Full Summary: Bella and Edward decided they want to renew their vows and do it properly with their family by their side. But planning the event isn't actually a piece of cake when they are parents of new born twins, Edward's job is adding stress, Bella trying to complete her life long goal of becoming a writer, and just who is this guy that keeps appearing in their life saying that he knows Bella? Their love will be tested as the day to anniversary/renewal of vows comes closer.
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Okay…lol, you know it's sad when the song that helped me write this chapter happens to be Carrie Underwood again! Ya, Hitched was inspired by Carrie Underwood "Last Name" and now THIS story is partly inspired by Carrie Underwood "Twisted". Yeah…weird especially when I couldn't think of any other songs for the other chapters in Hitched. So if you go to my webpage and click on the Hitched playlist you can hear "Twisted" on there…in the few day lol.
Anyways, this chapter is broken down into two parts. The first part is like a mini-summary of the original story (which all of you should have read) and the second part gets this "story"-ball rolling. So ENJOY guys!
(Disclaimer is on my profile)
Chapter One
The Paper…
An exclusive interview with Edward and Isabella Cullen
By: Juliana Harp
They were the couple that everyone was talking about around the water cooler in every break room. It was unsure how this very-much-in-love couple met…until today. I received exclusive interview with Edward and Isabella Cullen, five weeks after the birth of their twins: Edward Chase and Lillian Sophia Cullen.
"I actually met her once when we were very little in her hometown of Forks, Washington," Edward Anthony Cullen said, smiling at his wife. However, before you go 'aw' Edward continues saying, "But we weren't childhood sweethearts."
It seems readers that they only meet once when Edward was seven, Isabella six, and had never seen each other until one day in Vegas nine months ago.
"Oh yeah, I fainted when I found out I was married," Isabella—or Bella as she asked to be called—said, blushing. "I just came out of a relationship where my ex had cheated on me and then the next day I found myself married to some stranger." And then she told me a shocking bit of information. "I then asked for a divorce when I woke up from my fainting spell."
But as you can see fair readers by the picture above (Edward sitting besides Bella, holding her hand as they over looked their twins in one bassinette), they aren't divorced and very much in love.
"Of course I couldn't let her go," Edward said, laughing. "I knew right away that she was my everything."
A few weeks later, they found out that were expecting. Then, fourteen weeks later they found out they were expecting twins!
Edward laughs, "I remember the OB/GYN telling us the sex of the baby and he keep switching from boy to girl and then back. We were so confused before he just upped and said, 'You're expecting twins…a boy and a girl'."
I got to hold the twins just before they went to sleep. Edward Chase Cullen—or known as E.C. by his parents—looks very much like Bella expect for his eyes which were clearly an Edward emerald green. E.C., though a month old, likes to watch sports according to his parents. "Oh every time his uncle (Emmett Cullen) comes, little E.C. here is all watching the TV while sucking his fist," Edward said, smiling as he bounced little E.C.
Lillian Sophia Cullen on the other hand is very shy, like her mother, and hates hair bows as she threw hers a few times during the interview. Isabella laughed the last time Lillian threw it. "Her aunt's, Rosalie and Alice Hale (both former models that decided to dabble in other careers, fashion design for Rosalie and photography for Alice), both hate the fact that she hates dressing up and hair things. They swore I'm brainwashing her."
However, though it seems like a wonderful marriage, it seems that at one point the Cullen couple had…split?
"Oh yeah," Bella said, looking sadly at the ground. "Someone had told me that Edward was cheating on me—" Edward rests a hand on her shoulder "—so I left and went back to Forks, Washington where I thought Edward could never find me."
Actually Edward did…four and a half months later. When I asked him why so long, Edward answered, "I thought she didn't love me. That she really wanted it."
But, they did manage to get back together, found the truth behind the rumor and managed to be happy again. "But what made it even a better reunion was that Bella went into labor," Edward said. Twins are often born early so it didn't come to a shock that Bella had given birth early. E.C. was born naturally at—while his sister, Lillian, was born via emergency C-Section when she started to breach (a condition where the baby turn sideways which causes stress on that said baby).
"Over all, Edward and I are happy," Bella said, her hand in Edward's. "Our road was bumpy but whose marriage isn't. We love each other, we love our children, and that right now weights out the horrible things that has happen and surely to happen."
And with that my friends, is the tale of the beautiful fairytale lives of Edward and Isabella Cullen, whose first anniversary is approaching in three months. When asked upon what they were going to do for it they looked at each other and said, "We're not quite sure but I bet it's going to be wonderful."
…Edward's Idea
Bella's POV
"Not a bad interview," I said, nodding as I read the paper.
"Hmm," Edward said, reading over my shoulder. "Not bad, not bad at all."
I rolled my eyes and folded the paper close.
"So…what are we going to do for our first anniversary?" I asked slowly.
When Edward didn't answer me, I turned around and found him just staring at me. I normally would have smiled, Edward would smile back and we would lean together and kiss but this wasn't normal because of the look in his eyes. It was sort of like a sad look, like kind of a guilty look.
"Edward," I said, touching his hand.
"Bella," he said softly. Oh lord, he is feeling guilty. "Have you ever wished you could have a normal wedding?"
"Wh…what do you mean?" I asked, wondering what the hell Edward was feeling guilty over.
"I mean," Edward said, waving his one hand that I wasn't holding onto, "like a normal wedding unlike the one we had."
"What was wrong with our wedding?" I asked.
"Bella it was in a small Vegas chapel with an Elvis impersonator plus you can't even remember it because you were pissed out drunk no thanks to Lance."
I cringed for two reasons. One I didn't remember our actual wedding because like he said I was pissed out drunk. And two…Edward said the name of the cheating bastard that is my ex…Lance Carter. And not only did he cheat on me, he also made me doubt Edward's love for me, and Edward was away from my pregnancy or four and a half months. I hadn't seen Lance since I had left but I heard from the rumor mill that his ended up cheating on the girl he used to cheat on me leaving her pregnant. I really have no idea what I saw in Lance (nor why I believed him that Edward was cheating on me, which I'll never forgive myself for doing…believing Lance, I mean).
"I know," I said, squeezing his hand. "But I'm happy just the way we are right now."
"You cannot tell me that you don't wish for a wedding where your friends and family are all around you and you're dressing in white and all that jazz."
I thought for a moment. "Yeah I do wish that our friends were there but Edward I'm happy. Really, okay?"
Edward sighed.
"I feel like I owe you a real wedding, Bella," he said, rubbing his thumb along my palm.
I sighed. "If it makes you feel better than…why don't we renew our vows properly on our anniversary?"
Edward's head snapped towards me in shock.
"What?" I said, scared.
"Bella you're a genius!" Edward said, hugging me tightly.
"Ouch, hurting the wife," I muttered.
Edward let me go. "That's a brilliant Bella."
I smirked before frowning. "But…our anniversary is in three months…we can't pull a wedding off in three months."
Edward smirked. "You're forgetting three people who pulled together a wedding in two weeks."
I thought for a moment before suddenly getting scared. "Oh no," I said.
"Mmhmm," he said. "It's time to call Alice, Rosalie, and Dakota."
Edward got up to go call them.
"Edward! You're crossing over to the dark side."
Edward chuckled before saying, "Alice? Hey we have a job for Dakosalie."
"Oh no!" I groaned just as Lillian started to cry her 'I'm hungry' cry.
"YOU DON'T TRUST US!" —Alice, Rosalie, and Dakota
So…what do you guys think? Review, review, and let me know. Meanwhile I'll get writing chapter two.
—This was edited by RachelRay93