Title: Promised

Disclaimer: I can never own Naruto… 




Well, I decided to edit this as I felt that it's too simple.

Hopefully, after editing it, you guys will like it. D

I decided to write this fiction out of inspiration. xP

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy! xD





Sakura's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes as I looked at the sunlight that is shined into my room.

I turned my head and stared at the photo beside my bed, that's when I saw you.

You were the one who healed my wound.

You were the one who made me stop crying.

You were the one who made me smile.

You were the one who stayed by me, always.

You were the one who promised me and, you are the one who made me fall in love with you again……

You are the one, Uchiha Sasuke.

It's always you. Why?

If you don't like me, then why are you making me fall in love with you?

You truly are a bastard, a stupid bastard, who I'm seriously in love with.

When I saw you started dating someone else, I decided to accept Gaara.

When I started dating him, you didn't seem to bother.

When I really fell in love with him, you started flirting, different girls' everyday.

When I told you that I love him, you simply just reply me with an "Hn." …

When I broke up with Gaara and cried, you were by my side, comforting me, accompany me to live through those misery days.

"Sh… There's always someone out there better than him. Hush… Crying doesn't suit you.' You said, and hugged me.

I looked into your eyes, and saw your smile which I have not seen for ages every since I started dating Gaara.

Your smile was my only ray of light then.

I stopped crying.


Simply because you were there for me. You cared for me, slowly healing my wounds.

When you saw that I was back to my normal self, you slowly drift apart from me. That was when I realized that I fell in love with you again……

When I saw you dating Karin, I pretended not to care as I don't want to feel pathetic. I tried to move on without you, but I realized that I couldn't.

I need you.

I need you more than anything else.

You were the one who healed my wounds, but now, you are the one who wound me.

This wound, it hurts me deeply, you are the only one who can heal me now.

I touched my left chest, I felt something watery.

I looked down.


Left chest, where my heart is, is bleeding.

My heart bleeds, because of you.

You weren't there for me this time like you promise you would that night.

You said that you would protect me, you would stand by me, you would comfort me, but this time, you didn't, you broke the promise, you gave me empty promise.

It hurts to see you with her. It really does.

I'm always crying when I'm alone, because of you. I cried and cried, till my tears dried.

You never did notice the wound you caused; you were all day round, talking about Karin.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I stared at the pen knife which is lying on the table, then at my wrist. Slowly, I pressed the pen knife against my skin and started the first slit.

I saw red liquid gushes out of my wrist.

It was a little painful at first, but slowly, the pain vanished and I felt more of relieve and secured, like nothing in this world could ever hurt me again.

I was overwhelmed by this feeling. Slitting became my everyday habit.

When you asked me why do I always wear wrist band, (to cover the wound.) I would just say that it looks cool and give you a fake smile.

In the past, you were able to recognize my smile, but now, you aren't.

Every night, when I cut myself, I would always thought about your smile.

Your warming smile.

Is it my ray of light now? No, it isn't anymore.

It made my life covered with darkness.

That evening when we were eating ramen (Sasuke and Sakura only), you said that you will be going on a date with Karin that night.

I nodded my head and gave you a fake smile.

When I hastily finished my ramen and was about to leave, you held my wrist (the injured hand) and I immediately pulled back as I felt pain. The wound on my hand hasn't recovered.

You furrowed your eyebrow.

"Are you ok?" You asked.

"I'm fine." I replied, putting on another fake smile.

"If something's wrong, you could tell me. I'll be there for you like I promised." You took a step forward.

"Nothing's wrong." I denied, giving you another fake smile.

"Sakura, did something happen?" You asked again.

"I said nothing!" I yelled at you, for the first time in my life.

You stood there, dumbfounded.

"Sorry." I muttered and ran away.

I kept on running and running, till I reached my apartment.

I never bothered to close the door as I slam myself on my bed and looked at my injured hand.

I felt like crying my heads off, but there are no tears, the tears that I cried for you have all dried up.

I stood up and took my pen knife; once again, I pressed it against my wrist, I started slashing.

First slash, second slash, third slash. I continued slashing and slashing, I couldn't feel anything anymore.

I dropped the pen knife and sat on my bed as I watch blood oozing out of my wrist. It started rolling and dripping down.

The pain slowly turns to numbness, made me feel safe, like no one could ever hurt me again. Blood that's oozing out of my wrist and dripping down my hand, made me feel calm. I've never felt this calmness in me for a long time.

Slowly, I felt extremely tired and my eyelids are turning heavy. I just wanted to close my eyes and let myself fall onto my bed into a deep sleep, hoping I'll never wake up, never have to face the miserable world again.

Soon, almost immediately, I felt everything around me disappearing, till darkness took over and I could only hear a familiar voice calling out to me.


I decided not to bother anymore.

I don't want to think about anything anymore.

I'm tired, really tired.

I just want to rest…

Ok. I finished this one shot!

I know it's short but I hope you guys like it!

Leave a review before you go kay ?!

Ja! xD