A big thank you to Rhea for betaing this chapter =D

Also, I'm sorry it took too long, but think of it as a Christmas present =D

EdwardAnthonyMasenCullenJr: Thanks for reviewing.

Cazzylove: Hello! =D thanks for reviewing.

darkmoonfairy16: Thanks for reviewing. I thought that this was what Harry have done.



Harry woke up panting hard; he was surprised that he hadn't woken up Draco. He pressed his fingers into his scar, he remembered it hurting, but now it seemed that there had been no pain whatsoever. He pulled the bed covers aside and walked towards the window. There was something different about this dream; it seemed pushed, as if he had to go through something to get to it. He tried to remember about what the dream was about, but he could only get flashes of it.

There was a plump, scowling lady and she seemed to be on the loopy side and Harry admitted that Luna had to be saner than her. She was being led into some kind of room and this is where it got confusing, Harry suddenly saw the Ministry of Magic and a large desk, the lady was filling out forms. The top form was something to do with Qudditch, as a snitch was flying across the paper as she filled it out, and then other scenes kept popping up. It seemed as someone was screening through them without any interest in them. It made no sense as to why that one would stand out.

"You know you can get addicted to these, Mr. Potter." said Madam Pomfrey, in a stern voice.

"All I need is one, please," pleaded Harry, "I haven't been sleeping...well."

"These are Dreamless Potions," said Pomfrey, "that means you've been having dreams."

"Just annoying dreams that I can't make sense of."

Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow, she had heard about Harry's visions. She sat down behind her desk and waved Harry to sit down opposite before saying, "I know you probably don't want to talk about it and I'm probably the last person you want to talk to about anything, but don't you think that the dreams you are having are important?"

Harry hesitated, "I thought so, but...the dreams...that I get...- er – they have never been these kinds of dreams."

"As in?"

"It's like I'm remembering something," said Harry, his fingers rolling the edge of his shirt, "but the trouble is that it's not my memory that I'm getting back."

"You know Harry, dreams for wizards and witches are different from Muggles. Most of the time, our dreams mean something. It's not often that I speak ill of my follow co-workers, Harry. But – I never thought I'd hear myself saying this; but I think you should ask Professor Trelawney on what those dreams are about."

"But – "

"Harry, it wasn't a suggestion. This is my condition for allowing you this potion. You have three days, including today, to ask her. If you do not, I will send her to you." Harry stared at her, realising that she was deadly serious. "Okay."

She pushed the potion across the table and starting writing a report. With that he had been dismissed.

It had been a week since he had woken from that first dream. After that night, he had been dreaming about others and it all involved that same plump scowling lady. He had woken up Draco one night, but Harry assured Draco that it been a "day-to-day, naked-in-class" kind of nightmare.

Uncorking the vial and taking the potion, he knew he had enough time to get back to the Tower, have a quick shower and go to bed and that was exactly what he did.

Harry looked up when he felt cool air and smiled when Draco shut the door behind him.

"Morning," said Draco pecking Harry's lips before slapping Harry on the shoulder.

"What was that for?" asked Harry frowning.

"For keeping me up all night, you snored like there was no tomorrow."

"Sorry," Harry said, his hands travelling up into Draco's hair. A plan had already formed into Harry's head.

"Ow!" Draco yelped as his back met with cold tiles.

Harry reached up and readjusted the shower head, before kissing Draco; he tilted Draco's head up for better leverage. Harry nipped at Draco's bottom lip until he allowed Harry's tongue slip into his mouth. Draco's hands found their way into Harry's hair, pulling and tugging. Harry's hands travelled down both of Draco's sides and halted half-way on his calf before hoisting him up. Draco's legs wrapped themselves around Harry's chest. Out of surprise, Draco's hand gripped Harry's shoulders tightly, he smiled down at Harry. He went back to kissing Harry as a starving man would do with food. He broke contact when he felt Harry's finger breach his hole, he tilted his head back, biting his lip out of pleasure. The water pelted down on Draco's face, but he didn't care as the pleasure jolted through him. Harry worked his finger in and out of his ass, before adding another and then another before he knew it or felt it, he had three in.

"Harry..." breathed Draco, his fingers pulling at Harry's hair. His back arched, his face tilted up in pleasure and he moaned.

"Today, I'm teachin' ya a rare custom, Muggles believe this custom to be made up 'cause it's a part of a custom on Halloween." Said Hagrid,

"However, little of us know about a customs that used to be compulsory around the 1800's. Pure-blood's were known to do this more often than Half-blood families. A "familiar" is a supernatural being that helps and supports a witch or a wizard. Muggles usual think a "familiar" is a black cat, and back in those days if ya had a cat of any kind, the court would execute ya if ya did." He continued, watching his unusually interested class

"What was so special about familiars is that they were often thought to have special powers of their own. Familiars were also thought to be dangerous because they were connected to their master, so if a witch was dangerous, so was ya familiar. If you turn to ya book and on page 658, ya'll see why." Hagrid waited for everyone to turn to the right page before beginning to speak.

"Ya familiar is an animal-shaped spirit who willingly serves ya. A familiar spirit is the double, the alter-ego of an individual. Even though it may have an independent life of its own it remains closely linked to ya. Muggles, in their fairytales of magic, like to think that familiars are black cats, that was why back in the Middle Ages they executed ya 'cause ya had cat. Curse Breakers today, are still finding information on familiars on Egyptian hieroglyphics."

Hagrid took a deep breath and began to speak again: "To be honest, a familiar can be animal that ya bond with. Dogs; Wolves; Crows, ravens but the most common one in this age is Owls. Owls are very intelligent creatures. Anyway, back in the 1800's, it was compulsory for pure-bloods to have a familiar; half-bloods didn't have familiars. It said that Pure-blood had them to show power, but that's not proven."

Hagrid quickly moved on, "Ya bond with ya familiar because both of ya av the same power as each other. So, if you were a bad witch, people often considered that ya familiar was often dangerous as well, so they would kill both of ya, 'cause people used to think that if they only kill ya, ya would live inside ya familiar, 'cause ya bonded with it.

"As I was saying, ya familiars willingly serve ya, sometimes they were thought to do ya dirty work, like spying or bewitching people. Now, for ya homework!" Hagrid boomed smiling.

"I want ya to write two pages on ya pet and why ya think your pet suits ya best. Have a good day everybody!"

"I always wanted to know about familiars," said Hermione going through her textbook at the lunch table, "I think it's fascinating."

"Familiars are banned in most families." Stated Draco, Harry and Hermione stared at him.

"Why?" asked Hermione

Before Draco could answer, Ron butted in and said, "Because the Ministry for Magic over turned the law in 1959, so families didn't have buy each person an animal. The only wizarding families that have familiars, now, are rich pure-bloods."

"Do you have one?" asked Hermione



Ron and Draco had spoken simultaneously. However, whereas Ron's ears had turned red from embarrassment, Draco looked unmoved.

"Really?" Hermione turned back towards Draco, "What is it?"

"My eagle," said Draco, "I received him for my tenth birthday that is when the ritual should be taken place. He has been my familiar for seven years now and he understands me the best."

"You go ahead," said Harry, ignoring the look that Ron was giving him. He knew why: Harry would never willingly be in the same room as Trelawney, for any longer than he had to be .

"Are you sure? Asked Ron.


Harry watched Ron leave the room before heading towards the Professor. "Excuse me?"

The Professor turned around and she smiled, "Mr. Potter, I'm sorry but there is nothing I have that will help you from drowning on Thursday."

"That's okay," Harry said quickly trying to move to conversation along, "actually, I wanted to ask you about dreams."

"We focused on dreams in your third year, Mr. Potter." Trelawney looked at him over the top of her glasses. Was he the only one with glasses that didn't do that?

"Yes, I know. However, this is a bit out of my range and I thought I should ask you, knowing you are professional and all."

"Yes, of course deary, what can I do for you?

"I'm dreaming, I know that much. But while I'm dreaming I feel that I'm pushing into something, I feel that this dream doesn't come easily as the others."

"Maybe it's not your dream, have been stealing dreams, Mr. Potter?"

"No, I don't know how. Anyway, while I'm dreaming I'm someone else and it seems this person is trying to remember something but can't seem to remember what."

"The person is confused. They've lost something, something very close to them and they're not sure what."

"What about me beingthe other person?"

"Maybe, Mr. Potter, the person has come to you for help?"

Harry sighed; she was helpful as a brain-dead centaur.

Harry walked down to the hospital wing to tell Pomfrey of what he did.

"Did you learn anything?"

Harry gave her a look and said, "Apparently, I've lost something and I'm confused."

"You know, Harry, professor Trelawney maybe a bit... insane but Professor Dumbledore would have never had hired her if he didn't think she could do the job and that is to provide students with the right information."

Harry nodded, "But what could I have lost and be confused for at the same time?"

Madam Pomfrey looked at Harry and said, "That is an interesting question. One, I'm quite sure, you'll figure out."