A/N: Hey All! I'm sorry I couldn't get to you all this week. Massive homework! So I made this very fluffy drabble of Sora and Riku. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts doesn't belong to me… Weird… I have a heart and a kingdom…


The perfect sunset. Riku was leaning against the trunk of the papou tree, and Sora was sitting on it. Just like they used to do. Kairi was off helping her mom on the mainland, so Sora and Riku basically had the whole island to themselves. Sora just sat there, watching the sunset. Suddenly, a question popped into his head.

"Hey Riku?" Sora asked, with his usual cheerfulness.

"Yes?" Riku responded.

"What is love?" There was a pause between both of them. "No, I mean, I know what love is. Like how do you know when you are in love or something?"

Riku thought for a moment. Sora was cute, but sometimes he was just a bit too naïve. "What is love? Well, it's basically an emotion from our hearts. It shows the care and affection that you give to someone. I guess you could say that you know you're in love when you feel like you'd do anything for a person. Anything for them, as long as you were always with them."

There was more silence between them as Sora thought about what Riku said. "Riku?" Sora asked again.

"Yes Sora?"

"I love you."

"… I love you too."