A cute one-shot… Well, that's what I think…

Disclaimer: I won't be posting this for free if I could get tons from it… HAHAHA

PLEASE enjoy… R&R

Be my pseudo-boyfriend

-----Hinata's POV-----

I can't believe this…. Why is life so unfair???? I only want to be with my true love, 'who by the way, is taking so long to find me… maybe he got lost, finding his way to the Hyuuga compound, in short, he is still non-existent in my life'. Why does father want me to marry now??? If I don't present to him a man who is worthy to be my betrothed he said he's going to find me a husband!!! NO!!!!

I can't always cry… Stop Hinata, you're old enough to think more practical…. Yes… I've decided at long last…. Find myself an uhm… pseudo-boyfriend??? Is that the right term? I got to find a man who's worthy… well worthy for my father's taste. Now, who will be the person who would be able to help me…

Kiba… Shino… No… they're like my brothers, and besides, father would never approve… He would even think they were molesting or harassing me during the training… Neji? HAHAHA… that would be hilarious…

It's so hard to think when I'm not so pretty, nor am I confident… I can't even tell Naruto that I like him ever since I knew the meaning of the word 'crush'. So, scratch Naruto from the list… Well, he's too taken by Sakura anyway…

---- Normal POV----

Little did Hinata know that everyone in Konoha is very much taken by her beauty… Well, except for Naruto and Lee, they must be blind… Hinata is now walking in the streets of Konoha, thinking about her problem… Seeing her…

Chouji stopped eating his chips…

Kiba stopped fighting with Naruto… Naruto, well… let's just say, he's blind…

Shino lifted his sunglasses to take a glimpse…

Shikamaru… Well… he opened one of his sleepy eyes.. and didn't say troublesome…

Neji stopped glaring…

Sasuke stopped scowling…

And the rest… were gaping… drools were evident…

Who could take their eyes of the innocent kunoichi… besides, she's like 18…

----Hinata's POV----

Chouji would never like me… not that I like him but… he'll be too occupied eting his chips…

Sasuke… He might even skin me alive….

Shikamaru… He'll say troublesome… but… YES!!!!!!! He could impress father… He's a Genius… and besides, he's also kind and reasonable… he'll help me… but… he has Temari… Temari won't be angry with me borrowing him for awhile right??? Just for awhile… I won't mind them sneaking behind my back…

That's decided… I'll ask Shikamaru Tomorrow!!!

-------The next day---- Normal POV---------

Hinata woke up early… She had to look better today… it'll be a shame if Shikamaru turns her down… Not that she's expecting much, she still thinks of herself as a plain and unattractive girl… She went to where Shikamaru is always sleeping… He seems to be asleep…

"Nara-san… I know this is not proper but…."

Nara grumbles… he's 'pretending' to be asleep… but he's taking every little word she says….

Hinata being uncomfortable looked anywhere aside for Shikamaru's sleeping form… till she ended up looking at a cocoon like object hanging in a tree…

Gaara was resting in the tree, hanging upside-down, old habits are hard to break…

---Gaara's POV---

That damn Hokage… how dare she get drank before our meeting??? Now, I have to wait till she gets better… Damn…. Now, I'm hanging upside down to cool my head…

Wait… Who's that girl looking at me blushing… She sees me… yeah, she must… she's a Hyuuga… She's trying to say something to me… Well, she is looking at me… She's really really cute… where did that come from? Anyway…. What does she want???

-----Hinata's POV-----

This is so embarrassing… I can't stop now… I should let it out… please Hinata!!!! Say it already….

"uhm…. Wo-would y-you be m-my…" then the last part was said out-loud … "PSEUDOBOYFRIEND!!!???"

-----Normal POV----

She said it… then she ran… as fast as the wind could take her… there was a loud thump after that…. Shikamaru is awake, he was too much shocked of what Hinata said, and didn't even hear anything after she said those words….. Gaara, well, he was the loud thump… He fell from the tree….

---Shikamaru's POV---

What!? Be her pseudo-boyfriend??? Why a PSEUDO…. Well… think shika… think… this is even harder than fighting in a battle… I need to REALLY evaluate this…

Hinata… is quiet, beautiful, caring… ooohh!!! The ideal wife… but… this would be troublesome…. The Hyuuga's would most probably give me a quick death by the least… and… The 'troublesome' woman Temari, would not be pleased at all… even if it's just to be the pseudo… but… to be with Hinata is so soooo tempting…

----Gaara's POV----

What? She asked me to be her pseudo-boyfriend? What does that mean? Be her fiancé (Gaara was isolated ok???? He doesn't even understand love… but he will!!!)? Anyway… I couldn't decipher what that Hyuuga meant… but, to tie bonds with Konoha… I should really reconsider this…

Not to mention her healthy… where did that come from???

I must tell her my answer now… Where is she anyway???

-----Hinata's POV----

I can't believe I said that… well he didn't hear me right? He was sleeping….. Was he? I knew this is just so wrong…. But...

Wait… is there someone following me?

----Normal POV----

Gaara saw her… Finally… they were in an empty street, and their eyes met… They were both caught in each other's eye…


"KA-Kazekage-sama…" she stuttered and blushed… Gaara is by the way, one of the hottest guys you'll ever see… (HAHAHA)

"uhm.." he cleared his throat and composed himself, he ran his hand over his messy hair and finally spoke… "about what you said earlier…. I… I'll think about it…"

Hinata was caught breathless… He was so captivating…. But… she was confused… what did she tell him??? "uh…..oh…" those were the only words she could muster…

'those lips are just so luscious…. I must… I must…"

Then, without another word… He kissed her…. And spoke…. "I think I've decided… I'll be your fiancé… I say yes to your offer…" Then, a few silence, suddenly, an ANBU was behind Gaara and whispered in his ear…

"I'll see you again Hinata…"

Hinata was dumbfounded, Gaara was standing mere inches infront of her, he kissed her and told her that he'll be her fiancé just as she asked… but…

'Uh-oh… ' realization was pretty quick 'K-kazekage-sama...he-he's the cocoon like thing hanging in that tree!? I said Fiancé instead of Pseudo-boyfriend… How could I get those words wrong????' Hinata thought…


Gaara during the talk with the Hokage, Tsunade….

"What do you mean a better way for the treaty to push thru???" Tsunade said confused

"I'm getting married with Hinata, Fifth Hokage…" Gaara said with a smirk

"How did that happen?"

"She asked me to…"

Tsunade's mouth then fell wide… wide agape…


So did you like it??? It's not much but, you know, there's a lot of things that is left unsaid or unexplained… but if you REALLY want a continuation… hehehe… I want 10 people telling me to continue… but… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave at least a review….