AN: C'est fini, enjoy

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans


"You had me at hello"

Renée Zellweger

"Quoth the Raven, nevermore"

Edgar Allen Poe

Chapter 33 – Nevermore

Beast Boy and Raven's kiss seemed to last for eternity, everyone gazing on with mingled surprise. Robin watched the pair, a smile growing across his face, glad at last that his friends had cleaned up the situation. Starfire looked on with shock and confusion, unsure if the kiss had been some kind of Earth custom. Cyborg's eyes were wide as he stared at the pair kissing, his face in surprise and disbelief. Simon stood watching, with utter horror.

"Did I miss something?" muttered Cyborg in confusion. The others around him remained silent, unsure what to do, how to react. Raven and Beast Boy broke apart, their lips not wanting to leave each other's, their hearts fluttering dangerously behind their ribs. They still were in their own world, locked in a loving gaze, their shallow breaths washing over each other. And they stood their gazing at each other, like two moonstruck lovers, unaware of the stares that were being thrown at them.

"Get away from her!" cried Simon angrily, stepping towards the pair, heading towards Beast Boy.

The cry shattered the silence, and the world that had enveloped itself around only Beast Boy and Raven. They shuffled their feet, as if only become aware of where they were.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" yelled Simon madly, stopping in front of Beast Boy, looking down upon him.

Beast Boy remained silent, his eyes flickering between Simon and Raven.

"You asshole, you… wha…" stuttered Simon, losing his train of thought, still trying to grasp the concept of what had just occurred.

"Simon…" murmured Raven, sorrow overlaid in her voice.

"And you!" uttered Simon, as if proclaiming an ultimatum, turning to face Raven, taking a step towards her.

"After everything we had… we were together for Christ's sakes, and you did… this?" exclaimed Simon angrily. His arms reached out grabbing Raven by her shoulders.

"Tell me that didn't just happen" muttered Simon, holding Raven's shoulder's tightly.

Raven remained silent, looking up at Simon.

"Tell me you didn't just do what I thought you did" continued Simon in a low voice.

Raven's gaze was locked in Simon's as if by a vice, but her voice was gone from her.

"Tell me you didn't kiss Beast Boy" cried Simon, shaking Raven.

Cyborg took a step towards Simon, as if moving to restrain him, but was stopped by Robin's arm.

"This is their problem, they have to solve it" muttered Robin quietly. Cyborg nodded slowly.

Raven could feel her heart pounding dangerously fast, fighting to escape her ribs.

"Simon…" whispered Raven.

"Tell me!" screamed Simon, spit flying into Raven's face, his hands shaking her at her shoulders.

"I can't Simon… I can't" murmured Raven quietly, taking in a shuddering breath.

"You bitch" muttered Simon, shaking his head in disgust.

"Let go of her" called out Beast Boy, glaring at Simon.

"You did all of this… you did you fucking bastard" cried Simon, turning around to face Beast Boy.

"I…" started Beast Boy, but before he could utter another syllable Simon had flung himself upon him. It was like being assaulted by a dog tortured into insanity. Beast Boy felt punch after punch even before he had realised what was going on. He retaliated, flinging himself at Simon, his fist flying at him, defending himself. He had fought hundreds of people, hundreds of opponents, he was sure he would be able to end the fight between the two easily. But Beast Boy couldn't get a grip upon the fight, Simon was suicidal, flying at him without thought or consideration taking no notice to a hit, or to pain. Beast Boy may have been stronger, and more experienced, but Simon was empowered by his own rage, and mad will for vengeance. Beast Boy found himself fighting furiously back, struggling to defend himself from the madness of Simon.

The two broke apart after a long scuffle, each facing each other as if lining up their opponents. People at the lounge had already cleared out, not knowing if it was an enemy of the Titans that was being fought. However the Titans remained looked on, restraining themselves from moving forward and helping Beast Boy, knowing that it wasn't their matter to involve themselves in.

"Simon calm down!" exclaimed Beast Boy, gazing at him.

"You fucked up my relationship, so I'm gonna fuck you up" yelled out Simon his eyes burning with uncontrollable anger. Without warning he ran at Beast Boy, charging into him. The pair were thrown out of the lounge, smashing through the glass window, and rolled across the street, with groans of agony. Beast Boy stood up first, accustomed to being thrown around. The road was covered in glass from the broken window. Beast Boy stepped away from Simon, who began to get up.

"I don't want to fight you Simon" said Beast Boy, backing away as to show his retreat.

Simon got on his feet. With a growl he began to run at Beast Boy, anger clouding his judgement, anger taking over. Before he could make contact with Beast Boy he was lifted up by a ball of black energy.

"Stop fighting" cried Raven, biting back shudders from seeing the two fight, using her powers to move Simon away from Beast Boy.

"Simon… I'm sorry" murmured Raven, looking sadly into his eyes.

Simon shook his head slowly. "I can't believe that you did this to me" he muttered.

"Simon, please…" murmured Raven.

"So you choose him?" asked Simon quietly.

"Simon don't…" started Raven.

"Do you choose him?" interrupted Simon firmly.

"Yes" whispered Raven.

A look of anger welled up in Simon's face, before suddenly slumping into a pathetic look.

"Why…?" asked Simon sadly, as Raven released her power that had held him.

"I…" started Raven softly.

"Don't answer that" murmured Simon, closing his eyes.

"We can still be… friends" said Raven, trying to soften the blow.

"No. Not after this" he replied quietly, starting to turn away. He walked away from the scene, his eyes staring down at the ground. Raven watched as he walked away, her eyes enveloped in sorrow.

"Raven…" murmured Beast Boy quietly, approaching her.

"Are you okay?" whispered Raven, looking up at a cut that had formed next to his eye.

"It's not me who I'm worried about" replied Beast Boy softly.

"Oh Beast Boy what have I done, this wasn't how it was supposed to turn out" said Raven sadly.

"It never ends up how you want it Raven, not everybody gets what they want" murmured Beast Boy.

"I got you…" replied Raven quietly.

Beast Boy leaned forward, and the pair kissed, a kiss among lost lovers. It was tender and soft, caring and luscious but it wasn't complete. A window beside Raven exploded, showering the street in more glass. The pair broke away.

"I'm sorry Beast Boy" murmured Raven, sadness gripping her eyes.

"Don't be…" whispered Beast Boy, leaning forward to try and kiss Raven again, but she stopped him with her hand.

"We can't do this Beast Boy…" said Raven.

"Don't do this Raven, not again" muttered Beast Boy.

"As long as I have these powers, I can never be with you Beast Boy. I can't stand being afraid that I might kill you, even losing you shatters me. If I stay with you then I'd be going against everything I stand for, I'd be destroying things. I can't live like that Beast Boy" murmured Raven.

"Then trust me, don't fight you're powers, just let it go" replied Beast Boy.

"I've already told you, my powers don't work like that. This is my decision Beast Boy, why do you keep trying? Why do you keep persisting?" cried Raven.

"Because I'm not going to lose you again Raven" replied Beast Boy.

"I can't, I can't let it happen. Not again. Not ever. I walk around and all I see is the glow of you're skin, the blue of you're cloak, the violet of you're eyes. You're everything to me Raven… and without you… I'm nothing" said Beast Boy breathlessly.

Beast Boy took in a shuddering breath. "I love you" he whispered, his heart pounding with emotion.

Raven gazed at him, staring deeply into his eyes, feeling emotions growing within her. Silent tears welled up in her eyes. What else could she say? She knew the answer.

"I love you too" breathed Raven. The pair slowly crept closer, Beast Boy laid his palm upon Raven's cheek.

"What if I hurt you?" whispered Raven, looking deeply into Beast Boy's eyes.

"You can't hurt me" breathed Beast Boy, stroking Raven's cheek.

The two leapt at each other, holding each other, feeling each other taking in each other's warmth, each other's emotions, each other's love. Their lips connected and parted, as if dancing against the moonlight, their bodies enveloped in apparitions of pure love. Their eyes pulsed with growing brilliance, their hearts beat uncontrollably next to each other's and all they could feel was each other. They loved each other to an extent that they felt could never be replicated. They didn't know how they knew, but they just did, they just knew without doubt that they loved each other. And with passion, with care, with love they kissed each other and held each other, and felt each other over and over.

Raven felt her emotions welling up within her but she didn't suppress it, she let it flow through her not controlling it whatsoever. Beast Boy was right, how could love destroy? A section of sky above the pair turned black from Raven's uncontrolled powers, and soft snow fell from the heavens, falling gracefully upon them. They broke apart, their hearts content, a loving smile thrown across their faces. The white soft snow fell neatly upon their shoulders, while they gazed at each other with love. And they held each other, love swirling around them, with not a care in the world. Snow continued to fall, falling upon the couple. A couple who would never part again. A couple newly discovered. A couple forever. A couple together. A couple whose love would be lifted… lifted nevermore.

AN: Well that's it, hope you guys all enjoyed my first fanfic, and if you did Im glad that you did. Thank you for reviewing, and have a great day. I'm not sure when/if I will write another fanfiction, though I presume that I probably will sooner or later, though rather later than sooner. Till next time : )