A/N. Okay so this my first fanfic and I'm really abnormally excited so please any reviews would be appreciated with any ideas of how I can make my writing better or the formatting tips (grammar, spelling, genre etc.) would also be welcome so yeah enjoy. Oh and…

Disclaimer: I really don't own this if I did I wouldn't be here writing fanfic or have killed off all my favourite characters (except George and Oliver and Katie...) but yeah anyway it's all JKR'S so whoop for her!

Thanks to Dizzy-Dreamer for beta reading. She is, of course, the most fabulous beta reader in the world... even if she does hate Harry Potter.

Katie's Diary
Chapter 1- Reasons

September 23rd

Dear diary…

Okay, I'm sitting here in the 4th year dorm on my four poster, curtains drawn, honeydukes chocolate half eaten beside me at 1:34 in the morning unable to sleep, making random lists and diary entries while trying to do some serious thinking. Why? I hear you ask. Well, there are lots of reasons to be honest but we'll start with the most obvious and work our way down the long list. (Please humour me… Did I just talk to a diary like it had a brain?… Crap. Anyway on with the show– err, list)

Reason 1

I am mad. Yes, it's official: I am mad. Now, don't get me wrong, Angelina has been telling me this since second year when I professed to her during a rather random conversation in the changing rooms 'Slap-me-over-the-head-with-a-wet-fish-and-call-me-mad but I actually like herbology' - to which she replied something like 'God you're weird and definitely mad, but can I actually do the fish thing?' Suffice it to say my answer was no - but I really think those Quidditch practices at dawn (the ones where we all get yelled at for being dull by our captain who is insanely chipper at 5am and the Weasleys and/or Harry fall off their brooms at least once because they are so tired) are starting to get to my head.

Reason 2

Insomnia. 'Nuff said.

Reason 3

Snape. Potions essay. Due tomorrow. Not started yet. How I miss the days when I could just go to my darling brother for help with homework… that is when he wasn't shagging some ditzy blond in a broom closet on the third floor, but he had to go and graduate last year with no less than 11 NEWTS! Stupid bloody Jack! Anyway, the essay. It's all about bloody love potions. I HATE POTIONS! I just don't get why I don't understand it but it drives me nuts; especially love potions, I really don't need to be thinking about love.

Reason 4

Following on from reason 3- I seem to have developed a strange infatuation with my Quidditch captain. Yes; I, Katie Bell, cannot stop staring at a certain Mr. Wood's arse. I think I may be madly in like with him. It's not just his arse (although that is rather lovely) but it's also his smile. It's either really kind of curly, which sounds odd but looks like sex on legs, or it's an odd smirk which is quite honestly rather pompous, but it looks really hot on Ollie. Ooh, that's another thing: the way he gets really annoyed whenever anyone calls him Ollie (or as George and I have taken to calling him, Ollie-Wolly or Olliekins), goes slightly red and runs a hand through his messy brown hair the way he always does when he's agitated. He is really tall. The way he's always really nice to me and will stop to say hello even if he's running really late; the way he can quite often effortlessly catch a quaffle and make the job of a keeper look easy; the way – even though he is a Quidditch-nazi and his team make fun of him a lot- he commands a certain respect in us and he can tame Fred and George Weasley better than most people I know (perhaps with the exception of Ginny Weasley because when she gets going she really does have a temper that lives up to her hair colour)… My list is endless which brings us to…

Reason 5

Having an odd infatuation with my captain has caused problems - not least being my chaser skills have gone down the toilet whenever he is around. He is my captain so you can probably take it for granted that he is around a lot when my previously super chaser skills are needed. My team thinks I am ill and/or have lost my Quidditch aptitude.

Reason 6

For some strange reason I really want to write a list of some sort so:

Katie Bell's List Of Reasons Why It Is Bad For Her To Be Madly In Like With Oliver Wood.

1# He is my Quidditch captain (see reason 5).

2# I would have an entire fan club of people, including that horrible slut Paige Ettles (bitch-lady of the century and Queen of tight shirts) after me if anything happened.

3# He will be leaving Hogwarts at the end of this school year.

4# I don't want to think how my brother would react: despite being in separate years when in Hogwarts, they are pretty much best friends.

5# Our families practically live at each others houses in the holidays and I think he thinks of me as a little sister so that could be awkward.

6# Age gap. Admittedly not huge, but he's a seventh year and I'm a forth year. Seventh-forth.

7# If something happened and it ended badly we would lose our joking friendship and I would miss that a lot.

8# I….. Uhh..… I can't think of an 8 but when I do my List Of Reasons Why It Is Bad For Me To Be Madly In Like With Oliver Wood will be updated.

Okay, I have to get some sleep so I can go to another dawn practice in 4 hours, joy.

Katie x

A/N Review? You know you want to! :D Dora xx