
Lia walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Duff sat. He smiled when he saw her wearing his shirt. Lia grinned big as she sat down next to him and brushed her hair behind her ears.

"So, last night was uhm..." Duff said causing Lia's cheeks to turn a bright shade of red.

"Yeah it was, it's a good thing we don't have to work tonight. I have a huge hangover." Lia replied pulling her knees to her chest and laying her head back against the couch.

"Well I don't know what you were thinking challenging Emily to a drinking game. She's a pretty tough chick, she's dating Matt after all." Duff replied sipping his coffee nursing his own hangover.

A case had gone bad and the entire crew, Cheryl included, went to Sloan's for a few drinks and Lia got into a contest with Emily after they were both already half way to drunk. Matt had cut Emily off not much later wanting her somewhat sober for their evening activities, but Lia continued until Duff had to help her out to the taxi. Once he got her there he called Frank to tell him that Lia couldn't remember her address and that he was going to ride home with her to make sure she made it there. Frank of course knew there was more to the story than that, but didn't let on. He would enjoy mocking him later. And that's how they ended up here sitting on the couch together trying to make a morning after not so awkward.

"So, uhm, breakfast?" Duff asked not sure what to do. He was usually gone in the morning before whoever he was with was awake, but this was Lia, and he had to work with her.

"Yeah, breakfast sounds good. What do you want?" Lia asked standing up too fast and wobbling a little. Duff reached out a hand to steady her and they both felt it. The tingle that shot up their arms as they touched was intense. This must be what makes Matt and Emily jump one another every time they are near each other.

"Eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes...whatever." Duff replied tryinto figure out a way to get out of there not sure he wanted to start a relationship with someone he worked with, but sex, and sex like that he could do.

Lia took his hand and led him into the kitchen feeling the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "Wow! You're awfully hungry." Lia commented.

"Well I worked up quite an appetite last night." Duff responded causing another blush from Lia.

"You make more coffee while I cook breakfast. I don't eat meat, but I think there is some sausage in here from the girls brunch we had last weekend Cheryl brought. I could make you an omlet." She said quietly.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Lia?" Duff questioned, wondering if they should get this talk over now or after he gets fed.

"What?" She responded scrambling some eggs and frying the sausage.

"So, uhm, what are we going to do?" He asked feeling shy and nervous all of a sudden.

"About what?" Lia questioned focused on her task.

"Last night, I mean it was great, but do we want an office relationship?" Duff replied walking over to stand near her.

Lia took his hand and the moment they touched, the magnetism between them was too much. Lia swiched off the stove as Duff wrapped his arms around her. She turned in his arms and planted a long kiss on him. She slipped her arms up around his neck as Duff lifted her legs to his waist. Duff carried her into the living room and gently laid her down on the couch. The couple allowed the sexual force between them to overcome their senses and passionately had sex. When they finished they curled up together on the couch, blanket draped over them, a movie on the tv. All decisions about their relationship on hold as they just enjoyed each others company and prayed for their pagers not to go off.