
Chapter 1


If anything it was more of a hassle for Lavi then it would be for anyone in the kendo club. I mean he was the one who was going to have to interview the coldest, rudest bastard in the entire school. The red head scratched his head as he saved the document he had been working on and shut down the computer.

Allen, a freshman friend of Lavi's was still typing something in the lab. With only mild interest he leaned over his shoulder,

"That report was due yesterday."

Allen jumped slightly and scowled, "No way- wait. How would you know? You're a senior!"

Lavi smiled playfully, "Just messing with you."

"Or stalling?" Allen chuckled. "After you sign out you have to go and interview Kanda don't you?"

The smile faded into a look of impending doom, slinking down into the chair next to Allen's. "Don't remind me. Why the hell did I get landed with this job anyway?"

If I ever find the guy who dropped the request in for the newspaper club to interview all the kendo members I'll kill him!

The younger boy shrugged and hit print.

"Well, I'm done. Common let's go."

Lavi moaned as he pressed his forehead to the desk.

"Oh come on…it won't be that bad. Just ask him the default questions and get out of there." He patted his friends back with a small pitying smile, "After you're done come over to my place and we'll go hang out with Lenalee, her brother bought some movies payper view."

The older boy sighed heavily as he lifted up his head to rest it on the heal of his palm; "…will there be ice cream?"

Allen stared at him with a raised white eyebrow before laughing, "I'm sure Lenalee has some."

"Then okay…" he sighed once more, "I'll go get it over with."

The kendo club was all the way across the school grounds by the gym. After a nice donation from Kanda's parents the school built its own dojo like gym just for the kendo club. But because of its finances and its popularity the members tended to take on a cocky and otherwise asshole-ish attitude that Lavi attributed to the clubs captain Yuu Kanda. The Japanese senior was well known for his stand offish personality and his tendency to be overly neurotic at times. Lavi half frowned half scowled as he remembered the first day he had met the long haired pretty boy.

He had carelessly addressed him by Kanda's first name Yuu, which had led to Kanda first standing in utter shock before he practically snarled across the room. "It's Kanda to you!"

Ever since then whenever the red head past the other boy in the hall he would be greeted with a pissed look and then would turn his eyes away in indifference. He hated to admit it but the guy made Lavi feel awkward.

Lavi stared at the simple sign tagged to the door that read, Kendo Club, and pondered for a minute how to open the door. After a minute he managed to slide it to the side and peered into the room. The floors were made of a nice wood that shined under the lights. Lavi stepped inside slowly…it seemed like no one was there.

Maybe I'll get out of doing the article.

This thought made the red head smile and walk around the club room more boldly.

"Hello? Helloooo? Anyone here?"

Lavi smirked, Empty. Perfect. He turned with a small relived laugh only to bump into something that made a small "uff" sound when he did. In that moment Lavi would have given his other eye to be anywhere but where he was now, which was only about 1 inch away from Yuu Kanda who was presently staring at him in silent displeasure.

"You aren't supposed to have shoes on in here. It scoffs the floor."

Lavi's face remained blank as his brain refused to comprehend anything that other senior was saying. Kanda was still in the traditional uniform for kendo minus the chest plate and helmet. His long black hair was down and apparently wet, the towel around his shoulders signaled he had probably just gotten out of the showers. Lavi swallowed hard and licked his now dry lips. This was going to be worse then he thought.

"Er…yeah sorry. I'm here for the article…er…they did tell you right?"

Kanda nodded simply, "Yes…so? Get on with it."

Lavi found himself nodding rapidly as he slid out his notepad and pencil, "Uh sure…umm, how often does the club practice and do they practice for any competitions?"

Kanda finally stepped back from Lavi and picked up a practice sword that leaned against the wall. He swung it up and brought it down in one fluid motion before lifting it again and swinging it down to the side.

"We practice every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm here every day though. And… well. There are some competitions, but the ones that I believe we should be attending are all located in Japan so until the principal signs off on it I really can't say we are in any."

Lavi took brief notes on what he said, feeling slightly more relaxed as he settled into something he was familiar with, "Uh huh- Wait why do you come in everyday?"

Kanda hesitated as he brought the sword up again and seemed to ponder whether or not to answer. Finally he grumbled, "None of your business."


Lavi looked at him puzzled, could it be Kanda didn't have anything else to do besides practice? The black haired boy suddenly became aware of Lavi's staring and scowled at him.

"What? What is it? You got a problem?"

Lavi shook his head slightly, "No man, forget it. So how much does the equipment cost?"

The red head didn't like Kanda's staring; it was awkward enough having to interview someone who obviously hated your guts. The kendo captain answered the rest of his questions with a certain irritability that made Lavi feel self conscious. As the other boy went into detail about the prices of different practice swords he watched the way he swung the sword with growing interest. The kimono's sleeves had slid down to the his biceps, letting him see the muscles of Kanda's arms flex and relax as he swung the sword up and down in the single smooth motion. The dark haired boys breathing was beginning to quicken with his exertions as he continued to talk about the different woods the practice swords could be made of and how the different woods changed the balance. Lavi wrote down a few small notes just so he didn't look like he was just standing there.

"I see…so how long did it take for you to build that much muscle?"

The question was out before Lavi could realize what he had said. Kanda froze completely, said muscles tensing up tight as he turned and stared at him with wide eyes.

"E-excuse me?"

"Well. I mean, of course I mean how much strength does it take to you know…win matches?"

Kanda stared at him with calculating eyes; Lavi felt his face redden at the thought of being picked apart by those dark cold eyes.

"It depends…anyway, are we done? I have to get my stuff together."

Lavi inwardly sighed in relief as he flipped the pad shut, "Um for now. I may need to interview some of the other members later. I'll check and get back to you later."

Kanda nodded simply, "Okay."

Lavi smiled timidly as he pushed the notepad back into his bag and slid open the door and was half-way out before he heard the other boy's voice again.

"Eight years…it took six years to get where I am today. I mean…my muscles. I started when I was ten…."

Lavi nodded and slid the door halfway closed, "…um…See you later."

The red head closed the door and hurried down the hall, there would still be time to go watch movies with Allen and Lenalee if he hurried.

Kanda stood in the silence of the kendo dojo, unmoving before finally whispering to himself, "…see you later." He scoffed to himself, "Yeah right."