By Golly It's Miss Molly!

By: xxtarragonxx

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Naruto, damn me and my un-billionaire-ness….

Warnings: Fem!Naruto, TONS OF NARUTO PAIRINGS! Shika is a bit OOC, and there is some slight Sakura bashing…

AN: So here it is.. The long awaited STORY! Previews of my other stories are on my account page! I have some pretty AWESOME ideas… So go read them! It's going to start out sort of really quick….


"Uggh… Where am I?" asked a confused blond, all she remembered before he had passed out was… Sasuke then it was all black…

"Naruto!" out came a VERY angry voice and a red-in-the-face Tsunade, "What the HELL?!"

That's when she looked down at his curvy figure and large breasts…. "Ooh… Shit." Was all she said, "What happened old hag?"

"WELL! Other than EVERYONE in the village finding out you're a girl is that you finally defeated Sasuke although he recovered faster than you so he already knows your little 'secret' now tell me, what made you hide your TRUE self under a genjutsu?"

Naruto played with her long, blonde, soft, ponytails and scratched her cheek, "Well, it all started when…"



The Third looked at a small Naruto and sighed, he knew the teachers wouldn't allow Naruto in since she was a girl. It didn't help she had the Kyuubi sealed inside her.

"Naruto, the senseis won't allow into their classes, if you are a boy, so I will have to change you into a boy so to speak." He said softly trying to break the news to her gently.

She scrunched up her nose, "Boys are YUCKY!"

"I know Naruto but you want to be Hokage right?"

She nodded.

"Then I'm going to put you under a flawless genjutsu I have worked out it can't be detected and only YOU can remove, you'll only look like a boy."

Naruto looked up at him with a do-I-really-have-to-do-this look. Sarutobi did the hand signs and muttered something under his breath. Then standing before him was a small 4-year-old Naruto BOY.

Naruto inspected herself and said again, "Boys are YUCKY!"

Sarutobi couldn't help but smile.


Tsunade raised an eyebrow. So the honorable Third did this? Well it was too late for Naruto, because when Sakura found out she told Ino, and everyone knows Ino can't keep her mouth shut.

Naruto sighed; her secret was out, her azure eyes glanced around the room nervously.

"Well there's nothing we can do now right Tsunade baachan?" Naruto asked. She was being strangely calm about all of this. Then Kyuubi woke up,

"Kit what happened?"

"Nothing just everyone knows I'm a girl…"

Kyuubi nodded they both knew this would probably happen, you see whenever Naruto was in the hospital or was asleep around other people Kyuubi kept the genjutsu up, but since Sasuke had looked into Naruto (AN: The ability of the Sharingan if you remember?) and sent Kyuubi to sleep so Naruto couldn't use his chakra.

Tsunade nodded sadly. Then Naruto said, "Well might as well just get up and get dressed, now that everyone knows there is no use in keeping up that genjutsu." Tsunade looked at hi- I mean her, SHE was being very gracious about this.

Naruto noticed this look and said, "Well, I sort of knew this was going to happen sooner or later…" She scratched the back of her head. "Anyway where's my jumpsuit?"

Tsunade shook her head, "Since we found out you were a girl we got you proper clothes." She reached behind her back and pulled out a dress, it was orange and had thin straps. It went down to Naruto's knees. It was made of cotton and had a small printing of a blue flower on it.

Naruto went into the bathroom, where thankfully there was a hair brush, a toothbrush, a shower and other essential items. She showered quickly and slipped on her dress as well as the correct –ahem- under garments. She stepped out and Tsunade helped her tie her hair into two long ponytails that slightly curled and fell to her waist.

Naruto looked breath taking; she was exactly like boy Naruto's sexy jutsu only clothed and slightly younger looking. Everyone's eyes fell on her. Her smooth hips with long graceful legs and a curvy figure. Little did she know that as soon as she got out of the hospital she would meet much worse.


Naruto entered Ichiraku ramen and ordered (miraculously) only one bowl of miso ramen. Ayame who saw Naruto instantly started commenting on how pretty and cute she looked.

Then as if Kami hated her, the rest of Rookie 9 and Gai's Team walked in as well.

Naruto met eyes with everyone including Sasuke and blushed, Ino's jaw had dropped at how gorgeous Naruto looked and so had Sakura's.





"Hey, Naruto," Kiba said, "Has anyone told how sexy you look?"

Naruto blinked, "Well since you are practically RAPING me with your eyes I would presume I look that way." She snapped.

Sakura then decided to speak, "WOW Naruto I heard you where a girl but I didn't know you looked THIS good!" Sakura spoke trying but failing to hide her jealousy.

"We need to go shopping together later!" TenTen declared being the only girl who wasn't jealous. Yes, Temari had felt in Suna that she would be jealous of someone…

Shikamaru just kept staring at Naruto in an actually interested way.

Sasuke 'Hn-ed' but couldn't take his eyes off of the dobe, "Damn, I never knew that my dobe could be so sexy… Wait MY??"

Chouji started to eat faster to 'impress' Naruto.

Shino pushed up his glasses and leaned forward a little.

Neji activated his Byakugan and stared intently.

Kiba just right out DROOLED….

But then Naruto disappeared, and when they looked down the road you could see a fleeing TenTen and Naruto headed to the mall.

The males tried to run after her, but Sasuke was to proud, Shika was too lazy, Chouji hadn't finished his food yet, Shino leaned to far and had fell, Neji accidentally looked at Sakura and went temporarily blind, and Kiba had been held back by Ino. So all they could do was watch as Naruto fled over the horizon.

Naruto actually enjoyed shopping, and she didn't spend much money since the shop clerks had sudden 'discounts'. TenTen and her had bought lots of stuff, some lingerie, a sort-of mini skirt that was red, a red dress shirt to match the red skirt, a black dress tie, a beautiful light pink dress that was embroidered with orange, a light blue/ white fighting kimono, some tight jeans, and just for the hell of it an orange shirt that said 'I am a Ninja…Literally'


Then when she and TenTen walked out they faced the newly formed, 'Naruto Fan Club'

They both exchanged looks before running for it. Followed by fanboys AND girls screaming, "DON'T RUN AWAY!" and "YOU HAVE A SEXY BODY!"

These cheers made them run faster.


When they finally reached Naruto's apartment they looked the doors and breathed heavily. TenTen laughed, and walked around Naruto's apartment, which was amazingly clean. Naruto took her new clothes and put them away.

When she came out she said to TenTen, "I think you should stay the night, I think my fanclub is waiting for you so they can ask you questions…"

TenTen nodded and said, "Can I call my parents first?"


As TenTen was calling Naruto fixed some non-ramen snacks and set up the table, she picked out a movie called, 'The Pink Panther' she had just rented it.

TenTen finished up her phone conversation and went into the living room which held an orange (go figure) couch, the walls were painted a crisp white and the floorboards were shiny. The T.V set was small but not too small; it had a DVD player and a VHS player. Naruto had a small collection of videos in some cabinets. The table was laden with popcorn, and some sweets as well as soda. TenTen smiled, this was her chance to become good friends with Naruto. It was going to be one hell of a night.



TenTen and Naruto laughed, they were halfway through the movie and the place was a mess but they were having TONS of fun. Naruto held her sides. Before falling back and hitting her head. This caused TenTen to laugh more and also fall back as well. After they were done laughing they spared a look at the clock, "Damn its 12:55!" TenTen said sipping some more Pepsi. "YEAH IT IS!" Naruto screamed, "SO WHAT?!" Then they laughed again….

Crazy girls.


So there you go I was trying to make the first chapter as LONG AS POSSIBLE. So TenTen will grow to be Naruto's best friend, and eventually Sai will come in. Sakura will get over her jealousy quickly but I can't say the same for Ino.

So tell me in a comment who you want Naruto to be with the most!

Naruto: I'M A GIRL!?!

Tarra: But you're sexy!


Tarra: -chokes-Umm… Yeah…..