Six giggling 10 and 11 girls year olds sat in Catherine Willow's living room

Title: So Many Times

Chapter: Where Sara is 25. Catherine 37 but about two months after the two got together, And about a month since they have told Lindsey. They haven't told the guys at their work.

Disclaimer: Yes I own CSI.smiles at weird looks Alright so only in my dreams do I own CSI,(isn't that close enough?) but then that would be pretty bad because most episodes would probably just be about Sara making out with Catherine.(or the other way around.)

Summary: Sara is 14 and a new teacher comes, Catherine Willows. Student/Teacher friendship. This will eventually become a Cath/Sara fic, but not until Sara is an adult and Cath not her teacher.


Six giggling 10 and 11 girls year olds sat in Catherine Willow's living room. Sighing at the mess the pre-teens had managed to create she wished that she had limited Lindsey to three friends not five.

The door bell rang and relieved Catherine went to answer it. A thin figure stood infront of the door. Seeing who it was Catherine opened the door and closed it behind her. She moved into the taller woman's arms.

"Hello Cate." Sara said pulling Catherine close to her body.

"Hey baby." Catherine responded kissing Sara softly on the lips.

Sara's arms which had been encircling Catherine's waist slowly slipped into Catherine's back pockets.

Catherine pulled away slowly. "Sorry baby I can't really do that here, Lindsey's birthday party is tonight, and you know she doesn't really like you at the moment."

Sara sighed. "Okay, I just wanted to see you is all. Can I have a goodnight kiss?"

Grinning Catherine responded. "Of course baby." She kissed Sara firmly on the lips.

Inside a little girl was watching. She giggled. "Everybody come look at this, Lindsey's mommy is kissing another lady." The other girls rushed over, Lindsey included.

"Eiww," cried one voice, "is that your' mommy's girlfriend?"

Lindsey sighed. "Stupid Sara," she mumbled angrily. Then audibly she began to speak but was cut off.


"What are you an idiot, Tiffany? No Catherine just goes around kissing random women." Sasha, Lindsey's best friend snapped.

"Hey don't be mean Sasha," Karen snapped walking to stand by Tiffany.

The shortest figure in the room sighed. "Well if Tiffany is going to ask stupid questions then Sasha is allowed to answer with a mean answer." Elise responded defending her two best friends.

The oldest girl in the room walked over to Tiffany and Karen, "just ignore them okay? When Ms. Willows comes back in we'll ask to leave."

"Okay Cameron," two voices responded in the same instant, eager to do anything for Cameron because she was in the grade above them.

Lindsey looked upset. "Why are you leaving? I want you to stay, you're my friends"

Cameron spoke, sneering "Your mommy is a dyke and I don't want to be around her, that might make me a dyke."

"Don't be silly Cameron," Lindsey cried "Just 'cause my mommy kissed Sara won't make you kiss a girl."

It was at this moment that Catherine walked in. She took in the situation quickly, Lindsey and Cameron standing facing each other, arms crossed, about a meter apart, Elise and Sasha standing behind Lindsey and Tiffany and Karen and Tiffany behind Cameron.

"What is going on girls?" Catherine asked walking slowly into the room.

Cameron turned to face Catherine. "Ms. Willows, we," she said gesturing to herself, Karen and Tiffany, "would like to go home."

Catherine shrugged. "Are you sure?"

All three girls nodded.

Catherine glanced at all six girls for a moment before speaking. "Lindsey," she said slowly, "Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a moment please?"

Lindsey nodded and followed her mother into the kitchen. "What happened?" Catherine asked Lindsey.

"It's all yours and Sara's fault, they saw you kissing her and now they don't want to be my friends!" Lindsey said crying.

Catherine got down on her knees and spoke softly to Lindsey, "I'm sorry baby. I didn't know, and I didn't mean to upset you. But if they want to leave because I kissed a woman then they're not nice people."

Catheirne went to wrap her arms around her little girl but Lindsey shrugged it off. "Just let them go home." She said storming out into the living room.


Catherine arrived home by herself. She decided that she didn't really need to be awake any longer. She stopped in Lindsey's room for a moment checking that Lindssey and the two of her friends who had decided to stay were alright.

She knocked and the door swung open.

"Hi girls are you all alright? I think I'm going to go to bed."

Elise who had opened the door spoke "Yeah sure Catherine. Thanks heaps."

On the other side of the room Sasha nodded, Lindsey however ignored her mother.

"Goodnight girls." Catherine spoke quietly and closed the door. Walking down the hallway she moved into her room and lay down on her bed. She promptly fell asleep.

Catherine was woken up roughly 3 hours later by two small figures.

"Catherine" Sasha called from the other side of the door, knocking.

Another voice muttered, "She's not going to wake up like this Sasha we got to go in."

"Ok." Sasha whispered nodding. Together the two girls walked in as Catherine sat up.

"Are you girls alright?" she asked. "Where's Lindsey?"

Sasha looked at Elise and Elise looked at Sasha.

Elise sighed and spoke "About a minute after you left Lindsey said she needed to go to the toilet. We were waiting for her to come back and fell asleep. But we can't find her anywhere. That was three hours ago."

Catherine as tired as she felt 30 seconds ago was immediately alert.

"Lindsey's missing?" Catherine questioned, getting out of bed, her voice hitching.

Both girls nodded.

Catherine dashed out of her room running to Lindsey's bedroom. She flung herself into the room. Her eyes darted around taking everything in. Immediately she rushed to Lindsey's closet where the 11 year old kept her schoolbag. The keys were missing, as well as her wallet.

Catherine ran back to her room and pressed the first speed dial number on the phone. A sleepy voice answered.

"Cate? Are you okay?"

"Lindsey's missing Sar'. I think she ran away. I need you to call the guys, just get someone here please? I need you here Sara." Catherine said her voice choking towards the end.

"Lindsey's missing?" Sara asked quietly. "Are you sure?"

Catherine nodded before she remembered Sara couldn't see her. "Yeah, her keys and her wallet are missing."

"Okay Catherine. Sweetheart are the rest of the girls there?"

"Yeah Elise and Sasha are here."

"Okay Cate. Honey I need you to get them outside so there is no chance they'll mess anything up. Catherine, can you do that?" Sara asked cautiously.

"Yes I can Sara."

"Okay baby, I'll be there soon okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"Love you too." Sara responded hanging up the phone.

Catherine turned to face the two small faces staring at her.

"Come on girls. We need to get outside."

Catherine pulled off her quilt cover and headed out the front, glad it wasn't winter.


Sara quickly rang Grissom. "Griss, it's Sara" she said quickly before he had a chance to speak. "Catherine just called me Lindsey's gone, and Catherine thinks she ran away but we need to check. Can you get the guys round there please?"

"Sure Sara. We'll be there soon. Just make sure Catherine's alright."

Sara didn't even respond just ran to her front door grabbing her jacket, and car keys as she went.

Sara wasn't sure how long or how fast she drove to get to Catherine's house. As much as she knew Lindsey didn't like her, Lindsey was like a daughter to her and she wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Parking in the driveway Sara quickly ran up the drive to get to Catherine. She wrapped her arms around the smaller woman.

Catherine wrapped her arms around Sara's waist and buried her head in the brunette's shoulder. The tears that she had kept locked flowed freely onto Sara's shirt.

Sara slowly petted Catherine's hair and kissed her hair.

A few minutes later Catherine's sobbing stopped and she started pulling herself out of Sara's arms.

As the night shift of CSIs started to arrive Sara and Catherine stood up and Sara went to talk to their friends. Warrick passed Sara muttering little more than 'hi' to her before approaching Catherine.

"Are you okay Cath?" He asked beginning to pull her into a hug, but she pushed him off.

"Just find her Warrick, please." She whispered. He nodded.

"Okay Cath, we'll find her."

Meanwhile Grissom was talking to Sara.

"Catherine was at home with Lindsey and these two girls, I think they were called Elise and Sasha, they were the ones who told Catherine Lindsey was missing."

Jim Brass walked over to talk to them both. "Sara could you get the girls numbers off Catherine please, we need to get them to make their statements and we should have their parents notified."

Sara nodded and went and received the phone numbers. She spoke into her mobile.

"Hi, umm my name is Sara Sidle and I'm with the crime lab, your daughter's friend Lindsey Willows is missing and we need you to come to the house and we can talk some more here."

15 minutes later the two sets of parents had arrived and Sara had left after talking to the girls about Lindsey's favorite places to hang out.

She drove to the local swimming pool, then to the school and Lindsey's favorite park.

Sara felt worse each time she failed to find Lindsey. She desperately needed to know if the girl was alright. Pulling up at their local library Sara hopped out of the car and scanned the area for any sign of Lindsey.

She heard drunken male laughing down an alley, deciding that she didn't want to deal with it, until she heard a female scream. Pulling her gun out of her pocket she ran down the alley, there were three men there standing in a circle.

"What's going on here?" Sara snapped, keeping her gun out of their view.

"Nuthin' lil missy, why don't you just run along?" One of them responded.

"Why don't you three just run along and leave the little girl here with me?"

The one who had spoken earlier laughed. "Why would we do that?"

Deciding it was the appropriate time Sara pulled her gun from behind her back. "I said run along and leave the girl with me." She hissed.

The three men paused a moment before scampering off.

Sara rushed over, pulling the little girl close to her. "Are you okay Lindsey?"

Lindsey shook her head, her teeth chattering. "I…I'm cold, Sara."

"Okay, baby I'm going to take you home now. Okay? Promise me you won't run away again."

Lindsey nodded burying her head against Sara. Sara gingerly stood up, Lindsey curled against her.

Placing Lindsey gently in the back seat and doing the seat belt up Sara kissed Lindsey's forehead.

Slowly Sara walked to the front seat and drove them both home.


"Oh, Sara!" Catherine yelled rushing forward to take her daughter off Sara.

"Thank you so much!" She continued pulling Sara close and kissing her completely on the lips, stunning the rest of the CSI personnel. Then once again to the members of CSI, Sara kissed Catherine back.


Okay- I know I said it was only 24 hours behind but I got this idea for another story and had to write it down and it took me like 2 weeks between homework and other stuff. That new story/chapter thing will be out some time soon (cath/sara pairing of course) so keep an eye out for it.

Until next time.

