
A/N: This is the last person in this story. This may not be like Frank, but I could not think of anything. It is also very short. Like I said, I could not think of anything. Please enjoy and review anything. Thank you to those who have been reviewing.

Frank Burns of Indiana never thought much of Christmas. He was a worker and took pride in his work. He was married and had two kids. Both girls. To him, Christmas was another day off.

After work, Frank went last minute shopping for the women of the home, and then took his place in the kingdom of his home. His wife made dinner and then they all went to the Christmas Eve service.

When the preacher talked, Frank was mesmerized. He talked about the true meaning of Christmas and what people do. He obviously was addressing this to Frank. The preacher continued to talk and Frank listened to every word changing his views on things. He adored the service.

When he got home, his family went off to bed and his still thought about the preacher and what he said. Why was he born? He did not have to die for us. But he did. He was willing to die for sinners like me. Who had hurt him in every way. He thought some more and realize he was thankful for everything. Thank you. He thought. Thank you.

The next morning was Christmas. And Frank Burns was thankful for everything and enjoyed the greatest Christmas of his life.