Part 2

In the real world, Sheen told the story. "And now their plan was the only thing that could save them."

"It's good guys," Jimmy said. "But I think I better get going."

"No Jim!" SpongeBob yelled, "The story's not even over yet."

"Guys, the story is fascinating and all," Jimmy spoke, "But I gotta get home because it's my-"

"So Danny flew Jimmy up the stairs!" SpongeBob quickly interrupted.

Jimmy just sat down and frowned as he listened. "You don't even know what's special about today." He muttered.

In the story, Danny flew Jimmy into the living room. When they both reached the stereo speakers, Danny glowed green and they both fell. Luckily, they landed on the table. Jimmy got up. "You okay, Danny?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm-" Danny was about to say but stops as rings formed around him and changed back to Danny Fenton, "Whoa that was fast. All that flying took most of my powers left."

"Well, we better hurry and get over there." Jimmy said. "Who knows what trouble Timmy and SpongeBob could be in?"

Meanwhile for the other two Nicktoons, SpongeBob was still trying to get to the Op-Center and luckily was at the window. He used the tape he found earlier on his hands and used it to climb up the wall to the Op-Center.

SpongeBob panted. "This isn't…so hard..."

Outside where Timmy was, he had reached the back door.

Timmy panted heavily from running all the way through the yard. Then, Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof, appear next to him.

"Cosmo! Wanda! Poof!" Timmy cried, "What are you doing here?"

Wanda answered, "We saw you were small, and wondered if you needed any help."

"I do." Timmy said. "I need you to poof me up to the Op-Center."

"Right on it, Timmy!" Cosmo said. He, Wanda, and Poof waved their wands and poof Timmy as he disappeared.

Soon, Timmy poofs back into the Op-Center. "Cool! I'm in the Op-Center!" Timmy smiled but froze, "Wait, why didn't I wish that my friends and I were big again? Guys? GUYS!" He looked and noticed he was the only one in the Op-Center.

He sits down in frustration and looks out the window to see SpongeBob approaching.

"SpongeBob!" Timmy called.

He notices SpongeBob trying to open the now large window up.

SpongeBob notices Timmy. "Timmy, help me get this window open!"

"Sure thing." Timmy said as he helped try to get the window open, but stopped when he saw a giant spider approaching SpongeBob from behind. "Uh...SpongeBob?"

"Timmy, what are you waiting for?" SpongeBob yelled, "And why are you looking at me like I'm about to get eaten by something big and scary and deadly all of a sudden?"

Timmy didn't answer as he still had a worried look, and then he pointed at SpongeBob to look behind him. SpongeBob turned around, and his eyes widen as he sees the giant spider coming up to him. The spider hisses and SpongeBob screams out very loud.

SpongeBob starts banging on the window and yelling, "Let me in, let me in! I don't wanna be and eight-legged freak's food!"

"Okay! Okay!" Timmy yelled and tries to open the window. He tried to but it won't budge. "Come on! Come on!" he yelled.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Danny was now climbing the speakers of the stereo with Jimmy hanging on his back.

Danny was sweating a bit. "I better get an 'A' in gym class for this," he said while climbing to the speakers.

"No need to worry, Danny." Jimmy said positively. "The speakers are off, and we lost Calamitous."

Suddenly, Calamitous flies up to them. "I've finally found you now!"

"You had to say that did you?" Danny angrily asked.

Jimmy chuckled nervously. "It can't get much worse."

Then Jack came and was holding a remote. "Well, since everything else has been taken care of. It's time for some totally loud tunes."

"I gotta stop saying things like this," Jimmy groaned.

The stereo turned on and loud music started booming with Danny tightly clinging on to the vibrating speakers.

" least there's a bright side!" Jimmy smiled.

"What bright side!" Danny yelled over the loud music.

"Maybe Timmy and SpongeBob are still okay!" Jimmy said, "I mean, it's not like a giant spider is gonna eat them or anything!"

Back at the Op-Center, SpongeBob was still screaming as the spider was trying to eat him.

"Timmy! SAVE ME!" SpongeBob yelled.

"I'm trying!" Timmy yelled, "Why won't this stupid window open!" He grunts but stops to notice that the window was locked. He was dumbstruck. "Duh!"

He went over and pulled the lock off the window, and then he managed to open the window up a bit.

"SpongeBob, quick! Come on in!" Timmy called.

SpongeBob quickly zoomed into the window before the spider took a snap at him.

Timmy then dropped the window closed before the spider could follow them.

SpongeBob smiled at Timmy. "Shall we?"

"Let's." Timmy smiled back.

They both went up to the window and made faces at the spider and sticking their tongues out at it. The spider glared angrily and raised its venomous fangs. SpongeBob and Timmy screamed and ran away as they get to the table where the Fenton Crammer is.

Meanwhile, Danny and Jimmy were still holding onto each other and the speakers as it played very loud music.

Calamitous held his ears. "How could anyone listen to this!"

Jimmy then looked up and spotted something. "Danny, I see an opening up there! That must lead inside!"

"Well, let's get going!" Danny yelled as he started climbing up with the music booming.

When they reached the top, they both climbed in and Danny tripped over a wire that made the music stop.

Jimmy helped Danny back up. "Danny, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Danny said.

But Jack noticed the music stopped. "Huh?" he wondered and saw three tiny objects. "Suffering spooks!" he yelled, "Bugs!"

Jimmy and Danny's eyes widen as Danny said, "Oh no."

"Luckily, I have my Fenton Swatter," Jack said taking out what seems to be a fly swatter. Only it has a picture of Jack's head on it.

Jimmy and Danny try to hide from Jack inside the stereo until Calamitous flies up to them.

"Now, Neutron and Fenton," Calamitous said as he aimed a giant laser at them. "I'll destroy you both once and for all!"

He didn't notice Jack behind him with his Fenton Swatter.

"Eat Fenton Swatter, fly boy!" Jack said as he swung the Fenton Swatter at Calamitous.

Calamitous turns and screams as Jack smashed him and his robot suit.

"Bulls-eye!" Jack smiled, "Got rid of those bugs! Who needs an exterminator?"

"Hey, Mr. Fenton!" a voice called out.

Jack turned and noticed Timmy and SpongeBob running down the stairs. They were big now thanks to the Fenton Crammer that Timmy is now holding.

"What are you kids doing with the Fenton Crammer?" Jack asked.

"No time!" SpongeBob yelled, "We were fighting Calamitous, and Timmy used this gadget thingy to shrink him, but it accidentally shrunk us and we have to find Jimmy and Danny! Have you seen them?"

"Nope." Jack said as he looked at the fly swatter. "Not at all."

Timmy looked at the Swatter, "What are you doing with that fly swatter?"

Jack replied, "Just swatting a few bugs that are trying to intrude the Fenton Household."

SpongeBob and Timmy were shock in horror and realization. Jack noticed their faces, looks at the Swatter, and realized with a face of pure horror.

"Oh my..." Jack said as he dropped the swatter.

SpongeBob started crying. "Whaa! They've been swatted to death!"

"It can't be!" Timmy yelled until his recaller began to beep. "Yes, this is the now only two Nicktoons with the other sadly gone," Timmy sniffed answering his recaller, "Timmy Turner speaking."

The signal in the recaller was a little fuzzy, but he is able to hear the words. "Neutron to Turner."

"Yeah, how are ya Jimmy?" Timmy said sadly. Suddenly he rose his head in surprise, "Jimmy!"

Inside the stereo, Danny was watching Jimmy stick some wires into his recaller.

"How's it coming, Jimmy?" Danny asked.

"Great!" Jimmy smiled, "Timmy and SpongeBob got the Crammer and we're contacting! Timmy, can you hear me?"

Timmy tried to listen to the closely into the recaller. "Jimmy? Jimmy, is that you!" He asked.

"Yeah!" Jimmy responded, "Danny and I are near the speakers next to you."

Timmy, SpongeBob, and Jack look around until they spot them in the speakers.

"JIMMY! DANNY! YOU'RE ALIVE!" SpongeBob yelled happily to the tiny two.

Jimmy and Danny cover their ears, and Jimmy says, "Yeah, but don't forget we're still small."

"Don't worry," Timmy said with the crammer. "We'll have you big again in no time."

SpongeBob grabbed onto Jimmy and Danny, and put them on the ground. "That's right! Now let's get started!"

Timmy aimed the Fenton Crammer at them. "Alright, stand back."

He pulled the trigger and shot a beam out of the Fenton Crammer that turned Jimmy and Danny big again.

"Yes!" Jimmy cheered, "We're big again!"

But what about Calamitous?" Danny wondered. Then he hears groaning and turns to see Calamitous big again, but his robotic suit is completely destroyed when Jack whacked him with the Swatter.

"No!" Calamitous cried. "My powerful suit!"

"Probably not that powerful since it didn't stand a chance against my dad's fly swatter." Danny said.

"And now that it's settled," Jimmy spoke. He smirked and took out a new invention which seemed to be his HyperCube combined with the Fenton Thermos. He pushed the button and Calamitous was instantly sucked into the Thermos and was trapped into the HyperCube.

"Nice one, Jim." Danny smiled.

"Yep!" Jimmy said, "Okay...Fenton Crammer is working perfectly, Jack."

"All right!" Jack said excitedly as he took the Fenton Crammer. He starts to walk away but starts mumbling to himself, "Now when did he start calling me 'Jack'?"

"Wanna get some pizza and play mindless video games for a job well done?" Timmy asked.

Okay, sure." Jimmy replied.

'And so the Nicktoons defeated Calamitous, unshrunk themselves and played mindless video games while eating pizza all day long,' Sheen narrated as it was back to reality.

"The end!" Carl said.

Jimmy claps for the story. "That story was weird...yet cool, guys."

"Yeah!" Sheen smiled, "And it's only night time!"

"Night time?" Jimmy wondered as he got up, and then he sighed. "Your story was still cool, guys. But the day's almost over and you still don't even remember what makes today special."

"Yep, and it's only 6:00," SpongeBob said.

"6:00!" Jimmy asked in surprised, 'Plukin' Puto! I gotta get home! Gotta blast!" he activates his jetpack and flies away with SpongeBob, Carl, and Sheen following.

Jimmy flies back home and notices the sun is setting and it was almost dark. He turns and glares angrily at SpongeBob, Sheen, and Carl who walk up to him.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" Carl asked.

"Yeah, you seem mad," SpongeBob said.

"What's wrong!" Jimmy angrily asked. "You kept me busy all day with a story and you or anyone else didn't even remember what day it is!"

"Oh...what day?" SpongeBob asked who seemed to be smirking.

"What day? WHAT DAY!" Jimmy yelled out as he was about to open the door, "Okay, Mr. Forgetful. I'm so mad because nobody knows that today is my-"

When the he opens the door, the lights in house turns on and everyone all yelled, "SURPRISE!"

Jimmy screamed in shock as he saw his friends and family, and a bunch of party decorations and a cake.

"Happy birthday, Jimmy!" they yelled happily to him.

Jimmy was really surprised yet relieved. "Of course! A surprise party for my birthday! I knew something was up!"

"Yeah," SpongeBob said. "You didn't think we'd forget your birthday, did you?"

Danny and Timmy with party hats come in. "We had to have SpongeBob and the others distract you while we prepared the party." Danny explained.

Jimmy chuckled a bit. "I guess that explains the story."

"We're your friends!" Timmy smiled, "All of us will never forget you or your birthday!"

"That's right, Johnny!" Cosmo said blowing a party favor.

"Thanks guys," Jimmy said. "I probably shouldn't have thought you'd actually forget my birthday."

"Enough talking!" Timmy said, "More partying!"

"That's right!" Danny said as he pushed Jimmy forward.

"I even found this weird-looking camera to take our picture so we'll always remember this." Carl said as he was actually holding up the Fenton Crammer.

Jimmy noticed and tried to explain. "Wait Carl...that's not really a..."

Carl held it up to everyone like a camera. "Okay, smile everyone!"

"Carl, no!" Jimmy shouted.

It was too late. A beam shot out of the Fenton Crammer and it shrunk everyone at the party.

SpongeBob just laughed. "This is just like in that story we told."

The End

I hope you enjoyed the story, and Jimmy Neutron's birthday is in fact on March 14, which is the day I came up with this story for him. Now you can review, and check out my other Nicktoons Unite Parodies and stories on my profile.