Hello! It is I with a new fanfic!

These will be a collection fo short stories based around the pairing of YukixMachi. (Be shocked, for it isn't KyoxTohru!) I don't think they can be classed as drabbles, but let me know anyway :D

Disclaimer: I do not own fruitsbasket. I wish I owned Kyo, but that is a different matter entirely...

(I don't think that there are any spoilers, but I'll state if there are any in each seperate chapter. There are no spoilers in this, except for one of Haru's crazy ideas.)

Apple seeds

Sohma Yuki put his pencil to rest with a pretty sigh. He had been working in the Student Council room until quite late, and was desperate to get home and tend to his garden.

He pulled on his coat and made his way out of the school, taking an apple out of his bag as he went. He bit into the fresh, crisp sweetness and savoured the burst of juice in his mouth. He smiled slightly as he remembered that Haru had told him that he used to think that an apple tree would grow in your stomach if you swallowed the seeds.

He stepped outside and the cold hit him with the force of a rampaging elephant. Shivering slightly, he made to put the apple core in his mouth, but was prevented from doing so when a small stone collided sharply with his knuckles. Flinching at the sudden stinging, he turned in surprise to see Kuragai Machi staring at him with her usual blank expression, as if she had not just thrown a stone at the Student Council President, and resident Prince of her high school.

"Machi?" Yuki frowned slightly as he made his way over to her. "Machi, are you OK?"

The petite brunette just stared at him, clearly struggling with her two instincts: run away or explain. While he waited, Yuki tried yet again to finish his apple, but was stopped by Machi, who slapped his hand away from his mouth, and sent his snack flying from his fingers to land with a slight thud on muddy turf nearby.

"Don't eat apple cores." She stated bluntly, before turning away from him and marching off.

Feeling confused and slightly cheated, Yuki hurried after her.

"Machi? What's wrong with eating apple cores?" He stopped in his tracks as a thought crossed his mind. He chuckled. "Do you think that an apple tree would grow inside me?" He couldn't help it- he just had to laugh.

Machi whirled around to face him, her face flushed. She had stopped when she heard the President chuckle, but she was still about three metres away from him. "Of course not!" She snapped loudly, before regaining her self control and becoming a mask once more.

"There are traces of cyanide found in apple seeds." She monotoned, before turning and walking away at full speed.

Yuki stared at her retreating back, to dumbfounded to think to chase after her again, let alone actually do it.

'Traces of cyanide...'

Yuki smiled to himself, and continued on his way home.

So she did care...


That was number one (cheers). The next one will be about soup, that is if you want me to continue. Please let me know, as I love reviews, and when I see "Review alert" in my inbox I get all happy.

On another note, Haru isn't crazy. I shouldn't have said that earlier, as I used to think that a tree would grow inside me if I swallowed apple seeds. I still do to be honest... O.o (It would look quite entertaining wouldn't it...?)

And just to explain, Apples and Soup are my favourite foods. Yummy!