Ages: Ash- 15; Misty-15; Gary-16; Mrs. Ketchum- older than 40
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! T-T
Hey all! No, I didn't write all of this in one day, I do have a life! I wrote this a while ago because I was bored with the middle part and really wanted to write the ending. So I added and fixed some stuff and here it is! Thanks SOO much to everyone who reviewed! I love you all lots! ;-)
On with the story
Chapter Eleven: Hoenn Alone?
Misty walked back into Ash's room after changing into her light blue pajamas. She shuffled inside, looking down at the floor. Her talk with Mrs. Ketchum that had ended a few minutes ago was still running through her head.
"You love him, don't you?"
"Yes," Misty decided she was done denying it. "He has been my best friend. He has done so much for me, especially in these past few days. He was my first true friend, and now I have to leave him behind. It hurts so bad! I feel like I'm abandoning him!"
"Misty, I am sure he wouldn't want you to feel like that. I know my son, and I can tell he cares for you very much. He was so worried about you when you were in the hospital. I called as soon as I knew what was going on, and begged him to come home. But he wouldn't leave you, wouldn't dream of it. Just now you saw how upset he was when you said he couldn't travel home with you. And it hasn't been just now that he has started to care. I could tell before all this that you were a very important person to him".
"Really? Do you think Ash cares that much about me?"
"Of course dear. I am sure if you were to tell him what you told me, he would reciprocate your affections"
"But I can't tell him!"
"Why ever not?"
"Because, if he told me he loves me, I would be in torture the whole time I was apart from him. I couldn't bare it! It would be worse than a million thunderbolts all at once! I have lived with this one-sided love for a while, I can live with it some more"
Misty looked up at a slight rustling. She saw a pull out bed in the corner by the T.V., and a young boy sprawled on it. He had a frown on his face, black hair even messier from all the tossing and turning. His loyal Pikachu was nestled at the foot of his bed sleeping more easily than his 's eyes softened and a small smile crept onto her face. He had proclaimed that the guest room should go to the pokemon that had been with them at the mansion because they had been through so much for them, so he would have to sleep in his room with Misty. Misty suspected this was just because he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. It was really touching, and cute. Oh how she was going to miss him! Misty walked over to Ash's side and crouched down so she could look him in the face. A tentative hand stretched out and brushed back stands of ebony hair from his eyes. At her touch, the frown was smoothed into a contented expression.
"Ash, I will miss you so much. And if you do love me, please don't say anything. It would break my heart" Misty chuckled sadly. "Imagine, the one thing I want to hear the most is the thing that gives me the greatest grief. What a cruel world".
With that, Misty got up and climbed into Ash's empty bed for the last time. Togepi was on the ground near by, buried in a nest of blankets. The girl plucked him from the folds and cuddled the pokemon to her chest. Tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes. Misty sniffed, trying to hold them back. But it was no use. The sniff only brought in the comforting sent of Ash and his pillows. This set her over the edge, and she quietly cried herself to sleep while scenes from dinner flitted through her mind.
(Flash back to about three hours before)
"Mom, we're home!!" Ash rang out stepping through the front door. "Oof!"
As soon as he got inside his mother had engulfed him in a huge hug complete with shirt-drenching tears.
"You are never leaving this house again!" she sobbed into his hair.
After Misty had convinced Mrs. Ketchum to let go of her son who was slowly turning blue in the face, they all sat down. Deliah kept on hand firmly locked on Ash's and didn't say a thing through the whole explanation of what exactly had happened. Only at one part did she interrupt, when Ash got to the part where Misty had been tortured. She then let go of her son and gripped Misty in a fierce hug. The girl responded accordingly. It had been so long since she'd been hugged like that. She missed her mother, but Mrs. Ketchum was like an adoptive mother to her. When Deliah had stopped crying Ash went on and finished the story.
"Well, I'm just going to go burn that ticket then!" Ash's mom got up in a huff and went into the kitchen.
"What?" He followed her confused.
Mrs. Ketchum sighed. "Though, I suppose you wouldn't like that. You did get out of there alive, and will have Pikachu with you. I guess it wouldn't be fair of me to keep you here when you could be there".
"Mom," Ash's confusion grew. "What are you talking about?"
Mrs. Ketchum went to a drawer and returned with a slip of paper. She handed it to Ash quietly and Misty looked over his shoulder to read it.
Ash's heart sunk as soon as he saw it. "I wish she would have burned it," he thought wistfully.
"I know you'll probably want to go to Hoenn sweetie. Professor Oak gave that to me the night you left, and as soon as I saw it I knew my baby was going to leave again. After what just happened I don't want you to go, yet I want you to be happy. So I got you some supplies for the trip" Deliah studied his face. She thought he would be really excited and start jumping around. Instead he stood there, glaring at the ticket sullenly, as if he had swallowed something unpleasant.
"This, is great Ash" Misty forced out. She knew this was going to happen, she knew he wasn't going to Cerulean with her. But the heartbreak wasn't something she could have been prepared for.
"Are you okay honey?" Ash's mom asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm, fine" Ash said sadly,
"Okay, well, I'm just going to finish making dinner. You two can go freshen up, alright?"
"Sure Mrs. K" Misty had to put on a fake smile and answer for both of them. She nudged Ash and he turned to go upstairs. She followed him, smile slipping off her face.
The two went into Ash's room to find Pikachu curled up on the bed with Togepi. Misty smiled for real this time at the heartwarming scene. Togepi woke up and trilled when it saw its mother. Misty picked her baby up and cuddled him, happy to be reunited.
"I'll still walk you home" Ash's quiet voice came from behind her.
Misty sighed. "Ash, the ferry leaves the day after tomorrow. That is NOT enough time to get to Cerulean and back".
Ash frowned. "We can take Pidgeot," he argued.
"Do you know how tired Pidgeot would get carrying two people all that way? And don't forget, he has to take care of his flock too. It just won't work Ash".
"Well then I'll miss the ferry! There has to be another one going soon!" Ash was trying to find a way around this impediment.
"No" Misty said firmly. "I told you, you get the opportunity to go, and you take it".
"But I don't want to!" Ash almost yelled. "I want to stay with you as long as I can!"
"But Ash, you love traveling! As soon as you get to Hoenn, you'll find a bunch of new pokemon and make new friends. You'll have fun, and forget about me" Misty added the last part very quietly, but Ash still heard her.
"No! I might make new friends, but I would never forget my old ones!" he said harshly.
Misty's heart was happy to hear that but her brain scoffed at his words. "It doesn't matter anyway," she told him, looking down at Togepi. "You're still going".
"You can't make me," he pointed out mulishly.
"No. But if you go with me then you're breaking your promise. I told you to go if you could. Are you going to go back on your word to your best friend?" Misty challenged. She knew this would get him. Ash would never break a promise, especially not to his friends. Especially not to her. She had just succeeded, but it felt like the worst defeat.
"Fine" he grumbled and left the room. Misty sat on the bed and hugged Togepi to her. She didn't like doing this to Ash, but it was necessary. If he was going to be a pokemon master he had to go.
She was playing with Togepi, trying to get her mind off tomorrow, when Ash came back in. She was preparing herself for another round of arguing, but after seeing his face she knew that she wouldn't have to. It was sad, but determined. He had relented to the fact he was going.
"Mom says dinner is ready" he told the floor.
Misty set Togepi back on the bed and went over to him. She put her hand lightly on his shoulder to get him to look up at her. She offered him a small smile and said, "We can still write you know. I won't have much to do so you'll have to keep me amused with stories about Hoenn and how you won all your gym badges".
Ash only nodded, then left. He was silent through all of dinner much to the confusion of his mother and went to bed right after he told her about letting the pokemon sleep in the guest room.
(End flash back)
"Oh Ash" Misty whispered before sleep claimed her.
Ash woke up in the same gloom that possessed him last night. It seemed impossible to break the spell that kept his spirits down. What good was coming? Misty was leaving, and he couldn't even walk her home. The ferry left the next day, there was no way to fly to Cerulean and back in one day, not even on Pidgeot. Ash remembered last night and felt a guilty twinge in his stomach. He had gone to bed after arguing with Misty again about going to Hoenn. Ash was sorry that he had argued with her in the precious time they had left.
He got up and dressed sullenly, then went down stairs. He turned automatically into the kitchen area and saw Misty sitting at the table, staring down at her pancakes as if they were some disgusting alien concoction. He walked over and slumped into the chair beside her. She didn't recognize his presence.
"I'm really sorry for fighting with you last night Mist" Ash looked down at the empty plate before him. "I told you I don't like to yell at you, and I don't. I was just really, upset I guess".
Misty still didn't say anything. Inside, she was begging, "Please Ash, please stop being so nice. This is just making it so much harder".
Ash looked up at the girl beside him. She hadn't shifted her gaze. "Can I at least walk with you to the end of Pallet?" his voice sounded like a whine.
"Sure" Oh no! Misty why? It would have been easier to leave by yourself! But he sounded so sorry about the fight, and so frightened that I wouldn't forgive him.
"Good" Ash was relieved that she had at least allowed him that. He glanced back down at his empty plate. This was the first time in his life he wasn't hungry.
The two of them stayed like that for quite some time, each wrapped up in their own miserable thoughts. Mrs. Ketchum came in from the garden and saw them like this. It broke her heart to see the two like that. Never had her Ashy boy looked so sad, and Misty was not much better.
Misty seemed to get jolted out of her silent revere and registered that there was food on her plate. But seeing what was there only disgusted the red head even more. There was no way food was going to be possible this morning. Misty stood up and brought her plate over to the kitchen counter. Delia frowned worriedly.
"Aren't you hungry dear?" she questioned.
"No, but thank you Mrs. Ketchum" Misty told her. "I should be going anyway. My stuff is upstairs, I'll grab it and go". She turned and slowly made her way up the steps, into Ash's room, and over to her bag. Togepi was there, along with her other pokemon. The baby pokemon was still sleepy; his trainer had kept him up all night with her sobbing. Misty put him into the red sack so he could rest on their way home.
With one last look at the room that had grown to be like her second one, Misty exited into the hallway. One last walk down the hall, and one last tromp down the stairs. One last look into the living room with so many good memories. One last good bye to her other home, the one that was always open to her.
"I will see you again," she promised in her head. "I will be back, in a long time. I will be back".
Misty walked into the foyer to see Ash with Pikachu and his mom. She ran over to Mrs. Ketchum and hugged her fiercely.
"Thank you, for every thing" Misty whispered.
"Of course Misty, you can come by and visit anytime, okay?" Mrs. Ketchum told her kindly. Misty nodded and backed away. Ash sighed and opened the door. It was time to leave.
The two teens went through the door and off the porch into the road. Misty turned around as they walked away, waving to Delia and Mr. Mime as they said good-bye. Soon, she could no longer see them or hear their farewells. All that she had were her memories, and hopes for the future.
Ash and Misty walked in silence. It was like some thick fog had surrounded them that prevented them from talking. Neither could break it, so they were left alone to the mercy of their thoughts. Misty was plagued with the recollections of all the happy times she had with Ash.
Ash was battling with himself. How much did Misty mean to him? He already knew he like her a lot. Could this be love? Was love having your heart ripped in two at your friend's departure? Was love never wanting her to leave your sight? Was love looking back on the moments spent together and only wishing you had more time? Seeing only her good qualities? Wondering why you never thought she looked that beautiful before?
Yes, he decided. Yes, that had to be love. What else could feel this wonderful and so bad at the same time? The knowledge that he loved Misty sent a fire coursing through his veins. She was so sweet, so caring, and so perfect for him. The best friend one could ever hope for. But then came the ice. He could not have picked a worse time to figure this out. He loved her, but now she was leaving. For a whole year! What if she didn't love him? What if she found someone else? How could he bare part from her now? Would telling her make it better? They could always call and write to each other. But would that make up for the time they couldn't be with each other?
So where at first Ash was indecisive over whether to tell her he liked her or not, he was now trying to make a decision that had much more risk. Telling someone you loved her was much bigger news than telling that person you liked her. He got more and more anxious, so much so that he didn't notice a sign proclaiming they were at the Pallet Town limits. What he did notice was the warmth at his side was gone. Ash looked back to see Misty staring at the sign. At his gaze, she turned her eyes to him. He walked back and read what had made the usually lively eyes so dull.
"Oh" Ash's voice was quiet. "I guess this is it".
"Yeah, I guess so" Misty spoke for the first time.
They both stood there, not really wanting to say goodbye. Pikachu jumped onto Misty's shoulders and murmured his farewell. Misty hugged him in her arms for a moment before letting him go. The yellow mouse hopped to the ground and went back to the sign. He could tell that his trainer and his friend needed sometime alone.
Both the humans were still silent. Finally, Misty spoke up.
"Thanks Ash. For being such a great friend. For being there for me even though I was always yelling at you and putting you down. I just want you to know, I didn't really mean any of it. You are the kindest, strongest, friendliest, funniest, most caring person I know. Thank you so much for letting me travel with you and Brock. I know I might have said I followed you for my bike but after a while I forgot about it. I just enjoyed traveling around the world with you. That was better than any old bike. I won't forget any of it" Misty was staring at the ground. If her voice didn't betray her, then her face would. One look at Ash and the waterworks would start.
"And thank you for saving me at the mansion. I was so scared until you were with me. Then I felt that I could be strong, and rescue those people. I knew that they were counting on me, but I also knew that you were Ash. And I would do anything for you; you're my best friend" she finished softly.
Ash looked at the redhead before him. He could think of nothing to say. Nothing except one thing. He wrapped his arms around her thin form and pulled her into a hug, crushing her body against his. Eyes shut tight, he rested his head against hers. Misty dug her fingers into Ash's shirt and tried to keep herself from getting it wet. Ash hugged her even closer as if by holding her there time would stop and she wouldn't have to go.
Misty felt like she was going to swoon. He had never hugged her like this before. Hell, he had barely hugged her even a little bit before now. It was so nice just to get lost in his warmth, forget about everything else. It felt so right, like finally she had found the place where she truly belonged. Her nerves flared every time Ash rubbed her back. But she had to leave, and this was making it impossible for that to happen. Misty reluctantly drew away. Ash knew this was it. His heart was hurting so bad. He had to tell her.
When she was far enough away from his chest that he could see her face, he raised one hand to her cheek, the other still on her shoulder. He raised her head up so that she had to look into his eyes. He was held captive by her ocean blue orbs for several minutes before wrenching himself back into consciousness. He stroked the side of her face with his thumb and she leaned against his palm.
"Misty, I- I have to tell you something" he whispered, leaning in closer. Misty leaned closer to Ash unconsciously, drawing nearer and nearer. Soon their noses were almost touching. Misty could feel his breath against her lips; it made her shiver. "Misty, I have to say-" another breath, another shiver. This one was so forceful and had such a spark that it wiped the haze from her mind. Misty blinked and saw brown eyes filled with such emotion. She knew that emotion. She had seen it in her reflection in mirror when she thought about Ash and read about it in books. At first she was overjoyed, and then she felt horrible. Misty closed her eyes. No, no, no, no!
"Ash, please don't" Misty whimpered. But he was coming even closer. She turned her head to the side and stepped back. His hand fell from her cheek and the other dropped from her shoulder. Ash stood still in shock.
"Please, Ash. Don't do this to me" Misty pleaded. She couldn't look him in the eye.
"But, Misty, I thought, I-" Ash stuttered. She didn't love him? But what about just now when she was looking at him like that? And all those times, all of those moments, that he had seen that spark in her eye when she was with him? Was that just the light? True, he had only started noticing it at the mansion and afterwards, but didn't it mean anything? Couldn't she just let him say it and then say, "let's just be friends"?
"Ash, don't say anything. It will only make it worse. I can't bare it!" Misty cried out. Salt water coursed down her face.
"But Misty," Ash tried to ignore the pain that welled in his heart. He tried to reach out to her and cup her face in his hand again. He had to tell her how he felt. She had to see, had to know.
"No!" Misty shook her head. "No, stop Ash! I can't take it! I can't live knowing and then living apart from you!" with that, she pivoted and ran away. Running was always easy for her. She had run from her sisters, she had run away from her feelings to anger, and now she was running from her friend. Running allowed you to leave behind the pain and forget about everything. Or so she thought. With each step it was like another weight was being added to her heart, crushing it and breaking it into tiny pieces. Misty's legs seemed unaffected by this however, and took her swiftly from Ash who still stood there in shock.
She was gone. Just like that. She was gone and had stopped him from telling her. Maybe she didn't love him? But then why couldn't she stand knowing and living apart? If she didn't love him, wouldn't she be glad to leave? Or maybe she didn't want to live away from him with all that uneasiness between them. Ash was so confused, and so lonely. His friends were gone. His newly discovered love of his life was gone. What was the purpose of things any more? What else was there to do except mourn their loss?
Pikachu saw his trainer standing there with tears in his eyes and jumped onto his shoulder. He rubbed his yellow cheek against Ash's, giving off a little static of comfort. Ash felt it, and absent-mindedly pet Pikachu. His pokemon's rough coat slowly brought Ash out of his dark thoughts. His pokemon. They were his first love and they were his passion. He would continue to train and catch new pokemon, striving to be the best. It had been his goal to be a pokemon master, why should that change? Maybe pokemon battling would take his mind from the hole in his heart. Maybe it would make the year seem like a day. Maybe it would stop him from dwelling on whether Misty loved him or not.
Ash gathered Pikachu into his arms and began the walk back to his mom's house. He started to plan all the things he would need for Hoenn forgetting his mom already picked everything up for him. His pokemon would need to go to Professor Oak's so he could start with a new team. And he was low on supplies, his shirts needed a good washing. Ash tried to think of anything, anything rather than the girl who had just left. But it seemed impossible. So after a few minutes Ash relented and let his mind return to sadness over his lost love. The love he never told how much he cared for. How stupid of him not to see how much she meant to him before! How much better it would have been if he had realized how wonderful she was before she left! What they could have said, how he would he felt!
Ash tried to think of his relationship with Misty before he found out he was in love with her. Thinking back on their travels, he hoped that Misty felt something for him. She was so ripped up over leaving, saying that it was impossible to hear him out and then live apart. But maybe she stopped him from saying he loved her because she didn't want to ruin their friendship, didn't want to hurt his feelings. Perhaps it would pain her to know that he loved her, but she couldn't love him back. She always was compassionate, perhaps this compassion wanted to save him the pain. If that was her aim, it didn't work. Ash now knew what it was like to have a broken heart; it was terrible.
These thoughts preoccupied him until Ash reached home. He walked through the front door and into the kitchen. There was no greeting, no, "Hi Ash honey, what do you want to do for the rest of your day?" or "I just washed more of your you-know-whats so that you'll have enough for the journey". Instead, his eye caught a note stuck on the refrigerator. He tore it off, and read,
Hi honey! Mimey and I went off to the store to get you some new clothes! Your others were so dirty and worn I thought you could use a change. Besides, you might as well start completely fresh when you go to Hoenn! Try not to mope about too much sweetie, okay?
Love Always,
Ash smiled a bit at the last part. It would be good to go to Hoenn without anything to remind him of the past. As for not moping around, he supposed it couldn't hurt to get in some extra pokemon training before he left. Who knows what kind of pokemon and trainers were in Hoenn? Pikachu could always use the exercise as well.
This decided, Ash flipped his hat around and said to the pokemon on his shoulder,
"All set for some training Pikachu? We can work on your iron tail".
"Pika!" came the affirmative. Pikachu was happy Ash could still concentrate and continue his dream. It was what Misty would have wanted.
The two walked through the back door and went into the yard. Using old trees as targets, Ash had Pikachu practice powering up and accurately hitting the trees with his iron tail. About a quarter of an hour later the phone started to ring.
"Yeah! Nice one Pikachu!" Ash cheered. Ring Ring Ring, Ring Ring Ring, Phone Call, Phone Call! "Huh?" he turned his head toward the screen door. "The phone's ringing," Ash ran back into the house shouting "MOM! HEY MOM! THE PHONE'S RINGING!"
There was no response to his calls. "Hmm, I guess she's still out" Ash muttered to himself. "I wonder who it is, Misty couldn't have gotten to Viridian this fast" he made a face at the thought of Misty. Was there going to be a moment that passed when he wasn't reminded of her? With a little sigh, Ash made his way over to the phone. Ring Ring Ring, Ring Ring- "Hello?" he asked dully.
"Like finally!" a blond girl popped up on screen. She looked annoyed, but still very pretty. She tossed her head and complained, "I've been calling like every pokemon center between here and Pallet town for like two hours!! Do you know how exhausting that is? I could have totally been doing my nails or something!"
"What do you want Daisy?" it came out a little harsher than Ash meant it. He was so happy that Misty wasn't anything like her sisters, they might look like goddesses but there was absolutely nothing filling their heads. And he much preferred Misty's natural beauty to the over the top look the sensational sisters had.
"Well sor-ry for bothering you!" Daisy huffed. Then she squinted at him. "You are the same Ash Ketchum that our little sister was traveling around with right?"
"Yes" Ash answered.
"Hmm, maybe the runt has some taste in guys after all" Daisy mused checking Ash out more closely now.
"She's not a runt! What do you want?" Ash didn't particularly care for Daisy, or any of Misty's sisters. They were always putting her down, or forcing her to do their plays. And now they were the ones who made her come back home to run the gym.
"Jeez, calm down. I won't insult your little girlfriend in front of you" the blond rolled her eyes.
"She's not my girlfriend" Ash said. "But I wish she was" he continued on in his mind.
"Sure, sure" Daisy flapped her hand dismissively. "I didn't like call to debate that with you. I just want to speak to Misty about coming to the gym"
"She left this morning" Ash told her sullenly. "So she'll be near Viridian soon". He guessed news of what happened at the mansion hadn't reached Cerulean yet. Even Misty's sisters weren't so cruel as to not make sure she was okay.
"Oh, well, I wish I had caught her before she left. I mean, she looked like so bummed when we told her we were going. She loves to travel with you and that other weird kid I guess" Daisy sighed and twirled a lock of golden hair around one finger.
"What do you mean?" Ash asked confused.
"Well, we got like a call, and the people who were funding the cruise got like put in jail. So the cruise got canceled. Looks like the sensation sisters are stuck here" the young woman looked disappointed. Then she smiled suddenly. "But we got a new idea for a play! It's about a young princess and prince who are in love right, but there's this war going on and-"
"Wait!" Ash cut her of during her narration. "You mean you guys are staying at the gym?"
"Duh! There is no more cruise! Like, what else would we do?" Daisy sighed.
"So, Misty doesn't have to come home?" Ash kept his voice steady, trying not to get his hopes up.
"Not really. But since she is already on her way then she might as well stay and act in our play!" Daisy's eyes sparkled. "It could be the sequel to The Misty Mermaid!"
Ash was now trembling with excitement. She didn't have to go home! She could travel with him! He could tell her he loved her! Wait, she didn't love him did she? Well, he would just have to convince her then! He wouldn't give up! The world was a happy place again, and Ash could hardly wait to share that world with Misty. Misty. He needed to leave and catch up with her! But how? She was so far ahead of him. Unless… he could get some help from a friend.
"Sorry Daisy, Misty's not going to be in your play! In fact, she's going to be busy for quite a while traveling through Hoenn with me. Bye!" Ash felt like he was going to burst with joy as he shut the videophone off, Daisy's shocked face and sputtering cut short.
"Pikachu!" Ash yelled, running back out into the yard.
"Pika!" Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder. "Pi pi pikachu?"
"That was Misty's sister! She doesn't have to go home! The cruise was canceled!" Ash laughed. His nerves were humming and it was like everything was ten times brighter. "We have to go stop her!"
"Pikachupi!" Pikachu shouted. He was as happy as his trainer that Misty was coming back. Now things would be right again.
Ash raced through his house and took off towards the white fence that separated his house from the road. Stopping to unlatch the gate could take too long; he hopped over and continued running. When they were farther down the path Ash put his fingers to his lips and gave a shrill whistle. Hopeful it would be heard from as far away from the woods surrounding Pallet and Viridian.
A few more minutes produced positive results. A piercing cry echoed his own, but this one wasn't human. The beat of a large pair of wings could be heard on the horizon, and soon a giant bird appeared out of the sky. Pidgeot swooped down and slowed his speed so he matched Ash's sprint. Ash turned to face his friend, not breaking stride.
"Pidgeot! Can you do me another favor?"
"Pidgeot!" the great bird nodded its plumed head.
"Can you give Pikachu and me a ride down the road a ways? We need to catch up with Misty!"
"Geot!" Pidgeot nodded its head again. Ash managed a quick "thanks" before he put on an extra spurt of speed and leaped onto Pidgeot's back, Pikachu secure on his shoulder.
"Full speed ahead!" Ash commanded. Pidgeot responded, and the boy was almost thrown off from the increase in velocity. Ash crouched down so he wouldn't have the wind buffeting him backwards and made his eyes into slits so he could see past the tears. "I'm coming Misty!" he thought determinedly. "I'm coming!"
Misty ran until her legs screamed at her to stop. She slowed down, heaving from exerting herself so much and from the sobs that racked her frame. Tears streamed down her face. It was so hard to run from Ash, just as he was about to make her the happiest girl in the world. But his love would also make her the saddest girl in the world, for she would have to live away from him for so long. What if he forgot about her? What if he was mad? She heard the hurt in his voice, but it was better like this.
Suddenly, the loneliness hit Misty like a physical force. She couldn't stand being on her own. Not after staying with her sisters and then with Ash and Brock for five years. Togepi was usual her comfort, but if he was still asleep in her bag after all the bouncing around then her baby must be really tired. Misty grasped blinded into her bag for a pokeball, making sure not jostle the egg pokemon. Anyone would be better than walking alone right now. Even Psyduck would give her comfort.
She felt a smooth round orb slip into her hand and she pulled it out. It struck the ground and bounced back into her grasped with the release of a white light to be replaced in the red sack. Misty fell onto her knees and hid her face in her hands, crying like never before.
A soft tongue licked her fingers along with a fuzzy cheek. Misty peeked out and saw Eevee sitting there, wondering why her trainer was balling her eyes out. "Eev?" she bumped her brown head against Misty's hands again.
"Oh Eevee!" Misty cuddled the little fox to her. Eevee didn't complain when Misty squeezed her even tighter. Eevee was the one thing now that connected her to Ash. By getting closer to Eevee, maybe she could be closer to her friend. Eevee was so special, she was a symbol of how much Ash cared for her. Maybe, with Eevee's help, she could live in somewhat relative happiness. Or just help her forget.
Misty continued to kneel and stroke Eevee's soft fur while the pokemon rubbed her head against the girls arm. Slowly the tears stopped and melancholy set in. Misty raised a hand and wiped away the salty water. Taking deep, shaky breathes she got a to her feet, swaying side to side a little. Her grip on Eevee never slackened, she didn't want to let go of her lifeline.
She had to go. Her sisters were expecting her back home so they could go on their cruise. "Damn cruise" Misty cursed silently. "Damn thing ruined my goddamn life. Why the hell do I have to have such stupid sisters who like to go on stupid cruises?" She kicked a stone on the ground in anger. It hit against another larger stone and bounced back to smack her foot. "Ow!" she yelled. Eevee started at the outburst and mewed comfortingly to the redhead. Misty sighed.
"I'm okay Eevee. Just, frustrated. Why does it have to be like this? How come I'm never happy? Before I would be overjoyed for Ash to say he loved me. Now I can't bare the thought" Misty's lip wobbled, but no tears came. She couldn't cry anymore, she was all used up.
One foot in front of the other Misty made her way towards Viridian City. From there she would go through the Viridian Forest, Pewter City, Mount Moon, and then Cerulean. It was a long way, and she would have to go by herself. As if listening to her thoughts, Eevee began to chatter away. Misty looked down and smiled.
"I know Eevee. I'm not alone as long as I have you and my other pokemon. Thank you" she kissed her on the top of her head. Eevee hummed in contentment and settled down again.
"I wonder what Ash is doing right now," Misty thought out loud. "Probably eating. He didn't eat anything for breakfast. Then he'll probably go to Professor Oak's to train and learn more about the Hoenn Region. Later he'll go home, eat dinner, maybe watch T.V, and then go to sleep. Tomorrow he'll be on the ferry and on to a new adventure. I'll be at the gym cleaning, filling out paper work, and battling trainers" Misty smirked. "Well, anyone expecting an easy battle from the stupid sisters is going to be sadly disappointed. I'll train every day, so that when Ash comes back he'll see how hard I've worked and what a great trainer I am. I won't give up on my dream just because I'm grounded for a year".
"Eevee eev!" Eevee swished her tail. She was excited at battling, and happy her trainer had stopped being so mournful.
Misty walked on, trying to fill her thoughts of water pokemon and defeating challengers. This didn't really work, because Ash would always show up and catch the pokemon she was thinking of and all of the trainers turned out to be spiky black haired kids who sent out Butterfrees. "This is going to take some time," she decided.
Little did she know that the boy who occupied her mind was getting closer and closer.
"Come on Pidgeot! Use agility to speed up!" Ash shouted above the roar of the wind.
"Pidg-eot!" Pidgeot could sense how important it was to his master for them to catch up to the girl. The bird dug deep into its energy reserves and blasted forward with its strongest agility.
"This is better" Ash tightened his hold on Pidgeot's feathers. "Hang on Mist!"
He saw the trees begin to thicken as the neared Viridian City and the Viridian Forest. "Just a little farther now"
Eevee's ears perked up. They twitched and swiveled trying to capture the sound. Something very large was coming straight at them very fast. She bared her teeth and called a warning to Misty, "Eevee Vee!"
"Huh? What's coming?" Misty looked down at the pokemon who hair was sticking up all over in preparation for what was coming. Eevee hopped out of her arms and stood facing the way back to Pallet. "Eevee, what is it?" Misty asked becoming concerned.
Eevee growled as a black dot appeared on the horizon. It grew steadily, and soon she could make out a bird with a familiar boy and Pikachu on its back. Immediately Eevee back down and relaxed. "Vee, vee!" she exclaimed happily.
"Friends?" Misty squinted in the direction her Eevee was. She didn't have as good eyesight as the pokmon did, so she didn't see that it was Ash until he was a few feet away.
"Ash!" It was more like an exhaled breath than a word. Misty stood rigid, too shocked to move, as the Pidgeot pulled up quickly a ways off from her. The boy leapt from its back and ran over to her, legs a little stiff from an obviously long flight. His Pikachu hopped off as well and went over to Eevee. The two began to converse and Pikachu quickly filled Eevee in on what was going on.
Ash saw Misty standing there from Pidgeot's back as they got close and was filled with such happiness he felt like he was going to explode. Misty was stunned to see him, that was very plain. But it would be nothing to the surprise she would feel in a moment. Ash was sure he was grinning like a maniac but it was hard not to. He just hoped she didn't hate him after what he was about to do. He still wasn't sure how she felt about him. But it was now or never.
"Ash!" he heard her say as he ran over to his best friend. She was so cute when she was confused. Or angry, or happy, or sad. He could see tear streaks still on her face. She had been crying recently. That was a good sign. If she had still been crying until a few moments ago, then that could mean she had been very torn about leaving him. He made it over to her and stood looking down at what he thought was the most beautiful girl in the world. Cerulean eyes searched his, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Ash, I thought I said-" but Misty couldn't continue. She was silenced by Ash. He cradled her head between his hands and drew her lips up to meet his descending ones. He kissed her softly at first, loving the warmth that covered his mouth. It was so sweet, so much better than anything else he had felt before. His eyes were closed, but Misty's were open wide. She could barely register what was happening. One moment she was alone, then Ash was there, and now he was kissing her. Wait, Ash was kissing her! Her eyes fluttered closed as she realized what was happening. Her body lost feeling as a delightful numb settled all over her except for her lips and face. Where Ash was holding her in his hands and lips felt like an electric current was passing through. She kissed back, putting force behind it. Ash felt her respond and turned his head sideways a little bit to make the kiss even more passionate. Both of them felt high, like they were in some other place where only they and how they felt about one another existed.
"Pika?" Pikachu had finished retelling the story of Ash and Misty's separation to Eevee and had turned back to see the two connected at the mouth.
Misty heard Pikachu through the haze that clouded her mind and was snapped back to reality. "What am I doing?" Misty thought frantically. She jerked away from Ash's hold and started trembling from the after effects of the kiss and a little anger.
"No! Ash this is just going to make it all worse!" Misty thought she didn't have any tears left. She was wrong; they coursed down her cheeks in torrents. She balled up her hands into fists. Ash still looked a little stunned, a dopy smile on his face. At her tone, he blinked and seemed to notice what state she was in.
"Misty, wait, I can-"
"No! Do you know what you did to me?" Misty yelled. "I just wanted to leave and try to not be sad at the gym! Well thanks a lot Ash. Now everyday I'll think about you and sob my heart out because I can't be in Hoenn with you! It was so much easier until you went and made me fall even more in love with you! Why couldn't you stay ignorant, or quiet, until I was gone? Then maybe I wouldn't feel as bad as I do now" Misty spun around and started to walk away. A hand grasped her wrist before she could run away again. Ash pulled her back and took her other wrist so that she couldn't escape. He brought her close to him, so close that there were mere inches separating their bodies.
"You love me?" he whispered, half in disbelief and half in joy. His russet eyes bore into hers and she couldn't look away.
"Yes" Misty said, just as soft. She was finally speaking the words that had been in her heart for so long. The feelings she had kept hidden from him in fear he didn't feel the same. It was pointless to keep it in now. She was leaving, and he obviously felt something for her. "Yes, are you happy now? Are you happy that now I will be tortured everyday I am away from you?"
"Oh Misty!" Ash was grinning. Why was he grinning? Was he happy now that she was leaving? "You don't have to go! I was trying to tell you that your sister called after you left. She said the cruise was canceled; you don't have to go back to the gym! You can come with me! We can travel together!"
"Wha- what?" Misty was surprised for what felt like the millionth time that day. She didn't have to go? Then, that meant that-
"Misty" Ash's voice was hoarse. "I- I love you. I love you more than just a best friend. It may have taken me a while to figure it out, but I know with no doubt now. I love you so much".
Misty couldn't speak. There were no words to describe how she felt at that moment. The love she felt for the boy who was holding her. The happiness she felt at being loved in return. The shock at being able to stay with him. The possibilities for the future. It was overwhelming. Misty stared back up at Ash, her Ash, trying to respond. Finally, she settled for the only thing she could do. Misty leapt up, threw her arms around Ash's neck, and kissed him hard. He stumbled back as she launched herself on him, but caught her around the waist and returned her kiss. If the first kiss was good, then this one was magnificent. Misty tried to put all of her feelings into the kiss, transferring her love through her lips. Ash held her off the ground, kissing back with just as much passion. He breathed in deeply, letting the taste of her lips and the scent of her hair intoxicate and overwhelm his senses. They continued to smoother each other with their hug and kiss for as long as they had breath.
Air was a necessity, and they broke the kiss, drawing away as slowly as possible. Misty opened her eyes and gazed at the ones she loved so much. Ash put her back down but didn't remove his arms from around her waist.
"Why?" she asked. She didn't have to explain; Ash knew what she meant.
"Because you are my best friend. Because you are always there for me. Because you are the strongest, most passionate person I know. Because I have survived living with you for the past five years and would die if we couldn't spend the rest together. Because you are the one who keeps me going, who fights with me, who laughs with me. Because I think you are beautiful even when you cry. Because I love you for who you are, and not who you sometimes pretend to be". He bent his head to rest it on her shoulder and murmured, "I love you more than anything in the world", tickling the hairs on her neck. Misty shivered in joy and blushed. She whispered back,
"I love you more than life itself. I love your big heart. I love how you care for your pokemon. I love how you can be friends with everyone. How you always put others before yourself. I love how clueless you can be, how innocent you are. I love it that you can see the real me. I love that you see the best in people. I admire your determination, your strength to never give up. I love you for try to be the best, because in my world, you are. And even though I might have fought with you to hide it, you have always been the one for me".
"Good" Ash kissed her forehead. Misty giggled. He was still the same Ash, never one to be serious for very long. But she could tell he was sincere about what he said.
"So," Misty drew back and cocked her head. She noticed that his cheeks were a little red too. "Does this mean we're more than friends now?"
Ash smirked, "Well I hope so. I don't exactly go around kissing my friends and telling them how much I love them do I?" he then looked worried. "I mean, you think we're more than friends right?"
Misty laughed at his panicked tone. "Of course" she snuggled into the crook of his neck.
Ash squeezed her and put his head on top of hers. "Good" he repeated.
"Chu" Pikachu jumped onto Ash's head. "Pi, pika chu chu Pikachupi pi pikachu?"
Ash laughed. "Yes, we can go home now. And you better get used to it!" he let go of Misty so she could bend down and pick Eevee up.
Pikchu rolled his eyes. "Pi! Kachu!"
Ash frowned, "What do you mean finally?"
"Pi" Pikachu mumbled. Misty laughed. It was so good to be back with Ash! And now she wouldn't have to fight with him, unless he was being really dense, or hide how she felt. It was going to be different traveling together now, but a good different. A wonderful different.
Misty turned to Pidgeot, who had been preening the whole time, waiting for its orders. "Thank you Pidgeot! Without you, Ash might have never caught up to me" she bowed to show her appreciation.
Pidgeot dipped its head in return and trilled "Pidg, pidgeot".
"Yeah, thanks Pidgeot" Ash wandered over to his friend. "You can go back to your flock now. I think we can manage walking home".
"Pidgeot!" the great bird flapped its wings stirring up the dust. It took flight and flew back to its home in the forest.
"Bye!" Ash called waving his hand. "See you again!"
"Pikachu!" Pikachu took off running down the road to Pallet. Eevee followed his example and jumped out of Misty's arms to trail after the yellow mouse. Misty smiled.
"I think they're excited to get home" she said.
"Yeah, I don't mind waiting awhile. It's not like anything important is there" he smiled back and rather shyly slipped his hand in hers. Misty blushed faintly but squeezed it a bit. It was warm and comforting, like a promise. A promise.
"I should have known that you would come after me," Misty sighed and started walking. Ash walked beside her keeping pace.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"You promised to always be there for me. Figures things would work out so you could keep it. It always seems to go your way in the end. Whether it's saving the world or getting the girl," she teased.
"Are you complaining?" he teased back.
"Nope!" she grinned and swung their enclosed hand back and forth slightly. "I always wanted a happy ending!"
Ash laughed and pulled her close to his side so their shoulders were touching. They continued on like this, smiling like crazy and just enjoying each other's company. Neither had to say anymore about how they felt that they couldn't already feel. Pikachu and Eevee chased each other back and forth in front of their trainers, playing tag and sometimes tackling each other. Togepi was still sleeping, which wasn't surprising since it was only a baby and slept even if was in Misty's arms.
The couple had made it back into Pallet by mid afternoon. It had taken an hour for Ash and Misty to walk to the town limit before, but on their way back they went much slower. They weren't in a rush; everything the two wanted was right next to them. It wasn't until they were almost at Ash's home that anything happened. Gary was coming up the road from Professor Oaks' house. When he saw Ash and Misty so close together with their hands entwined a smirk appeared on his face.
"Hey Ashy boy. I came over here to talk to you about Hoenn but I see your already busy with your girlfriend. Couldn't stand the thought of her staying in Cerulean without you?"
"Get a life Gary!" Misty blushed but didn't let go of Ash's hand.
"Oohh, so it's true? I don't hear any denials. You two finally got together!" Gary's smirk grew bigger.
"Jealous you don't have a girlfriend as beautiful or talented as mine Gary?" Ash, whose face was also a little pink, slipped his hand out of hers so he could drape his arm around her shoulders and pull Misty close. Gary was always annoying; Ash felt irked just looking at him. Talking with him made it ten times worse.
Misty's face went red as she heard this and she asked, "Do you really think I'm beautiful Ash?"
Before Ash could respond, Gary snorted and said, "No, why would I? I've got tons of gorgeous cheerleaders who adore me. Smell yah later Ashy boy!" With that he turned around and went back to the Lab.
Ash and Misty watched him leave. Ash was still staring at his rival's retreating back when he asked, "Can I go hit him? Please? Or at least have Pikachu thunder shock him?"
Misty smiled. "Why would you want to do that?"
"Because," he looked down at her, "He insulted you. He said you weren't pretty".
"Oh," Misty's face resembled a tomato. "Well, I'm not really"
"Yes you are" Ash cut her off firmly. "At least, I think you're beautiful" he looked at the ground.
Misty smiled even broader. "Thanks," she rested her head on his shoulder. "That means a lot to me, but you still shouldn't beat Gary up, as good as that sounds. I think Professor Oak might get mad".
"Fine" Ash sighed dejectedly.
Misty laughed. "I guess we're going to have to get used to people finding out that they can't tease us about supposedly being boyfriend and girlfriend anymore" Misty said.
"Yeah, we'll get used to it, but the 'finally' thing is getting annoying" Ash complained. "I'm not that dense, am I?"
Misty tried not to laugh. "If it bugs you that much, we shouldn't let anyone see us holding hands or anything, especially Brock" she managed to get out.
Ash just sighed again and said, "Well, if you're done laughing at me we could go in".
Misty swallowed the bout of giggles that tried to escape and nodded. It was so hard not to laugh, she was so happy! "I wasn't laughing at you" Misty told him.
"Yeah right, you so were laughing at me" Ash retorted.
"Nuh uh! Was not!" Misty shot back.
"Were to!"
"Was not!"
"Were to!"
"Was not!"
They stood on the porch glaring at each other, their noses almost touching. They continued the staring contest until they both started cracking up at the same time. Eevee and Pikachu looked at them strangely then shared a glance. Their trainers were so weird.
Misty shook her head and went in. They might be couple now but they were still Ash and Misty. At least now when they argued it wouldn't be as serious, and unlike before they wouldn't spend the rest of the day in a huffy mood.
"Ash, honey I'm glad you're back! I ran out for a spell while you were gone and picked up some new clothes, oh, hi Misty!" Mrs. Ketchum appeared in the entranceway. "I'm sorry to sound so rude, but what are you doing back here?"
"Her sisters called when you were at the store Mom" Ash closed the door behind him and came up behind Misty, taking her hand in his again. "I was already back, but they called to the say the cruise was canceled! Misty doesn't have to leave! Isn't that great?" Ash smiled brightly up at his mother.
"That's wonderful!" Mrs. Ketchum clasped her hands together and smiled back, giving a sly wink to Misty.
Misty grinned and winked back. "I figured Ash here would need someone to keep him on track while he was in Hoenn. Is it okay if I stay the night here so I can catch the ferry with him tomorrow?"
"Of course dear, you don't even have to ask! But you will have to go to the Professor's to get another ticket. I'll start dinner in the meantime and have it all ready for when you get back.
"Alright! I can't wait, I'm starving!" Ash pumped his free fist in the air. Misty rolled her eyes at her food crazy friend. "Come on Pikachu, let's go to Professor Oak's!"
"Pika!" Pikachu jumped to his shoulder.
"I'm going to leave Togepi here, would you like to stay as well Eevee?" Misty asked. In response, Eevee leapt up to the girl's shoulder.
"Hurry Misty! Professor Oak might have given the other ferry ticket away!" Ash pulled her out the door and down the steps.
"Slow down Ash! There's no one else around here he could give it too!" Misty allowed herself to be towed out the fence gate and down the road before she picked up her feet and ran to catch up. Eevee and Pikachu danced around them, then shot off ahead in a race to see who could get there first.
"Ash!" she whined. "Ash, I'm still really tired and sore! Nurse Joy said not to do anything too strenuous yet! Can't we take a nap or something first and then go?"
He whirled around and scooped her up bridal style causing her to shriek in surprise then collapse in giggles. "No" he laughed, rubbing noses with her. "We have to go now! And I'll just carry you!"
Misty laughed and put her arms around his neck while snuggling into his chest.
"I love you," she sighed happily, eyes closing.
"And I love you." He kissed the top of her head tenderly. A wicked grin spread over Ash's face, and he began to twirl around in circles. Misty opened her eyes at once and started laughing again.
"Alright! Let's just go! If we dally any longer you're going to drop me! You're not superman!" She scolded him teasingly.
Ash just smiled down at her and said, "When you're with me, I sure feel like I can do anything."
Misty was silent, a huge grin stuck on her face. "You are the sweetest boyfriend ever," she whispered finally, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I know." He gave her a lopsided smile and began to walk up the road to Professor Oak's all the while gazing down at the girl who was looking in adoration up at him.
Mrs. Ketchum walked out onto the porch to see the two leave. They were such a cute couple, Misty in his arms and Ash carrying her like she was the most important thing in the world. They were chattering about what Hoenn would be like, and all the fun times they would have together. Their pokemon had returned to urge their trainers onward. It was the perfect picture of love.
"From friends, to best friends, and beyond," Delia murmured happily. Her little Ash was growing up.