Title: Never let you go again

Disclaimer: I can never own Naruto… 




I've edited this chapter too.

Hope you'll like it.


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Enjoy! xD




Sakura's POV

I'm so vulnerable.

I'm easily broken.

Just one little scratch and I could be brought down.

I slowly opened up my eyes. My vision cleared as I blinked a few times. I looked around at this unfamiliar room

Where am I?

Wait, I know this scent. I must be in the hospital. But, why?




I recalled.

I blacked out at my house. The last thing I remembered was someone yelling my name.

Who? Who yelled my name?

I slowly sit up.

"Ah!" I yelled a little as the left side of my hand throb in pain.

There was a bandaged.

I remembered. I was slashing myself.

I looked at my injured left hand, and tried to sit up again by using the strength of my right hand. Just as I sit on my bed, the door knob turned.

I turned my attention to the door.

In came Uchiha Sasuke. He's the last person I want to see.

Why does he always have to be so caring about me?

I hate him! I really hate him, yet I love him.

He must be the one who sent me to the hospital.

Why is it him again? Why did he try to save me this time? Why?

He should just leave me alone and let me leave this world peacefully. Doesn't he know that I'm living my life so miserably?

"Sakura." You called out my name as you touched my uninjured hand.

I jerked away, still not looking at you.

"What's wrong? Who hurt you?" You asked gently.

I was at the verge of tears.

"Why did you cut yourselves? I saw all the scars on your left arm. That's the reason why you always wear wristband to cover those scars right?" You continued.

I swallowed. I was trying to hold my tears that are threatening to fall off anytime.

"Sakura. Speak to me. Look at me." You held my shoulder as I slowly turned to face you. A tear rolled down my cheek.

You look guilty as you wipe away the tear on my cheek using your thumb.

"Sorry." You apologized for trying to make me spill everything.

I looked away once more.

"Don't you have a date with Karin?" I finally spoke.

"Sakura, stop changing the subject." You said, sounding annoyed.

"I'm not. You really like her don't you." I said, still looking away, holding back my tears.

"Sakura, what's wrong with you?" You asked again.

"You really like her right? No, probably love. You are always talking about her all day long. How she reacts when you teased her. How she pouted." I tried harder to control my emotion, but it was of no use.

"Sakura…" Your voice trailed off.

"I was right ne? You love her, right?" I turned to look at you; tears started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

You looked away.

"You don't have to deny it. I know everything." I continued as I hiccupped.

"Sasuke-kun. You may think this is stupid, totally atrocious, but I still have to tell you before I do anything silly again." I paused for you to look up.

You did as I continued.

"I love you." I said, suddenly feeling like a stone has just been lifted off me.

You looked astounded.

"I have always been, even way before I started dating Gaara-kun. You don't like me back then and that is obvious, so I tried to get over you and I really did. When I broke up with Gaara-kun, you came comforting me, console me. That was when I fell in love with you again." I said as tears started pouring down again.

"Sakura…" You looked at me.

"No, perhaps I have always loved you." I stared at you; I couldn't figure out your expression.

I smiled a true smile, a smile that I have not had for a long time.

"You don't have to say anything, Sasuke-kun. I know." My cries subsidies as I looked at him

"No. Sakura, I…" You were trying to explain.

I was afraid to listen, so I decided to stop you.

"I know what you are going to say. We'll remain as friends I know. I hope my confession will not affect on our friendship." I smiled, hiccupped once in a while.

"Let me explain would you. Stop interrupting me, it's annoying." You said, sounding annoyed.

I looked away. "I… I don't want to hear. I've been hurt enough. I don't want any more injuries."

"No. You must listen, Sakura." You protested.

I tried to cover my ears, not wanting to hear you reject me, but my left hand wouldn't allow me to do so.

"Ah." I yelled a little as my left arm hurts for trying to cover my ears.

You panicked and asked concern. "What's wrong? Your wound opened up again?"

"It doesn't matter. It never hurts like how my heart bleeds." I looked down at my blanket.

"Sakura..." You said, cupping my cheeks, looking into my eyes sincerely.

"I love you."

I love you.

I love you.

I love you…

Did I hear it wrongly?

I looked up and stared at you, looking confused.

You smiled at me.

It was that rare smile that I yearned for.

I felt my eyes blurred again as water began rolling down my cheek like a tap that has just been turned on.

"You…" I stuttered, still not believing what I've heard.

I continued looking at you, allowing my tears of joy to roll down freely.

"I love you, ever since I met you, but I missed the chance. I thought I was hopeless when you were with Gaara. I decided to find someone else but I didn't know it would hurt you that much." You pulled me into an embrace.

"I'm sorry." You apologized.

"I never knew I would bring so much pain on you. I'm sorry, really." You apologized again as you hugged me tighter.

I hide in your chest as I hugged you back with the same amount of force, never wanting to leave you ever again.

"I'll heal your wounds, one by one. I'll never let you go again." You promised me.

"Sasuke-kun." I cried at your chest, wetting your shirt.

You patted my head and stroke my hair.

I missed your embrace, your warmth. I don't want to end this hug. I want to hug you on and on and forever, not letting you go anymore.

This hug was worth all those pain I have suffered. It's enough.

"Hush… Stop crying. I'm here. I'll always be by you." You promised.

I believed you as I nodded my head in your chest.

You tried to end the hug, but I only hold on to you tighter and shook my head as I hide in your chest like a child who just found her beloved mother.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. And, thank you." You hugged me back.

"Huh? Thank you?" I was confused.

Why did he have to thank me for?

"Thank you for living in this earth, for being alive, for shedding tears for me, for being concern about me, for being with me, for loving me." You smiled again, second time in these few minutes.

You smiled, for me, just for me. I'm contented.

"Sasuke, I love you." I said, pulling away from the hug and looking straight into your eyes, smiling.

You slowly leaned forward. I felt your breath on my face as your face was just inches away from mine.

I closed my eyes and leaned in as you closed the gap, feeling your lips on mine.

It was so soft, so gentle, like a mother's love towards her child.

We were kissing for what it seems to me like forever, for what it seems like time has stopped, just for us.

Then, you broke this kiss. You brought me to your embrace again.

"I'll never leave you again." You promised.

I smiled in your chest, enjoying the warmth you are giving me. I really missed this scent of yours.

You then slowly pulled me away from the hug and put me back on my bed.

"Sleep." You said, as you covered my blanket.

I nodded obediently and closed my eyes. Then, I heard footstep fading.

I shot opened my eyes and saw that you were leaving.

"Don't leave me." I begged as I hold your big warm hand tightly.

You turned and it took you a second to realize. You smiled and sat down.

"I'll not leave you." You pecked on my forehead.

I continued to hold your hand tightly, not wanting to let go again as I slowly drifted into my sleep.

Aiishiteru Sasuke.




Ok, I've ended this story!


I apologised for ANY spelling/grammatical mistakes ok! xP

Please REVIEW people!

Ja! xD