Persona increased his defense, awaiting for her attack but suddenly, Mikan fell to the floor, unconcious.

What on earth happened? Why did she faint?

Persona didn't attack her. Nor did she receive a fatal hit to result into something like this. So what would the cause may be?

He saw Persona suddenly ushered towards the brunette, but he couldn't see his face so he had no idea what emotion he was wearing. What's there to ask? Since it's Persona, he's sure he's not going to do anything that would be considered good.

With that assumption, and as if to confirm his thoughts, he saw Persona carry Mikan in a bridal style and walk into the other direction.

The direction of the evil's room.

What is he going to do with Mikan?

Impulsively, Natsume jumped down from the branch and landed on the ground. He looked over to the direction where Persona had gone, and slowly, he took a step forward towards it.

Should he go?

Why should he?

That brunette played with him. So why should he go there and help her? Save her rather?

Because she's in danger. God knows what that evil Persona has in mind.

And if someone's in danger, he ought to help that someone. No matter what he/she had done to him.

So, having that resolve in mind, he clutched his hand and started walking. But before he could even take a few more steps, a voice from behind had stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Where do you think you're going, Natsume?"

Natsume whirled around and saw Luna standing a few feet away from him, hiding behind a fat tree.

He didn't respond, and Luna felt somewhat annoyed.

"I said where are you going, Natsume?" she repeated, only to find Natsume in dead pan silence. His eyes were impassive. Actually, there's really no reason for Luna to ask such thing. Like Natsume, she has seen what happened a while ago and she knows full well where the flame caster intends to go. And knowing that, she can't allow him to.

Slowly, Natsume turned around and continued to walk. Luna then grabbed his wrist and forced him to face her.

"You're not going anywhere, Natsume." she hissed.

Natsume, on the other hand, couldn't really care to what this bitch is saying. His thoughts were somewhere else.

'I played you, I used you. You're such a wonderful toy, don't you know that?' Mikan's words flashed in his mind and an unbearable pain pierced through his heart.

Why should he go?

So what if she's danger? She doesn't even care about him. So why should he care for her?

It's unfair.

He doesn't love her anymore, that's what he always say to himself. She's nothing to him anymore. But then again, why does his heart ache like it's being rip apart?

This pain told him not to go. Or else he'll just end up hurting yet again. But...

Should he go? Should he save her?

Is it worth it?

Natsume closed his eyes. He doesn't even need to think of an answer. He knows it already.

He shove Luna's hand away and started away from her. Luna, being the persistent one, continued to hold on to him.

"You are not going anywhere!" She shouted, fuming.

Annoyed, Natsume pushed her away and she landed hard on the ground. Surprised, Luna looked at him with bewildered eyes.

"Are you breaking up with me, Natsume?"

But Natsume didn't even respond. He ran after where Persona had gone, leaving a stunned Luna behind. She doesn't have to hear the answer. It was already clear to her.

After all, silence means yes.


to be continued...


A/N: Okay so there goes my 12th chapter. I'm actually not contented with it. It lacks one more scene, and it's because of my mighty brother's fault. He kept on pestering me not to use the computer. You know, he gave me 1 hour due time to write the WHOLE chapter! I mean, c'mon guys, just an hour? I didn't even get the chance to proofread it so please forgive me if there's just so much errors.

Have I kept you waiting for long? Did you like the chapter despite how it was written?

Review all right?

My college life starts in a few days so I guess I'll be busy yet again. But worry not, dear readers, I'll continue posting the upcoming chapters for you.

Don't forget the review all right? And by the way, the 4th Chapter of Cera; Rise of the Lost Princess was already up! I'd appreciate it a lot if you'd somehow give it a try.

Thanks for reading!



PS: Thanks for the reviews on the previous chapter. Love you all!