-Compulsive Notes-

Well, you asked for it...again...and again...and a little more...so finally I wrote it, THE SEQUEL TO Sasuke's Birthday Present And if you haven't read that, this story wont make much sense. I mean, it will...but it won't. So go read that! And for my returning reveiwers, yay! Here it is! I worked pretty hard on trying to make it worth the read, but trust me, this is only the first chapter, it's going to get better! And our favorite little bother, 'nii-san' will be here more often too!

Disclaimer-If I owned Naruto, then why the hell would I be here?

Warning-I think you should know by now that if you see the name ObsessiveCompulsive5699 that it is time for the man on man fun to begin.

Things had changed since my birthday. First of all, I had gone from disliking my nii-san, to hating him with every fiber of my being. Secondly, Naruto and I had decided that after our last ahem encounter, that we would be an official couple. So of course we decided to tell all our friends. You'd think this was a good idea, right? Wrong. Apparently everyone else knew something we didn't. Telling Sakura would be only natural, of course, so that's what we did. It was actually her who called me up one Sunday saying these exact words "Sasuke, can you gather your butt budding and come to the mall with me?" And my first reaction would was offence, um hello, not my butt buddy…anymore.

"Excuse me?"

"I don't believe I stumbled over my words. I need some new pants, and I don't want to call Ino. So get Naruto, and meet me at the mall in an hour. Bye." God she was pissy today. Was I given a chance to reject the idea? No, and if I didn't show up with Naruto, all hell would break loose. So I called him next and we made our way over to the mall. And there she was with one of the scariest expressions I had ever seen spread on her face.

"Where the hell have you been, I've been here for five minutes." Oh yeah, she was extra pissy today.

"Sakura, why are you so mad anyway? What did we do?" Naruto asked getting pissed off him self. She lighted and whispered "I'm sorry guys, it's just I ble...um...ruined my favorite pair of pants, and am in a really bad mood."As if we didn't already know that.She got an almost sad look on her face.

"Okay, okay, so let's get you a new pair of pants!" Naruto nearly yelled, raising a fist in the air.

"Let's calm down first." I said flatly, as Naruto's fist fell limp.

We spent hours in the mall before she finally found a pair that fit,that she actuallyliked. You'd think it would take that long, but it did, oh my god it did. So when we actually got a chance to sit down and eat, I was a bit aggravated. "What do you guys want, my treat! We can have-"

"You could get me dog food I don't care, I just want something to eat." Like I said, a tad bit aggravated. So I sat down, and Naruto sat next to me as she got the food. I looked at him carefully "I don't know how much more of this I can take." He kissed my forehead and responded "Just a bit more, but no matter what we have to tell her-"

"What? Tell me what?" She smiled as she set down the trays.

"Um, yeah, Sakura, about that…me and Sasuke-" she interrupted me by waving her finger inhis face, and finishing up her noodles before saying "Don't tell me, I already know." She looked up from her food, smiling at us, both with her eyes and face,

"I'm really happy for you guys…just pretty dumbstruck that it took you guys this long..." That's when I got confused.

"What do you mean 'tookthislong'?" I questioned.

"Oh my god. You two have clearly been in love with each other for years. The both of you have always just been to chicken to tell the other." She rolled her eyes while taking another bite. Naruto and I exchanged looks before starting our food. Naruto opened his jaw as if about to say something before closing it again before actually using his voice.

After we finished our food, Naruto and I really wanted to get home, or at least I did. "As much fun as it's been to walk from store to store, and get dirty looks, and waiting for you to come out of every dressing room, and-"

"I get the point, you didn't have fun. Now go, I'm sick of your attitude."

"You're sick of my-" Naruto covered my mouth and led us out of the building while yelling to Sakura, "So nice to see you again, can't wait 'till next time!" She chucked quietly to herself, and Naruto smiled and waved back. When we got back to my car I sat in the driver's seat and huddled my face in my hand "Oh. My. God. I am never doing that again. I would rather be shot and gutted before going shopping with the insane woman." I pushed my fingers into my skull as Naruto patted my back.

"Let's just get home." He smiled again, and I put the key in the ignition.

"Actually, I think Gaara's coming over…" He trailed off and looked out the window as we drove away.


When we got back to his apartment, I turned the car off. "You wanna come in?" I shrugged, why not? So we went in and sat on his couch, the TV on in the background.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, and kissed his cheek. This was pure bliss. I traced his jaw with my lips before kissing his lips. I was soon returned the favor, before pushing his whole upper body down on the couch. We continued before I lost control, I just couldn't hold back anymore. I moved my lips down his neck, as he pulled his shirt over his head, which in turn made my job only easier. I kept kissing lowering myself down his freshly uncovered body and past his chest, until I was pasted the belly button. Now I could see he was getting quiet a kick out of this.

I looked up at him and smiled, and was given a smile in return as I unbuttoned his jeans. Then just as I had pulled them down, a knock arose from the door, and before we were even given a chance to say 'don't come in', Gaara opened the door rambling about a rubber duck, which he had in his hands. When he opened his eyes from the ramble, he saw that there was no time for rubber ducks here.

Naruto waved his hands and said "Gaara, uhm, it's not what it looks like! Uhm, me and Sasuke are…err…have tea!" I looked at Gaara with a sarcastic expression,

"Yes, as the dobe said, we're having tea. Care to join us?" Gaara ran out the room slamming the door behind him. All we heard was the sound of two feet running down as fast as we guessed they could, before slamming into a wall and falling down some stairs.

"Should we go check on him?" Naruto asked pulling up his pants,

"Nah, I'm sure he'll be alright." I said smoothing my hair and resuming the sitting position I was in before we began. Naruto sat up, crossing his legs and looked at me, kind of pissed, "Do you know how hard it is to find friends that haven't seen us having sex?"

"Technically speaking he weren't having sex…yet." He hid his face in his hands, pushing his palms into his eyes,

"Kankuro is going to kill me. And he's a few years younger than us too..."

"Kankuro? You're worrying about Kankuro? Temari's the one who's going to kill you." I chuckled as I stood up.

"I'm going, I'll see you tomorrow." I said turning the doorknob, the door following me on my way out. My head, now being the only thing in the room I said to him, "Bye Naruto, I love you." He waved back weakly running his other had through his hair thinking of how to escape Temari's clutches. I closed the door and walked off.

Okay, I'm sure you know by now my need for reviews...COUGH EM UP!

im sorry...that was a side I didn't want to show you...

Obsessive: Yeah, um, hi people who I don't really know...um, I would just like to point out that the idea from the :-: thingy was mine...-walks away muttering about stupid idea stealers-