Hey folks! I'm back with the first chapter to the sequel of Take Me Home Tonight!

heh, I apologize for my cruel ending to the first story. I got so many reviews cursing poor Sasuke. -sighs- He had his reasons. (Which you will find out in this story! Around chapter 7, I believe) (Yes, this means I have it all planned out, again) lol

I really hope you guys like this sequel. I know that many sequels suck, and I hope that this won't fall into that catagory. u.u

WARNINGS: Yaoi, Yuri, OCs, OOCness,modern times, no ninjas, and a depressed Naruto -gets pies thrown at her- SORRY!

DISCLAIMER: OWNAGE OF NARUTO IS NOT GRANTED TO JONI LEE. He belongs to the great Kishimoto-sama. (and possibly Sasuke) x)

oh, and I do not own the copyrights to "Same Old Song and Dance" by Aerosmith or "Moondance" by Van Morrison.

"Yeah, I just wanted you to know. That and my dad isn't paying for international phone calls. So, I guess this is where the line ends. Have a nice life."

Thirty-six year old Naruto Uzumaki awoke in a flash, breathing heavily and salty tears spilling over his blue eyes and flowing over his thrice-scarred cheeks. He then realized it was all a dream. Well, a dream of the present, but real nonetheless. But, that incident happened twenty years ago. It was 2008, not 1988. Still, his shoulders shook with hoarse sobs of grief and pain.

He was a big no-no conversation around the blonde male. Every time someone would even make an inference to him, Naruto would excuse himself from the room and walk around whatever city he was in at the moment for fresh air. Usually, he was gone for a good half hour. The mental pain of that fateful day had the blonde screwed up twenty years later, when he should have moved on with his life and met someone new. He just couldn't mend his shattered heart and he didn't think anyone could. Oh, Ino had tried, very determinedly, but no one could ever compete with the void inside him.

Naruto sighed and got out of bed. He glanced at the illuminated clock at the bedside table. It read twelve-forty in the morning. He decided he'd get a little fresh air before attempting to go back to sleep. He needed the sleep, seeing KIBA, the band he was the drummer in for twenty-two years, was having a concert the next night.

KIBA had done so much better than anyone had ever dared to hope. After making their first record, their music had spread like wildfire. Gigs popped up everywhere and they gained fans by the thousands each day. Twenty years later, they were still making music, had a huge amount of fans, five platinum albums, two gold albums, twenty-seven number one tunes, and were international superstars. In a recent magazine article, they had stated that each member of the band was worth 1.5 billion dollars. Take that times four and you got a lot of money. (Math was escaping the blonde's head at the moment.) There was Naruto the drummer, Ino Yamanaka the vocalist, Neji Hyuuga the lead guitarist, and Sai the bassist. There was also of course the people who worked behind the scenes, like their manager Shikamaru Nara and Naruto's personal assistant/best friend Kitty Louis.

Naruto's back cracked as he stretched and pulled on some clothes. He picked up his cell phone and hotel key and walked out. His suite was on the twentieth floor of the hotel in Tokyo, Japan. That was where KIBA was scheduled to play the next evening for a sold-out show of nine-thousand people.

The doorman in the lobby held the door open for him and he walked out into the mild Tokyo night. The city was alive even at this hour and Naruto took in a deep breath. He started to head off towards the park where they were to be playing. It was only a short distance away from the hotel and it was overflowing with beautiful gardens and bubbling fountains. Lucky that it was springtime, so the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, making the park have a breathtaking look to it; a perfect place to have a concert. Naruto even heard word that the Japanese president and his daughter were to be attending.

Naruto entered the park and walked over to a huge pond full of Koi fish. They were swimming around peacefully underneath the surface of the water. Naruto leaned over the edge of the stone wall surrounding the pond and gazed at the fish. One of the lily pads moved as the fish bumped it, sending ripples across the glass-like water. They distorted the moon's reflection, along with the stars' and his own. A song pushed its way into his head as he looked at the night sky.

"Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes. A fantabulous night to make romance..." Naruto stopped suddenly as he sang Van Morrison's "Moondance." He had sung that song to him the night of prom when they were sitting on the hood of that damn sleek black BMW on the crest of a hill beyond the town. Naruto blocked out the rest of that memory. Hadn't he come here to forget him? The poor blonde sighed in a depressed manner. He wasn't sure how he had survived twenty years of this pain and wanting. He'd never dated anyone else. On his better days, Ino always joked saying he'd become a monk, swearing abstinence for the rest of his life. Naruto sighed dejectedly and started off towards the hotel again. Maybe he would call Kitty to see if she would talk to him. Kitty always made him feel better when he was upset about him. She'd been the one to comfort him the day it happened. Naruto glanced up at the sky and became lost in it's vast, mysterious face.

"Does he ever think about me? Does he know what he's done to me and is laughing at me in his mind while holding his lover close?" He thought aloud. His ripped heart beat painfully at that thought, and he resisted the urge to grasp the left side of his chest in agony. Tears escaped his eyes as the feeling of just curling up in a corner and dieing washed over him. He'd never think of this freely, only if there was someone there to keep him together on the outside. Imagine! An old man like himself crying like a rejected schoolgirl over a stab in the front and back that took place two decades ago! Damn, he was pathetic and he needed to stop.

He had reached his room in what seemed like two seconds. He was in a daze, trying to blindly put the key in the right way. As he slid through his door and closed it behind him, thoughts of him and the late Kiba slammed his head like a hammer. It was always times like these when Kiba was brought forth from the depths of his mind. It was like his brain was his enemy who was holding all the chips. It knew all the ways to make him break. And that's what he did, laying face-down in the middle of the hotel suit, crying himself to sleep.


"NARUTO UZUMAKI! YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" Ino Yamanaka screamed that the closed wooden door in front of her. The number 2003 shone annoyingly in her face. It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon the next day and she needed her drummer to get his ass out of bed and get himself to the park. They all had stuff to do before the concert. If only the blonde would answer his fucking door.

Ino was about to knock the plank off its hinges when it opened to reveal a red-eyed blonde. Ino's hardcore façade and rushed inside the room, dragging the miserable blonde with her. She closed the door softly and turned to face him.

"Naruto, have the dreams been getting worse?" She asked in a concerned tone. He shook his head.

"No, they haven't been getting worse, just more frequent. But, you know by now Ino that they always get this way before gigs. They always have. I think it's just because of what happened the first time." Naruto said. Ino hugged him tightly.

"I know that you are severely disturbed and screwed up by what happened Naruto, but you need to move on. It's not like he died or anything, like Kiba." She said softly. Naruto tensed at the mention of both touchy subjects in the same sentence, but just calmed himself down and hugged Ino back just as tightly. She pulled away and looked at him. "Come on, we have a show to play. The show must go on." She said and walked off. "Be ready in a half an hour. You are late as it is." With that she closed the door. Naruto sighed. She was right, and he knew it. Maybe it was time to start settling down and looking for the one he was supposed to be with.


"Did the sound check go well?" Shikamaru Nara asked his wife, Ino. She nodded.

"Yeah, it went as good as always. It took a little while for Naruto to get his mind off of you-know-who, but overall it was fine." She said. Her husband of ten years nodded in agreement.

"Poor guy, I feel bad that he's suffered this long. It's not like he can just wake up the next day and be, 'Oh, okay. He's gone. Now where is that hot guy's number from the bar last night?'" Shikamaru said, glancing at the blonde drummer, who was currently chatting with Sai and Neji. Ino sighed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But, still, it's been two decades and no improvement. You'd think the guy took off yesterday." She said sadly. Suddenly, two young voices shouted out from backstage.

"MOMMA! MOMMA! WE'RE HERE!" Ino looked up and saw two eight-year-old girls running towards her and she embraced them both.

"Hello there girls. How were you for Uncle Lee?" She asked her daughters. Ami was eight and had long black hair and besides her was her twin sister Linda who had short blonde hair.

"Good!" They chorused. Ino smiled and nodded to "Uncle Lee", who had just walked in wearing his green spandex suit. The professional photographer just smiled and excalimed how youthful all the children were for him. That included Neji's son Dimitri and Sai's little sister Julia. Those two had just followed Ami and Linda into the backstage area.

"Dad, I'm going to see mom this weekend, right?" Dimitri asked his dad. His mother lived in Tokyo and her name was TenTen. She used to be Neji's wife, but they split up when Dimitri was four after TenTen found out that Neji was having an affair.

"Yes, that is correct." Neji answered. Julia was sitting on Sai's shoulders exclaiming how she couldn't wait to see the concert tonight.

Sitting on his stool behind his drums, Naruto couldn't help but feel left out. He didn't have any children of his own, nor did he have any siblings. It was quite a lonely life being Naruto Uzumaki.

"Ami, Linda, Julia, and Dimitri, you all have to go to your seats now because we're going to start playing any time." Ino said. The children whined, but followed Lee out towards the audience anyway.

The band members all got in position. The stage director mouthed that they had two minutes until curtain. Anticipation bubbled up inside Naruto. This was what he lived for, performing. It took his mind off him. Suddenly, a voice could be heard over the buzz of the crowed on the other side of the curtain.

"Welcome, one and all to this evening's concert headlining international superband, KIBA!" The Japanese president's voice rang out. People cheered, and it sounded like thunder. "And without further ado, here they are!" He said and the curtains lifted. Ino grabbed the microphone and laughed.

"Hey Tokyo! How are you all doing?" She screamed. She was answered with a great wave of sound that must have been nine-thousand people screaming good at the top of their lungs. Ino smiled. "Well, as you all know, us old people are KIBA and have a show for you! We're gonna start the night off with a number called 'Same Old Song and Dance!'" The crowed roared in approval.

Get yourself cooler
Lay yourself low
Coincidental murder
With nothing to show
With the judges constipation
Will go to his head
And his wifes aggravation
Youll soon end up dead

Its the same old story
Same old song and dance, my friend
Its the same old story
Same old song and dance, my friend

Gotcha with the cocaine
They found with your gun
No smooth face laywer
Could get ya undone
Say love aint the same
On the south side of town
You could look
But you aint gonna find it around

Its the same old story
Same old song and dance, my friend
Its the same old story
Same old story
Same old song and dance

Fate comes a-knockin
Doors start lockin
Your old time connection
Change your direction
You aint gonna change it
Cant rearrange it
Cant stand the pain
When its all the same to you, my friend

When youre low down and dirty
From walkin the street
With your old hurdy gurdy
No one to meet
Said love aint the same
On the south side of town
You could look
But you aint gonna find it around

Its the same old story
Same old song and dance, my friend
Its the same old story
Same old story
Same old song and dance

The concert went on for nearly four hours. Sweat drenched Naruto everywhere. At one point, he thought he saw Neji and Sai's fingers bleeding from playing the guitar so hard. Finally, the concert came to a close with a new song of KIBA's. People screamed for an encore. It seemed, unusally, that they all wanted the same song. The song that haunted Naruto's memories for so very long.

"TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT!" They all screamed. Ino glanced back at Naruto and saw he was not looking at all well.

"Hey, hey. None of that tonight folks. We have an important meeting with Mr. President over there, so we need to get out of here." She said, apologetically. They all groaned and whined, but Naruto was sending thankful looks at Ino. He had never loved her more than at that moment.

They exited the stage and quickly changed clothes and were whisked away by limo to the President's downtown mansion. When they arrived, they were ushered into a grand sitting room, where the president was already waiting. They all bowed curtiosly. He nodded his head and gestured for them to sit down on the comfy-looking couches in the room.

"Well, I must say that was an amazing concert. It's amazing you still have the energy you did ten years ago." He commented. They thanked him. He smiled warmly and asked the maid to get them some tea.

"So, Mr. President, what was it that you wanted to speak to us about?" Sai asked.

"Well, I thought I could just get to know the band more because you are one of my favorites and have been since I was young. I was so thrilled when you agreed to meet me. Plus, my daughter literally begged me on hands and knees for you to come into our home and share it." He said.

"That was very kind of you," Shikamaru said.

"Pishposh. It is nothing." The president said, laughing. Suddenly, the doors on the other side of the room were thrown open by a black-haired woman with black eyes, a glowstick necklace, and a KIBA shirt on. She hurried over to them.

"Daddy! They're here!" She said excitedly, throwing a look in Ino, Naruto, Neji, Sai, and Shikamaru's direction. Her father smiled.

"Yes they are. KIBA, this is my daughter, Ayame Hawazaki. She is a huge fan of yours and wanted to meet you all so bad."

"Not just all of them Daddy! But Naruto-kun!" She said as she sat gracefully down in front of said blonde's feet. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Me?" He asked. She nodded vigorously.

"Of course Naruto-kun! I am only your biggest fan! Daddy, did you tell him the plans yet?" She asked, looking at her father. He shook his head.

"Plans?" They questioned.

"Yes! To marry Naruto-kun and I!" Ayame exclaimed.

Damn. That is one freaky fangirl. How will KIBA react to this plan? How will NARUTO react? o.o

Aww, poor Naruto, everything is reminding him of him these days. :(

Anyway, thank you for reading and reviews are always welcome!

Have a nice weekend. :)