Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Ranma ½ or any of the characters, nor do I own the book Flipped.

A/N: I got this idea from the book Flipped. Oh… and don't forget… this is my second fic!

Plus, I rotate between point of views. To know whoes point of view it is, I put their name. If this confuses anyone, let me know.

Now, onward!

The Basket Boys

Fanfic by Pattie6485


"RANMA!" Akane bellowed from across the dojo hall. "GET BACK HERE!" I ran as fast as I could, gasping and puffing all the way across the Tendo residence. I looked behind me and saw that Akane was still chasing me. I had to run faster! I couldn't even bare another of her ghastly, spin-tingling, gut-wrenching, heart stopping… HOME MADE LUNCHES.

Who knew what she put in it THIS time? Spiders? Dirt? A mouse? Screws? Akane probably tossed in anything she saw! I was not going to eat another one of those lunches! I didn't know how much more my stomach could handle!

Before I knew it… I was cornered by pop, Akane's dad and Akane in the east corner of the dojo. Figures. THEY wouldn't eat the disgusting lunch but sure as hell they'd make me eat it.

"Ranma," Akane said, calmly. "You forgot your lunch…" she held out a small bento box with a checkered handkerchief tucked inside. I grimaced at the box.

"Uh… I don't er… need a lunch today…" I stuttered, quickly. I knew that if I said the wrong thing I'd be orbiting in outer space in half a second.

"What do you mean?" Akane asked. Damn it! Didn't she get the hint?

"Because I… Ha-" my words were interrupted by Soun's face shoved close to mine.

"Ranma," he grumbled. "Don't tell me you're going to tell my daughter that her food tastes like eating glue!"

"N-no… I… uh…" Oh, no. They had me trapped! Either I'd have to take the damn lunch, or be pummeled.

That's when Nabiki stepped into the Dojo wearing her blue school uniform. "Ranma, Akane… if you don't shake a leg, you'll be late for school." She said.

She winked at me. "I'll put this one on your tab, Ranma."

For once in my life, I was glad that Nabiki was the foul gold-digging witch that she was. "Well, lets go Akane! No time to waste!" I shouted as I grabbed Akane's hand and ran out the dojo.

"Ranma! Slow down…" Akane said as we got out of the house. "Since when are you the one to be in a hurry to get to school?"

"Hey!" I shouted in disapproval. "I'm always in a hurry to get to school!"

"Yeah, when Shampoo's chasing you half way across Nerima." Akane grumbled, swatting my hand away from hers. Man, did this chick have anger problems. She was the biggest tomboy I'd ever met in my life. I didn't find her the least bit cute! Unless she smiled…

"Hey, it can't be helped." I began, calmly. Akane looked at me, with a glare. "Its 'cuz I'm so irresistible."

"Yeah, every time I see your face I can't help but want to pound you!" Akane said, while sticking her tongue out at me.

"Oh, admit it Akane. You can't help having the hots for me!" I said, smugly. I was the hottest stud in Nerima, no wonder all the girls liked me!

Akane's eyebrow twitched. "I would NEVER, EVER like an insensitive jerk like you, Ranma!" she bellowed while taking out her whack-a-Ranma mallet. And before I knew it, she pounded me on the head.

"Walk to school by yourself, jerk." she said. Then she huffed at me and walked away.

"Stupid Akane." I muttered. She didn't have to pound me! Man, she was violent! Now I had to walk to school by myself AND I was late!

I ran as fast as I could down the street until I reached Furinkan High School. Everyone was inside already. Damn! The bell must've rung already! I pulled open the double-doors of the school and ran into my classroom with Mrs. Hinako. When I walked in, I saw that everyone was standing and gathered around Mrs. Hinako's desk. She didn't notice when I walked in and joined the group. Heh, no detention or standing in the hall for me!

I walked up to Daisuke and Hiroshi. "Guys, what's going on?" I asked them. "Why is everyone gathered around Ms. Hinako's desk?"

"We're trying to organize who gets what job for our annual Furinkan festival at our school! This is your first year here, Ranma, so you'll get to see it for the first time!" Hiroshi said.

"Its usually a lot of fun with food, prizes… oh, and Basket boys of course!" Daisuke snickered. "I can't wait to see the Basket boys for this year!"

"What the heck is a Basket boy?" I asked.

"Well, its our fundraiser that we have at all the festivals. Its when a couple of poor suckers, the Basket Boys, will have to dress up and make a delicious lunch. The girls will have to pay money to eat lunch with the boy of their choice. Its kind of like an auction. The girl who bids the most money gets to have a lunch date with the boy of their choice." Hiroshi said, while shaking his head. "It's great to get to eat lunch with a cute girl and all, but its humiliating standing up there."

I've never heard of a Basket boy or anything like that before. I was curious. "So, how do they determine who is a basket boy?"
"Well, Miss is passing around a hat filled with slips of paper. Hopefully I get something easy like popcorn seller or something."

I looked around the class to see where the hat was right now, and I caught Akane's eye. She was beaming like fireworks on the fourth of July. She skipped over to me, smiling. My stomach lurched, nervously. Her smile could seriously make my stomach react.

"Ranma!" she chirped. "Lookie what I got!" she held out her slip of paper which said Cookie Baker.

My stomach lurched again. This time, in disgust. "That's great, Akane…" I said, trying to keep my tone normal.

The hat was then passed to Daisuke and he got Ticket Seller. Then to Hiroshi who got Decorating Crew #7. I stuck my hand into the hat and rummaged around. I crossed my fingers on the other hand and pulled out a slip of paper. I carefully unfolded the slip and opened it. I peered at the paper and my mouth flew wide open. To my dismay, I got…

Basket Boy #4.


I was extremely happy. I got the job of my dreams! Finally, I was able to cook for people other than my family! I know my cooking isn't up to standards, but who knows? Maybe the Tendo's and the Saotomes have messed up taste buds? I saw Ranma unfold his slip of paper and his face fell. What was wrong with him?

"Ranma… what did you get?" I asked, casually looking over his shoulder.

"Um…" he began. "Basket boy."

This time, my face fell. "Oh. You got B-Basket boy?" That's great, just beautiful. Now Ranma would have to stand in front of a huge sea of beautiful girls, clutching their colorful purses filled with thousands of yen. I just knew who would show up… Ukyo, even Shampoo and Kodachi. The festival wasn't limited to only students who went to this school.

"Yeah. But, Akane I'm no-" Ranma was interrupted by Ms. Hinako speaking.

"Can I have the Basket boys please come to the front of the room for a second?" she said. Ranma walked over to her desk, with his hands jammed in his pockets. I looked over at Ukyo and her eyes shimmered with delight. "Ranma is a Basket boy!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes. This entire thing was just another thing to make Ranma's super-sized ego even bigger. Fine, he can do whatever he wants. Let him be auctioned off to some hussy. I don't care!�I walked over to my desk and put my head down. Ms. Hinako announced that we weren't going to get any homework for the rest of the day, so we were allowed to do whatever we wanted.

I just kept my head down, in silence.