What Is and Will Always Be

Hi everyone! This is a little story, just a reflection of Nathan and Haley, in everyone else's eyes. Probably Lucas, Karen, Deb, Peyton, Brooke and maybe Dan or even Skills. I was also thinking of a funny chapter with Chris Keller. Nothing mean, cause I do like his character, but his funny side. The first chapter will be Lucas. I hope you all like it. If you don't I won't continue.

By the way: Always and Forever, my other story, is still in progress, I just have some writers block, I am not giving up on it. I think once I get this story idea out of my system it will be much easier to write .

Summary: "When you look at them, you just know that they are going to last forever."

Lucas: Their Family

"Being happy doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections ."

When I see them together, I see happiness.

Even when they are screaming at each other, no matter how much hate comes from their mouths, you can still see the love in their eyes. They respect each other. They know each other. They know each other so well that they can hit where it hurts when they need to. That is what makes fights so hard for them. When they need to hit hard, they can. However, they have the strength not to. Nathan and Haley trust each other with each of their hearts. They know how to break the other's heart. They just cannot bear to do so. That is Love, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Nathan and Haley. They have something that we all dream of getting. True Love. Not perfect love, but it is that forever kind of love. I know, I know, I am the writer. But words are kind of useless when it comes to Nathan and Haley. Nothing can describe them. Perfect, no. Ideal, never. Always. Yes. Forever. Definitely . Always and forever, that is the only way to describe them.

They do not define their happiness by their money or their stations in life. They judge it by each other. If they are together, they world fades away behind them. They are the sun in the otherwise dark world.

When Nathan and Haley first started seeing each other, the first thing I thought was trouble. Haley claimed it was only to help me, but I knew this was going to lead to something big. I, however, never thought that this would be a good big thing. Never in a million years. She was my best friend. Above anything, her happiness was the most important. Moreover, she felt the same for me. Our bond is strong, but nothing like her and Nathan's.

It killed me the day Haley said she had feelings for him. She was so nervous about it. Crazy even. So sure, it was nothing but a stupid crush. Nothing would come of it. I was somewhat scared that she would choke me when she was tying my tie because her mind was somewhere else.

Nathan, I think, was very confused by the new development in his life. Haley was not a girl who would just fall at his feet. She was someone who would challenge him. Someone that wouldn't put up with his crap or attitude. In addition, he sure fell. He fell quite hard for Haley James. It sounds weird to say Haley James now, because Haley Scott sounds so much better.

You could see a change in his actions from the first day of seeing her. She brought out the best for him. She changed him. No, she brought out what was inside of him all along. Haley loves him. Not just for the basketball. But for what was underneath all of that. His heart. His soul. She loved him in spite his flaws. Nathan wanted to be a good person for her. His own inspiration for change. He did something he never did before the day he kissed her, he let someone through. He let her in.

Haley, on the other hand, was an amazing girl. Four point something grade point average. Kind, loving, and willing to do anything for anyone. Someone with impeccable taste. She knew she went out on a very thin line when she chose to trust him. It looks to me like she made the right choice.

They grew so close so fast that you would think they would have fused to the hip. Their intimacy was each other, their bond and friendship, and feelings, no really their bedroom.

When I saw the wedding bands on both of their left ring fingers, my first reaction was to scream. But when I stopped and thought about it, it looked right. I saw nothing wrong. I knew that they were in for a world of pain, not from each other, but from others. The judgment would kill anyone else, but Nathan and Haley, they both stuck through it.

Then came Chris Keller. He showed Haley Something different. Her secret dream, which she had only shared with Nathan, was now a small possibility, getting bigger and bigger right in front of her eyes. Nathan was willing to give up his basketball for her, because she was his future. That was a side of Nathan that only I was privy too. He told me that. In addition, from that moment on, I never for a moment stopped rooting for them.

Nathan wanted to do anything to make her happy. The one mistake Haley made was not asking Nathan to come with her. She still did not realize that if she asked him to, he would have dropped his entire life to go on tour with her. To see her accomplish her dream. That was his dream now. Haley.

We all saw the hurt in his eyes when she left Tree Hill. Pain and suffering you only see when you lose apart of yourself. A part of your soul. Nathan, as hard as he tried, could not make himself forget her.

It hurt even more when she came back. She came back to a man that had already accepted his dream was gone. When it came back, when she came back, the shock combined with the emotions of her leaving came flooding back to him. The risk was too great. He had to make sure that their Always and forever was still their. Little did he know it never left.

It hurt me even more. I saw it when he looked at me, he blamed me. Nathan blamed me for coming to the team. If I had never joined the team, he would have never sought revenge on me, leading to the best thing that ever happened to him: Haley. He would have led a meaningless life, but at that moment he would do anything to escape the pain. But, he found his way back. He was her song. She was what he was listening to. They are meaning. The meaning of happiness.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I think Dan will be next, I am going to switch between positive and negative viewpoints, but they all are going to praise the couple!

Love it? Hate it? Let me know!!