The Middle Game

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have a power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... [OP37

He strides down the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade, beard thrown over one shoulder and bright purple robes streaming behind him. A bit of unforeseen luck, having Severus on the inside. He can't tell the others, of course, too much is at stake to risk letting Riddle suspect he has a spy in his midst. No, better to let Tom continue to believe he has the upper hand. The pieces are starting to fall into place, the way opening up before him. It is not something he relishes, but at this point he can see no alternative.

It will have to be the Potters, that much is certain now—a Hobson's choice. But how? His footsteps slow as he approaches the meeting place. Use Pettigrew, of course. What of the other two boys? It will devastate them, he knows. But what choice does he have? From the moment he had heard the prophecy he had known it would come to this—one of two families destroyed so that their world might be saved. But now that the die has at last been cast he is loathe to act.

He hesitates at the hidden entrance to a small backroom of his brother's inn. Images rise, unbidden, in his mind: James Potter, glasses askew and face flushed with victory as he holds the golden snitch high above his head; three impossibly young boys supporting a fourth as they make their way slowly towards the hospital wing in the early morning light; a girl with red hair and laughing green eyes. He slumps against the moonlit wall as the full impact of what he is about to do overwhelms him. Such a terrible, terrible waste. But it may be their only chance to defeat the Dark Lord.

Steeling himself he enters the building. He is early, in spite of his detour to meet with Snape. A few members of the Order are scattered across the room, Pettigrew and Black among them. They look up when he enters, Black with his customary jaunty grin and Pettigrew with eyes that don't quite meet his. Oh, Peter, when did the lure of power overcome the bonds of friendship? Or did you stand so long in their shadows that you began to crave the darkness?

He crosses the room and clasps them both warmly on the shoulders. "Ah, Peter, Sirius, might I have a word with you? I am concerned about security for James and Lily. Sirius, are you sure…"

the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…

A/N: in chess the middle game occurs after the opening, when players try to strengthen their positions by setting up defenses and planning for attacks during the endgame.