I started my way towards school earlier than I normally did. He eventually joined up with me, though we were already late, due to him hogging the bathroom the entire morning. I don't know what it is with Sasuke and his hair, but it takes him forever to make it the way it normally is. I just get up, brush my hair, then mess it up again in about two minutes tops. If Iruka-sensei catches us late one more time, he's going to make us stay after school for two hours reading books on Roman Catholic History. Sasuke and I were the misfits in our school, along with our friends, Kiba and Gaara. It was obviously for the way we dressed; I always had my black "Iron Maiden" shirt on with my tight, blue jeans and my DC's and my awesome necklace that had a cross with two swords through it. Sasuke always wore a black hoodie with some intricate, white, printed decoration all over it, which reeked of cigarette smoke and intriguing cologne, baggy black jeans with a studded belt and a chain, and some sweet Van's that I've stolen from him a couple of times. Kiba and Gaara's wardrobes are pretty similar to ours, except that I'm the only one who doesn't wear eyeliner. Sasuke told me that it'd look gross with my eye color. I knew he was right; it would also contrast from my blond hair. We weren't really anything cliche, though, we don't skateboard, we don't cut ourselves, yet everyone seems to think so, which annoys me to absolutely no extent. A couple minutes before we were halfway to the school, Sasuke took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, and lit one up. He tossed me one and a lighter, and I mimicked his actions.
"Do you really care if we're late, Dobe?" he asked me.
"Not really, we already are." I replied in the same, nonchalant tone as he had.
"Good, because I have something to show you." he led me to the oppisite corner than we normally turn with an evil grin across his face.
We headed towards a door at the end of the alley; he took a bobbypin out of his pocket, and picked at the lock until it finally opened. Inside, we saw a single light on, and Kiba and Gaara. They were laying on their bellies, armwrestling.
"Hey, thought you guys wouldn't show up." Kiba said as he sat up.
"You got the shit?" Sasuke asked as a reply.
Kiba digged through his pocket and took out a little baggy filled only 1/3 way with some green, grassy substance. Gaara turned behind him and grabbed a little cigar and started to take it apart. I stood there, confused; I had no clue what was going on. Kiba threw the baggy to Gaara as he started filling the cigar with the substance and rolled it back up. Sasuke nudged me to sit down, as he was walking to take his seat on the floor. I awkwardly took my seat on the rather dusty floor, as Kiba was blowing the rest of the dust out of the middle of the new formed oval we conatined of. Sasuke digged through his pockets, then shot his onyx eyes at me.
"Have my lighter, Dobe?" he asked.
"Oh, lemme get it, Teme." I replied hesitantly as I grabbed it out of my pocket and threw it to him.
He snatched it and handed it to Gaara; Gaara was definitely something else; he hardly ever spoke, and when he did, it was because he had to. Apparently, according to Kiba, he was abducted as a child and was raped, and since he had no trusted adult he could go to so he could ease the pain, he just quit talking. Gaara took the lighter and the cigar thing, and lit it up like a cigarette. He inhaled then exhaled, leaving a very odd stench in the air; almost smelling good. He passed it to Sasuke, who passed it to Kiba, who passed it to me. I eyed the cigar to observe what it was because it sure wasn't a cigar.
"Come on, Naruto. It's some pretty good shit." Kiba reassured me.
"Dobe, it's just like a cigarette; it'll just give you some funny feelings, that's all." Sasuke added.
I nodded and took a hit. It was a lot stronger than a cigarette, what the hell was Sasuke talking about! I managed, barely, to exhale without coughing up a lung with it. They all eyed me curiously, seeing that I finally knew what the substance that I just inhaled was.
Sasuke and Kiba developed huge grins on their faces, and Gaara took the 'blunt' from me.
"So, how was that, newbie?" Kiba asked.
"Uhhhhh?" I replied in confusion.
"Let him install that into his mind before you start interrogating him, dumbass!" Sasuke retorted.
The blunt kept going around and around until it was out. Sasuke was definitely right about the funny feeling, but he never mentioned that I'd get really hungry. I was too preoccupied laughing with the guys, though, to find something to eat. We sat there, talking about cookies and chickens. Until I had gotten the most brilliant idea my idiot mind had thought of in awhile.
"You guys! We should go to school and stuff Sakura's locker with tampons and open condoms!" I yelled out, interrupting their laughter.
They all starting laughing, even Gaara did, and Kiba gave me a high five.
"Dobe, that's fucking brilliant! Let's do that after school, though, so we don't get caught by dolphin face." Sasuke said, referring to Iruka-sensei.
For some reason, the grin that Sasuke had across his face turned me on. I knew that I swung both ways, but I never thought of Sasuke in that way; we've been living with each other since we were 13. Being 16 now, it's hard to imagine him and I together with all of the fights we've had over nothing. He's hard-headed and stubborn, while I just don't care about much and I'm laid back. Granted that much, he's always been there for me through my roughest of times, as I have been for him. Sasuke rustled through his raven hair, blinking to reveal his bloodshot eyes. I started laughing out of nowhere at this. I swung back and forth until I hit the ground laughing.
"Yeah, he's pretty buzzed." Kiba spoke out, observing me.
"What's wrong, Dobe?" my Teme asked me.
Yes, my Teme.
"Your eyes, Sasuke, they're red as fuck!" I continued laughing.
"Oh really?" he replied.
That's when Sasuke got up and straddled me, digging through his pocket with one hand, pinning me down with the other. He reached a mirror out of his pocket and put it in front of my face, where I could see how bloodshot my eyes were as well. I quit laughing, for the position I was in was really awkward, especially I had very visible tight pants on. I started laughing again, hoping no one would notice my little...ehh..problem. Luckilly, my face was already beet-red from laughing, otherwise, they'd want to know what I was blushing about. I sat back up, pretzel-styled my legs, and we talked some more, until it was finally time to get up and leave. Sasuke was still a little billigerent, but I was fine enough to the point of walking in straight lines again. It was kind of cute, seeing Sasuke high off his ass like this, but I promised myself that I wouldn't take advantage of this, in case he would remember in the morning.
Sasuke was stumbling as we were walking home, so I put his arm around my shoulder to keep his toned, sexy body balanced with mine. I took out a ciggie from his pocket, along with the lighter, and lit it up. Five minutes within our trip back home, Sasuke started feeling okay, so he removed his arm from my shoulder and grabbed another cigarette and lit it up. I remained quiet, watching as the gloomy clouds started to drip rain from their heads.
"You okay, Naruto?" he asked; I looked at him, surprised; he used my name for the first time in years!
"Yeah, Teme, I'm fine. Just thinking." I replied.
"About what, might I ask"
"Just things I'm confused about, that's all"
"It's not about the experience you just had, was it? I hope you were okay with that, really. I mainly thought it would help you, since you were stressed out all the time." he looked at me with pleading eyes.
"No, it's nothing like that. Actually, it helped a lot, Sasuke, I'm just thinking about other things." I replied, looking into those onyx eyes I loved so much.
"Okay." he replied, as he continued to walk alongside me.
Every second that passes by, I get more and more attracted to my roommate. His raven hair, especially in the rain, his beautiful black eyes, his adorable button nose, his full, lustful lips, his finely toned body, and the way his heart rarely shows affection because he needs someone with the right key to open that chamber. I feel like I have that key; I just need a side of confidence with that.