Author's Note: I was eating breakfast and mulling over random scenes from the Canon (as you do) and as I reconsidered the scene in SIGN where Holmes gets information about the Aurora from Mrs. Smith, I realized that nowadays a mother probably would not have thought so kindly of the strange man talking to her child and giving him money.

"I'd like two shillin' better," the prodigy answered after some thought.

"Here you are, then! Catch! A fine child, Mrs. Smith!"

Holmes's attempts to ingratiate himself with Mrs. Smith were received badly. The bath sponge Jacky had fled was immediately brandished in his face.

"And what are you after, askin' my child such questions! I know your type and we're a God-fearing people in this house, sir!"

"I meant no harm by it," Homes protested.

"Harm! Harm indeed, sir! You're lucky my man ain't here or 'tis you who'd come to harm! We've got troubles enough with wicked one-legged men coming in the night that we don't need . . . unnaturals . . . taking an interest the children, now off with you both!"