Junior and Kris drove down the road. Kris looked over and met Junior's eyes and smiled.

He reached over and took her hand in his.

"We're really going to do this" said Kris smiling.

"Yeah we are" said Junior smiling squeezing Kris's hand.

Kris's smile widened as she began to picture what it would be like to be with Junior forever.

Flashes of Raintree then went through her mind. Her smile faded a little. She knew by now Jean had already told Matt that Kris left. She could picture the hurt look on his face. Kris loved Junior with all her heart but Matt was still her best friend and it hurt her to hurt him. She also knew she was hurting Jean and Pablo.

Meanwhile Junior was having similar thoughts in his head. Junior didn't really care much about what is father thought but he did care what Dani thought. He knew Dani supported how he felt for Kris but would she support him abandoning everything to run off with her. He looked over to Kris. He loved her more than anything and he couldn't wait to marry her. He noticed she has a conflicted look on her face.

He slowed down the car and pulled over.

"Kris you know I love you right" said Junior looking over at Kris.

"Yes of course I know that and I love you too" said Kris.

"I want nothing more then to marry you today but I can't help but think of all the people we are leaving behind." said Junior.

"I know I feel the same way. There's your dad, Dani, Matt, Jean and Pablo. They're all going to be hurt over this. I love you so much but are we making the right decision just running away from everything" said Kris.

"I know" Junior sighed and said "Maybe us running away from things isn't the best idea".

"So what now" said Kris.

Junior was silent for a few moments before getting a smile on his face.

"How about we go back and tell everyone we are engaged. We find a nice little apartment near Raintree for both of us. You can still train the horses and see Wildfire everyday. Then in a few weeks we get married." said Junior.

"That sounds perfect and it can just be a small wedding with our family and friends there. It's perfect because we aren't hurting anyone and we can still keep ties with our family." said Kris.

"Yeah and the best part is we can still be together" said Junior.

"Yeah it's wonderful. So we wait a few weeks and then we get married" said Kris.

"Yeah this is what you want right Kris. I know you love Raintree and Wildfire and don't want to leave that behind just like I don't want to leave my sister behind." said Junior.

"Yes this is what I want as long as you want this." said Kris looking into Junior's eyes.

"Yes I want this. Kris I love you so much and all I want is to be with you. So let's go back and tell Raintree, Dani, and my dad the news" said Junior.

"It's going to be hard telling your dad and Matt" said Kris looking down.

"Hey don't worry about my dad. He'll get over it and as for Matt he's just going to have to accept that we love each other." said Junior.

Kris looked up at Junior and said "Good because I'm never letting you go again".

Junior smiled and leaned forward and kissed Kris. They stayed that way for a long time before pulling away. Junior started the car and began driving. He reached over with his hand and entwined his fingers with Kris's.

"We're doing this for sure" said Junior.

"Yes we are. No more messing things up with us. It's now and forever" said Kris smiling. Tears of happiness began welling up in her eyes. Junior smiled.

First stop was Raintree. Jean, Pablo and Dani wouldn't be hard to tell but Ken Davis and Matt, now that was going to be a challenge.


It was dark by the time they got back into town.

"It's getting late. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to tell everyone." said Kris.

"Yeah I guess your right. So where to?" said Junior.

"Well we can stay in a hotel for the night then start looking for a apartment tomorrow" said Kris.

"Sounds good" said Junior pulling into a hotel's parking lot.

They went in and got a hotel room. Once they were in the room.

"So want to start making wedding plans. We have a lot to do." said Junior.

"Yeah we do. Let's start" said Kris.

Junior got out a notebook to write things down.

"Okay where do we want it to be" said Junior.

"Well I've been thinking about that. If it's alright with Jean how about we have it at Raintree." said Kris.

"I was thinking the same thing" said Junior writing it down.

"Okay who is going to be your maid of honor? I already know Matt is going to be my best man that is if he wants to." said Junior.

"How about Dani? Her and I are friends now." said Kris.

"Great my sister will love that" said Junior continueing to write things down.

They continued making wedding plans for a while.

Junior then got up and put the notebook on the table. He then sat down on the bed beside Kris.

"How's about we take a break" said Junior leaning over to kiss Kris.

"Sounds like a plan" said Kris in between kisses.


The next morning

Kris woke up careful not to wake Junior up. It was still early. She knew Matt wasn't at Raintree right now so she figured it be the best time to talk to Jean.

She quickly slipped her clothes on. She then gently shook Junior awake.

"Hey I'm going over to Raintree. I think it's best if I talk to Jean first" said Kris.

"Okay you can take the porshe if you want" said Junior sleepily.

"That's okay. Raintree is right down the road I'll just walk." said Kris leaning forward to kiss Junior goodbye.

Junior kissed her then said "I'll give you a couple hours to talk to Jean then I'll come over".

"Okay sounds good see you later" said Kris giving Junior one last goodbye kiss. She then left.

Kris sighed as she walked through the Raintree gate. She was a little nervous as to how Jean would react.

She walked towards the barn. Jean was in there doing stalls.

"Jean" Kris called.

Jean quickly came out of one of the stalls and said "Kris".

"Jean I need to talk to you about something" said Kris.

"Umm okay I thought you and Junior had already left" said Jean.

"Yeah it's partly about that." said Kris sitting on the bench in the barn.

"Okay" said Jean coming over to sit by Kris.

"Okay Junior and I have decided to stay here. We're going to try and find an apartment here in town near here." said Kris.

"Well I'm glad you decided to stay but you know this is going to cause conflicts with Matt." said Jean.

"I know but we're going to work through that. There's one more thing I need to talk to you about" said Kris.

"What is it" said Jean.

"Junior and I are getting married in a few weeks" said Kris.

Jean seemed shocked "Kris I- are you sure it isn't too soon for that" said Jean.

"No I love Junior more than anything and that's the way it's always going to be. There's no reason to wait to get married. I want to be with him forever" said Kris.

Jean was silent for a few moments before smiling "Well if that is the way you feel I'm happy for both you and Junior. I hope it all works out for both of you." said Jean.

Kris smiled and said "So do I get your blessing?"

"Of course" said Jean hugging Kris.

"There's one question Junior and I had for you." said Kris.

"What?" said Jean.

"We wondered if we could get married here at Raintree" said Kris.

"Oh wow I would love for you two to get married here. I think it be a great idea" said Jean.

"Oh thanks so much. It means a lot to me and I want all of you to come" said Kris hugging Jean.

"Of course" said Jean.

"Okay would you mind if I took Wildfire out for a while" said Kris.

"No that's fine he missed you. Go ahead and ride him" said Jean getting up.

"Do you think Pablo will be okay with me marrying Junior" said Kris.

"Yes of course he will. He knows you two are in love" said Jean.

"Great it's just telling Matt and Ken Davis that's going to be a problem" said Kris getting up and starting to walk out. She turned around when Jean began to speak.

"Ken will just have to deal with the fact that you two love each other. That's all that matters. As for Matt he's going to have to try to accept it. Kris he still loves you and it is going to hurt him but once he sees how happy Junior makes you maybe it will make it a little easier for him." said Jean.

Kris's smile faded picturing the look on Matt's face when they tell him. "I hope he's alright with it" said Kris finally.

"He may not be at first but he will be" said Jean.

"I hope so" said Kris before walking out and heading over to Wildfire.

Jean smiled. She knew her son was going to be upset but she knew Junior and Kris were indeed in love and Matt had to learn to accept that. She began to do the rest of the stalls.

Kris saddled Wildfire and took off. They rode for a while then she saw Junior pull in. She smiled and headed over to him. He pulled over by the fence and got out.

Kris got off of Wildfire and tied his rope to a tree. She then walked over to Junior.

"Hey" said Kris smiling.

"Hi how did things go with Jean" said Junior.

"Great she's happy for us and she said that we could have our wedding here." said Kris.

"That's great so two weeks from now we're going to be married" said Junior grinning.

"Yeah I can't wait" said Kris.

"I can't wait either" said Junior.

"Okay so how about we tell Dani, then Pablo, then your dad, and then Matt. Matt is going to be the hardest to tell" said Kris.

"I know either way he is still my best friend. I just hope he doesn't hate me because we're inlove" said Junior.

"Yes he's going to be upset but he is going to have to accept the fact that I love you and only you" said Kris.

"I love you so much Kris" said Junior.

"I love you too" said Kris leaning forward to kiss Junior. They kissed passionately.

After a while they broke away.

"I guess it's time to tell Dani" said Junior.

"Okay let me take Wildfire back and then we can go tell Dani." said Kris.

"Wait Matt isn't here yet is he?" said Junior.

"No he won't be here until about 6:00" said Kris getting on Wildfire. She rode him back and put him in his stall. She said goodbye to Wildfire and Jean before getting in the car with Junior.

They headed over to the vetrinarian clinic. On their way they got a newspaper and began looking for apartments availiable.

They walked into the clinic.

"Hey Dani" they both said.

"Uhh.. Hey Junior Dad has been calling asking where you were. You never came went home last night." said Dani.

"Oh about that well Kris and I were going to go get married but we decided to wait. We're getting married in a couple weeks." said Junior.

"Took you long enough" said Dani grinning.

"You're not surprised" said Kris.

"No you two have been dancing around each other for the past 2 years. It's about time you got married." said Dani.

"Congratulations I'm happy for you" said Dani.

Junior and Kris smiled and said "Thanks".

"So two weeks I expect to get my invitation soon" said Dani smirking.

"Yeah don't worry you'll get it" said Junior.

"Oh I had a question for you" said Kris.

"What" said Dani.

"Well I was wondering if you'd be my maid of honor" said Kris.

Dani seemed surprised at this.

"Wow I'd be honored to be your maid of honor Kris" said Dani smiling.

"Great well I guess we'll be off. We have to tell Pablo, your dad and Matt yet." said Kris.

"Well good luck with Dad and Matt" said Dani.

"Thanks we're going to need it" said Junior. Kris and Junior then headed over to Davis farms.