What Is and Will Always Be

Hi everyone! This is a little story, just a reflection of Nathan and Haley, in everyone else's eyes. This chapter is Keith. The people are saying how they feel about the two and the chapter titles are what they are to the couple. This is the last Chapter: Haley! I am really sad that this is all done and over with. I am eager to get back to my other stories, but I am in love with this one. Thank you to all of my reviews and all of you who gave me idea and liked my work.

I hope you all like it. I am trying to write this as it takes place in the series, but I am a slow writer and the episodes come out faster that I can come up with new things. So I am going to write as post season 4 and some of season 5. I really want to finish this this week so I have a lot to write in a few days. I really want a bigger review count.

Other Stories: I started a new story. I know I know now I have three Naley stories going on right now. But I have way too many ideas I need to get out. After I finish this story, I promise to update Always and Forever with two chapters, then I will update The Hero Lives in This One. Then I will probably go back and forth between worlds. If you want to read either one, go to my profile. Thanks

A/N: This chapter was a hard chapter to start but I like the outcome. I felt it was good and I hit all of the major points I wanted to with Haley. I am a little sad I am finished though, it was a blast working with these characters.

Summary: "When you look at them, you just know that they are going to last forever."

Haley: His Life.

"She had a big heart. No, not the ones that donate to charity or take a bullet for someone else. The kind of big heart that accepts too many faults from other people, forgives too easily, gives people more chances than they deserved; despite all that, she still wanted them to be happy. Because if they were, then she was too."

'Someday, this beach might wash away…the oceans may dry…the sun could dim but on that day, I'll still be loving you. Always and forever. I promise you Haley.'

Nathan said those words to me on our first wedding day. He blew me away. For someone who needed tutoring in school, he definitely needed to tutor me that day. Nathan made my wedding day absolutely perfect. Without a doubt.

Before we renewed our vows, he used to say that he regretted no giving me my dream wedding. Boy, was he wrong. My dream wedding is nothing compared to me actually getting my dream.

It's funny to look on the past years and wonder, would things have turned out differently? I ask myself this question a lot struggling with the actual answer. I know things would be different and I don't believe things would play out the same way. But I do know one thing. Nathan and I would be together. Either way, I would end up Haley Scott.

My life has not turned out the way I expected. It has turned out better. I mean who is able to find their husband at sixteen? How many people have a beautiful baby, that they are actually happy about, at eighteen? How many people have a life many would kill for by the age of twenty two?

I don't know the exact number, but I count at least two. Nathan and Me.

When I first met Nathan, I thought he was a punk that was only out to hurt my best friend. And at the time, I was right.

He asked me to tutor him. I said no, following my instincts as I had always been taught. But, what can I say? My instincts were wrong this time. And I am incredibly happy I didn't follow them. I gave in and tutor them. I still remember our first session on the docks.

Don't say I never gave you anything…

Funny how life plays tricks on you. You see the exterior of a person. You wonder. Is it simple what you see? Or is it deeper? Something on another level. I learned that first day that you can't always judge what is on the outside, you have to do deeper.

Nathan really surmised me those first few months. As the days went on, he opened up more and more. He told me things about his family and basketball that no one but me had ever heard. That made me feel amazing.

Nathan inspired me to be a person I was afraid to be. He cracked my shell that no one else had been able to break. He is the song inside of me. I can't live life with out him in it. It is not worth it.

Gosh, could I be more of a girl? Say that I can't live without a guy. The truth is I probably could live without him. I had that chance and I took it. The Tour with The Wreckers was one of the best experiences in my life. But that meant nothing without him by my side.

'Listen, I asked you to marry me because I wanna spend my life with you. I still want that. I love you, Haley. So I came here for you and I'll be here for you no matter what. I'll go with you on the tour, I'll wait for you, whatever you want me to do.'

He came to get me. Nathan offered to do basically anything I wanted, as long as we were together. I always thought that Nathan and Music were two totally separate things. I was wrong. They are one in the same. It hurts to think about it now, knowing I could have had it all, knowing that he was giving everything he knew for me, to go with me.

A lot of people tell me about how broken up he was when I was gone. Words many used were inconsolable, grief-stricken, heartbroken, and devastated. It breaks my heart that I was the one to instill those emotions in my own husband. I hate myself for that.

But I was that little girl scared of getting her dream. Having everything she wanted.

But I am also really glad that it happen. The event showed me and Nathan we could live with out each other. We just didn't want to. And that when you know it is meant to be.

Nathan never had any doubts about us. He knew we were meant to be from th moment he asked me to marry him. Which is actually pretty comical, because he was the player with all of the girls at his beckon call. The guy you would never believe to settle don, settles down at seventeen.

The fierceness he held when he defended us. The love that shown in his eyes. It makes me fall in love with him all over again. He was always the one reassuring me. 'I promise you Haley. I will always be there for you, I will always protect you. OK? I will always protect you. Always.'

His words always touch my soul. He wants an amazing life for me and our son. He works so hard for us, even gambled for us.

That incident is painful to talk about, Daunte and Gambling. Many ask how stupid could he be. But know he was simple trying to make it. We had a baby on the way. We had no other way. Dan told us no. He did what he thought was the only way out. I wish he would have talked to me about it. It kills me that he didn't talk to me about it.

Many people doubted Nathan and I from the very beginning of our relationship. But I know that he never did. It doesn't matter what others say or think. We are who we are and love each other unconditionally for it.

Our problems are just ways for us to have victories everyday. When we triumph, we love each other any more.

I used to read fairytales and want one of my own. Some people say I have.

I don't live in a fairytale.

I just have a Husband who loves me and a son that was a result of our love.

That is What Is and Will Always Be. Nathan and Haley, we conquer everything together.

"Some people can't believe in themselves until someone else believes in them first."

The End

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Thanks to you all!!