Disclaimer: I own nothing... although it would be cool to sit in on a meeting between the gods.

Laughing at the Tricksters

There was a meeting being held by Mithros and the Great Mother Goddess. And all was running smoothly until a certain raka god decided that he was bored. Kyprioth started to poke Sakuyo's arm. Kyprioth tried to be stealthy but it just wasn't n his nature. Sakuyo, on the other hand, had trained himself to notice all of the things around him, even if it meant poking around the business of the other gods.

A purple-eyed cat sat on the arm of the Mother's chair and watched the two tricksters closely. He was about to warn the Mother about the troublemaker when Sakuyo caught Kyprioth's hand. She noticed the pair, and the Graveyard Hag (who looked like she was perking up now that their was something interesting going on), and signaled to Mithros the need for a recess.

The three tricksters needing to blow off some steam, went into the room outside the council chamber, returned to their old argument over who was the better Trickster, and who had the better land.

"Your Isles and people are no where as talented or creative as mine. Kyprioth, you lost your throne for over a century. You just aren't as great and powerful as I am."

"Of course not Sakuyo, I was just fighting Mother and Mithros alone. While you played dice with the Hag. I have my Isles and they are stronger than ever."

"Will you stop bickering? I trump you both. You have island kingdoms; I have the Carthaki Empire, her Empress and her Emperor. Yes, Kyprioth played a marvelous trick, and yes, Sakuyo has never lost his throne, but I have more land and have been here longer than the two of you combined. I need to think and you need to leave my garden if you're going to continue arguing like penniless mortals over a fish."

After her outburst, Kyprioth and Sakuyo fell silent. The Graveyard Hag sighed in relief. Peace and qui –

"Since we all think that we are superior to each other, "Sakuyo interrupted her thoughts, "why don't we make a bet? I happen to know that we are all patrons to women who haven't told their husbands that they are pregnant."

Kyprioth exchanged a look with the Hag, "What would we be betting? Jewels, possessions?"

"I think that we should bet those who we are betting on or another one who we patron."

A/N: Should this be a oneshot? Should I go on? If people like this I'll keep going. Let me know.