Christmas in LA -NC-17

Chapter 1

Pairings - Multiple

Tangilass - - Spike, Angel, a christmas tree, a crying witch, and a very angry Giles and Xander.. OH! and a baby in a manger (no spanking yet.. but there will be...there willllllll beeeeeeee)

Diclaimer - I don't own them, I jsut play with them.. mmmmmmmmm... AHEM.. yes well like I said, I don't own them, I jsut play.. they belong to Joss and a buncha others..

Dedication - To my redkitten.. who I love very mcuh and wanted a Angel/Giles spanking fic.. this is for you baby


"Whats that Poof?.. something wrong with your haiOWWWWW, BLOODY HELL!, I'm Telling Rupert!"

Angel smacked him again "Go AHEAD!"

"OWWWWWRUPERT!.. your sodding nacyboy is smacking me!"


"yes Poof?"

"Find a beach.. get a Tan!" Angel Stalked off

"Wait for it?" Xander held up a finger, Willow and Buffy giggles

"Dear Lord"

"Ahh there it is" Xander said and The girls giggled and all eyes turned to the Englishman as his glasses came off and he furiously cleaned them

"You know I think they really do like each other" WIllow said as she continued to decorate Buffy with tinsel.

"Ahh yes, in a homicidle, I'm going to kill you sort of like.. I can so feel the love now." Buffy giggled at Xander then stopped as her girlfriend pouted

"Awww baby he didn't mean it.. Look!.. Tinsel.. Xander give her more tinsel"

The red witch pouted more "Its Christmas.. they shouldn't fight.. OH hey look at that!.. Giles pass the pretty Icicles" She giggles.. she always loved Christmas

"Hmmm?" Giles looked up.. Willow pointed.."Oh yes, right the icicles, here you are Luv"

Willow giggled and tookt he icicles, hanging one from Buffy's ear and kissing her softly as she moved to the tree

"It looks so pretty!.. I'm glad we decided to do this!. you know with whats happened the last few months, we need some happy punch having, turkey gobbling, cranberry and popcorn stringing, santa coming dsown the Chiminey happy!"

The redhead giggled.. Xander looked at Buffy

"Shes drinking decaff right?" His brow raised

"damn straight she is!.. shes jsut happy with a capital 'H' happy!" moving to her witch she wraped her arms around her waist and nibbled her neck gently as her girlfriend hung more decorations

"I don't have to!" Spike's finger poked into his gransires chest

"Spike" there was a warning note

Spike waved his hands in the air "Ohhhhh I'm so bloody scared.. look at me.. scared of dippity doo boy!"

"Spike" the tone got stronger

"Yes, Poof?" he lit his fag and blew the smoke right in Angel's face

"THAT DOES IT!" Angel lunged and SPiek didn't have time to get out of the way.. the Fag went flying, landing in Angel's fish tank

"SODDING WANKER that was my FAG!" and they hit the floor, rolling around, knocking the fish tank over.. and there went the desk.. the chair and bursting throuhg the office door, they rolled into the main lobby..

"GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!" Xander jumped out of the way as the two vamped out hisssing vampires rolled past them

Willow screamed startled and Buffy growled pulling a stake, moving her girlfriend behind her.. before realizing it was jsut frick and frack .. she put the stake away

"Common guys, stop it!" Willow burst out crying, as they rolled right into the christmas tree, causing it to fall tt he floor, spewing christmas decorations, tinsel, lights, and the baby manger across the hotel lobby floor

"ENOUGH!!!" the strong English accent filled the room causeing the three standing, to jump where they stood and the two vampires to stop, Spike in mid-punch looked up

"Bloody hell, ya gone and done it now ya wanker, the watcher is pissed"

"Both of you up, NOW!" Giles' tone was not one to be arguing with.. Xander moved to them and Pulled Spike up

"What the hell was that?" He turned his vampire to look at him..

"It was his bloody fault!" Spike baulked and pointed to Angel as he stood, trying to straighten his Jacket "He bloody well took my fag and tossed it!"

Angel growled and started For Spike again when a strong hand reached out and grabbed him

"ENOUGH!.. Angel upstairs now!" Giles raised his voice.. Angel look back at him, opened his mouth and closed it again.. and with a growl stalked off upstairs

"You to Spike.. upstairs NOW!" Xander raised a brow at him..

"ME!.. the bloody poof of dippidy doo land attacks me and I'm the sodding one sent upstairs?!"

Xander raised his other brow and crossed his arms

"Oh bloody hell alright don't look at me like that!" Spike headed upstais, Xander on his heals

"MERRY CHRISTMA-SWEET SINATRA!.. what demon attacked this place!" Lorne stepped through the an arm around Fred, Cordelia and Gunn hand in hand behind him

"Was it a Chirstmas demon? atleast he had good taste, that was an expensive christmas tree" all eyes turned to her "Well it was!"

Gunn kissed her

"yes it was baby.. what happened?" his attention now focused on the Blonde holding the crying witch in her arms.

"Oh was it Christmas tree climbing?.. every year my family gets tageather jsut before christmas out in the bush and we do our traditional christmas tree scaleing.. tho I have ta say I've never seen it done inside before"

All eyes turned to Fred and Willow started crying harder

"Sweetpea?.. how about you go and make some of that yummy eggnog we all love so well" he kissed her head and gave her a soft swat on her tush to get her moving

"Well alright, but if your going ta be climbing the tree, come and get me I love ta climb trees" she giggled and hurried off

"that explains alot" Gunn said and Cordelia smacked him

Lornes green faced blushed a deep shade of red if that were possible and he cleared his throat "Bufkins?.. what happened"

The green demon moved over to the slayer and her witch sitting down and rubbing the slayers back

"SPike and Angel, thats what happened.. the big idiots got into a fight and knocked the christmas tree down, god only knows what the office looks liek.. shhh baby its ok, we can fix it" she held her witch tight and kissed her head

"Spike and ANgel did this?" Cordy huffed and moved to them "I always knew those two were gonna try and kill each other.." she turned and went into the kitchen "As long as they don't get blood ont he carpet, its expensive"

"thats my girl, always concerned with the carpet" GUnn hurried into the kitchen after her "Delia!, babygirl, we need to talk!"

Lorne smield and shook his head.."Hey now Redrose, its not all that bad Sweetpea, we can fix it.. common enough of this depressed my christmas tree was rolled by vampires, and lets get up and fix it!"